S.No. | Name | Designation | Contact | Address |
1 | Hari Kallikkat, IAS | Secretary Public Relations | 0172-2740039 | #374, Sector 46-A, Chandigarh |
2 | Rajiv Tewari | Director Public Relations | 0172-2740056 | #1075, Sector 40B, Chandigarh |
3 | Swati Munjal | Public Relations Officer | 0172-740946 | #185, Tower-I, Orbit Apartments, VIP Road, Zirakpur |
4 | Sachin Singla | Assistant Public Relations Officer | 0172-2740946 | #374, Sector 46-A, Chandigarh |
5 | Yogesh Sharma | Assistant Public Relations Officer | 0172-2740946 | #424, Block E, Shivalik Vihar, Naya Gaon, SAS Nagar, Mohali |
6 | Rajinder Kumar | Section Officer | 0172-2740025 | #278/B, Police Line, Sector-26, Chandigarh |
7 | Abhimanu | Senior Photographer | 0172-2740539 | #401, Sector-33A, Chandigarh |
8 | Amit Tonk | Junior Photographer | 0172-2740539 | #6633, Sector-56, Chandigarh |
SNo. | Agency | Name | Designation | Contact | Fax | Address | |
Category-A | |||||||
1 | M/S Concept Communication Ltd. | 011-66471300, 011-26944618, | 011-66471349 | A-45, 1St Floor, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044 | |||
2 | Ms. Arti Arora | Executive Director | 9891084600 | Aarti@Conceptindia.Com | |||
3 | Mr. Aimad Ahmad | Sr. Account Manager | 9810210453 | Aimad@Conceptindia.Com | 011-23701252 | ||
4 | M/S Span Communications | Ms Shilpa G. Kumar | Vice President | 9811379886 | Shilpakumar@Spancom.In, Delhispan@Gmail.Com | B-174, East Of Kailash New Delhi-110065 | |
5 | M/S Percept-H | Mr. Sameer Varma | Account Director | 09540543461, 011-39997508 | Sameer.Varma@Percepth.In | 011-26217357 | 2, Sant Nagar, East Of Kailash, New Delhi-110065 |
6 | M/S Crayons Ad. Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Ranjan Bargotra | President | 011-41630000 | Del@Crayonad.Com | 011-26382214 | Nsic Complex, Maa Anandmayee Marg, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-Iii New Delhi-110020 |
7 | M/S Wizcarft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Alex | 0124-4801212 | Alex.John@Wizcraftworld.Com | Plot No. 8, Sector-32, Urban Estate, Gurgaon-122001 | ||
8 | Ms.Shubra Verma | 8373902440 | Shubra.Verma@Wizcraftworld.Com | 0124-4801200 | Plot No. 8, Sector-32, Urban Estate, Gurgaon-122001 | ||
9 | M/S Ad Factor Advertising | Mr. Prakhar Kumar | Sr. Manager | 011-26930142, 011-26930144 | Adfactors.Del@Gmail.Com, Sanjeev@Adfactorsadvertising.Com | 011-26930140 | E 143-145, 2Nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase- Iii, New Delhi-110020 |
10 | M/S Dentsu Aegis Network Marketing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Carat Media Services) | Mr. Vineet Neb | Executive Vice President | 0124-7118100, 9899289544, | Mukund.Prabhakar@Carat.Com, Vineet.Neb@Carat.Com | Dlf Building No. 5, tower-A, Level 8 Dlf Cyber terraces, Dlf Cyber City Phase-Iii, Sector-25, Gurgaon-122002, | |
11 | M/S triton Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Rohit Madhusudan | Branch Director | 0124-4665050, 022-40930500 | Rohit.Madhusudan@tritoncom.Com, K.Bala@tritoncom.Com | 0124-4665060 | Upper Ground Floor, Plot No. 15, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana- 122003. Corporate Office: Moderna House, 88, C Mezzanine Floor, Old Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025, |
12 | M/S Jwt-Hindustand thompson Associates Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. K. J. Bhuvaneswari | Excutive Commercial Director | 0124-41982441 | Parveen.Chawla@Jwt.Com | Enkay Centre Block-A, Commercial Complex, Udyog Vihar Phase V, Gurgaon - 122016, Haryana | |
13 | Parveen Chawla | Commercial Director | 9899334123 | Bhuvana.Kj@Jwt.Com | Reg. Office-Peninsula Chambers Ganpat Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel. Mumbai - 400013 | ||
14 | M/S Goldmine Advertising | Mr. Arjun Sen Gupta | Vice President | 011-41051469 | Goldminedelhi2@Gmail.Com | 516, Ansal tower-38, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 | |
15 | M/S Prachar Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Suryakant M Gupta | Chief Commercial Manager | 09322495192, 022-42111300 | Mail@Prachar.In | Samkeet Apartments, B Wing, Sant Janabai Marg, Off Hanuman Road, Mumbai - 400057 | |
16 | Naresh Narula | 9810193269 | |||||
17 | Vinita Jain | 9819364445 | |||||
18 | M/S Rk Swamy Bbdo Pvt. Ltd. | Sujit Kumar | Partner | 011-30583458, 011-30583400, 9811299654, 9820616426 | Srd.Delhi@Rksbbdo.Com, Delhi-Office@Rksbbdo.Com | 011-30583402 | 1-E/1, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi-110055 |
19 | M/S Ogilvy &Amp; Mather Pvt. Ltd. | Vikram Ahuja | President-Finance | 0124-4760760 | 0124-4744370, 0124-4744670 | 6th to 8th Floors, tower A, Global Business Park, M. G. Road, Gurgaon 122002, Haryana, India | |
20 | M/5 Graphisads | Mr. Alok Gupta | Director | 9910332007, 9811102007, 9871692007, 011-45379999 | Ga@Graphisads.Com | 011-45379901 | 4/24A, Asif Ali Road, Near Delhi Gate, New Delhi - 110002 |
21 | M/S Disha Communications Private Limited | Naveen thakur | Director | 011-42322051, 011-25718359 | Dishadel@Gmail.Com | Disha Communications Private Limited, No. 1002, 10th Floor, Vikrant tower, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 | |
22 | Vivek Sinha | Senior Manager | 011-25714083 | Disha Communications Private Limited, No. 1002, 10th Floor, Vikrant tower, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 | |||
23 | M/S Mccann-Erickson (India) Private Limited | Manoj Singh | Chief Financial Officer | 011-41913300 | Manoj.Singh@Mccann.Com | 8, Balaji Estate, Guru Ravi Dass Marg, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 | |
24 | Anil Rajput | Vice President - Finance | Anil.Rajput@Mccann.Com | 8, Balaji Estate, Guru Ravi Dass Marg, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 | |||
25 | M/S Balaji telefilms Limited | Shobha Kapoor | Managing Director | 022-40698000, 9811227746 | 011-40698181, 011-40698182, 011-40698183 | C-13, Balaji House, Dalia Industrial Estate, Opp, Laxmi Industries New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai -400053 | |
26 | Dinesh K. Singh | Executive Producer | Dinesh@Balajitelefilms.Com | Reg. Office-Laqshya House, Saraswati Baug, Society Road, Jogeshwari (East), Mumbai - 400060 | |||
27 | M/S Laqshya Media Private Limited | Mr. Rajesh Mendiratta | Vice President | 0120-4848888, 0120-4848854, 9818120965 | Rajesh.M@Lagshyagroup.Com | Branch Office-A-36, 2Nd Floor, Sector-4, Noida-201301 | |
28 | M/S Prabhatam Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Rajeev Sahni | Director | 011-43603300 | Info@Prabhatamgroup.Com | Rashtriya tower, 38 Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi-110055 | |
29 | M/S Inter Publicity Pvt. Ltd. | R. K. Dhameja | Regional Director | 022-40541000, 022-40541111, 9958169950 | Reg. Office-1 Floor, Ballard House, Adi Marzban Path, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400001 | ||
30 | Kusum Babbar | 011-47376666, 9810920173 | Interpubdelhi@Gmail.Com | Branch Office - 8-D, Atmaram House, tolstoy Marg, New Delhi - 110001 | |||
31 | L. S. Bisht | Interpub25@Yahoo.Com | |||||
32 | M/S Mukta Arts Limited | Ashish Gharde | Coo | 022-33649400, 022-33649441, 9821731113 | Contact@Muktaarts.Com | Mukta House, Behind Whistling Woods Institute, Filmcity Complex, Goregaon (East), Mumbai- 400065 | |
33 | M/S tlg India Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Samir Gangahar | President-North | 0124-4884400, 022-66634444, 9811318953 , 9717199911 | Gangahar@Leoburnett.Co.In | Reg. Office Big Apple, 36 Dr. Shridokar Road, Mumbai-400012 | |
34 | Prince Khaneja | Khaneja@Leoburnett.Co.In | Plot No: 315, Udyog Vihar Phase-Iv, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122015 | ||||
35 | M/S Sunjeet Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Reshma Panjwani | 022-40792222, 022-40792209, 9820292815 | Reshma@Sunjeetcommunications.Com | 155, Cictoria Bakery Building, Modi Street, Off. Agaiary Lane, Fort, Mumbai-400 001 | ||
36 | Sunil Chabria | 9967495511 | Director@Sunjeetcommunications.Com, Sunjeetcommunications@Gmail.Com | ||||
37 | Jeetu Chhabria | Jeetu@Sunjeetcommunications.Com | |||||
38 | M/S Bubna Advertising | Mr. Rajesh Sood | Executive Vice President | 011-43664000, 09711555069, 9212100960 | Rajesh.Sood@Bubnaadvertising.Com, Ratnesh@Bubnaadvertising.Com, Bubnadelhi@Gmail.Com | 011-23257983 | 4272/3, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 |
39 | M/S Endemol India Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Abhishek Rege | Ceo | 09820222873, 022-42164000, 022-42164017 | Lalit.Sharma@Endemolshine.Co.In | 022-42164099 | 16th Floor, Grandeur, Veera Desai R5Oad Extn., Andheri (W) Mumbai-400053 |
40 | M/S Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd. | Mr. Siddharth Dhar | Gm Business | 9911515183, 011-41612917 | Siddharth.Dhar@Shemaroo.Com | 221, 1St Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-Iii, Modi Mill Complex, New Delhi-110020 | |
41 | M/S Stark Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Sunil Raj | Agm- Finance | 9846312323, 9946712444, . 0471-4082707 | Stark@Stark.In, Sunil.Raj@Stark.In, Vinesh.Kumar@Stark.In | 0471-4082708 | E2, 9/566, Jawahar Nagar, Kowdiar, thiruvananthapuram, 695003, |
42 | M/S Vermillion Communications Pvt.Ltd | Ms. Meenu Sehrawat | Vice President | 011-46582200, 9811547313, 8860912619 | Meenu.S@Vermillion.Net.In, Info@Vermmillion.Net.In | 011-46582201 | 10, Rangpuri, Mahipalpur, Near Radison Hotel, Nh-8, New Delhi-110037 |
43 | M/S Sanket Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Prakash Sahu | Director | 011-40577100 | Sanket_Delhi@Yahoo.Com | 011-40577120 | E-1/13, 3Rd Floor, Main Road, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110017 |
Category-B | |||||||
44 | M/S India News Communications Limited | Mr. Navin Kumar | Business Manager | 8287993319, 0120-2484101, 0120-2484105, 9811041529 | Info@Inclgroup.Com | 0120-2484107 | B-121, Sector-71, Noida 201303, Uttar Pradesh |
45 | M/S Alaknanda Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | t. Sriram Gopal | Director | 011-26383727, 011-26383728, 011-26386831 | Aalcs4@Alaknandaindia.Com | 011-26383729 | 69, Dsidc Shed, Scheme-1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-Ii, New Delhi |
46 | M/S Square Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Neena Kapoor | Director | 011-45274527 | Square@Squaregroup.Info | 7 Square House, Krishna Nagar, Opp: 84/148-B, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029 | |
47 | M/S Airads Limited | Amitabh Gupta | Managing Director | 9810077046, 011-42141297 | Airads2013@Gmail.Com, Airadsltd@Yahoo.Com | 433, Functional Industrial Estate, Patparganj, New Delhi-110092 | |
48 | M/S Paramin Advertising And Marketing Associates | C. S. Parameshwar | Director | 022-22671696, 022-22612575, 09821115889 | Csparam@Gmail.Com | 4-A, Botawala Chabers, 1St Floor, Sir Pm Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | |
49 | M/S Astral Advertising &Amp; Marketing India Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Vivek Singh | Asstt. Vice President | 0253-2317076, 09325755108, 011-43646673, 7888040800, 9811900917 | Vivek.Singh@Astraladvertising.Com, Anand.Upasani@Astraladvertising.Com, Astraladvertising@Gmail.Com | Reg. Office-303, 3Rd Floor, Amar Arcade, Holaram Colony, Sharanpur Road, Nashik-422002, 916-A, 9th Floor, Naurang House, 21-K. G. Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi |
50 | M/S Beehive Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Amit J. tripathi | Vice President | 022-43152000 | 022-43152020 | Viva Centre, 126 Mathuradas Mills Compound, N.M. Joshi Marg, Off Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai-400 013 | |
51 | M/S Invicta Media Private Limited | Meenu Gupta | Managing Director | 011-42434407, 011-42434409, 9811155949 | Invictamediadelhi@Gmail.Com | 011-45041311 | 4/5, First Floor, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 |
52 | M/S Promodome Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Vikram N. Shahdeo, | 9310010105, 011-45396666 | 011-45396677 | 29/2, Ground Floor, Savitri Nagar, Sheikh Sarai Phase-1 New Delhi-110017 | ||
53 | M/S Adsyndicate Services Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Rahul Kumar | Vice President-N | 0820-2714400 | Info@Adsyndicate.In | 3Rd Floor, Sairam Central Mall, Syndicate Circle, Manipal-576104 | |
54 | M/S Pamm Advertising &Amp; Marketing | Mrs. Sarika Chaturvedi | Accounts Head | 9350811197, 011-25759394, 011-25739495, 011-257119596, 011-25769188 | Pammdelhi@Gmail.Com | 302-304, Sethi Bhavan, 7 Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 | |
55 | M/S Lalit Advertising | Mr. Mekash Jain | Proprietor | 011-25556133, 011-25623460,011-45567600, 9811029054, 9999067040 | Lalitads@Gmail.Com, Delhi@Lalitads.Com | Ashoka tower, C Block, 10, Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi | |
56 | M/S Contract Advertising (India) Pvt. Ltd. | Suresh Pasricha | Vice President | 0124-4980300, 9910056211, 8130066515 | Suresh.Pasricha@Contractindia.Co.In | 0124-4980380 | Chimes 61, 3Rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122003 |
57 | Shivaji Dasgupta | 9650603348 | Shivaji.Dasgupta@Contractindia.Co.In | ||||
58 | M/S Akar Advertising &Amp; Marketing Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Mala Makhija | Director | 9845212215, 080-22200001, 011-43700100 | Akar04@Gmail.Com | A-269, 3Rd Floor, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024 | |
59 | Mr. Bipin Khurana | Branch Head, Delhi | 9811470033 | ||||
60 | M/S Grey Workd Wide (India) Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Rahul Pahwa | Vice President | 8375872882 | Rahul.Pahwa@Grey.Com | 6th Floor, tower-B, Dlf Cyber Park, 405-B, Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, Phase-Iii, Gurgaon - 122016 | |
Category-C | |||||||
61 | M/S Centum Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | 011-25744044, 011-41539011, 011-41539012,011-41539033 | Centumad@Gmail.Com , Centumad@Gmail.Com | 011-25743047 | 407-408, Padma tower-22, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110025 | ||
62 | M/S Interads Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | 011-23272324, 011-23272325, 011-23260062, 011-23275287, 9999208246 | Interadsadvert@Gmail.Com , Interadsindia@Gmail.Com , Interads.Advert@Gmail.Com | 011-23279429, 011-23281015, 011-23254433 | 4/24A, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-110002 | ||
63 | M/S Adknack Advertising | Mr. Y.K. Batta | 9810577194, 011-23557742, 011-23521353, | Adknackcreative@Gmail.Com | 011-23528289 | Bhanot Chambers, 3Rd Floor, 3 Lscm, Arambagh, New Delhi-110055 | |
64 | M/S Garuda Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | 011-26251001, 011-26251002, 011-26251003 | Garudaadvertising@Yahoo.Co.In | 011-26251006 | D-25/C1, South Extn.Part-Ii, New Delhi-110049 | ||
65 | M/S Associated Advertsing Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Ajay Kumar Gupta | Branch Manager | 9650732975, 011-26415414 | Delhi@Associated.Co.In, Associateddelhi@Gmail.Com | 011-26415414 | 501, Raja House, 30-31, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 |
66 | M/S Sharad Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | 011-45874250, 011-22155487 | Info@Sharadadvertising.Com | 011-22161736 | 184, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092, 315 Pratap Bhavan, 5 Bsz Marg, New Delhi-110002 |
67 | M/S Prime time Communications | Mr. Sudeep Bhatia | 011-25831474, 011-25831476, 011-45554777 | Sudeep@Primetime.In | 011-25832128 | A-4, (Commercial) 2Nd Floor, Inderpuri, New Delhi-110012 | |
68 | M/S Adman Advertising | 011-27434910, 011-27136974, 011-27455497 | 011-27410447 | 201-202, Mohan Complex, H-Block Lsc, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I New Delhi-110052 | |||
69 | M/S Quantum Communication | 011-2602 8798, 011-26037158 | Adman.Ads@Gmail.Com, Ceo@Quantumdelhi.Com | 011-2603 7158 | 201/H-1, Vikramaditya Marg, Alaknanda Shopping Complex, New Delhi 110019 | ||
70 | M/S Ideas Incorporated Private Limited | Sunaina Kohli | Chief Operating Officer | 9958227950, 011-26472842, 011-26472862, 011-26484355 | Ideasinc2007@Gmail.Com | 011-26482999 | 119-120, Ansal tower, 38 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 |
71 | M/S Lehar Advertising | Sohan Lal Chawla | Managing Director | 011-49573333 | Lehar.Advertising@Gmail.Com | 011-26028101 | D-9 &Amp; 10, 1St Filor, Pushpa Bhawan, Alaknanda Commercial Complex, New Delhi-110019 |
72 | M/S Kaka Advertising Agency | Mr. Ankur Mangal | 011-23357583, 011-23357582, 9312300102 | Delkaka@Gmail.Com, Delhi@Kakaadvertising.Com | 909-910, Naurang House, 21, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Opposite Hindustan times Building New | ||
73 | M/S National Advertising Agency | Mr. Adil Jamal | Ceo | 9810411150, 011-43123500, 011-43123555, 011-26419764 | Naaindia@Gmail.Com, Naamediadel@Gmail.Com, | 212, 412, 520, Sanchi Building, 77, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 | |
74 | Mr. Aditya Bera | Account Director | 9818305977 | ||||
75 | Mr. Sankar Das | Sr. Account Executive | 9999322305 | ||||
76 | M/S Vivid-India Advertising &Amp; Marketing | Kamal Kishore | Proprietor | 011-25729192, 011-43277555, | Vividindia.Rajiv@Gmail.Com | 011-25757562 | 401 &Amp; 411, Deepshikha, 8 Rajendra Place, New Delhi - 110008 |
77 | Rajiv Bysack | Marketing Head | 9868159262, 8383056965 | ||||
78 | M/S Dot Communications | Nagender tiwari | Proprietor | 011-25713597 | Dotcommunication01@Gmail.Com | 011-25713598 | 209-210, 2Nd Floor, Gagan Deep Building, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 |
79 | S. P. Pandey | Vice President | 011-25713599 | ||||
80 | Ajay Kukreja | Vice President | 011-45095153 | ||||
81 | M/S Enthrall Communications Pvt. Ltd. | 011-43554872, 011-23752782, 9718578080 | Enthralldelhi@Gmail.Com | 011-43554871 | Arun Dwivedi (Branch Head - Delhi), Deepak Sagar (Manager - Client Service) Navrang House, Flat No. 502, 5th Floor, # 21, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi- 110001 | ||
82 | M/S Degree360 Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | 011-4150879192, 9833166605 | 360Solution@Gmail.Com, Info@Degree360Solutions.Com | 011-41508793 | 114, 1St Floor, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi | ||
83 | M/S Shraddha Suman Creative Arts | Bijay Ketan Barick | Proprietor | 011-26532789, 011-26533156, 9810140891 | Ssca_Delhi@Yahoo.Com, Bijay@Sscaindia.Com | 011-26533155 | 34, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi-110016. |
84 | M/S Keylight | Krishnan Lyer, Rajeshwar Lyer | Partner | 022-26369886, 9029280663 | Keylight.tv@Gmail.Com, Info@Keylightindia.Com | Remi Commercio, Office No. 04, Shah Industrial Estate, Opp. Chitrakut Gound, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, 400053 | |
85 | M/S Diksha Advertising &Amp; Printing Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Puneet Ohri | Director | 0522-2207067, 9935306067 | Diksha.Adv@Gmail.Com, Diksha.Adv@Dikshaadvertising.Com | A-2, Anuj Apartment, 93 L Dalibagh, Lucknow- 226 001 | |
86 | M/S Expression 360 Services India Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Mohit Gupta | Director | 011-43600669, 011-23724429 | Expression.Delhi@Gmail.Com, Expression.Kol@Gmail.Com | Reg. Office-10/2, Syed Salil Lane, Kolkata- 700073, Corporate Office - 314, Pratap Bhawan, 3Rd Floor, 5, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002 |
87 | Raj Singh | 9953558299 | Raj.Expression@Gmail.Com | ||||
88 | M/S Genesis Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | Arnab Kr De | 033-22875744, 033-22806478, 9830254682 | Accounts@Genesisad.Com, Arnab@Genesisad.Com | 033-22876052 | 2A, Dwarka, 7 Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020 | |
89 | M/S Signet Media Service Pvt. Ltd. | Mrs. Moumita Das | Managing Director | 9911158526 | Signetdelhi13@Gmail.Com, Signetkol09@Gmail.Com | Merlin Warden Lakeview, 104, Bidhan Nagar Road, 1St Floor, Block-1, Unit No.-F&Amp;G, Kolkata-700067, 401, Dohil Chamber, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 |
90 | M/S Apex Aim Private Limited | Mr. Vikas Bhambri | Director | 011-40666124, 011-40666125 | 52 B, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-Iii, New Delhi-110020 | ||
91 | M/S Isha Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | Dr. Sudhanshu tooteja | Executive Director | 011-26292158, 011-26292159, 011-26214573 | Ishaadvertising@Gmail.Com | C-301, Iind Floor, Govinda Apartment, 1-A, Shahnazaj Road, Lucknow-226 001, E-180 A (Basement), East Of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065 |
92 | M/S Tiger Advertising | Mr. Mihir Shah | Partner | 0265-2353300 | Tigers@Tigermail.In | 0265-2309494 | 308, Earth, The Landmark, Sunpharma Road, Vadodara- 390 012 |
93 | M/S Chanakya Advertisers | Mr. C. B. Tripathi | Proprietor | 0522-4026780, 9839094739, 09718308497 |
Chanakya9@Gmail.Com | Head Office-3Rd Floor, I. R. Building, 20, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 226001, Branch Office-Bungalow Plot No. 2, 3Rd Floor, Above Hdfc Bank, Main Road Patparganj, New Delhi 110092 |
94 | M/S Falcon Business Resources Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Aditya Joshi | Coo | 9810225436 | Enquiry@Clay.Co.In | D-158 B, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110 020 | |
95 | M/S Vision Force | Sanjay Shrivastava | 0755-4280578, 0755-4280579, 9826057656 | Info@Visionforce.Co.In, Sanjay.Pragat@Visionforce.Co.In | 254, Mp Nagar, Zone-Ii, Bhopal-462 011 | ||
96 | M/S Golden Rabbit Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Prashant Todi | Director | 09810950171 | Khasra No. 401-402, 2Nd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 116, Ghitorni, M. G. Road, New Delhi 110030 | ||
97 | Rashpal Raana | 9810005005 | Rana@Goldenrabbitindia.Com | ||||
98 | M/S Seventy Seven Entertainment Pvt. Ltd | Sagar Anand | 9582220986, 011-49092581 | Mailbox@7Ty7.Com | Head Office: 4E/4F Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400 053, Delhi Office-Plot No-40, 1St Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase Iii, New Delhi - 110020 |
99 | M/S Creativeland Asia Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Neel Ashtikar | 0124-4232808, 9820900395 | Neel.Ashtikar@Creativelandasia.Com | Suit No. 1&Amp;35, 3Rd Floor, Vatika Business Centre, Vatika Atrium Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurgaon, -122 002 (Haryana), Reg. Office Fof-B-10A, 4Th Floor, Art Guild House, Phoneix Market City, Lbs Marg, Kurla (West), |
100 | M/S Deepak Advertising Agency | Mr. Deepak Jetha | Proprietor | 0731-4217900, 0731-4973643 | Deepakadvertising@Yahoo.Com | 407, B-Block, Corporate House, R.N.T. Marg, Indore-452001, Madhya Pradesh | |
101 | M/S Brand Serve | Mr. Satish Sehgal | Partner | 011-26282585, 011-41621396, 011-26211653 | 245-A &Amp; B(Lgf), Sant Nagar, Iskcon Temple Road (Near East Of Kailash), New Delhi-110065 | ||
102 | M/S Ventures Advertising Pvt Ltd. | Mr. Arshad Ali | Vice President - North Region | 022-61226000, 022-61226028, 022-612226009, 7678217526 | Arshad@Vapl.Net, Ventures1@Gmail.Com, Ventures@Vapl.Net | 142-A, Ventures House, Marol Co.-Op. Ind. Estate, Andheri (E), Mumbai 59 | |
103 | Vitesh Shah | 9930144490 | Vitesh.Shah@Vapl.Net | ||||
104 | Chetan Shah | 9821116006 | Chetan@Vapl.Net | ||||
105 | M/S Sreshta Communication | Mr. H. Sudesh - Partner | 011-43724399, 9958626522 | Delhi@Sreshta.Us, Delhisreshta@Gmail.Com, Sreshtanr@Gmail.Com | No. 514, 5Th Floor, Naurang House, K.G.Marg, New Delhi-110001 | ||
106 | M/S Indo Aryan Publicity | Ms. Krishna Sinharay | Proprietor | 011-25730356, 011-45634767 | Indoaryandel@Gmail.Com | 13G/1, Everest Building, 46, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata-700 071 505, Padma Tower Ii, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 | |
107 | M/S Infinity Advertising Services Pvt.Ltd | Mr. Rajesh Doonga | 9810544510, 8860641878, 011-3088874700, 011-3088874701, 9899246401, 9643228477, 9643321531 |
Rajesh.Doonga@Infinityadvt.Com | Fbd One Corporate Park 10Th Floor Delhi- Faridabad Border, Nh-44, Faridabad-121003 | ||
108 | M/S Moving Pixels Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Manoj Joshi | 9821361692, 079-40059059 | Info@Movingpixels.In | 079-40059058 | M Square, 1St Floor, C-Block, Millennium Plaza, Near, Mansi Cross Roads, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad-380015 | |
109 | M/S Perfect 10 Advertising | Mr. Rajeev Nayyar | 9810085544, 011-49801200, 011-26672273, 9810085541 | Perfect10.Del@Gmail.Com | 90/28A, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 | ||
110 | M/S Critique Communication Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Narinder Sharma | Md | 09910533030, 011-66325555, 011-23717804 | Critique.Delhi@Gmail.Com | 602&Amp;605, 6Th Floor, Ajash Deep Building, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001 | |
111 | M/S S.K. Advertising &Amp; Co. Pvt Ltd. | Mr. Damodar Prasad Sharma | 8010376711, 011-26463795, 9810991290 | Rajesh@Skadvertising.In | 9018, 9Th Floor, Devika Tower, 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 | ||
112 | M/S Pehachan Advertising &Amp; Marketing Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Harish Gupta | Director | 9899694545, 011-23266222, 011-23266444, 7838754442 | Info@Pehachan.In | 307-08, Lind Floor, 51, Emca Chambers, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002 | |
113 | M/S Sagacious Advertising &Amp; Marketing | Mr. Kk Singh | Ceo | 9810020854 | Info@Sagacious.Co.In | A-112, Second Floor, Lajpat Nagar-1, New Delhi- 24Tele: 011-29816241, 42 | |
114 | M/S Tcp Advertising Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Shubham Tiwari | Executive | 8563986399, 03322127244, 011-22126425 | Tcpadvertising@Gmail.Com, Shubhamtiwari.St.3@Gmail.Com | Central Plaza, 41, B.B. Ganguly Street, Kokata-70012 | |
115 | M/S Mode Advertising &Amp; Marketing Pvt. Ltd | Madhur Dhawan | Ceo | 011-29819781, 011-29813252, 9810104736 | Modeadvtdelhi@Gmail.Com, Info@Modeindia.Com, Madhur@Modeindia.Com | C-40 &Amp; 44, Lajpat Nagar-Ii, New Delhi-110024 | |
116 | M/S Aduex Display Service | Mr. Raibat Basu | Director | 9811150424 | Raibatbasu@Aduexdisplay.Com | 3/1/15, Site 4, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad - 201010 | |
117 | Mr. Sachin Basu | Director | 8800294031 | Sachinbasu@Aduexdisplay.Com | |||
118 | M/S Interspace Communications Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Vikkas Nowal | Ceo &Amp; Co-Founder | 9820120691 | Vikkas.Nowal@Interspaceindia.Co.In | 1St Floor, 156, D. J. Dadajee Road, Behind Everest Building, Tardeo, Mumbai Central (W), Mumbai-400034, Tele: 022-61130111 | |
119 | Mr. Devan Sharma | Head Unconventional Businesses | 9867003300 | Devan.Sharma@Interspaceindia.Co.In | |||
120 | M/S Famous Innovations Digital Creative Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Madhav Kamble | Kamal@Famous-India.In, Aarti@Famous-India.In, Avinash@Famous-India.In | 61, Rose Cottage Complex, Dr. S.S. Rao Road, Parel Mumbai - 400012 | |||
121 | M/S Vatsana Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | M/S Vinay Kumar Singhal | Director | 0731-4206247, 9811139798 | 911, Shekhar Central, Palasia Square, Indore - 452001 | ||
122 | M/S Sunflower Marketing And Advertising | Mr. Mandar Rane | Media Manager | 9819019216, 022-42643510 | Infor@Sunflowerindia.Net | 606, Reliable Business Center, Next To Heera Panna Mall Oshiwara, Andheri (W) Mumbai-400102, | |
123 | Mr. Arun Tyagi | 9821887515 | |||||
124 | M/S Sophia Advertisifng | Mr. H. R. Rana | Director | 9837050333, 0132-2711834 | Sophiaadvrtising1998@Gmail.Com | Ground Floor, No 16. Dsidc, Mata Sundri Road, New Delhi-110002 | |
125 | Ms. Bhavna Kulshreshtha | Chief Manager, Mktg. &Amp; Operations | 9540290333 | ||||
126 | M/S Sj Studio And Entertainment Ltd. | Mr. Rizwan Shaikh | 9967003986, 022-28562772 | Info@Sjstudios.Co.In | Sj Studio Compound, Kherani Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400072 | ||
127 | M/S Apex Advertising | Mr. Arshad Ali, | President North | 9811750114, 7678217526 | Delhi@Apexadvtg.Com | C197, Evergreen Apartment, Shaheen Bagh, Okhla, New Delhi-110025 | |
128 | M/S Qed Productions Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Manav Prakash | Director | 9810048680, 0124-4370611 | Natraj@Qedcommunications.Com | 308, 3Rd Floor, Vipul Business Park, Sector-48, Sohna Road, Gurgaon - 122001 | |
129 | M/S Ionz Digital Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Amit Tripathi | Managing Director | 022-61578888 | Info@Ideate.Email | Level 5, Reliable Business Center, Oshiwara, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400102 | |
130 | M/S Beautex Advertising Media | Mr. Neeraj Jain | Director | 011-47761147, 011-47761152 | Beautex.Delhi@Gmail.Com | Vardan, 17-A, 2Nd Floor, 38-39, W.E.A. Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005 | |
131 | M/S Awedience Connect | Mr. Kunal Kumar | Vice President | 9899133782 | Kunal.Kumar@Awedienceconnect.Com | Office Number 204, Rs Tower, Plot Number 1267, New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi 110096 | |
132 | Ms Cash Ur Drive Marketing Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Raghu Khanna | 9971794524, 9988734524 | Info@Cashurdrive.Com | 3010, Sector 280, Chandigarh-160028 | ||
133 | M/S Fusion Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | Ms. Charu Khanna | Creative Director | 9810503478, 0124-4934780, 0124-4934782, 0124-4934785 | |||
134 | Mr. Neeraj Agarwal | Accounts &Amp; Finance Head | 7838474015 | Accounts@Fusioncorp.In | 707, 7Th Floor, Vatika City Point, Sector 25, Mg Road, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002 | ||
135 | M/S Acuzio India Pvt. Ltd | Mr. Gunjit Arora | Director | 9818701786 | Info@Acuzio.In | Unit No. 108, Aggarwal City Plaza, 17 District Center, Manglam Place, Sec-3, Rohini, New Delhi - 110085 | |
136 | M/S Auburn Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Harsh Kedia | Director | 9971103999, 7508197767, 022-25086280 | Harsh@Auburnsolutions.Com | Excel Plaza, B Wing 1001-1002, 10Th Floor, 90 Feet Road, Behind Durga Parmeshwari Temple, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai - 400075 | |
137 | M/S Angle Advertising | Mr. Navnath Maral | 8999211998, 8452006361, 02024535305, 022 24713882 | Br.Hdpune@Angleadvt.Com, Print@Angleadvt.Com | 201 Alliance Prima, Rajendra Nagar, Near Senadatta Police Chowki, Pune - 411030 |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Contact |
1 | Sh. Yogesh Kumar, HCS | Director | 0172-2740056 |
2 | Ms. Nidhi Bhatia | Public Relations Officer | 0172-2740025 |
3 | Sh. Ramesh Chand | Section Officer | 0172-2740539 |
4 | Ms. Aastha Kaushik | Asstt. Public Relations Officer-I | 0172-2740946 |
5 | Asstt. Public Relations Officer-II | 0172-2740946 |
S.No. | Name | Contact | Address |
1 | Sh. Ramesh Chand | 0172-2740539 | 319, Sec 22A Chandigarh |
2 | Sh. Dinesh Singh | 0172-2740056 | 323,Harmilap Nagar, Phase - I, Chandigarh. |
Ground Floor, Delux Building
Sector-9, Chandigarh
Fax: 0172-2748354