Indian Institute Of Seed Science (ICAR-IISS) No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0547-2970 721 (For Contact Support)

Telephone Directory

Room No. Name Designation Contac No. Extention No. Email
120 KB Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Honble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 0547-23383370, 0547-23794697 475
Km. Shobha Karandlaje Honble Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 0547-23383975
105 KB Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra Secretary(DARE) And DG, ICAR 0547-23382629, 0547-23386711, 0547-25843190
107 KB Sh. Mohinder Kumar Sr. PPS 0547-23382629, 0547-25360798 475
108 KB Sh. Rajiv Maheshwari OSD to Secretary (DARE) And DG, ICAR 0547-23386711, 0547-23389406, 0120-2642455
EPBAX. 3087 (IP)
110 KB Dr. S. K. Malik Scientific Officer to DG, ICAR 0547-23389406 491
108 KB Sh.Kuldeep Rawat PS 0547-23382629, 0547-25564937
EPBAX. 475
108KB Sh.Amit Bhaskar PA 0547-23382629, 0547-23386711,
EPBAX. 475
114A KB Vacant Special Secretary and Financial Advisor 0547-23383880, 0547-23384360 593
114 KB Sh. Chander Singh Assistan 0547-23384360 593

Staff Contacts

Contact No.: 0547-2970721 (Same For All)

Sr No. Name Position Email
Scientific Staff
1 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Director
(Wheat breeding and Seed production Management)
Director.Seed@Icar.Gov.In , Sanjay.Kumar8@Icar.Gov.In
2 Dr. (Mrs.) Kalyani Kumari Scientist, Seed Science and technology Kalyani.Kumari@Icar.Gov.In
3 Mr. Kuldip Jayaswall Scientist, agricultural Biotechnology Kuldip@Icar.Gov.In
4 Mr. alok Kumar Scientist, Seed Science and technology
(Seed Quality Enhancement Maintenance breeding)
5 Dr. Deepanshu Jayaswal Scientist, agricultural Biotechnology Deepanshu.Jayaswal@Icar.Gov.In
6 Mr. Banoth Vinesh Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Banoth.Vinesh@Icar.Gov.In
7 Mrs. Vinita Ramtekey Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Vinita.Ramtekey@Icar.Gov.In
8 Ms. pakkiranna Sivamma Scientist, agricultural Structure process Engineering Sivamma.p@Icar.Gov.In
9 Mr. amit Kumar Dash Scientist, Soil Science amit.Dash@Icar.Gov.In
10 Dr. pavithra Scientist, agricultural Extension pavithra.V@Icar.Gov.In
Administrative Staff
11 Sh. Chandra Mauli Sharma administrative Officer head Of administration Chandra.Mouli@Icar.Gov.In , aoicar@Yahoo.Com
12 Sh. Ghanshyam Mandal Finance and accounts Officer Ghanshyamm.Icar@Icar.Gov.In
13 Sh. Sudhakar Srivastava aao Sudhakar.Srivastav@Icar.Gov.In
14 Sh. anupam Chaubey assistant anupam.Chaubey@Icar.Gov.In
15 Sh. lal Singh assistant lal.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
16 Smt. Ranjana Kumari udc Ranjana.Kumari@Icar.Gov.In
17 Sh. ashok Kumar tripathi udc ashok.tripathi@Icar.Gov.In
18 Sh. Durgesh pratap Singh Stenographer Durgesh.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
Technical Staff
19 Sh. Jitendra Kumar tripathi Sr. technical assistant Jitendra.tripathi@Icar.Gov.In
20 Sh. arun Kumar Chaturvedi Sr. technical assistant arun.Chaturvedi@Icar.Gov.In
21 Sh. abhishek Kumar Rai technical assistant abhishek.Rai@Icar.Gov.In
22 Sh. Sunil Kumar Kannauzia technical assistant Sunil.Kannujiya@Icar.Gov.In
23 Sh. ambrish Kumar Dubey Sr. technician ambrish.Dubey@Icar.Gov.In
24 Sh. Vikas Singh Sr. technician Vikash.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
25 Ms. Nisha technician Nisha@Icar.Gov.In
26 Sh. praveen pal technician praveen.pal@Icar.Gov.In
27 Sh. Manoj Kumar tiwari technician Manoj.tiwari@Icar.Gov.In , Dsr_library@Yahoo.Com

Regional Station, Bengaluru

Contact No.: 0547-2970721 (Same For All)

Sr No. Name Position Contact Details
1 Dr. a. anandan Principal Scientist, Genetics plant breeding 9178830981
2 Dr. C. Gireesh principal Scientist, plant breeding
(Rice Genomics and Molecular breeding)
3 Dr. udaya Bhaskar Kethineni Sr. Scientist, Seed Science and technology udaya.Kethineni@Icar.Gov.In
4 Dr. Ramya p Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Ramya.p@Icar.Gov.In
5 Dr. Vanishree G Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Vanishree.G@Icar.Gov.In
6 Dr. anjitha George Scientist, agriculture Entomology anjitha.George@Icar.Gov.In
7 Dr. Bhojaraja Naik K Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Bhojaraja.Naik@Icar.Gov.In
8 Dr. Shantharaja C.S Scientist, Seed Science and technology Shantharaja.Cs@Icar.Gov.In
9 Dr. Sripathy K V Scientist, Seed Science and technology Sripathy.V@Icar.Gov.In
10 Dr. aravindan S Scientist, plant pathology aravindan.S@Icar.Gov.In
11 Dr. Manjanagouda S Sannagoudar Scientist, agronomy M.Sannagoudar@Icar.Gov.In
12 Dr. Kuldip Jayaswall Scientist 9736526049

Nodal Officers Contacts

Sl. No. Center Name Name Contacts Email
1 AAU, Anand Dr. a. S. Bhanvadia (Qsp) 9375059249 Nodalofficerseed@aau.In
2 AU, Kota Dr. R. G. parmar (Str) 7016763866 Rgparmar@aau.In
3 BAU, Ranchi Dr. Jeetmal Dhakar 9001584379, 9414520520

Jeetmaldhakar@Gmail.Com , Mafkota@aukota.Org

4 BAU, Sabour Dr. Rishi pal Singh 9431701162 Dsfbau@Gmail.Com
5 BCKV, Mohanpur Dr.p. K. Singh 9431897516 Bausabour.Dsf@Gmail.Com
6 BSKKV, Dapoli Dr. prabir Chakraborti 9433805401 Chakrabort.prabir@Bckv.Edu.In ,
7 CCS HAU, Hisar Dr. a. V. Mane 09422371926, 9689991926 Ddrbskkv@Gmail.Com ,
8 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. V.S. Mor 9468337001 hodsstnew@Gmail.Com
9 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. Mahak Singh (Qsp) 7905148547, 9451873875 Nodalooficer.Bspcsa@Gmail.Com , Mahaksingh.Csa@Gmail.Com ,
10 GBPUAT, Pantnagar Dr. C. l. Maurya (Str) 9140967297
11 IGKV, Raipur Dr. R. K. Kapila 9418101452, 7018370171 Rkkapila@Gmail.Com
12 JAU, Junagadh Dr. R. K. panwar(Nodal Officer) 7817005207, 9412438893 Jdbspc1@Gmail.Com
13 JNKVV, Jabalpur Dr. S. K. Verma(Co-Nodal Officer) 9411324848 Sk_pantvarsity@Yahoo.Com
14 KAU, Thrissur/RARS, Pattambi Dr. Omvati Verma (Str) 9411159389, 7055283663 Dr_Omvati@Rediffmail.Com , Karan.Mk30@Gmail.Com
15 MPKV, Rahuri Dr. p.K. Chandrakar 9424193841 Nspigkv@Gmail.Com
16 NAU, Navsari Dr. J. B. patel(Qsp) 0285-2675070, 7984196389 Megaseed@Jau.In
17 NDUAT, Ayodhya Dr. K.D. Mungra (Str) 9825016923 Rspearlmillet@Jau.In
18 OUAT, Bhubaneswar Dr. Deep pahalwan (Qsp) 9713884438 Seeds.Jnkvv@Gmail.Com , Shukla.Rs90@Gmail.Com,
19 PAU, Ludhiana Dr. Shiv Ramakrishnan (Str) 9174056526 Shivram.Krishnan2008@Gmail.Com , ashishashish2612@Gmail.Com
20 PAU, Ludhiana Dr. anitha S 9446433292, 04872-438104 adrseeds@Kau.In , hani.Babu@Kau.In
21 PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal Dr. a.V. Solanke(Qsp) 9422921816 Csseed.Mpkv@Yahoo.In , Kailasgagareseed@Gmail.Com
22 PJTSAU, Hyderabad Dr. Vijay R. Shelar (Str) 7588604252, 8329938350
23 SDAU, S. K. Nagar Dr. D. a. Chauhan 9426859819 Megaseed.Nau@Gmail.Com
24 SKNAU, Jobner Dr. S. C. Vimal 9451955851, 6390144801 Scvimalndgpb@Gmail.Com
25 SKRAU, Bikaner Dr. tapas Kumar Mishra 9437546932 adrseeds_Ouat@Yahoo.Co.In , Spobspnspouat@Gmail.Com
26 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. Simantha Mohanty (Str) 8437301110 Strouat@Gmail.Com
27 SKUAST K , Srinagar Dr. Rajinder Singh(Qsp) 9464992257 Directorseeds@pau.Edu
28 Dr. R. B. Yadav Dr. V. S. Sohu(Str) 9876134373 hodpbg@pau.Edu , Dhaliwalinderpreet@Gmail.Com,
29 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. t. Ramanadane 9443875443 Raman_Nadane@Yahoo.Com , Ramanadane1971@Gmail.Com
30 PDKV, Akola Dr. amrapali a. akhare (Qsp) 9881880083, 7020909738 Ddrseed@Yahoo.Com ,,
31 PDKV, Akola Dr. amrapali a. akhare (Str) 9881880083, 7020909738 Seed_technology@Yahoo.Co.In
32 PJSATU, Hyderabad Dr. p. Jagan Mohan Rao 8008333783 Srtcpjtsau@Gmail.Com,
33 SADU, S. K. Nagar Dr. p. h. patel 9925309047 Seedtechsdau@Gmail.Com,
34 SKNAU, Jobner Dr. Jogendra Singh 9772072274 Str.Durgapura.Jp@Gmail.Com,, Jschouhanpbg@Gmail.Com
35 SKRAU, Bikaner Dr. N.K. Sharma 9414275222 Nksharmaars@Yahoo.Co.In , Nspbikaner@Gmail.Com,
36 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. ambrish Vaid 9419151649 Megaseedskuastj@Gmail.Com,
37 SKUAST K , Srinagar prof. M. ashraf Bhat 9419782624, 7006854354 Nspsrinagar@Gmail.Com ,
38 SVPUAT, Meerut Dr. R. B. Yadav 9412525632 Nodalofficersvpuat@Gmail.Com,
39 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. umarani R. 9842775257,
40 UAS, Bangalore Dr. K. Madhusudan 9449866925, 9972842642 Sosnsp@Gmail.Com,
41 UAS, Bangalore Dr. Vishwanath Koti (Str) 9108925969 Srostrc@Gmail.Com,
42 UAS, Dharwad Dr.J. S. hilli 9535039900 Soseed@uasd.In , Sosuasdharwad@Gmail.Com,
43 UAS, Raichur Dr. arunkumar hosamani 9480696343 Soseeds@uasraichur.Edu.In
44 UAHS, Shivamogga Dr. Dushyantha Kumar B. M. 9480838991 Soseed@uahs.Edu.In , Dushyanth123@Yahoo.Com
45 VNMKV, parbhani Dr. K. S. Baig 7304127810 parbhaniseed@Gmail.Com,
46 UBKV, pundibari Dr. (prof.) Bidhan Roy 9434117057,8637072242 Bcroy10@Yahoo.Com , adfagubkv@Gmail.Com
47 ANGRAU, Gunture Dr. a. Subba Rami Reddy 9440220038 , , Ramavath_Kagri@Rediffmail.Com
48 RVSKVV, Gwalior Dr. M. K. tripathi 7489594838 Drmanojtripathi64@Gmail.Com , Directorfarmgwl@Gmail.Com
49 MPUAT, udaipur Dr. R. B. Dubey 9694383617 Dubey_Rb2006@Yahoo.Co.In , adseedfarms@Yahoo.Co.In , pbsingh13@Yahoo.Co.In
50 BHU, Varanasi Dr. p.K. Singh 9935126942
51 RPAU, pusa Dr. Rajesh Kumar 9973252475 Dsfraupusa@Gmail.Com , Rajrau.2007@Rediffmail.Com , Sumitiasbhu@Gmail.Com
52 ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur Dr. R. K. Kakani 9414603596 Rkkakani.Nrcss@Rediffmail.Com , Rajesh.Kakani@Icar.Gov.In , Mprajora1@Gmail.Com,
53 ICAR-CRIJAF,, Nagpur Dr. V. Santhy/ Dr. K. Rathinavel 9890684572, 9442226257 Santhy100@Gmail.Com , Krathinavelus@Gmail.Com,
54 ICAR-CRIJAF,Barrackpore Dr. Chandan Sourav Kar 9748240706 Chandanskar@Gmail.Com , Chandan.Kar@Icar.Gov.In,
55 ICAR-IIOR, hyderabad Dr. Jawahar lal J. 9160451473 Jawaharlaljatoth@Gmail.Com , J.Jawaharlal@Icar.Gov.In , Spac.Iior@Icar.Gov.In
56 ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav 9412463923 Igfri.Seed@Gmail.Com , Vijayyadav777@Gmail.Com
57 ICAR-IIMR, hyderabad Dr. B. Venkatesh Bhat (Nodal Officer) 9440644040 Seed@Millets.Res.In , Bhatv@Millets.Res.In
58 ICAR-IIMR, hyderabad Dr. Sooganna (Co- Nodal Officer) 9540331656 Seed@Millets.Res.In , Sooganna@Millets.Res.In
59 ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Dr p. K.Katiyar 9005688164 Goldikatiyar@Yahoo.Com , Iiprseed@Gmail.Com
60 ICAR-IIRR, hyderabad Dr. l.V. Subba Rao 9848175790 lv.Subbarao@Icar.Gov.In , lvsubbarao1990@Gmail.Com , Genefiyaz@Gmail.Com , Swamyavsr@Gmail.Com
61 ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack Dr. B.C. Marndi 9437179781 Bishnu.Marndi@Icar.Gov.In
62 ICAR-VPKAS, almora Dr. Rajesh Khulbe 9411324346 Rajesh.Khulbe@Icar.Gov.In , Rkkhulbe@Gmail.Com
63 ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Dr. Gyanendra Singh/ Dr. Shiv Kumar Yadav (Qsp) 9971780337, 9868273684 Iariseed@Gmail.Com , Noseediari@Gmail.Com
64 ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Dr. Sandeep K lal (Str) 9811048932 Skl_Nsp@Yahoo.Com , head_Sst@Iari.Res.In
65 ICAR-LIWBR, Karnal Dr. amit Kumar Sharma 9678622622, 7988520247 amit.Sharma@Icar.Gov.In , Seed.Iiwbr@Icar.Gov.In , umesh.Kamble@Icar.Gov.In
66 ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur Dr. arun Kumar 9413202513, 8079039351 aruncyto@Gmail.Com
67 ICAR-IISR, Indore Dr. Mrinal K. Kuchlan 9340650457 Mrinal.Kuchlan@Icar.Gov.In , Mrinal.Kk@Gmail.Com
68 ICAR-DGR, Junagadh Dr. S. K. Bera 8074370541 Beradgr67@Gmail.Com , Berask67@Yahoo.Co.In
69 ICAR-IISR, lucknow Dr. Jyotsnendra Singh 9696992135, 9455038993 Jyotsnendra.Singh@Icar.Gov.In , Jyotsnendra@Yahoo.Com
70 ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore Dr. S. Karthigeyan 9487109102 Seed.Sbi@Icar.Gov.In
71 ICAR-IISS, Mau Dr. praveen patted 9911557836 praveenpatted24@Gmail.Com
72 ICAR-IIMR, ludhiana Dr. Bhupender Kumar (pi) Bhupender.Kumar@Icar.Gov.In , Bhupender.Iimr@Gmail.Com
73 ICAR-IISS, Mau Dr. B. S. Jat(Co-pi) 8949564332
74 ICAR-CCARI, Goa Dr. Manohara K.K. 7507943679 Manohar.Gpb@Gmail.Com
75 ICAR-CIRAI, port Blair Dr. p.K. Singh 9474273099 pksingh99@Rediffmail.Com , pksingh1975@Gmail.Com
76 VSI, pune Dr. S. S. Katake 8446386262 Ss.Katake@Yahoo.In
77 AAU, Jorhat Dr. Mrinal Saikia (Qsp) 7086127315, ,
78 AAU, Jorhat Dr. prakash Bora (Str) 8136074233, 9435095462 pborah01@Gmail.Com
79 ICAR Rc For Neh, Manipur Dr. I. Megha Chandra Singh 9436027223 Meghais@Rediffmail.Com , Jdmn.Icar@Nic.In
80 CAU, Imphal Dr. thokchom Robindro Singh 6009472645 Robindroth2017@Gmail.Com

Breeder Seed production Centres Contacts

S.No. Centre Name Phone/Fax No. Contacts Email Address
1 SKUAST, Srinagar prof. (Dr.) Zahoor ahmad Dar 0194- 2461103, 0194- 2462160 9419048821, 7006143119 Zahoorpbg@Gmail.Com
prof. Chief Scientist (Gpb) Nodal Officer (Seed), Skuast, Srinagar (Jk)-191 121
2 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. ambrish Vaid 0191-2262133 , 0191-2262134 , 0191-2262135
Ext:2020 ,
9419151649 Megaseedskuastj@Gmail.Com
associate Director Research Nodal Officer Skuast, Main Campus, Jammu-180009
3 CSKHPKV, palampur Dr. R K Kapila 01894-230406 9418101452/ 7018370171 Rkkapila@Gmail.Com Nodal Officer (Seed) Cskhpkv, palampur, himachal pradesh- 176062
4 PAU, ludhiana Dr. tarsem Singh Dhillon 0161-2400898, 0161- 2400945 9464037325, 8847438107, Directorseeds@pau.Edu Director (Seeds) Dept Of Genetics plant breeding pau, ludhiana, punjab - 141004
5 CCSHAU, HISAR Dr. K.D. Sharma 01662- 289396, 01662- 234952 9053068302 hodsstnew@Gmail.Com,
Director, Rds Farm Ccshau, hisar, haryana - 125004
6 CT, Meerut Dr. R.B. Yadav 0121- 2956002, 0121- 2888505 9412525632 Nodalofficersvpuat@Gmail.Com professor Nodal Officer Seed Svbpuat, Meerut, uttar pradesh - 250110
7 GBPUAT, pantnagar Dr. p.S. Shukla 05944- 233230, 05944- 233363 8475001523, 7055283663 Jdpspc1@Gmail.Com, Idnebcrc@Gmail.Com Joint Director (Seeds) Nodal Officer, Gbpuat, pantnagar
8 NDUAT Kumarganj Dr. S.C. Vimal 05270- 262133, 05270- 262097 9451955851, 6390144801 Scvimalndgpb@Gmail.Com Joint Director Seed Nduat, Kumarganj, Faizabad - 224229
9 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. C.p. Sachan 8960745809 Dr.C.p.Sachan@Gmail.Com Incharge Bsp Csauat, Kanpur - 208002
10 BHU, Varanasi Dr. p.K. Singh 0542-6702441, 0542- 2369971 9935126942 pksbhu@Gmail.Com professor Dept. Of Genetics plant breeding Incharge, Icar Seed project Bhu, Varanasi, uttar pradesh - 221005
11 AAU, Jorhat Dr. prakash Borah 0376- 2340044, 0376- 2340001 9435095462 professor head Nodal Officer Icar Seed project aau, Jorhat, assam - 785013
12 C, Ranchi Dr. R.p. Singh, 0651- 2450060 9431701162 Dsfbau@Gmail.Com
Director, Seed Farms Bau, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834006
13 DRRPCAU, pusa Dr. p.p. Singh 0621- 2290386 , 0621- 2290773 9939214932
Director, Seed Farms Rau, pusa, Bihar - 843121
14 BCKV, Mohanpur Dr. prabir Chakraborti 03473-278600, 03473-278600 9433805401 prab_C@Rediffmail.Com
associate prof., Deptt. Of Seed Science tech. Bckv, Mohanpur Nadia, West Bengal - 741252
15 UBKV, pandibari Dr. Mrigen Ghosh 03582-270156, 03582-270249 9732359206 adfagubkv@Gmail.Com
Director (Farms) ubkv, pandibari, West Bengal - 736165
16 OUAT, Bhubaneswar Dr. tapash Kumar Mishra 0674-2397091, 0674-2397091 9437546932 adrseeds_Ouat@Yahoo.Com
adr (Seeds) Ouat, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751003
17 SKARU, Bikaner Dr. N.K. Sharma 0151-2251513, 0151-2254015, 0151-2250576 9414275222 Nspbikaner@Gmail.Com
adr (Gp) Skrau, Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334006
18 MPAUT, udaipur Dr. R.B. Dubey 0294-2420154 9461118470, adseedfarms@Yahoo.Co.In,
associate Director, Seed and Farms (Department Of plant breeding and Genetics, Rca ,udaipur), Rajasthan - 313001
19 SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar Dr. R. M. Chauhan 02748- 278460, 02748-278433 9428881868/ 9427014744 Seedtechsdau@Gmail.Com Research Scientist Sdau, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat - 385506
20 AAU, anand Dr. a.S. Bhanvadia 02692- 260329 9375059249 Nodalofficerseed@aau.In Nodal Officer (Seed) Research Scientist aau, anand, Gujarat - 388110
21 JAU, Junagadh Dr. J. B. patel 0285-267208090, Ext. 449, 450 0285-2672004 9909055981 Megaseed@Jau.In
professor and head Nodal Officer (Seed) Jau, Junagadh, Gujarat - 362001
22 NAU, Navsari Dr. D.a.Chauhan 02637-282962, 02637-283160 94265 59819 Megaseed.Nau@Gmail.Com associate Research Scientist Nau, Navsari, Gujarat - 396950
23 IGKV, Raipur Dr. Gopi Kumar Das 0771- 2442493, 0771-2442767 9425205247, 6261429450 Directorfarmsigkv@Gmail.Com
Director Farms (Seeds Farms) Igkv, Raipur, Chhattisgarh- 492 012
24 JNKV, Jabalpur Dr.D. K. pahalwan 0761-2681021 7612681021, 7612681773 , Ext. 338 Seeds.Jnkvv@Gmail.Com Director Of Farms Jnkv, Jabalpur, Madhya pradesh- 482 004
25 VNMKV, parbhani Dr. K. S. Baig 02452-220899, 02452-220899 7304127810 parbhaniseed@Gmail.Com associate Director (Seed) Vnmkv, parbhani, Maharashtra- 431 402
26 MPKV, Rahuri Dr. a.V. Salunke 02426-243355, 02426-243335 9422921816 Csseed.Mpkv@Yahoo.In Chief Scientist (Seeds), Seed Cell, Mpkv, Rahuri, Dist.- ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 413 722
27 PDKV, Akola Dr Varsha V. tapre 0724-2258353, 0724-2258419, 0724-2258219 9890093610 Ddrseed@Yahoo.Com Dy. Director Of Research (Seed), pdkv, Krishi Nagar, akola, Maharashtra- 444 104
28 BSKKV, Dapoli Dr. a.V. Mane 02358-282417 9689991926, 9422371926 Dorbskkv@Rediffmail.Com Deputy Director Of Research (Seeds), Bskkv, Dapoli, Dist.- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra- 415 712
29 UAS, GKVK, Bangalore Dr. Madhusudan 080-23620494, 080-23620494 9449866925, 9972842642 Sosnsp@Gmail.Com
K. Special Officer (Seeds), uas, Gkvk, Bangalore - 560 065
30 UAS, Dharwad Dr. J. S. hilli 0836-2214242, 0836-2741598 9535039900 Soseed@uasd.In
Special Officer (Seeds), uas, Dharwad, Karnataka- 580005
31 PJTSAU, , Rajendranagar Dr. t. pradeep 040 29705382, 040-24018111 8008404874 Srtcpjtsau@Gmail.Com Director (Seeds), pjtsau, Rajendranagar, hyderabad- 500030
32 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. S. Sundareswaran 0422-6611232 , 0422- 6611432
0422-6611432 (Fax)
9442020149, 9489056719
Director (Seeds), tnau, Coimbatore- 641 003
33 KAU, thrissur Dr. Vidhu Francis 0466-2212275 9847236616 adrptb@Kau.In Rarsptb@Kau.In
I/C Bsp Isp, Rars, Kau, thrishur 679 306 Kerala
34 CAU, Manipur Dr. th. Robindro 0385-2410415, 0385- 2410415 9856083293 Drcau@Yahoo.Co.In
Dy. Director Of Research (Seed), Cau, Iroishemba, Imphal, Manipur- 795 001
35 IARI, New Delhi Dr. Shiv Kumar Yadav 011-25841428, 011-25842686, 011-25846420 9868273684 Iariseed@Gmail.Com
principal Scientist Nodal Officer (Seed), Iari, New Delhi- 110 012
36 ICAR- IIWBR, Karnal Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh 0184-2209118, 0184-2267390 9416483960, 9678622622, 9468251294 Sanjay.Singh4@Icar.Gov.In
principal Scientist (plant breeding), Icar- Iiwbr, Maharaja aggarsain Marg, post Box 158, Karnal, haryana- 132 001
37 ICAR - VPKAS, Almora Dr. lakshmi Kant 05962-231679, 05962-231539 9412044391, 9997896233 lakshmi.Kant@Icar.Gov.In
head, Crop Improvement Division, Icar - Vpkas, almora, uttarakhand- 263 601
38 ICAR - IIPR Kanpur Dr. p.K. Katiyar 0512- 2570264 Ext. 145
0512- 2572582
9005688164 Iiprseed@Gmail.Com principal Scientist, Icar - Iipr, Kanpur, uttar pradesh- 208024
39 AU, Kota Dr. Rajesh Mahawar 0744-2321206, 0744- 2321203 9414012424 Mafkota@Gmail.Com Incharge Bsp agriculture university, Nayapura, Kota - 324001
40 CRIJAF,Barrackpore Dr. C.S. Kar 033-25356122, 033-25356121, 033-25351932 , Ex. 231 ,
033- 25350415
9748240706 Chandanskar@Gmail.Com
principal Scientist (pb), Crij af, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700120
41 NRRI, Cuttack Dr. B.C. Marndi 0671-2367777, 0671- 2367663 9437179781 Bishnu.Marndi@Icar.Gov.In Nodal Officer (Seed), Nrri, Cuttack 753006, Orissa.
42 ICAR - IG FRI, Jhansi Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav 0510-2730446
Ext. 243, 243 0510-2730666 , 0510-2730833
9412463923 Igfri.Seed@Gmail.Com
head, Division Of Seed technology, Icar - Ig Fri, Gwalior Road, Jhansi, uttar pradesh- 284 003
43 Icar - Dr Mr, Bharatpur Dr. Bhagirath Ram 05644-260379, 05644-260565 9660114965 Bhagirathram_Icar@Yahoo.Com principal Scientist (Genetics plant breeding), Icar - Dr Mr, Bharatpur, Rajasthan- 321303
44 ICAR-IISR, Indore Dr. Mrinal Kuchlan 0731-2437925, 0731- 2470520 9009562694, 9340650457 Mrinal.Kk@Gmail.Com Scientist (Ss), Dsr, Khandwa Road, Indore, M.p. 452001
45 V - DGR, Junagadh Dr. praveen Kona 0285-2673041 8980530814 praveenkona61@Gmail.Com
Scientist Nodal Officer, Icar - Dgr, Junagadh, Gujarat- 362 001
46 CAZI, Jodhpur Dr. R. K. Kakani 0291-2786483, 0291-2788706 9414603596 Rkkakani.Nrcss@Rediffmail.Com
principal Scientist head, Division Iii, ps, Div. Iii, Cazri, Jodhpur, Rajasthan- 342 003
47 ICAR - CICR, Nagpur Dr. p.R. Vijaya Kumari 07103-275549 , 07103-275533 , 07103-275529 9822572302 Rachelvk123@Gmail.Com principal Scientist, Icar - Cicr, Nagpur, Maharashtra- 440 010
48 ICAR - IIOR, Rajendranagar Dr. Jawahar lal 040-24598135, 040-24017969 9160451473 Spac.Iior@Icar.Gov.In
principal Scientist head, Seed Section, Icar - Iior, Rajendranagar, hyderabad, andhra pradesh- 500 030
49 ICAR - IIRR Rajendranagar Dr. l.V. Subba Rao 040-24015036, 040-24015308 9848175790, 9990975934 (Fayaz Sir) lv.Subbarao@Icar.Gov.In
head, Division Of Crop Improvement, Icar - Iirr, Rajendranagar, hyderabad - 500 030
50 ICAR - IIMR Rajendranagar Dr. B. Venkatesh Bhat 040-24599334, 040-24016378 9440644040 Bhatv@Millets.Res.In
Icar - Iimr, Rajendranagar, hyderabad, andhra pradesh- 500 030
51 LARIRS, Karnal Dr. V. K. pandita 0184-2267169, 0184-2266672 9416031510 head_Karnal@Iari.Res.In
head, Iari, Regional Station Karnal 132 001, haryana
52 ICAR - IISS, Mau Dr. Vishal tyagi 0547-2530386, 0547-2530325 8957879632 Vish926@Gmail.Com Icar - Iiss, Mau, Mau, uttar pradesh- 275101
53 ICAR - IIMR, pusa Campus, ludhiana Dr. Shyam Bir Singh 06243-225254 9534660594 Singhsb1971@Rediffmail.Com
Icar - Iimr, pusa Campus, ludhiana- 110 012 Regional Maize Research and Seed production Centre (Dmr), Begusarai, Bihar- 851129
54 ICAR - CCARI, ELA, Old Goa Dr. Manohara, K.K. 0832-2284678, 0832-2284679, 0832- 2285649 7507943679 Manohar.Gpb@Gmail.Com Scientist (plant breeding), Icar - Ccari, Ela, Old Goa- 403 402
55 ICAR - CIAR, port Blair Dr. p.K. Singh 03192-250239, 03192-251068
Ext: 305
9474273099 pksingh99@Rediffmail.Com
principal Scientist, Icar - Ciari, port Blair, andaman Nicobar Islands- 744 101
56 ARI, pune Dr. S. Jaybhay - - Sajaybhay@aripune.Org Soybean breeder ari, pune
57 UAS, Raichur Dr. Basave Gowda 08532-220154, 08532-220181 9480696343 So.Seeduasr@Gmail.Com Special Officer (Seeds), uas, lingasugur Road, Raichur, Karnataka- 584104
58 RVSKVV, Gwalior Dr. Sushma tiwari 0751- 2341691 , 0751-2460581, 0751-2341691 8839695584 Icarseeds2020@Gmail.Com principal Scientist (Department Of plant breeding Genetics), Rvskvv, Race Course Road, Gwalior, Madhya pradesh- 474002
59 BAU, Bhagalpur Dr p K Singh 0641-2451054 ,
9431897516 Bausabour.Dsf@Gmail.Com professor (Seed Science and technology), Bau, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar- 813210
60 PAJANCOARI, Karaikal Dr. t. Ramanadane 04368-261372, 04368-230913, 04368-261260 9443875443 Raman_Nadane@Rediffma.Com
professor (Seed Science and technology), pajancoa Ri, Karaikal, puducherry ut - 609603
61 UAHS, Shivamogga Dr. h.D Mohan Kumar 08182-267070, 08182- 279623 9480838991 Soseed@uahs.Edu.In Special Officer, Seed unit, ua hs, Karnataka- 577201
62 ICAR RESs. Complex For Neh Region, Ri-Bhoi and Manipur Dr. I. Megha Chandra Singh 0364- 2570257, 0385- 2414260 9436027223 Meghairengbam@Gmail.Com principal Scientist (Seed technology), Icar Res. Complex For Neh Region umroi Road, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya-793103, and Icar Research Complex For Neh Region Manipur Centre, Imphal- 795004
63 ANGRAU, Guntur Dr. Subbarami Reddy 040- 24015382, 040- 24018111 9440220038 Directorseeds.angrau@Gmail.Com Director (Seeds), angrau, administrative Camp Office angrau, lam- 522034 Guntur, andhra pradesh

Public Information Officers Contacts

Contact No.: 0547-2970721
Fax No.: 0547-2970721 (Same For All)

Sr No. Officers Name Email
1 Second Appellate Authority Dr. Sanjay Kumar/Director
2 First Appellate Authority Mr. Kuldip Jayaswall / Scientist
3 Public Information Officer Shri Sudhakar Srivastav/ Assistant
Administrative Officer

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