IIT Guwahati Contact No.


Important Links

IITG Administration

Name Designation Contact No. Email
Prof. T. Punniyamurthy Dean of Faculty Affairs 0361-2582084 dofa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Chitralekha Mahanta Dean of Academic Affairs 0361-2582081 doaa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sukumar Nandi Dean of Infrastructure, Planning and Management 0361-2582061 doipm [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Venkata Dasu Veeranki Dean of Students' Affairs 0361-2582083
Fax: 0361-2582249
dos [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
veeranki [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in,
venkatadasu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Prof. Mihir Kumar Purkait Dean of Alumni & External Relations 0361-2582183 doaaer [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. A.S. Achalkumar Dean of Outreach Education Programme 0361-2582937
dooe [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
veeranki [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in
venkatadasu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Prof. Vimal Katiyar Dean of Research & Development 0361-2582082  dornd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer Dean, Public Relations, Branding and Ranking 0361-2583999
Fax: 0361-2690762
dopr [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
pki [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya  Dean of Resource Generation and Finance 0361-2582008 dorgf [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. G. Krishnamoorthy Dean of Industrial Interactions and Special Initiatives 0361-2582131
doiisi [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
gkrishna [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in
Associate Deans
Prof. G. Sajith Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs 0361-2582977
adofa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
sajith [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in
Prof. K.V. Krishna Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Postgraduate 0361-2582961
Fax: 0361-2582649
adoaapg [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
kvk [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Biman B. Mandal Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Undergraduate  0361-2582179 adoaaug [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hemant B Kaushik Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Online Programmes 0361-2583001
adoaaop [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
hemantbk [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. M. K. Bhuyan Associate Dean of Infrastructure, Planning and Management 0361-2582918 adoipm [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Subhendu Sekhar Bag  Associate Dean of Research & Development 0361-2582132 adornd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Amaresh Dalal Associate Dean of Students' Affairs 0361-2582929
adosa_1 [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
amaresh [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Bithiah G. Jaganathan Associate Dean of Students Affairs  0361-2582928
Fax: 0361-2582249
adosa_2 [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
bithiahgj [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Rajib Kr. Bhattacharjya  Associate Dean of Alumni Affairs & External Relations  0361-2582185
Fax: 0361-2582440
adoaaer [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
rkbc [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in
rajibkbc [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. P. Muthukumar Associate Dean of Industrial Interactions and Special Initiatives 0361-2582009
Fax: 0361-2690762
adoiisi [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
pmkumar [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Head Of Department
Prof. Rakhi Chaturvedi Biosciences and BioengineeringBiosciences and Bioengineering 0361-2582201
 hodbio [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
rakhi_chaturvedi [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Anugrah Singh Chemical Engineering 0361-2582251 clhod [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Gopal Das Chemistry 0361-2582301
Fax: 0361-2582349
hodchem [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
hodch [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sharad Gokhale Civil Engineering 0361-2582401
Fax: 0361-2582440
hodce [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
sharadbg [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka Computer Science and Engineering 0361-2582351
hodcse [at] itg [dot] ac [dot] in
jatin [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. D. Udaya Kumar Design 0361-2582451 hoddd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Roy Paily Palathinkal Electronics and Electrical Engineering 0361-2582501 hodeee [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sukanya Sharma Humanities and Social Sciences 0361-2582551 hodhss [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Kalpesh Kapoor Mathematics  0361-2582601
hodmath [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
K. S. R. Krishna Murthy  Mechanical Engineering 0361-2582651 hodmech [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Perumal Alagarsamy  Physics 0361-2582701
hodphy [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
perumal [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Head Of Centre
Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee Computer & Communication Centre 0361-2582503
hoccc [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
ratnajit [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hemant B Kaushik Centre for Educational Technology 0361-2583001 hoccet [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pugazhenthi G. Central Instruments Facility 0361-2582264
hocinst [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
pugal [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Utpal Bora  Centre for the Environment 0361-2583026 hocenv [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay Centre for Nanotechnology 0361-2582254 hocnano [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Rohit Sinha Centre for Linguistic Science and Technology 0361-2583084
Fax: 0361-2582542
hoclst [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
rsinha [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Abhishek Kumar Centre for Career Development 0361-2582171
hocccd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Sudip Mitra  Centre for Disaster Management and Research 0361-2583800  hocdmr [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Uday Shanker Dixit Centre for Indian Knowledge System 0361-2582657
Fax: 0361-2582699
 hociks [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
uday [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Santosha K. Dwivedy  Centre for Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems 0361-2582670 hocicps [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Vimal Katiyar Centre for Sustainable Polymers 0361-2582278 hocsp [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Joint Registrar
Mr. Dibya Jyoti Goswami Finance & Accounts 0361-2582021 hosacc [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Prakash Hazarika Administration 0361-2582041  hosadmin [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Dhrubajyoti Sharma  Academic Affairs 0361-2582962 hosacad [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Dilip Boro  Students' Affairs 0361-2582161 hossa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Kuntil Bhuyan Stores & Purchase 0361-2582153  hossnp [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. T. T. Haokip Establishment 0361-2582043 hosestd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Assitant Registrar
Mr. Labanu K. Konwar  Industrial Interactions and Special Initiatives  0361-2582948  hosiisi [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Subhajit Choudhury Research & Development 0361-2583089 rndpa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Pranab Borgohain Legal & PIO 0361-2582048 hoslc [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
pio [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Sanjay Mandal Public Relations Branding and Ranking, Additional Charge of Outreach Education Programme 0361-2582006 hospro [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

Ms. Monalisa Kakati
Faculty Affairs 0361-2582189 hosfa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Ms. Nandeeta D. Salhotra Alumni & External Relations 0361-2582181 hosaa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

Ms. Amaya Phukan
Director's Office 0361-2582005 hosdir [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Kushal Ch. Das Administration 0361-2582042 kushal [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Dipon Lal Boishya Finance & Accounts 0361-2582022 dlb [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Dip Jyoti Dutta Internal Audit 0361-2582037 hosaudit [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Gunamani Das
(Deputy Registrar)
 EO-cum-SRC Additional charge of Students' Affairs 0361-2582985  hoseo [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. A. Srinivasan
(Interim Registrar)
 Interim Registrar 0361-2582020
 registrar [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. A. Wanshai Shynret  Academic Affairs , Additional charge of Sr. Security Officer 0361-2582144 awanshai [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Head Of School
Prof.Sanjukta Patra  School of Agro and Rural Technology 0361-2582659 hocrt [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Kaustabha Mohanty School of Energy Sciences and Engineering 0361-2583126
hocenergy [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
kmohanty [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 0361-2583351
head [dot] mfsdsai [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay  School of Health Science and Technology N/A hochst [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Laishram Boeing Singh Professor, Department of Civil Engineering 0361-2582433 boeing [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in


Name: Prof. Dr. T. G. Sitharam
Tel : 0361-2690401
Fax : 0361-2692321
Email: director [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in

Deputy Director

Name: Prof. Sashindra K. Kakoty
Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Email: dd [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

All Faculty Contact Details

Academic Affairs

Address is same for all
Academic Affairs Section IIT
Guwahati Guwahati-781039
Assam, INDIA

Name and Designation Contact No. Email
Mr. Dhrubajyoti Sharma
Joint Registrar
(Academic Affairs)
Fax: 0361-2582090
hosacad [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. S. Senthilvelan
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
0361-2582961 adoaapg [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Vimal Katiyar
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
0361-2582179 adoaaug [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Chitralekha Mahanta
(Dean of Academic Affairs)
0361-2582081 (Dean's Office) doaa [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

Students Affairs

Student's Affairs Section
Administrative Building
IIT Guwahati
Assam, INDIA
Email: saoff [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

Telephone Directory

Internal Complaints Committee

Name Designation Email Contact No.
Prof. Shakuntala Mahanta Professor, HSS
smahanta [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582565
Prof. Hemant B. Kaushik Professor, Civil Engineering
hemantbk [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582427
Dr. P Sarmah Medical Officer
archie [dot] 1981 [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582102
Mrs. Manashri M Bordoloi Security Officer
manashri [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582145
Dr. Deepmoni Deka TO Gr-I, Centre for Environment
deepmoni [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2583028
Mr. Pankaj Goswami Jr. Superintendent, Legal Cell
pankajg [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582952
Mrs. Monalisa Kakati Asst. Registrar, Students Affairs
kakati_m [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in 0361-2582161

Alumni Registration Form


Name: Dr. Suresh S. M.
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781039
Ph: 0361-2690761
Fax: 0361-2690762
Email: registrar [at] iitg [dot] ernet [dot] in
director [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

Mailing Address

Academic Affairs Section
IIT Guwahati
Guwahati 781039 Assam
acadoff [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in


Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781039, India
Ph: 0361-2583000
Fax: 0361-2690762
Email: peeroff [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in

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