Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 345 6501 (Contact Support)
All India Number(s): 
  • 0651-230 1606 (Alternate Contact Support)
  • 0651-236 0123 (Query)
  • 0651-231 6707 (Alternate Query)
  • 72501 41999 (WhatsApp Support)


  • gmadmin [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in (Contact Support)

Important Links

Important Contact Details

S.No. Designation Name Office Mobile Fax Email
1 CMD P. M. Prasad 0651-2360001 8987784100 0651-2360003 cmd [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
2 DIR(T)/O Ram Baboo Prasad 0651-2360006 8987784101 0651-2360007 dtop [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
3 DIR T(P&P) B Sairam 0651-2360009 9406779066 0651-2360010 dtpnp [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
4 DIR (F) Pawan Kumar Mishra 0651-2360011 0651-2360012 df [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
5 DIR (P) Harsh Nath Mishra 0651-2360013 - 0651-2360014 dp [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
6 CVO Sumeet Kumar Sinha 0651-2360750 0651-2360755 cvo [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
7 TS to CMD Alok Kumar Singh 0651-2360004 8987784186 tstocmd [dot] ccl [dot] cil [at] coalindia [dot] in
8 TS to D(T)/OP Kanhaiya Shankar Gaiwal 0651-2360008 8987786211 tstodto [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
9 TS to D(P) Partha Bhattacharjee 0651-2361014 tstodp [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
10 TS to DT(P&P) P.K.Singh 0651-2360745 8987784146 tstodtpp [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
11 TS to D(F) Sanjay Kumar Singh 0651-2360011 8987785510 tstodf [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
12 TS to CVO Shashank Sharan 0651-2360750 8987785509 tstocvo [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in

HOD's Contact Details

S.No. Department Designation Name Office Mobile Fax Email
1 Administration Hod (Admin) U.P.Narayan 0651-2360261 gmadmin [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
2 PAndIr Hod (Pers) Rashmi Dayal 2360049 8987784120 gmpnir [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
3 Civil Hod (Civil) A.C. Moharana 0651-2360129 8987784248 0651-2360179 gmcivil [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
4 Company Seretariat Hod (Cs) Amaresh Pradhan 0651-2360479 8987784138 0651-2360479 gmcompsectt [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
5 Contract Management
Hod (Cmc) R R Srivastava 0651-2360219 8987787645 gmcmc [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
6 Finance And Accounts Hod (Fin) Rajendra Singh 0651-2360724 8987785506 gmfin [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
7 Electrical And
Hod (E And M) Bala Ram Verma 0651-2360788 - gmenm [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
8 E And T Hod(EAndT) M.C.S. Rao 0651-2360111 8987784203 0651-2360111 gment [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
9 Forest Hod.(Forest) Alok Tripathi 0651-2360184 7979952162 gmfrst [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
10 Environment Hod (Env) Soumitra Singh 0651-2365806 8987787698 gmenvt [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
11 Excavation Hod (X) Sanjeev Kumar 0651-2360050 8987784112 gmexcv [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
12 Executive Establishment Hod.(P-Ee) Pramod Kumar Sinha 0651-2360346 gmee [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
13 Finance And Accounts Hod (Fin)-Fpc Anil Kumar Gupta 8987785314 gmfpc [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
14 Gandhi Nagar Hospital C.M.S /Ic Dr. Ratnesh Jain 0651-2231425 8987789367 0651-2231425 dkl [dot] chowhan [at] coalindia [dot] in
15 Geology Hod (Min) U.K. Tripathi 0651-2360031 9431176266 gmgs [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
16 Hrd Hod (Min) S.K Singh 0651-2360597 - 0651-2360597 gmhrd [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
17 Industrial Engineering Hod (E And M) P.P Prabhakar 0651-2360193 8987785550 gmie [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
18 Internal Audit Hod (Iad) Deepak Kumar Verma 0651-2360564 9934384924 gmia [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
19 Legal Hod.(Pers) P . Bhattacharjee 0651-2360237 8987784192 gmlegal [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
20 Medical Services C.M.S. Dipak Kumar
Laljee Chowhan
0651-2360623 8987789367 dkl [dot] chowhan [at] coalindia [dot] in
21 Nee Hod (Pers) Manoranjan Birua 8987785581 gmnee [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
22 New Initiative.
Monitoring And Control
Hod (Min) Syed Shakil Ahmad 8987784140
23 New Projects Hod
(New Projects)
Girish Kumar Rathor 8987784136 gmnp [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
24 Social Security Hod (Pers) U.P.Narayan ---- gmpen [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
25 Operations Hod (Min) S. K. Pandey 8987784131 gmprod [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
26 Project And Planning Hod (Min) Rakesh Kumar 0651-2360513 8987785486 gmpnp [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
27 Material Management Hod (Mm) Shyam Narayan Mahto 0651-2360716 8987784261 0651-2360198 gmmm [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
28 Quality Control Hod.(QAndM) Rajesh Mishra 0651-2360249 8987784127 gmqm [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
29 Welfare Hod(Welfare) Rekha Pandey 0651-2365326 8987785497 gmwelfare [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
30 Rajbhasha Hod(Rajbhasha) Sanjay Kumar 8987786252 gmrjb [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
31 Manpower Hod(Manpower) Rashmi Dayal 0651-2360049 8987784120 gmnee [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
32 Land And Revenue Hod.(LpAndR) S.K Jha 0651-2360483 8987784118 gmlnr [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
33 Safety And Rescue Hod (Min) Rajiv Kumar Sinha 0651-2360276 8987784887 0651-2360276 gmsnr [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
34 Marketing And Sales Hod (MAndS) Ajit Singh 8987785524 gmsnm [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
35 Rectt/Samadhan Cell Hod (Pers) Rashmi Dayal 18003456501 8987784224 gmsc [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
36 Sd And Csr Hod (Sd And Csr) Balkrishna Ladi 0651-2361640 8987784142 gmsdncsr [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
37 Security Hod (Security) K.Ramakrishna 8987784163 gmsecurity [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
38 Systems Hod (Sys) V.S Maharaj 0651-2360749 8987787690 gmsystems [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
39 Town Administration Hod (Ta) Rajesh Mohan 0651-2360308 8987784167 gmta [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
40 Underground Hod (Min) M.K.Punjabi 0651-2360483 gmug [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
41 Vigilance Hod (Vigilance) S.G. Choudhary 0651-2365158 8987784129 gmvig [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
42 Washery Construction Hod.(M) Suresh R Talankar 0651-23655404 8987784650 0651-2360114 gmws [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
43 Washery Operation Hod (Cp) Suresh R Talankar 8987785574 gmws [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
44 Jharkhand State
Sports Promotion Society
Ceo/ Lmc Girish Kumar Rathor 8987784136 ceojssps [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
45 Hod Hod Sanjay Kumar 8987786252 gmrjb [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in

CGM/GM's Contact Details

S.No. Areas Designation CGM/GMs Office Mobile Fax Email
1 Kathara Gen.Mgr.(Min) Harshad Datar 06549-235366 06549-235366 gmkth [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
2 Hazaribagh Gen.Mgr.(Min) Niraj Kumar Sinha 06546-232630 8987784281 06546-232606 gmhzb [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
3 Barka-Sayal Gen.Mgr.(Min) Amresh Singh 06553-258319 8987785246 06553-258313 gmbks [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
4 Argada Gen.Mgr.(Min) Ajay Singh 06553-266244 8987785246 06553-266278 gmarg [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
5 Piparwar Gen.Mgr.(Min) C.B Sahay 06531-266611 8987784118 06531-266605 gmpip [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
6 Bokaro & Kargali Gen.Mgr.(Min) M . K. Rao 06549-220258 8987784720 gmbnk [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
7 Rajrappa Gen.Mgr.(Min) P N Yadav 06553-251103 8987784952 06553-261104 gmrjp [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
8 Dhori Gen.Mgr.(Min) Manoj Kumar
06549-220175 8987784815 06549-220301 gmdhr [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
9 Kuju Gen.Mgr.(Min) C.S Tiwari 06545-281240 8987785011 06545-281928 gmkuj [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
10 CS/CWS Barkakana Gen.Mgr.(Excv) Shashikant
11 Mines Rescue Station Gen.Mgr.(Min) R. K. Sinha 06553-224442 8987785247 06553-231077 gmmrs [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
12 Amrapali & Chandragupta Gen.Mgr.(Min) V.K Shukla 06531-261218 8987786291 gmapc [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
13 Magadh-Sanghmitra Gen.Mgr.(Min) K K Sinha 8987786294 gmmgs [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
14 North Karanpura Gen.Mgr. Sanjay Kumar 8987784538 gmnk [dot] ccl [at] coalindia [dot] in
15 Rajhara Gen.Mgr.(Min) Basab Choudhary 06531-236808 8987784538 06531-235115 gm [dot] rajhara [at] coalindia [dot] in

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Central Coalfields Limited
Darbhanga House, Kutchery

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