Four Seasons Hotels Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 000 800 650 1418 (For India Only)
All India Number(s): 
  • 022-6982 8000 (Customer Support/Reservation Mumbai)
International Numbers: 
+1-800-819-5053 (For Reservation - USA & Canada Only)
+1-682-514-4870 (Worldwide Direct Support)

Important Links

Global Toll Free Telephone Numbers

  • * An AT&T Direct Access number must be dialed before dialing the toll-free number.
  • ** A PTT Direct Access number must be dialed before dialing the toll-free number.
  • ***May not be applicable to all telephone providers and mobile users in Russia.
Country Contact No.
U.S.A +1-800-819-5053
Canada +1-800-819-5053
Argentina +0 800 222-1009
Brazil +0800 891-3581
Mexico +001 888 304-6755
Asia/ Pacific
Australia +1800 142 163
China North +10 800 650 0184
China South +10 800 265 0184
China (Mobile) +400 148 7200
Hong Kong +800 96-8385
India +000 800 650 1418
Japan +0120 024754
Malaysia +1800 806 359
New Zealand +0800 449 286
Singapore +1800 232 5926
Taiwan +00801 65 1564
Europe/ Middle East
Austria +00 800 6488-6488
Bahrain +8000 4115
Belgium +00800 64 88 64 88
Denmark +00 800 6488-6488
Egypt (Cairo)** +2510-0200 Then Dial +800 607-0309
Egypt (Outside Cairo)** +02 2510-0200 Then Dial +800 607-0309
France +00 800 6488-6488
+0800 919 819
Germany +00 800 6488-6488
Ireland +00 800 6488-6488
Italy +800 791490
Morocco +65 6232 5086
The Netherlands +00 800 6488-6488
Northern Ireland +00 800 6488-6488
Norway +00 800 6488-6488
Portugal +00 800 6488-6488
Russia*** +810 800 2120 1049
Spain +00 800 6488-6488
Sweden +00 800 6488-6488
Switzerland +00 800 6488-6488
Saudi Arabia +800 865 6002
South Africa +0 800 981271
United Arab Emirates +8000 65 0561
United Kingdom +00 800 6488-6488
Dial Direct
Worldwide Direct +1-682-514-4870

Mumbai Reservation Office

1/136, Dr. E. Moses Road, 400 018
Worli, Mumbai, India

Head Office

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts,
1165 Leslie Street, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M3C 2K8

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