Delhi Education Department Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 79690 79701 (For Helpline Support)

Important Links

Telephone Directory

S.No Name Designation Office Email
1 Sh. Himanshu Gupta Director (Edn.) 011-23890172,363
Fax: 011-23890355
2 Ms. Patil Pranjal Lahensingh Additional Director 011-23819935 Osestate@Gmail.Com
3 Sh. Shingare Ramchandra Mahadev Spd 011-23810361
Fax: 011-23811442
4 Smt. Rita Sharma Director (Scert) 011-24332426 Dir12Scert@Gmail.Com
5 Sh. Shingare Ramchandra Mahadev Addl. Director
6 Smt. Rita Sharma Addl.De 011-23890441, 011-27523132 Addl.De.School@Gmail.Com
7 Smt. Jareen Taj Addl. De
8 Sh. Udhava Singh Kurmi Addl. De
9 Sh. K. Murugan Additional Director 011-23814151
Fax: 011-23814151
10 Sh. Krapa Shankar Upadhyay Rde (East) (Cdc) 011-22522458 Rdeeast2016@Gmail.Com
11 Smt. Harsh Arya Rde (West) Distt.- West-A And West-B 011-65654437 Rdewest@Gmail.Com
12 Sh. Vikas Kalia Rde (North), Dde 011-23890172 Doedelhi@Gmail.Com
13 Smt. Jareen Taj Rde (South) 011-26144508 Rdsouth2016@Gmail.Com
14 Sh. Vikas Kalia Rde (Central) 011-26144508, 011-26141610 Rdirectorcentral@Gmail.Com
15 Sh. C.K. Dutta Jt.Director (Plg.) 011-23811521 Planing.Branch@Yahoo.Com
16 Dr. Nahar Singh Jt.Director (Scert) 011-24336818, 011-24331355 Jdscertdelhi@Gmail.Com
17 Sh. Raj Kumar Joshi System Analyst
18 Sh. V.K. Rao Controller Of Accounts 011-23890019 Coaedu213@Gmail.Com
19 Sh. Rohtash Kumar Sharma Deputy Controller Of Accounts (Hq.) 011-23890015 Educationdca@Gmail.Com
20 Sh. Yogesh Pal Singh Dde(Sports / E-V) 011-27244087 Ddesportsdelhi@Gmail.Com
21 Smt. Razia Begum, Sh. Rood Mal Meena Dde (Nios Project / Patrachar) 011-23817536, 011-23814522 Patracharvidyalaya@Gmail.Com
22 Sh. Sudhakar Bhimrao Gaikwad Dde 011-26280410, 011-26280412 Sciencebranch@Gmail.Com
23 Sh. Sanjay Subhas Kumar Dde 011-23890270, 011-23890010 Osdexamdoe@Gmail.Com
24 Sh. Tej Prakash Dde (R & I) 011-23890399 Rtibranch220@Gmail.Com
25 Smt. Renu, Smt. Sunita Shokeen Dde (Inspection), Addl. Dde (Inspection) 011-23890027 Inspcell14@Gmail.Com
26 Smt. Kanchan Jain Dde (Nursery / Primary) 011-23890122 Edu.Primarybranch@Gmail.Com
27 Smt. Bimla Kumari Dde (Vocational) 011-22156826 Ddevoc5000006@Gmail.Com
28 Smt. Bimla Kumari, Sh. Davendra Mohan Dde (Psb), Dde (Psb) 011-23890008 Ddeact1@Gmail.Com
29 Sh. Tej Prakash Dde (Pgms / Hq)(Cdc) 011-23890039 Ddehqddehq@Gmail.Com
30 Sh. Pawan Kumar Dde (Mdm) 011-23890018, 011-23813850 Mdmdelhi@Gmail.Com
31 Dr. Mohammad Javed Qamar Dde (Rte / Rte / Pio) 011-23890097 Rtedelhi@Gmail.Com
32 Sh. Devesh Kumar Garg Dde (Planing) 011-23811521, 011-23811440
Fax: 011-23973681
33 Sh. Ajay Kumar Mittal Dde 8285913726
34 Sh. Mohinder Pal Dde (Samagra Shiksha) 011-23812072, 011-23810503 Spd_Delhi@Rediffmail.Com
35 Sh. Sudhakar Bhimrao Gaikwad Dde (Soe / Emc)
36 Dr. Neeraj Dde
37 Sh. Jai Prakash Dde (Asb / Psb)
38 Sh. Kailash Chand Dde (Ieb)
39 Smt. Anita Vats Dde (School) 011-23890283 Schoolbranchhq@Gmail.Com
40 Sh. Mohd. Shariq Dde (Dbse)(Cdc)
41 Sh. Saroj Kumar Thakur, Sh. Surya Kant Prasad Dde (Land & Estate) 011-27005201 Osestate@Gmail.Com
42 Smt Geeta Thakur Dde (Litigation / Lw)
43 Sh. Pawan Kumar Dde (E-Iii) 011-23890041 Aoest2@Gmail.Com, Aoest3@Gmail.Com
44 Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Dde (Land & Estate / Ctb) 011-27005201 Osestate@Gmail.Com
45 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Dde (Sectt. / Dbtb)/Head Of Office (Hq) 011-23960381
46 Ms. Sushitha Biju Dde (E-Ii/E-Iii/Sectt. Branch / Drc (E-Ii/E-Iii))
47 Smt. Renu Dde (Welfare / Award) 011-23890160, 011-23890008 Ddewelfare@Gmail.Com
48 Sh. Budheshwar Prasad Kunjan Dde(Sose)
49 Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Dde (Goc / E-I) 011-23890063 Goceducation@Gmail.Com
50 Sh. Dharmender Singh Pundir Dde(E-Iv) 011-23890017 Aoest4@Gmail.Com
51 Sh. Pawan Kumar Dde (Vigilance) 011-23890143 Osvigilance2016@Gmail.Com
52 Sh. Dharmender Singh Pundir Dde (Pfc) 011-23890068 Pfceducation@Gmail.Com
53 Dr. Prem Kumar Tyagi Dde (East) 011-22156822, 011-22156826 Ddeeast@Yahoo.Co.In
54 Ms. Sudha Singh Dde (North East - I) 011-22913223
Fax: 011-22913251
55 Sh. Suresh Chand Meena Dde (North East - Ii) 011-22170672 Ddene2.2019@Gmail.Com
56 Smt. Neelam Yadav Dde (North) 011-23813779
Fax: 011-23817340
57 Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Bhatta Dde (Nw-A) 011-27497986 Ddenorthwesta@Gmail.Com
58 Dr. Mrs. Balesh Kumari Vijayrun Dde(Nw-B - I) 011-27348917 Ddnwb2010@Gmail.Com
59 Dr. Rakesh Rahi Dde(Nw-B - Ii) 011-27348917 Ddnwb2010@Gmail.Com
60 Dr. Neeraj Dde (West-A) 011-25101797, 011-25932423
Fax: 011-25101797
61 Dr. Rajvir Singh Dde (West-B) 011-28544372, 011-28541730
Fax: 011-28541373
62 Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi Dde(Sw-A) 011-26144458
Fax: 011-26145857
63 Smt. Savita Drall Dde(Sw-B - I) 011-25324422
Fax: 011-25325140
64 Sh. Anil Kumar Dde(Sw-B - Ii) 011-25320363 Ddeswz@Gmail.Com
65 Dr. Ashok Kumar Tyagi Dde (South) 011-26182915, 011-26182914 Dde.Districtsouth@Gmail.Com
66 Dr. Pramod Chandra Katiyar Dde (C/Nd) 011-23615308, 011-23514063
Fax: 011-23514065
67 Sh. Ashok Kumar Dde(South East) 011-24330215 Dde.Districtsoutheast@Gmail.Com
68 Sh. Ravi Kumar Ade (Sports) 011-27005203 Pradeeptayals@Gmail.Com
69 Sh. Prabhjot Singh Ade (Dbtb) 011-23617043, 011-23522650 Delhibureauoftextbooks@Gmail.Com
70 Sh. Madan Lal Ade (Authentication)
71 Smt. Pushpa Ratnam / Smt. Nirmala Rani Ade (Pe & Ni) (Cdc)
72 Smt. Sunita Dua Osd (Dbtb)
73 Sh. Bijesh Kumar Sharma Osd (School) 011-23890122 Schbranch@Hotmail.Com
74 Sh. Bhagwati Swarup Aggarwal Dde Zone - 01 (East) 011-22145664 Eozone@Gmail.Com
75 Dde Zone - 02 (East) 011-22460579 Ddezone02@Gmail.Com
76 Dr. Davindera Dde Zone - 03 (East) 011-22451250 Ddezone03@Gmail.Com
77 Sh. Bijesh Kumar Sharma Dde Zone - 04 (N-E)(Cdc) 011-22910917 Ddezone04@Gmail.Com
78 Ms. Harpreet Kaur Dde Zone - 05 (N-E)(Cdc) 011-22323668 Ezone05@Gmail.Com
79 Dr. Rajpal Singh Dde Zone - 06 (N-E)(Cdc) 011-22129364 Kaushikmlz.6@Gmail.Com
80 Smt. Kanchan Jain Dde Zone - 07 (North) 011-23813827 Ezone7@Gmail.Com
81 Smt. Ritu Puri Dde Zone - 08 (North)(Cdc) 011-23692809 Mksdeo1961@Gmail.Com
82 Dr. Ranjeet Singh Dde Zone - 09 (N.W - A) 011-27487987 Zone_Ix@Yahoo.In
83 Sh. Vinod Kumar Sharma Dde Zone - 10 (N.W - A)(Cdc) 011-27487988 Ezone102012@Gmail.Com
84 Sh. Anil Kumar Sharma Dde Zone - 11 (N.W. - B-1) 011-27348918 Zonezonexi@Gmail.Com
85 Sh. Ved Prakash Singh Dde Zone - 12 (N.W. - B) 011-27921878 Eozonexiinwb@Gmail.Com
86 Smt. Raj Kumari Dde Zone - 13 (N.W. - B - Ii) 011-27561646 Zonezonexiii@Gmail.Com
87 Smt. Sarita Sharma Dde Zone - 14 (West - A) 011-25912495 Eozone14@Gmail.Com
88 Sh. Sanjay Chawla Dde Zone - 15 (West - A)(Cdc) 011-25441035 Eozone15@Gmail.Com
89 Dr. Vir Singh Dde Zone - 16 (West - A) 011-25101787 Eo.Deozone16@Gmail.Com
90 Sh. Hari Ram Sharma Dde Zone - 17 (West - B)(Cdc) 011-28544431 Eozone17@Gmail.Com
91 Sh. Hans Raj Meena Dde Zone - 18 (West - B) 011-28546090 Eo.Zone18@Gmail.Com
92 Sh. Rajbir Singh Yadav Dde Zone - 19 (S.W. - A) 011-26152287 Zone19Swa@Gmail.Com
93 Smt. Seema Roy Chowdhury Dde Zone - 20 (S.W. - A)(Cdc) 011-26152160 Swzone20@Gmail.Com
94 Sh. Thandi Lal Meena Dde Zone - 21 (S.W. - B) 011-25321252 Zone21Njfswa@Gmail.Com
95 Sh. Anant Ram Meena Dde Zone - 22 (S.W. - B) 011-25324890 Zoneoffice22@Gmail.Com
96 Ms. Anju Chawla Dde Zone - 23 (South)(Cdc) 011-24336378 Southzone23@Gmail.Com
97 Sh. Ganesh Prasad Dde Zone - 24 (South) 011-24336121 Eozone24@Gmail.Com
98 Sh. Shashi Kant Singh Dde Zone - 25 (South East) 011-24336622 Zone25Southeast@Gmail.Com
99 Ms. Ravinder Kaur Dde Zone - 26 (New Delhi)(Cdc) 011-23558698 Eozone26@Yahoo.Com
100 Smt. Rajeshwari Kapri Dde Zone - 27 (Central Delhi) 011-23217157 Eozone27@Gmail.Com
101 Smt. Reeta Gupta Dde Zone - 28 (Central Delhi) 011-23615321 Zone28Centraldistrict@Gmail.Com
102 Dr. Jai Kishan Dde Zone - 29 (South East) 011-24330214 Zone29Southeast@Gmail.Com

Officers Contacts

S.No Designation Officer Office No. Email Address
1 Education Minister Ms. Atishi Marlena
2 Secretary (Education) Sh. Ashok Kumar 011-23890187, 011-23890119
Fax: 011-23890187 Secretary (Education), Education Department,
Old Secretariat, New Delhi-110054
3 Director, Directorate of Education Sh. Himanshu Gupta 011-23890172, 011-23890363
Fax: 011-23890355 Director Education (DoE) ,Room No-12,
Old Secretariat, New Delhi-110054
4 State Project Director (SS) Sh. Shingare Ramchandra Mahadev 011-23811442, 011-23810647
Fax: 011-23810658 Samagra Shiksha, Office of U.E.E. Mission
Lucknow Road, Delhi-110054
5 Director, SCERT Smt. Rita Sharma 011-22522458 Director, State Council of Educational Research and
Training, Varun Marg, Defence Colony, New Delhi -110024
Local Bodies
6 Director, Education Department, East DMC Sh. Ranen Kumar 011-66667587 Director (Education), East Delhi Municipal Corporation,
Plot No. 18-24, Udyog Sadan, Patparganj Industrial
Area, New Delhi-110092
7 Director, Education Department, North DMC Ms. Veditha Reddy 011-23226508 Director (Education), North Delhi Municipal Corporation,
15th Floor, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Civic Centr,
New Delhi-110002
8 Director, Education Department, South DMC Smt. Arti Sharma 011-23227331 Director (Education), South Delhi Municipal Corporation,
23rd Floor, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Civic Centr,
New Delhi-110002
9 Director, Education Department, NDMC 011-23360114 Director (Education), NDMC, Palika Kendra, New Delhi-110001
10 CEO, Delhi Cantonment Board Sh. Pushpender 011-25693837, 011-25695450
Fax: 011-25695038 CEO,Office of Cantonment Board,Sadar Bazar,
Delhi Cantt,New Delhi-110010

Public Information Officers Contacts

S.No Designation Office No. Address
State Public Information Officer
1 Sh. Ram Hans Meena, ADE(RTI) 011-23890301 Room No-138, Anti Corruption
Branch wing, Old Secretariat
2 Smt. P. Lata Tara, ADE (Act-1) 011-23890008 Room No. 228, Old Sectt., Delhi-54
3 Ms. C.P. OSTA, ADE(Act-II) 011-23890027 Room No. I I, Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat, Delhi
State Assistant Public Information Officer
4 Sh. Rishi Kumar, OS 011-23890399 Room No-220, Old Secretariat
5 Sh. Satinder Malik,OS 011-23890399 Room No-220, Old Secretariat
6 Sh. Manoj Kumar,OS 011-23890399 Room No-220, Old Secretariat
7 Sh. V.K. Gaur. DEO (Act-1) 011-23890008 Room No. 228. Old Sectt., Delhi-54
8 Ms. Usha Rani SAINT, DEO(Act-11) 011-23890027 Room No. 11, Directorate of


Education Department, GNCT of Delhi
Old Secretariate, Near Vidhan Sabha, Delhi, 110054

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