NBFCs - Address and Area of Operation of the Ombudsman

Sl/No. Centre Contact No. Email Fax No. Address of the Office of NBFC Ombudsman
C/o Reserve Bank of India
Area of Operation
1. Chennai 044-25395964 cms.nbfcochennai@rbi.org.in 044-25395488 Fort Glacis, Chennai 600001 Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Kerala, Union Territory of Lakshadweep
and Union Territory of Puducherry
2. Mumbai 022-23001280 cms.nbfcomumbai@rbi.org.in 022-23022024 RBI Byculla Office Building
Opp. Mumbai Central Railway
Station Byculla, Mumbai-400008
Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Union Territories
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu
3. New Delhi 011-23724856 cms.nbfconewdelhi@rbi.org.in 011-23725218
Sansad Marg New Delhi -110001 Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana,
Punjab, Union Territory of Chandigarh Himachal
Pradesh, and Rajasthan and State of Jammu
and Kashmir
4. Kolkata 033-22310217 cms.nbfcokolkata@rbi.org.in 033-22305899 15, Netaji Subhash Road Kolkata-700 001. West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Assam, Arunachal
Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Tripura, Bihar and Jharkhand

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Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)- Registered Regional Offices

Sl No. Regional Office Contact Details Email Address Jurisdiction
1 Ahmedabad Tel: 079-27543057/ 079-27545651
Fax: 079-27541422
dnbsahmedabad@rbi.org.in Ashram Road,
State of Gujarat,
Union Territories of Diu,
Daman and Dadra
Nagar Haveli
2 Bangalore Tel: 080-22180100/ 080-22181160
Fax: 080-22232199
dnbsbangalore@rbi.org.in 10/3/08, Nrupatunga Road,
State of Karnataka
3 Bhopal Tel: 0755-2675300/ 0755-2578298
dnbsbhopal@rbi.org.in Hoshangabad Road,
P.B. No.32,
Bhopal – 462011.
State of Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh
4 Bhubaneswar Tel: 0674-2394067/ 0674-2391070
dnbsbhubaneswar@rbi.org.in Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, P.B. No.16,
State of Orissa
5 Chandigarh Tel: 0172-2721434/ 0172-2702271
Fax: 0172-2722087
dnbschandigarh@rbi.org.in Opp. Telephone Bhavan, Sector 17,
Chandigarh - 160017
State of Haryana (excluding the districts
of Faridabad, Gurgaon and Sonepat), Himachal Pradesh
and Punjab and UT of Chandigarh
6 Chennai Tel: 044-25361490/ 044-25399222
Fax: 044-25393797
dnbschennai@rbi.org.in Fort Glacis, 16, Rajaji Salai, P.B. No.40, Chennai-600001 State of Tamil Nadu and Union
Territory of Puducherry
7 Guwahati Tel: 0361-2600206 / 0361-2541860
Fax: 0361-2540033
dnbsguwahati@rbi.org.in Station Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001 States of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura
8 Hyderabad Tel: 040-23210384/ 040-23237980
Fax: 040-23232468
dnbshyderabad@rbi.org.in 6-1-56, Secretariat Road, Saifabad,
State of Andhra Pradesh
9 Jaipur Tel: 0141-2565157/ 0141-2564062
Fax: 0141-2562158
dnbsjaipur@rbi.org.in Rambagh Circle,
Tonk Road, P.B. No.12, Jaipur-302052
State of Rajasthan
10 Jammu Tel: 0191-2470188/ 0191-2472451
dnbsjammu@rbi.org.in Rail Head Complex,
Jammu and Kashmir &
Ladakh Divisions
11 Kanpur Tel: 0512-2305972/ 0512-2303831
Fax: 0512-2306246
dnbskanpur@rbi.org.in M.G. Road, P.B.No.82, Kanpur-208001 State of Uttar Pradesh (excluding Noida
in Ghaziabad dist.) and Uttarakhand
12 Kolkata Tel: 033-22307850/ 033-22308331
Fax: 033-22313185
dnbskolkata@rbi.org.in 15, Nataji Subhas Road, Kolkata- 700001 State of Sikkim and West Bengal
and Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar
13 Mumbai Tel: 022-23084121/ 022-23028436
Fax: 022-23022011
dnbsmro@rbi.org.in 3rd Floor, RBI Building,
Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station,
Near Maratha Mandir,
Byculla, Mumbai – 400008
State of Maharashtra and State of Goa
14 New Delhi Tel: 011-23714456/ 011-23710538
Fax: 011-23752188
dnbsnewdelhi@rbi.org.in 6, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
State of Delhi, the districts of Faridabad,
Gurgaon and Sonepat of State of Haryana and Noida
in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh
15 Patna Tel: 0612-2320815/ 0612-2320834
dnbspatna@rbi.org.in South Gandhi Maidan,
P.B. No. 162,
State of Bihar & Jharkhand
16 Thiruvananthapuram Tel: 0471-2329040/ 0471-2329676
dnbsthiro@rbi.org.in Bakery Junction,
P.B. No. 6507, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
State of Kerala and Union Territory
of Lakshadweep