S. No | Name | Designation | Contact | |
1 | Ms. R Alice Vaz | Secretary (I&P) | 011-23810275 | secretary.dip@delhi.gov.in |
2 | Sh. R.N. Sharma | Director(I&P) | 011-23814616 | dirip@nic.in, directordip2014@gmail.com |
3 | Sh. Abhijeet Kumar Rai | Press Secretary to Lt. Governor | 011-23940175 | press-secytolg@delhi.gov.in |
4 | Sh. Kaanchan Azad | Dy. Director | 9810506020 | kaanchanazad.dip@gov.in |
5 | Sh. Sanjay Kumar Ambasta | Dy. Director/Admn. Officer/H.O.O | 9350132147 | admnbranchdip@gmail.com |
6 | Sh. Harish Kumar Sharma | Section Officer | 011-23810280, 9868484108 | harishk.sharma@gov.in, admnbranchdip@gmail.com |
7 | Sh. Bhupinder Singh | Section Officer | 011-23810280, 011-23812601 | bhupinder.singhnt@delhi.gov.in, dipadvtgnctd@gmail.com |
8 | Sh. Krishna Kumar P. V | Sr. Accounts Officer | 011-23819046 | krishnakumar.pv12@gov.in, dipaccts25@gmail.com |
9 | Sh. Vinod Kumar Gupta | Information Officer | 9811457212 | guptavk211@gmail.com |
10 | Sh. Chandan Kumar | Information Officer | 9910271973 | chandankumar.dip@gov.in |
11 | Sh. Manish Kumar | Field Publicity Officer | 9911018189 | manishkumar.dip@gov.in |
12 | Smt. Urmila Bainiwal | Information Officer | 011-23817926, 9013470284 | urmilabeniwal.dip@gov.in, pressdip01@gmail.com |
13 | Sh. Govind Ram Kundalia | Astt. Information Officer | 9718287973 | govind.dip@gov.in |
14 | Sh. Ajay Kumar | Photographer | 9818983258 | ajaykumar.dip@gov.in |
15 | Sh. Gaurav Sharma | Cashier | 011-2381904 | dipaccts25@gmail.com |
Sr.No. | Office/Unit's Name | Name & Designation | Phone No. |
1 | Directorate of Information & Publicity | Smt. R. Alice Vaz, IAS, Secretary (PR) | 011-23814616 |
2 | Directorate of Information & Publicity | Sh. R. N. Sharma, IAS, Director (I&P)/HOD | 011-23814616 |
3 | Administration Unit/ Establishment Unit | Sh. Sanjay Kumar Ambasta, dy. Director, Administrative Officer/H.O.O |
9350132147 |
4 | Accounts Section | Sh. Krishna Kumar P.V.,Sr. Account Officer | 011-23819046 |
5 | Advertising Unit/Field Publicity Unit | Sh. Bhupinder Singh, Section Officer | 011-23812601 |
6 | Press Unit | Smt. Urmila Bainiwal, I.O. | 011-23817926 |
7 | Photo Unit | Smt. Urmila Bainiwal, I.O. | 011-23817926 |
8 | Publication Unit | Smt. Urmila Bainiwal, I.O. | 011-23817926 |
9 | Hospitality Unit | Smt. Urmila Bainiwal, I.O. | 011-23817926 |
Directorate of Information & Publicity,
Block No IX, Old Sectt., Delhi-110054