Gmail Customer Care

There is No customer care number for gmail account recovery

There is few steps we will help you to recognize your account

If you Forgot your password

  • Step 1

    Enter your gmail ID

  • Step 2

    Click on Try another way

  • Step 3

    Gmail will send a verification code to your registered mobile .Gmail will also show you, your last 3 digit of your phone

  • Step 4

    Enter code but if you dont have phone number then click on I don't have my phone.
  • Step 5

    Dont worry if you dont have mobile phone. Now enter your mobile number
  • Step 6

    Gmail will ask you security question .

    Example: Gmail will ask you What is the name of your best friend from childhood? Try to recognize
  • Step 7

    Now Click on Try another way .Gmail will now ask you when you create your account . Enter month and year

  • Step 8

    Now If you dont know your mobile number as we suggest you in Step 5 then Click try another way

    Gmail will send verification code to your alternate Email .

    Gmail will also show you , your first three word and last domain name of your account

    If your alter mail is abcd9876 [at] yahoo [dot] com . It will show you abcd••••••

  • Step 9

    Enter your code . In case if you still confuse with alternate Email then click again Try Another Way

  • Step 10

    Gmail will ask you when you create your account . Enter month and year

  • Step 11

    Gmail will shows you Google couldn't verify this account belongs to you.


Recovery of Gmail Account

My self Pavan Kumar Upadhyay my mobile number is lost , I am able not to received 2- step verification code, account is 30 day


Please recover my Google account pataparlarameshgoud07356 [at] gmail [dot] com

sir my has been deleted please recover my it's request

sir it's student email ID sir please


My account aalokkhodwal1998 [at] gmail [dot] com password and sir my phone chori ho gya hai Vivo v 20 Jaipur password halp me

forgot my gmail log in password

Hlw Sir,
I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible

Password Bhul Geya

Please Sir Mera Email id Bapos Kar Dona

My phone is damage but other phone Gmail not open

Hlw Sir,
I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible

Dear Sir, Greetings , My

Dear Sir,
Greetings ,

My Gmail Id was anjaliamit64 [at] gmail [dot] com
my mobile number is . my alternate gmail id was also I don't know password that also get OTP but email verification not verified

I request you to please tell me how to open this or reactivate this gmail id. pls mail me in


Sir please my password fargut

Sir please my password fargut


Mera mobile number band ho chuka hai mere password resetMera mobile number band ho chuka hai mere password reset karna hai



Recovery Gmail

Hlw Sir,
I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible

Please check my problem

Please check my problem facing is errors
Too many failed attampt

Unavailable because of too many failed attampt Try again in few hours .

Please solve my problem

Sanjay Kumar

Sir password my email ID

Sir password my email ID praveshram50607 [at] gmail [dot] com



Gmail account recovery

Submitted by lovely kumari(not verified) on Sun, 09/07/2023 - 3:42pm.
हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट lovelyksdc2019 [at] gmail [dot] com यही gmail account hai मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो help me googal account team को मेरी तरफ से please help help me यही अकाउंट पर मेरा यूट्यूब अकाउंट भी क्रिएट है इसीलिए पुनः प्राप्त मेरा gmail account googal teams मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए gmail account lovelybiva7739 [at] gmail [dot] com कर सकते हैं

Gmail account recovery

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट patil40akash [at] gmail [dot] comयही gmail account hai मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो help me googal account team को मेरी तरफ से please help help me यही अकाउंट पर मेरा यूट्यूब अकाउंट भी क्रिएट है इसीलिए पुनः प्राप्त मेरा gmail account googal teams मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए gmail account patil40akashकर सकते हैं

हाय सर मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट djmanishrajflp [at] gmail [dot] comयही gmail account hai मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो help me googal account team को मेरी तरफ से please help help me यही अकाउंट पर मेरा यूट्यूब अकाउंट भी क्रिएट है इसीलिए पुनः प्राप्त मेरा gmail account googal teams मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए gmail account djmanishrajflp [at] gmail [dot] comकर सक

हाय सर मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट maheshsuthar789155 [at] gmail [dot] com यही gmail account hai मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो help me googal account team को मेरी तरफ से please help help me यही अकाउंट पर मेरा यूट्यूब अकाउंट भी क्रिएट है इसीलिए पुनः प्राप्त मेरा gmail account googal teams मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए gmail account maheshsuthar14789 [at] gmail [dot] com यही कर सकते हैं

Forgot password

Hlw Sir,
I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible

I forgot my gmail password

I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible.

sunilpatil5632 [at] gmail [dot] com



password forget


Sir mera gmail login nahi ho rha hai

Sir password pata h mobile chori ho gaya hai

reset my gmail password

Dear Sir,
I had lost my android mobile on 9th July (Sunday). And I forget my G mail password. due to multiple wrong password try forget password also not showing. So please do the needful. My mobile number is 986xxx3497 and my new mail id is prustysurenkumar [at] gmail [dot] com
Its my humble request please help me for restore my mail id otherwise I lost my all data
thank you

Account Recovery

Hlw Sir,
I forgot my gmail password and now i am unable to login. I am getting otp in my mobile number but in next step otp is coming on gmail which i am trying to recover. How i can know otp which i am trying to access.
Help me as soon as possible

Deleted gmail account recovery

sjeni298 [at] gmail [dot] com
I will forgot my gmail account password and gmail account was Deleted please help me to recover my gmail account

account not login

account not login

Passward bhul gaya hoo

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट

ईमेल आईडी चालू कर दीजिए

E-mail id chalu kar dijiyega Sir



Gmail account login problem

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट kashiramkashyap623 [at] gmail [dot] com यही जीमेल अकाउंट मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो हेल्प मी गूगल अकाउंट धन्यवाद गूगल टीम को मेरी तरफ से हेल्प हेल्प हेल्प हेल्प हेल्प मी यही अकाउंट पर मेरा यूट्यूब अकाउंट भी क्रिएट है इसीलिए पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट हेल्प मी धन्यवाद गूगल टीम

Recover gmail account

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट sk9071151 [at] gmail [dot] com यही जीमेल अकाउंट मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं तो हेल्प मी गूगल अकाउंट धन्यवाद

Gmail id

हाय सर
मैं अपना जीमेल अकाउंट बना प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं क्योंकि मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट मेरे बैंक अकाउंट से लिंक है और मेरे कई डॉक्यूमेंट में भी लिंक है मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट पुनः प्राप्त मेरा जीमेल अकाउंट harendrasinghsaini4 [at] gmail [dot] com यही जीमेल अकाउंट मैं पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं इस अकाउंट पर मेरा यू ट्यूब चैनल भी है प्लेज रिक्वेस्ट

Mera chalu kijiy

Mera chalu kijiy sir
Gmail I'd
Problem Hai sir

account recovery issue

"Check your device
Google sent a notification to your phone. Tap Yes on the notification to verify it’s you."

But the issue is , i am not receiving that notification in my phone, i rebooted my phone twice, tried logging in my account thrice with gap of 3 hours in between. I need help as early as poosible, i have a job interview to attend on 6July2023 at 11am, i need to login into my account through desktop. Kindly let me know what can be done in this situation.

Warm Regards
KP Venkatesh

my mail account deleted


pateldk00165656 [at] gmail

pateldk00165656 [at] gmail [dot] com का पासवर्ड भूल गया हु सहायता करे

Password bhul gya

Gamil ka password bhul gya

Password probalm

Maera name pramod kumar hai me apni gmail ide ka password probalm hai mera mobile khogay mene dusara mobile leliya hai

Mere help karo

Plice my Gmail I'd open my phone

Mere Gmail I'd par ragister mobile nomber par OTP nhi mil rahe h krapaya mere I'd par mobile number se OTP ki subidha calu kare

Password not

Password not

Cant able to access my account

Hai team,

I am Vinay, past 4 to 5 years i was using the mail id msipldvg [at] gmail [dot] com, but now i can't access my account please let me know how to access

I want to recover my Gmail account

Hello sir,

I reset accidentally my gmail password after that I can't recover my account, please help me to recover my gmail (nikhiljoshi852 [at] gmail [dot] com), when I go for recovery my gmail, then Recovery code send in that gmail which I want to recover how it's possible sir after that it's showing google needs more information to verify that it's you.

I can provide original document if you needs. Thank you sir...

Please help me sir Hello

Please help me sir
Hello Sir
My name Muhammad Tayyab
My Email ID is tayyabhussain6065 [at] gmail [dot] com and i forgot my email id password, if i entered forgot my password if shows at verification code send to mobile and second code send to my email id. but my emil id p.w forgot unable to view my email verification code. how to change my mail id password


Password bhul Gaya hu sir

पासवर्ड भूल गया हु सहायता करे

recover password

Dear sir
plese sir recvest gamil id password recover
roolalmeena [at] gmail [dot] com

pasword bhul gaye haui

pasword bhul gaye haui

My password is missing new

My password is missing new password not updated pls change the password

i forget my gmail password

i forget my gmail password


My gmail password

Password change

( Sachinluhar827 [at] gmail [dot] com ) sir mera ye account open karna he password bhul gya hu ho sakta h to pls reply

Forgot password

Please help me
Not forget my password


Please my password recovery



email recover my


Gmail id recover

Dear Google
I have lost my gmail account password and I can't login my gmail I have no recovery phone and email so please help me how i can login again with my gmail and what I can do change my password,
This is my gmail password:
Gmail ID: prashantpratapsinghyadav [at] gmail [dot] com

Login problem

Login problem

gmail account login problem

gmail account login problem

Don't use phone number

Sir, I have lost my Gmail account phone number login my Gmail I have no recovery number pls help me how I can login again with my Gmail what I can mobile number change.this my Gmail account iyappanpriya1986 [at] gmail [dot] com

Unable to recovery email Id

Dear Sir,
i trying to recovery my email ID: j [dot] a [dot] lakshmanan [at] gmail [dot] com since forgot my password and its in 2 Steps verification system.
when i try, its goes to my existing email id only. and there is no option to keen "Hint Question"

Kindly help to recover my mail ID. Please send the reply to my new mail id : lakshmanaj2712 [at] gmail [dot] com

Thanks n Regrds

unable to recover email id

Dear Sir,
i trying to recovery my email ID: vasudev [dot] packersandmovers [at] gmail [dot] com since forgot my password and its in 2 Steps verification system.
when i try, its goes to my existing email id only. and there is no option to keen "Hint Question"

Kindly help to recover my mail ID. Please send the reply to my new mail id : sagar [dot] shende [at] bgppl [dot] com

Thanks n Regrds
sagar shende

Recovery of my gmail

Hello sir,
I forgot the password for my gmail id ramkumarksm101 [at] gmail [dot] com but I cannot able to recover this account.i want the gmail of ramkumarksm101 [at] gmail [dot] com [dot] please kindly do the needful.
Ramkumar k

i don't recover my account

Hello sir,
I forgot the password for my gmail id sk788894 [at] gmail [dot] com but I cannot able to recover this account.i want the gmail of sk788894 [at] gmail [dot] com .please kindly do the needful. and snd me any information on mail sk3057727 [at] gmail [dot] com

Recover my Email. ID

Hello sir ,
With reference to the above subject,we hereby for recover our Email id :dharmendermishra43 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Now we have can't get the login of my personal email id.
This I'd will be used in my bank & official work etc.
Please we request you to please recover our email id. we will show any of the documents which required to prove this email is us.
Please recover EMAIL. ID
I'd - dharmendermishra43 [at] gmail [dot] com

Thanking you,
With best regards
Dharmender Mishra

Password forgot and my gmail account recover

Sir/ madam
I forgot my email id password and username and recovery email is not available now so plz help me to recover my account
Email id- pramodkokate88883902XX [at] gmail [dot] com

plz help me to recover my account Email id

Sir/ madam
I forgot my email id password and username and recovery email is not available now so plz help me to recover my account
Email id-siriakandisachivalayam306 [at] gmail [dot] com

Gmail account is not login

Submitted by Sukhdev singh (not verified) on Fri, 17/06/2023 - 08/38am.

Respected sir/mam,
My name is ashish sharma. i was working on mail Id 1313avvi [at] gmail [dot] com. I reset my phone . After that I am unable to activate mail Id. I am unable to getting code on my contact number which is still missing.
Please help me out and activate my gmail id which is 1313avvi [at] gmail [dot] com
I have also my YouTube channel with this mail Id. Plz sort this issue ASAP.

Forgot password

Forgot password



No login my gmail

My mobile is lost in my house or switched off , I remember my gmail or password but can not login my gmail on other device. Please solve this problem

Mail Recover

Hello sir ,
With reference to the above subject,we hereby for recover our password of mail id : umesh [dot] mahur46 [at] gmail [dot] com.
When we generate this I'd we will never add any recovery like mobile no ,emails,or any other option.
Now we have can't get the password of my college email id password.
This I'd will be used in my college.
Please we request you to please recover our email id's password we will show any of the documents which required to prove this email is us.
Please recover password
I'd - umesh [dot] mahur46 [at] gmail [dot] com

Thanking you,
With best regards
Umesh Mahur
Email us on :umeshmahur2 [at] gmail [dot] com

reset my passward

pls help my password is reset

Forgotten password mobile number change

Recover gmail

Forget my Password.

hello Gmail,
mai apne gmail ka password bhul chuka hu please give me my Gmail password. foregate not recognized. our mai agar forgate karne ki kosis kaar raha hu to
mera gmail paswword forgate nahi ho pa raha hai my gmail id: ajjupal89 [at] gmail [dot] com or password: Ajjupal@#123987 tha

Password reset

Recover my account

Password recovery

Password recovery

Passoword Recover

Passoword recover

Gmail password

My gmail Password recovery

Step_2 verification on tha mobile lost so didn't get a code

Sir my mail id is skraja9497 [at] gmail [dot] com password i remember but step 2 verification also on my mobile is stolen but so i don't get any code please help me recover my gmail please

Password recovery

Sir mere Gmail id me mobile chahiye

Gmail password yaad hone ke

Gmail password yaad hone ke baad bhi open nhi ho raha hai 2 steps verification ke karn Jo ki phone reset hone ke karan login nhi ho raha hai

Please open my gmail sir

Please open my gmail sir please

not able to access gmail

sir i ma using my gmail id since many days and one day i forget my password i dont have my mobiole no added with this id [please help me recover my gmail account

not able to access gmail

sir i ma using my gmail id since many days and one day i forget my password i dont have my mobiole no added with this id [please help me recover my gmail account

Recover my gmail account

Respected sir/mam,
My name is Pushpa khatri. i was working on mail Id khatripushpa31 [at] gmail [dot] com. I reset my phone . After that I am unable to activate mail Id. I am unable to getting code on my contact number which is still missing.
Please help me out and activate my gmail id which is khatripushpa31 [at] gmail [dot] com
My college things, my accounts, my contacts , my photographs is associated with this mail Id. Plz sort this issue ASAP.

Gmail disabled

The gmail got disabled please help
Himanshu [dot] pogde [at] gmail [dot] com

Recover my email

Sir my mobile is stolen but i forgot my email password and now otp has received but its not work please help me sir

Password recovery

Password recovery

To reset my password

Dear Sir/Madam,
I was used my old Gmail id " swati [dot] bundela788 [at] gmail [dot] com" but since the years I could not login this email id therefor I forgot my password.
There is no mobile number was registered with this email id for password recovery but a email id "swati_bundela [at] yahoo [dot] in" was registered for the recovery but this email id has already closed.
So I could not login in my old id "swati [dot] bundela788 [at] gmail [dot] com"
Currently I am working with ITM Global School, Gwalior.
and contact details as follows;
Name: Swati Bundela
old Id: swati [dot] bundela788 [at] gmail [dot] com
new email id: swati [dot] bundela85 [at] gmail [dot] com
Institute's id: swati [dot] bundela [at] itmglobal [dot] in
Contact details: 898212XXXX
Address: Shubhdeep Ashiyana, 301, Kamani Pul, Lashkar, Gwalior 474001
Kindly reset my password or please send the link to reset password.
it is very urgent for me.

login into gmail

Dear Sir/Madam,
we have a gmail id which has two step verification activated, but the problem is i dont have the phone and phone number with which it is linked, i had tried all the above mentioned methods to login but still i cannot login into my account, as i still getting through the problem with 2-step verification.
please help me to login to my account
i look forward for your reply and help me if there is any way possible
thanking you
yours truly