Goa Police Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100 (Police Helpline)
  • 101 (Fire Helpline)
  • 108 (Ambulance Helpline)
  • 1930 (Cyber Helpline)
All India Number(s): 
  • 0832-244 3201 (For Cyber Crime Police Station)
  • 78757 56000 (For Control Room Helpline)


Important Links

Emergency Contact Details

Sr No. Service Contact Details
1 Child Helpline 1098
2 Police Helpline 112
3 Women Helpline 1091
4 Senior Citizen Helpline 1090
5 Coastal Terror Helpline 1093
6 Anti Corruption Helpline 7030100000
7 Anti-Terror And Coastal Helpline SPCR Panaji 1093
8 Citizen financial Cyber fraud reporting And Management System 1930
9 For Cyber Crime picyber@goapolice.gov.in

Telephone Directory

Sr No. Name Contact Mobile Email
1 Control Room Office 0832-2428400 7875756000 crospcr@gmail.com
2 Women Whatsapp Messenger - 7875756177 -
3 Vigilance Helpline - 7030100000 -
4 District Police Control Room Porvorim 0832-2416250 7875756117 -
5 District Police Control Room Margao 08342-2700142, 08342-2700143 7875756110 -
6 Director General Of Police 0832-2428360 - dgpgoa@goapolice.gov.in
7 Inspector General Of Police 0832-2428738 - igpgoa@goapolice.gov.in
8 Dy. Inspector General Of Police (Crime And Range) - - digpgoa@goapolice.gov.in
9 Superintendent of Police, North-Goa 0832-2416100(North) 7875756006 spn-pol.goa@nic.in
10 Superintendent of Police, Tourist Unit - 7875756006 -
11 Superintendent of Police, Central Procurement Cell - 7875756006 -
12 Superintendent of Police, Anti Narcotic Cell (ANC) - 7875756018 spanc-pol.goa@nic.in
13 Superintendent of Police, PRO North 0832-2416100(North) 7875756006 -
14 Superintendent of Police - ADC to Governor 0832-2453501, 0832-2453502 7875756010 goaadc@gmail.com
15 Superintendent of Police - Crime 0832-2443082 7875756017 spcb-pol.goa@nic.in
16 Superintendent of Police - SIT (Mining, Land Grabbing/Land Transferred) 0832-2443082 7875756017 spcb-pol.goa@nic.in
17 Superintendent of Police - Traffic Cell 0832-2422112 (Traffic) 7875756009 sptraffic@goapolice.gov.in
18 Superintendent of Police - Cyber Crime 0832-2443201 7875756017 spcyber@goapolice.gov.in
19 Superintendent of Police - PRO Crime 0832-2443082 (CB) 7875756017 spcb-pol.goa@nic.in
20 Superintendent of Police Head Quarter 0832-2428124 (HQ) 7875756016 sphq@goapolice.gov.in
21 Superintendent of Police - Anti Corruption Bureau 0832-2232733 (ACB) 7875756038 -
22 Superintendent of Police Head Quarter -(MT) - 7875756016 spmt@goapolice.gov.in
23 Superintendent of Police (Security) 0832-2428623 (Security) 7875756013 spsecurity@goapolice.gov.in
24 Superintendent of Police (Coastal Security) 0832-2222995 (Coastal) 7875756014 spcoastal@goapolice.gov.in
25 Superintendent of Police - Training


7875756011 sptrg@goapolice.gov.in
26 Superintendent of Police - Principal PTS Valpoi


7875756020 principal-pts@goapolice.gov.in
27 Superintendent of Police - (Legal and Vigilance) 0832-2221136 7875756080 complaint@goapolice.gov.in
28 Superintendent of Police - Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) 0832-2456111 7875756019 sp.ats@goapolice.gov.in
29 Superintendent of Police - Commandant 1st, 2nd And 3rd IRBn 0832-2456111 7875756019 Commandant1irb@goapolice.gov.in
30 Superintendent of Police - South 0832-2732218 7875756018 sps-pol.goa@nic.in
31 Superintendent of Police - EOC 0832-2221136 7875756035 speoc@goapolice.gov.in
32 Superintendent of Police - SP Election Cell - 7875756015 spec@goapolice.gov.in
33 Superintendent of Police - SP Sports - 7875756015 -
34 Superintendent of Police - PRO South - 7875756015 -
35 Superintendent of Police (Konkan Railway) 0832-2706048 (Rly PS) 7875756096 spkonkanrlymrg@gmail.com
36 Superintendent of Police (Special Branch) 0832-2425536 (SB) 7875756038 spsb@goapolice.gov.in
37 Dy. Commandant General Home Guards and Dy. Commandant Civil Defence 0832-2220019 7875756058 commandanthgcd@goapolice.gov.in
38 Superintendent of Police - Pink Force - 7875756058 cstatepolice112@gmail.com
39 Superintendent of Police - SPCR 0832-2425534 7875756058 -
40 Superintendent of Police - Wireless 0832-2220019 (HG) 0832-2425534 (SPCR) 7875756058 spwireless@goapolice.gov.in
41 Superintendent of Police - SCRB - 7875756058 spscrb@goapolice.gov.in
42 Superintendent of Police - AHTU - 7875756058 -
43 Superintendent of Police FRRO - 7875756035 frrogoa@nic.in
44 DySP GRP A, B, C, D And E Coy - 7875756101 dysp-grp@goapolice.gov.in, dysp-spcr@goapolice.gov.in
45 DySP PHQ Armoury - 7875756101 dysp-grp@goapolice.gov.in
46 DySP Escort Cell - 7875756101 dysp-grp@goapolice.gov.in
47 DySP SPCR - 7875756101 dysp-spcr@goapolice.gov.in
48 DySP EOC - 7875756232 dyspeoc@goapolice.gov.in
49 DySP SCRB 0832-2428217 (SCRB) 7875756232 -
50 DySP Home Guard (Junior staff Officer, Civil Defence And District Commandant Home Guard (JSOCD And DCHG) 0832-2220019 7875756232 -
51 Dysp Hq (Administration) - 7875756096 dysphq@goapolice.gov.in
52 Dysp Welfare Cell / Communication - 7875756096 dysphq@goapolice.gov.in
53 Dysp (Hq) (Liasoning And Procurement Cell) - 7875756081 picpchq@goapolice.gov.in
54 In Charge Of Tourist Police - 7875756081 picpchq@goapolice.gov.in
55 So To Dgp Goa - 7875756081 picpchq@goapolice.gov.in
56 DySP Motor Transport - 7875756140 -
57 DySP Legal And Vigilance (LAndV) - 7875756140 -
58 DySP Election Cell 0832-2428266 (Election Cell) 7875756140 spec@goapolice.gov.in
59 DySP Security Unit - 7875756140 -
60 DySP -ANC 0832-2421879 7875756102 dysp-pol.goa@nic.in
61 DySP ACB/Vigilance - 7875756098 dspacb-dv@nic.in
62 DySP (Cm Security) - 7875756094 pi-securitygoa@goapolice.gov.in
63 DySP - Coastal Security 0832-2444367 7875756108 -
64 DySP Traffic/Hq 0832-2426220 7875756108 -
65 DySP Traffic/Hq - 7875756073
66 DySP - Traffic North 0832-2426580 7875756069 dsptrafficn@goapolice.gov.in
67 DySP Traffic South 0832-2736474 7875756074 dysp-traffic@goapolice.gov.in
68 DySP Konkan Railway 0832-2710656 7875756053 -
69 DySP (SB/SOUTH), DYSP SIT for Illegal Land Transferred/Land Grabbing - 8411972059 -
70 DySP Special Branch (North) 0832-2428412 7875756085 -
71 DySP - Foreigner's Branch (Frro) 0832-2426545 (FRRO) 7875756083 frrogoa@nic.in
72 DySP Ahtu/Women Ps - 7875756083 -
73 DySP Crime-I - 7875756096 -
74 DySP (Crime-II) - 7875756086 -
75 DySP (HQ/North), Porvorim - 7875756106 -
76 DySP (HQ/South) Margao - 9823916626 dysp-southhq@goapolice.gov.in
77 O/o SP (South) Reader Branch, Margao 0832-2713914 7030949294 -
78 I/C Petition Cell O/o SP South, Margao 0832-2732218 7030949338 -
79 DySP Vice Principal Pts Valpoi 0832-22227745 7875756173 vice-principal@goapolice.gov.in
80 DY.Commandant 1StAnd 2Nd Irbn - 7875756104 -
81 DY. Commandant 3Rd Irbn - 7875756107 -
82 DySP SB North 0832-2428412 7030949270 -
83 DySP Crime 0832-2444888 7875756056 dspcrimegoa2@goapolice.gov.in
84 DySP Cyber Crime 0832-2443201 7875756073 -
85 SDPO Panaji 0832-2226519 7875756021 sdpopanaji6519@gmail.com
86 SDPO Mapusa 0832-2262207 7875756025 sdpomapusa@goapolice.gov.in
87 SDPO Pernem - 7875756124 -
88 SDPO Porvorim 0832-2412723 7875756029 -
89 SDPO Bicholim 0832-2363737 7875756032 -
90 SDPO Margao 0832-2714454 (O) 7875756038 -
91 SDPO Quepem 0832-2663900 7875756043 sdpo-quepem@goapolice.gov.in
92 SDPO Ponda 0832-2317978 7875756035 sdpoponda@goapolice.gov.in
93 1st IRBn Dy. Commandant - 7875756035 -
94 DySP ATS Panaji - 7875756055 -
95 SDPO VASCO 0832-2500222 7875756048
96 SDPO CANACONA - 7875756060 sdpocanacona@goapolice.gov.in
97 Staff Officer to IGP 0832-2428738 7030949408 -
98 Staff Officer to DIGP 0832-2420883 7030948226 -
99 Crime Reader, DGP's Office, PHQ Panaji (PI) 0832-2420649 7875756129 dgpreadergoa@gmail.com
100 SP North Reader (PSI) 0832-2416100 7030949305 -
101 PI Panaji PS 0832-2428482 , Ext: 311 7875756022 pipanaji@goapolice.gov.in
102 PI Agacaim PS 0832-2218000 7875756023 piagacaim@goapolice.gov.in
103 PI Old Goa PS 0832-2285301 7875756024 pioldgoa@goapolice.gov.in
104 PI Woman PS - Panaji / PI AHTU PS Panaji 0832-2428992
7030949311 piwps.pan@goapolice.gov.in
105 PI Mapusa PS 0832-2262231 7875756026 pimapusa@goapolice.gov.in
106 PI Anjuna PS 0832-2273233 7875756027 pianjuna@goapolice.gov.in
107 PI Colvale PS 0832-2993234 7875756234 -
108 PI Pernem PS 0832-2201233 7875756028 pipernem@goapolice.gov.in
109 PI Mandrem PS 0832-2247600 7875756166 -
110 PI Mopa Airport 0832-2914191 7875756178 pimopa-ps@goapolice.gov.in
111 PI Porvorim PS 0832-2417704 7875756030 piporvorim@goapolice.gov.in
112 PI Calangute PS 0832-2278284 7875756031 picalangute@goapolice.gov.in
113 PI Saligao PS 0832-2278100 7875756078 pisaligao@goapolice.gov.in
114 PI Bicholim PS 0832-2362233 7875756033 pibicholim@goapolice.gov.in
115 PI Valpoi PS 0832-2374255 7875756034 pivalpoi@goapolice.gov.in
116 PI Margao PS 0832-2705095 7875756039 pi-margao@goapolice.gov.in
117 PI Fatorda PS 0832-2741000 7875756181 pi-fatorda@goapolice.gov.in
118 PI Colva PS 0832-2788396 7875756040 pi-colva@goapolice.gov.in
119 PI Tourist Unit - South 0832-2788396 7875756040 pi-colva@goapolice.gov.in
120 PI Cuncolim PS 0832-2763234 7875756041 picuncolim@goapolice.gov.in
121 PI Maina Curtorim PS 0832-70204925 7875756042 pi-mainacurtorim@goapolice.gov.in
122 PI AHTU - Margao 0832-2710767 7875756160 piahtu.margao@goapolice.gov.in
123 PI Women and Child Protection Unit - Margao 0832-2710767 7875756160 piahtu.margao@goapolice.gov.in
124 PI Quepem PS 0832-2662253 7875756044 pi-quepem@goapolice.gov.in
125 PI Curchorem PS 0832-2650568 7875756045 picurchorem@goapolice.gov.in
126 PI Sanguem PS 0832-2604233 7875756046 PI-sanguem@goapolice.gov.in
127 PI Canacona PS 0832-2633688 7875756047 pi-canacona@goapolice.gov.in
128 PI Ponda PS 0832-2313101 7875756036 piponda@goapolice.gov.in
129 PI Mardol PS 0832-2343433 7875756114 pi-mardolps@goapolice.gov.in
130 PI Collem PS 0832-2600233 7875756037 picollem@goapolice.gov.in
131 PI Vasco PS 0832-2512304 7875756049 pi-vasco@goapolice.gov.in
132 PI Mormugao PS 0832-2520740 7875756050 pi-mormugaops@goapolice.gov.in
133 PI Verna PS 0832-2782325 7875756051 pi-verna@goapolice.gov.in
134 PI Dabolim Airport PS 0832-2541506 7875756090 dabs-pi-goa@goapolice.gov.in
135 PI Vasco Railway PS 0832-2512488 7875756052 pivascorailway@goapolice.gov.in
136 PI Konkan Railway Margao 0832-2706048 7875756054 pikrpsmargao@gmail.com
137 PI Betul Coastal Security PS 0832-2775513 7875756067 picoastal.betul@goapolice.gov.in
138 PI Talpona Coastal Security PS 0832-2632357 7875756201 picoastaltalpona@goapolice.gov.in
139 PI Harbour Coastal Security PS 0832-2521793(N/W) 7875756241 picoastal.harbour@goapolice.gov.in
140 PI Panaji Coastal Security PS 0832-2443112 7875756099 picoastal.panaji@goapolice.gov.in
141 PI Chapora Coastal Security PS 0832-2273000 7875756127 picostalchapora@goapolice.gov.in
142 PI Siolim Coastal Security PS 0832-2272080 7875756066 picoastal.siolim@goapolice.gov.in
143 PI Tiracal Coastal Security PS 7875756240 7875756208 picoastal.tiracol@goapolice.gov.in
144 PI Traffic Cell Margao 0832-2736473 7875756075 -
145 PI Traffic Cell Colva 0832-2780455 7875756137 -
146 PI Traffic Cell Curchorem 0832-2650083 7875756077 -
147 PI Traffic Cell Canacona 0832-2633457 7875756204 -
148 PI Traffic Cell Ponda 0832-2335202 7875756072 -
149 PI Traffic Cell Quepem 0832-2662467 7030949283 -
150 PI Traffic Cell Vasco 0832-2511414 7875756076 -
151 PI Traffic Cell Dabolim Airport 0832-2541855 7875756126 -
152 PI CID/Special Branch Margao (Addl. Charge) 0832-2715328 8411972047 -
153 PI SB Ponda 0832-2313101 7875756191 -
154 PI SB Ponda - 7875756191 -
155 PI SB Vasco 0832-2513932 7875756147 -
156 PI SB Centre Curchorem 0832-2650568 7875756179 -
157 PI SPCR 0832-2428400 7875756064, 7875756128 pi-spcr@goapolice.gov.in, crospcr@gmail.com
158 LPI SPCR / Pink Force 0832-2428400 7875756214 pi-spcr@goapolice.gov.in, crospcr@gmail.com
159 PI Wireless 0832-2428268 7875756165 -
160 Communication Unit of Wireless Section 0832-2428268 8411972039 -
161 SO PWCR - 7875756176 -
162 PI Radio Mechanic (RM) - 7875756217 policeinspectorrm@goapolice.gov.in
163 PI PHQ - 7875756165
164 PI ANC 0832-2428439 7875756088 pianc@goapolice.gov.in
165 PI PHQ Office - 7875756170 -
166 LPI Petition Cell 0832-2428266 7875756111 -
167 LPI Election Cell (North) / Goa Police welfare Society 0832-2428266
(Election Cell)
7875756111 -
168 LPI Goa Police welfare Society - 7875756111 -
169 PI Election Cell (South) - 7875756228 spsouthelection@gmail.com
170 PI Central Procurement Cell/Election Cell 0832-2428266
(Election Cell)
7875756153 picpchq@goapolice.gov.in
171 LPI Petition Cell - 7875756138 spece@goapolice.gov.in
172 PI Vigilance (L And V) - 8411972051 pivigilance@goapolice.gov.in
173 PI Foreigner's Branch / (FRRO) 0832-2426545 7875756084 frrogoa@nic.in
174 PI EOC - 7030949373
175 PI BDDS /Dog Squad 0832-2227745 7875756212 -
176 PI Security Unit 0832-2227745 7875756144 pi-securitygoa@goapolice.gov.in
177 PI CM Security - 7030949273
178 PI GRP A Coy attached to Crime Branch 0832-2424377 7875756132 -
179 PI GRP "A" Coy 0832-2424377 7875756155 -
180 PI GRP "B" Coy 0832-2424377 8421246191 -
181 PI GRP "C" Coy/Addl. Charge GRP Armoury 0832-2424377 7875756163 -
182 PI GRP "D" Coy 0832-2424377 7875756211 -
183 PI GRP "E" Coy Altinho/ attached to PHQ Store 0832-2424377 7875756150 -
184 PI GRP "E" Coy Altinho - 7875756221 -
185 PI Goa Police Welfare Society Altinho Panaji - 7875756151 -
186 PI PTS (Charge of Goa Police Consumer Co-op Society, Altinho) 0832-2374248
7875756066 pitrg-pts@goapolice.gov.in
187 PI MT Section - 7875756268 pimt-phq@goapolice.gov.in
188 MT Section - 7030949387 -
189 PI SB Centre Panaji - 8411972046 pisbcentrepanaji@gmail.com
190 PI SB Panaji (Verification) - 7875756131 policeinspector.sbv@gmail.com
191 PI SB Panaji 0832-2426063 7875756147 branchspecial07@gmail.com
192 PI SB Bicholim - 7030949349 sbbicholim@gmail.com
193 PI SB Mapusa 0832-2262573 7030949317 -
194 PI SB SMMC (Social Media Monitoring Cell) - 7875756147 smmc@goapolice.gov.in
195 PI Crime Branch 0832-2444888 7875756150
196 PI Crime Branch Ribander (Admin) 0832-2444888 7875756122 picrimebranch@goapolice.gov.in
197 PI Crime Branch Ribander (SIT Panaji) 0832-2444888 7030949330 -
198 PI Crime Branch Ribander (SIT Mining) 0832-2444888 7875756068 -
199 PI SIT Matka CB, Ribander - 7875756072 -
200 PI Cyber Crime 0832-2443201
201 PI SIT for Illegal Land Transferred/Land Grabbing - 7875756192
202 PI ATS PS 0832-2456111 9049342780 pi.ats@goapolice.gov.in
203 PI ATS (IRBn) (Operation) 0832-2456111 7875756157 -
204 PI Traffic Cell Panaji 0832-2447434 7875756070 -
205 PI Traffic Cell Mapusa 0832-2266311 7875756071 -
206 PI Traffic Cell Pernem - 7875756156 -
207 PI Mopa Traffic Cell - 7875756210 -
208 PI Traffic Cell Bicholim 0832-2362233
(Bicholim PS)
7875756226 -
209 PI Traffic Cell Calangute 0832-2275100 7875756134 -
210 PI Traffic Cell Anjuna - 7875756269 -
211 PI TEC Panaji (Addl. Charge) - 7875756118 -
212 Notice Branch Altinho - 7875756118 -
213 PI ACB/Vigilance 0832-2232735 7875756148
214 PI Escort Cell Mapusa - 7875756205 -
215 PI SCRB 0832-2428217 7875756116 piscrb@goapolice.gov.in
216 PI 1st IRBn - 7875756247
217 LPI 1st IRBn - 7875756260 -
218 PI 2nd IRBn - 7875756262
219 PI 3rd IRBn - 7875756258
220 PI, 3rd IRBn ATS Altinho - 7875756266 -
221 PSI, Photographer - 7875756300 -
222 PSI BDDS (North) - 7875756273
223 PSI PHQ Armoury - 7030949459 -
224 ASI, Dog Section - 9767503692
225 Goa Human Rights Commission 0832-2424031 7030949340 -
226 Dy. Director (Admin)., Administrative Branch, DGP's Office, PHQ, Panaji 0832-2428583 7798351399 -
227 Office Superintendent for Dy. Director (Admin) DGP's Office 0832-2428583 9423883015 -
228 Office Superintendent for Supdt. Of Police (HQ) 0832-2428583 9637480909 -
229 Dy. Director of Accounts PHQ Panaji 0832-2220406 8411972024
230 Donapaula Outpost (OP) - Panaji - - -
231 Taleigao Outpost (OP)- Panaji - - -
232 Ribandar Outpost (OP)- Old-Goa 0832-2444344 N/W - -
233 Charao Outpost (OP)- Old-Goa 0832-2239244 - -
234 St. Cruz Outpost (OP) - Old-Goa - - -
235 GMC Outpost (OP) - Agacaim 0832-2495555 N/W - -
236 Betim Outpost (OP) - Porvorim 0832-2417705 N/W - -
237 Aldona Outpost (OP) - Mapusa 0832-2293233 N/W - -
238 Karaswada Outpost (OP) - Mapusa - - -
239 Assnoda Outpost (OP) - Colvale -   -
240 Siolim Outpost (OP) - Anjuna 0832-2272233 N/W - -
241 Harmal Outpost (OP) - Pernem - - -
242 Patradevi Outpost (OP) - Pernem - - -
243 Mopa Outpost (OP) - Pernem - - -
244 Dodamarg Outpost (OP) - Bicholim 0832-2380155 N/W - -
245 Usgao Pali (Bhamai) Outpost (OP) - Bicholim 0832-2372235 N/W - -
246 Sanquelim Outpost (OP) - Bicholim 0832-2364208 - -
247 Keri Outpost (OP) - Valpoi 0832-2369344 N/W - -
248 Honda Outpost (OP) - Valpoi - 0832-2370233 N/W -
249 Betora Outpost (OP) - Ponda 0834-2330555 7875756114 piponda@goapolice.gov.in
250 Marcel Outpost (OP) - Ponda 0834-2343433 7875756114 pi-mardolps@goapolice.gov.in
251 Farmagudi Outpost (OP) - Ponda 0834-2335339 - -
252 Usgao Tisk Outpost (OP) - Ponda 0834-2313101 7875756114 piponda@goapolice.gov.in
253 Shiroda Outpost (OP) - Ponda 0834-2313101 7875756114 piponda@goapolice.gov.in
254 Kundai Outpost (OP) - Ponda - - -
255 Chandor Outpost (OP) - Maina Curtorim - 7875756042
256 Davorlim Outpost (OP) - Maina Curtorim - 7875756042
257 Mollem Outpost (OP) - Collem 0832-2600233 7875756037 picollem@goapolice.gov.in
258 Cortalim Outpost (OP) - Verna 0832-2782325 7875756051 pi-verna@goapolice.gov.in
259 Sancoale (Birla) Outpost (OP) - Verna 0832-2782325 7875756051 pi-verna@goapolice.gov.in
260 IDC Verna Outpost (OP) - Verna 0832-2782325 7875756051 pi-verna@goapolice.gov.in
261 Baina Outpost (OP) - Vasco 0832-2520740 7875756050 pi-mormugaops@goapolice.gov.in
262 Agonda Outpost (OP) - Canacona 0832-2633357 7875756047 pi-canacona@goapolice.gov.in
263 Pollem Outpost (OP) - Canacona 0832-2633357 7875756047 pi-canacona@goapolice.gov.in
264 Cavelossim Outpost (OP) - Colva 0832-2871090 N/W - -
265 Assolna Outpost (OP) - Cuncolim 0832-2763234 7875756041 picuncolim@goapolice.gov.in
266 Vichurdem Outpost (OP) - Sanguem 0832-2604233 7875756046 pi-sanguem@goapolice.gov.in
267 Mobor Outpost (OP) - Colva 0832-2788396 7875756040 pi-colva@goapolice.gov.in
For More Details

South Goa Contacts

Sr. No. Designation And Name OF Officer Contacts Fax
1 District Police Control Room Margao 7875756110 0832-2700142/
0832-2700143 (Exchange)
2 Superintendent Of Police, South-Goa 7875756008 0832-2732218
3 Dysp (Hq/South) 7875756105
4 Sdpo Margao / (Cyber Crime) 7875756038 0832-2714454 (O)
5 Pi Margao Ps 7875756039 0832-2705095
6 Pi Fatorda Ps 7875756181 0832-2741000
7 Pi Colva Ps / Addl. Tourist South 7875756040 0832-2788396
8 Pi Cuncolim Ps 7875756041 0832-2763234
9 Pi Maina Curtorim Ps 0832-2991307 , 7875756042 7020492542
10 Pi Ahtu Margao/ Women And Child protection Unit Margao 7030949382 0832-2710767 (WOM)
0832-2732048 (Ahtu)
11 Sdpo Quepem 0832-2663900 , 7875756043 0832-2663900
12 Pi Quepem Ps 7875756044 0832-2662253
13 Pi Curchorem Ps 7875756045 0832-2650568
14 Pi Sanguem Ps 7875756046 0832-2604233
15 Sdpo Canacona 7875756060 -
16 Pi Canacona Ps 7875756047 0832-2633688
17 Sdpo Ponda 0832-2317978, 7875756035 0832-2317978
18 Pi Ponda Ps 7875756036 0832-2313101
19 Pi Ponda Ps (Ii) 7030949293 0832-2313101
20 Pi Collem Ps 7875756037 0832-2600233
21 Sdpo Vasco 7875756048 0832-2500222
22 Pi Vasco Ps 0832-2513273 , 7875756049 0832-2512304
23 Pi Mormugao Ps 7875756050 0832-2520740
24 Pi Verna Ps 7875756051 0832-2782325
25 Pi Dabolim Airport Ps 0832-2541506 , 7875756090 0832-2541506
26 Pi Vasco Railway Ps 7875756052 0832-2512488
27 Pi Vasco Railway Ps 7875756239 0832-2512488
28 Dy. Konkan Railway 7875756053 0832-2710656
29 Pi Konkan Railway Margao 7875756054 0832-2706048
30 Dysp - Coastal Security 7875756108 0832-2444367
31 Pi Betul Coastal Ps 7875756067 0832-2775513
32 Pi Talpona Coastal Ps 7875756201 0832-2632357
33 Pi Harbour Coastal Ps 7875756241 0832-2521793
34 Dysp - Traffic South 7875756074 0832-2736474
35 Pi Traffic Cell Margao 7875756075 0832-2736473
36 Pi Traffic Cell Colva 0832-2780455 , 7875756137 0832-2780455
37 Pi Traffic Cell Curchorem 7875756077 0832-2650083
38 Pi Traffic Cell Canacona 7875756204 0832-2633457
39. Pi Traffic Cell Ponda 7875756072 0832-2335202
40 Pi Traffic Cell Quepem 7030949283 0832-2662467
41 Pi Traffic Cell Vasco 7875756076 0832-2511414
42 Pi Traffic Cell Dabolim Airport 7875756126 0832-2541855
43 Notice Branch, South-Goa 7875756186
44 Dysp (Sb/South), Dysp (Tourist Police) 8411972059
45 Pi Cid/Special Branch Margao 8411972047 0832-2715328
46 Pi Sb Ponda 7875756191
47 Pi Sb Centre Curchorem 7030949451 --

Department Directory

Contact: 0832-2220019 (Same For All)
Address: GoaReservePoliceCampBuilding,
2ndFloor,Alt inho,Panaji-Goa(403001). (Same For All)

Sr No. Designation Contacts
1 Dy.CommandantGeneralHomeGuardsAndDy.Di rectorCivil Defence 7875756058
2 Dy.Controller,CivilDefence 0832-2425534 , 8329128664
3 MedicalOfficer,CivilDefence 9960563733
4 Junior Staff Officer, Civil Defence And DistrictCommandantHome Guards 8411972066

PIOs/APIOs/Appellate Authority Contact Details

Police Department Contacts

Sr No. Designation Mobile Email Address Address of Office/ Sub-Office
1 Superintendent of Police (HQ) 7875756016 sphq@goapolice.gov.in Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
2 Dy.Supdt. of Police, (HQ) 7875756096 dysphq@goapolice.gov.in Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
3 Superintendent of Police (Legal and Vigilance) 7875756015 complaint@goapolice.gov.in Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
4 Dy.Supdt.of Police (Legal and Vigilance) 7875756140 - Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
5 Superintendent of Police, (North) Goa 7875756017 spn-pol.goa@nic.in Office of Superintendent of Police, (North), Porvorim, Goa
6 Dy.Supdt.of Police (North District) 7875756106 menezesbraz@yahoo.com Office of Superintendent of Police, (North), Porvorim, Goa
7 Superintendent of Police, (South) 7875756008 sps-pol.goa@nic.in Office of Superintendent of Police, South Goa District, Margao Goa.
8 Dy.Supdt.of Police (South District) 7875756105 - Office of Superintendent of Police, South Goa District, Margao Goa.
9 Superintendent of Police (Crime) 7875756017 spcb-pol.goa@nic.in Crime Branch Ribandar near PHC Ribandar/Old GIM Ribandar
10 Dy.Supdt.of Police (Crime) 7875756086 dspcrime2@goapolice.gov.in Crime Branch Ribandar near PHC Ribandar/Old GIM Ribandar
11 Dy.Supdt.of Police /FRRO 7875756083 frrogoa@nic.in
12 Superintendent of Police, (Security) 7875756014 spsecurity@goapolice.gov.in Security Unit, 2nd Floor, Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji
13 Dy.Supdt.of Police/ Security 7875756092 Pi-securitygoa@goapolice.gov.in Security Unit, 2nd Floor, Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji
14 Superintendent of Police (Special Branch) 7875756020 spsb@goapolice.gov.in Office of SP Special Branch, PHQ, Panaji Goa
15 Dy.Superintendent of Police (Special Branch) 7875756085 - Office of DySP /SB North Goa, , Police Head Quarter, Panaji Goa.
16 Superintendent of Police (Traffic) 7875756006 sptraffic@goapolice.gov.in Superintendent of Police, Traffic Altinho, Panaji Goa
17 Dy. Superintendent of Police Traffic 7875756073 dysptraffichq@gmail.com Traffic Police Headquarters, Altinho, Panaji,Goa
18 Superintendent of Police (TRG.) 7875756011 sptrg@goapolice.gov.in Superintendent of Police (TRG.), GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji Goa
19 Dy.Superintendent of Police (TRG.) 7875756101 dysp-grp@goapolice.gov.in Dy SP, GRP Camp Altinho-Goa
20 Superintendent of Police, SPCR Panaji 7875756058 cstatepolice112@gmail.com State Police Control Room, Panaji Goa
21 Dy. Superintendent of Police , SPCR Panaji 7875756176 crospcr@gamil.com State Police Control Room
22 Superintendent of 7875756009 sp.pts@goapolice.gov.in Police Training School,
23 Dy. Superintendent of Police/Vice Principal 7875756101 Vp-ptsvalpoi@goapolice.gov.in DY. Superintendent of Police/Vice Principal , O/o Principal PTS, Valpoi.
24 Superintendent of Police, (Coastal Security) 7875756014 spcoastal@goapolice.gov.in Above Women Police Station, Panaji Goa
25 Dy.Superintendent of Police, (Coastal Security) 7875756073 7875756224 - DY SP Coastal Security,Ribandar-GOa
26 Superintendent of Police (ANC) 7875756018 spanc-pol.goa@nic.in Above Women Police Station, Panaji Goa
27 Dy.Superintendent of Police (ANC) 7875756102 Dysp-pol.goa@nic.in Above Women Police Station, Panaji Goa
28 Superintendent of Police (ATS) 7875756019 sp.ats@goapolice.gov.in 1st floor, Taleigao Outpost Bldg., Durgawadi, Taleigao Goa
29 Dy. Superintendent of Police (ATS) 7875756035 dysp.ats@goapolice.gov.in 1st Floor, Taleigao Outpost Building, Durgawadi, Taleigao, Goa
30 Superintendent of Police (Wireless) 7875756058 spwireless@goapolice.gov.in Above Panaji Town Police Station, Panaji Goa
31 Dy. Superintendent of Police (Wireless) 7875756176 - Above Panaji Town Police Station, Panaji Goa
32 Superintendent of Police (EOC) 7875756015 speoc@goapolice.gov.in Economic Offence Cell, Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
33 Dy. Superintendent of Police 7875756232 dyspeoc@goapolice.gov.in PHQ,Panaji Goa
34 Superintendent of Police (Cyber Crime) 7875756006 spcyber@goapolice.gov.in Cyber Crime Police Station, Crime Branch, Ribandar near PHC Ribandar/Old GIM Ribandar
35 Superintendent of Police (MT) 7875756016 spmt@goapolice.gov.in Motor Transport Section, Police Headquarters, Panaji Goa
36 Dy. Superintendent of Police(MT) 7875756140 spec@goapolice.gov.in Dy.SP, (MT), Opp. To Azad Maidan,PHQ, Panaji
37 Superintendent of Police (Konkan Railway) 7875756080 spkonkanrlymrg@gmail.com Konkan Railway Police Station, Margao Goa
38 Dy. Superintendent of Police 7875756053 dyspkonrlymrg@gmail.com Konkan Railway Police Station
39 Dy.Commandant General (DCGHG And DDCD), PHQ, Panaji Goa. 7875756058 commandanthgcd@goapolic.gov.in GRP Camp, Altinho. Panaji Goa
40 Junior Staff Officer Civil Defence And District Commandant Home Guard. 7875756232 commandanthged@goapolice.gov.in Home Guard And Civil Defence Organization Goa Reserve Police Camp , Altinho, Panaji
41 Commandant 1, 2nd, 3rd, Indian Reserve Battalion 7875756018 commandant1irb@goapolice.gov.in New Administrative Block, 1st Floor, GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji Goa
42 Dy. Commandant 2nd t And3rd IRBn 7875756073 irb@gioapolice.gov.in Office of Dy Commandant New Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Altinho- Goa

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Assam PoliceHeadquarters,Opp.
AzadMaidan,P anaji-Goa(403001).
Contact: 0832-2428360
Fax: 0832-2428489

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