Sr. No |
Name | Designation | Hall No. & Room No. |
Tele. (O), Fax No. | Int. Off |
Int. PA |
1 | Pradeep Singh Kharola, IAS |
CMD | 101, | 011-23371100, 011-23371909, 011-23371122 |
cmditpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
2 | Sanjay Kumar | PSO to CMD | 102 | 221 | sanjaykumarpso [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
3 | Rajat Agarwal, IAS | ED | 104 | 011-23371144 011-23371292 |
301 | ||
4 | Manoj Upreti | PA to ED | 103 | 9871092560 | 222 | edoffice [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
5 | Mathura Prasad, | ED (Projects) | 001(GF) PA G-9 |
011-23378929 9818582453 |
400 | 418 | edprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
6 | Col.Pushpam Kumar, SM |
OSD (Admn.,EMD, Protocol, CCSD, Cul., COO-ISL, Chairman-IECC Transition Committee, Law(case pertainiing to Estate Office) |
111, PA - G- 106 |
011-23378962 8558945501 |
314 | 407 | pushpam1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
7 | S.R. Sahoo | CS/GM (CS Unit/ Law, Estate Office) |
108, PA- 106 |
011-23371965, 8527889103 |
410 | 259 | srsahoo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
8 | Hema Maity | GM (FS-I) & FS II | G-14 PA - G-9 |
011-23371819, 9971240168 |
338 | 385 | hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
9 | Vikash Kumar Singh | GM(Security) | G-002 PA G-9 |
011-23378511 011-23379338 9868630478 |
383 | 208 | vikashitpo238 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
10 | B,K. Dubey, IAS | GM(IT) BDD, F&B. | 110, PA 106 |
011-23371869 | 266 | 264 | gmit2021 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
11 | Suresh Kumar Sinha | GM(Works) | 107, FF PA 106 |
011-23371868 9958469778 |
205 | 290 | gmprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
12 | Lal Brij | GM ( D&D (including Arch.) |
7(D)3 | 011-23370695, 9818514779 |
212 | 485 | brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
13 | Pal Devender | GM(BDD) | 7(D) 13 | 011-23379305 9810994832 |
372 | 295 | devenderpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
14 | Thakur Raj Kumar | GM(F&A/cs) | 7(D) G-2 | 9891066002 | 326 | 319 | rajthakur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
15 | Kumar Krishan | DGM (FS-II) | 7(G), 123 | 011-23371337, 011-23378901 9810819924 |
202 | kk [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
16 | Kumar Surinder | DGM(BDD) | 7(D) G-7 | 9810960930 | 363 | ksurinder [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
17 | Kumar Ashok | DGM(EMD) In addition to Housekeeping of Complex) |
7(G) 119 | 011-23371688, 9999885677 |
203 | ashokkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
18 | Prasad Manish | DGM(Fin.) | Hall 10 | 7042500175 | 396 | manishprasad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
19 | Vivekanand Vivek | DGM (Admn.) (CPPR)/Liasion Officer |
7(G) 117 | 011-23371445, 9910907947 |
329 | vivekanand [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
20 | Azad Sanjay | SM(Elect.) | 7(ABC) | 9350243317 | 518 | s-azad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
21 | Dixit Amrapali | SM(Security) | 7(G)
017 (G. Floor) |
9201010510 | 516 | amrapalidixit [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
22 | Gupta S.K | SM(Civil)(N/F) | 7(ABC) | 331 | skgupta [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
23 | Gedam R.M. | SM(Fin.)(N/F) Medical |
Hall 10 | 9911712706 | 387 | rsgedam [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
24 | Kumar Satish | SM(N/F) | 7ABC | 9818259607 | 285 | satishkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
25 | Moinuddin | SM(N/F) | 7(ABC) | 9891097292 | 294 | moinuddin [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
26 | Pareek Ravi Prakash | SM (C.S.Unit and addl.charge of law Div. and ISL |
7(G) 118 | 9810237371 | 508 | ravipareek [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
27 | Panda S.P. | SM (BDD) | 7(G) -23 | 9315766211 | 325 | sppanda [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
28 | Singh Hemant Kumar | SM(Civil) | 6 (GF) | 9911011877 | 336 | hemantkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
29 | SinghPradeep Kumar | SM(Elect.) | 6(GF) | 8178515250 | 409 | pradeepkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
30 | Singh Harpal | SM(Fin.)(N/F) | Hall 10 | 9818230986 | 234 | harpalsingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
31 | Aniket | Manager (Cash Section) |
Hall 10 | 403 | aniket [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
32 | Aggarwal Anchal | M(M./Acs.) | Hall 10 | 362 | anchalaggarwal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
33 | Begum Nazneen | M(Vigilance) Addl. Charge- PIC/RTI and ACR Unit |
7(G)FF 124 | 011-23371605 | 268 | nazneenibraheem [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
34 | Bhatia Anil | M(FFA/cs) | Hall 10 | 9818462677 | 226 | anilbhatia [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
35 | Bhatia Anirudh Kr | Manager
(NF) (M/Acs.) |
Hall 10 | 362 | anirudhbhatia [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
36 | Chauhan Abhishek | M(F&B) | 7(ABC) | 8505955777 | 513 | abhishekchauhan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
37 | Chitranshan A K | M(Engg. & IECC) | 7(D) | 011-23371614 | 312 | amritchitranshan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
38 | Chikkara Amit | M(Security) | 7(G) 026 | 011-23371808 | 288 | amitchhikara [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
39 | Chowdhary Shailender | M(NF)(Fin.) | Hall 10 | 300 | schaudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
40 | Chawla Jyoti | M(NF)(Revenue ) | Hall 10 | 9818605067 | 330 | ||
41 | Chand Kailash | M(NF)BDD | 7(G)116 | 9810093505 | 251 | kgyan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
42 | Chaudhary Dharmendra | M(NF)(Revenue ) | Hall 10 | 9818593139 | 495 | dkchaudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
43 | Durgesh N Batra | M (FS - I) | Hall
No. 7(G) 120 |
011-23371630 | 437 | dbatra [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
44 | Grover Naveen | M(Tech.) | 7(ABC) | 9810021251 | naveengrover [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
45 | Gandhi R.K | M(NF)(Salary) | Hall 10 | 207 300 |
rkgandhi [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
46 | Khan Azam | Manager (Admn.) (E-III) Addl.Charge - Gen.Sec. & Protocol |
Hall 9 | 011-23371322 | 371 | akhan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
47 | Kumar Ashok | M(N/F) Finance | Hall 10 | 9810300913 | 360 423 |
ashokkumarfin [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
48 | Kumar Shailesh | M(N/F)M/Acs | Hall 10 | 362 | shaileshkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
49 | Malik Kulbhushan | M(N/F) (BCS) | Hall 10 | 360 | kulbhushan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
50 | Nair S. Praful | M(FS-II) | 7(G)21 | 8375045884 | 350 | prafulnair [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
51 | Pankaj | M (FS-II) | Hall 7(G) | 9013340345 | 276 | pankaj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
52 | Pant Tarun Kant | M(IECC) | 7(G) 016 | 011-23371822 9971917207 |
384 | tkpant [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
53 | Pandey Rashmi | M (FS-II) | 7(G) (FF) 111 |
9868862101 | 210 | rashmipanwar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
54 | Pal Vijay | M (Security) | 7(G)026 | 011-23371808, 8860662258 |
288, | vijaypal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
55 | Sharma Saurabh | M(Arch.) | 7(ABC) | 011-23371843, 8800199229 |
239 | saurabhsharma [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
56 | Sikdar Debjit | M(D&D) | 7(ABC) | 011-23371682, 9971406601 |
204 | debjitsikdar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
57 | Singh Raj Kumar | M (Elec.) | 7(ABC) | 9810917907 | 354 | rajkumarsingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
58 | Siraj Asif | M(E-I) (Policy& HR) |
7(D) 05 | 011-23371913 | 287 | asifsiraj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
59 | Sonkar Rohit | M (FS-II) | 7(G) 115 | 9716943120 | 323 | rsonkar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
60 | Seth Jasdeep | M (F&B) | 7(G) 112 | 9818128369 | 525 | jseth [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
61 | Rama Rao J. | M (Elec.) | 7(ABC) | 9711475008 | 286 | jramarao [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
62 | Rastogi Sanjay | M(N/F) (Revenue) | Hall 10 | 9210706666 | 495 | sanjayrastogi [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
63 | Verma A.R. | Manager (Finance) | Hall 10 | 9029238559 | 300 | aleshverma [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
64 | Vashistha Sanjay | M(Store)) | Hall No. 12 | 011-23371783 8750436238 |
svashistha [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
65 | Vasudev | M(FS-I) | 7(D) 05 | 9868995216 | 287 | vasu [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
66 | Yadav N.P. | Manager
(N/F) (FFA/cs) |
Hall 10 | 9873599821 | 330 | npyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
67 | Yadav Saurabh | M(BDD) | 7(ABC) | 278 | sy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
68 | Ahuja Ajay | DM(CS Unit) | 7(ABC) | 9810854253 | 376 | ajayahuja [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
69 | Ahuja Raj | DM(NF)(BDD) | 7(G) | 265 | rajahuja [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
70 | Akshay | DM(FS-II) | 7(G) 115 | 9350492503, 9627002291 |
323 | akshay [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
71 | Azad Nirmala | DM (Hindi Section) | Hall 9 | 9873733284 | 463 | nirmalaazaad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
72 | Aggarwal Sahil | DM(D&D) | 7ABC | 7838443437 | 247 | sahilaggarwal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
73 | Bhatia Rahul | DM(Civil) | 7ABC | 9968006653 | 399 | rahul13074 [at] gmail [dot] com | |
74 | Choudhary Renu | DM(D&D) | 7(ABC) | 9811425251 | 204 | renuchoudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
75 | Chawla K Suresh | DM(Vig.) | 7(G ) 124 |
9868512828 | 275 | skchawla [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
76 | Gehlot Monica | DM (-IT Service) | Hall 7(ABC) |
9574436630 | 255 | monicagehlot [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
77 | Ghai Amrita | DM(N/F) Publicity | Hall 7(ABC) |
9818120666 | 415 | aghai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
78 | Gulati Veena | DM(Nf) Security | Hall 7(G) 025(GF) |
9968472449 | 232 | veenagulati [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
79 | Jain Srishti | DM(E-I) | Hall 9 | 011-23379038 9717665168 |
365 | srishtijain [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
80 | Jit Ram | DM(NF) F& A/cs) | Hall 10 | 219 | jitram [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
81 | Jit Ram | DM(NF) F& A/cs) | Hall 10 | 219 | |||
82 | Kandhari Ravi | DM(A/cs)(NF)( BCS) | Hall 10 | 423 | |||
83 | Kamboj Sunita | DM(NF) (F&B) | Hall 7D | 9818724040 | 253 | sunitakamboj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
84 | Kumar Abhishek | DM (EMD) | 9810932192 | abhishekkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |||
85 | Kumar Narender | DM(NF) (Reven ue/GST) |
Hall 10 | 9810784859 | 342 | narenderkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
86 | Kumar Bijender | DM(E-II) | Hall 9 | 9868639483 | 462 | bkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
87 | Kumar Mukesh | DM(Elect.) | 7ABC | 8125818624 | 354 | mukeshkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
88 | Mathur Dinesh | DM(FS-II) | Hall 7 G 21 (GF) |
9911381966 | 350 | dineshmathur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
89 | Mondal Suman | DM(IECC) . | 7(D) GF 016 |
9538856394 | 384 | sumanmondal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
90 | Nagpal Saroj | DM(NF)(FS-II) | 7G FF | snagpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |||
91 | Pal Rajendra Singh | DM(NF) (BCS) | Hall 10 | 360 423 |
rsp [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
92 | Pandey Bimla | DM (E-II) | Hall 9 | 9811301149 | 366 | bimlapandey [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
93 | Pandit Deo Nath | DM(NF) F& A/cs) (Revenue) |
Hall 10 | 495 | |||
94 | Paul, Sweety | DM(TIRP) and ITPO's fair and third party fairs in BDD |
7(ABC) | 9891997791 | 291 | ||
95 | S. Sundararaman, | DM (TIRP) and ITPO's fair and third party fairs in BDD |
Hall 7(ABC) |
011-23378817 | 432 | sundararaman [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
96 | Sagar Dharmender | DM(Elect.) | 7ABC | 9968051214 | 313 | dharmendrasagar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
97 | Singh Surender | DM(Gen. Sec. & R&I) |
Hall 7 G 20 (GF) |
011-23371749 | 500 | surendersingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
98 | Sikka Asha | DM(NF) | Store | 011-23378645 9911907912 |
asikka [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | ||
99 | Shrivastava Shrey Raj | DM(BDD) | 7G | 9810433094 | 344 | shreyrs [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
100 | Yadav Kapil | DM(Security) | 7(G) 026 | 8828242955 | 288 | kapilyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in | |
101 | Yadav Manish | DM (BDD) | 7(G) 016 | 9654393044 | 460 | manishyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
Sl. No. |
Service | Hall No./ Room No. |
Int. | MTNL |
1 | Admn.I | Hall 10 | 365 | 011-23379038 |
2 | Admn.II | -do- | 366, 462 |
3 | Admn.III | -do- | 359 | 011-23379132 |
4 | Architect Unit | Hall 7(ABC) | 485, 239 |
011-23371843 |
5 | Auditors | Hall 10 | 375, 378, 206 |
6 | Bill Checking Section | Hall 10 | 423, 360, |
7 | Board Room | 7(D) | 258 | |
8 | Caretaker | Back side of Hall 12 |
9 | Cash Section | 10 | 219 519 |
10 | Conservancy | Back side of Hall 10 |
11 | Computer Complaint | 7(ABC) | 240 517 |
12 | Co-ordination | 7 G | 261 | |
13 | Cultural Division Committee Room |
7(G) 21 7(D) |
284, 245 |
14 | CISF | In front of Hall No. 12 A |
011-23371901 011-23371912 |
15 | CR Unit | Hall No.9 | 280 | |
16 | DFD | Hall 7(G) | 388 441 |
17 | Employee’s Union Room | In front of Hall 12 |
011-23371433 | |
Fire Office | ||||
18 | General Section | Hall 7(G) 020 | 421 500 |
011-23371749 |
19 | Hindi Section | Hall 9 | 463 | |
20 | Law Unit | 7(ABC) | 345, | 011-23371478 |
21 | Lan Room | 7(G) | 426 | |
22 | Library | 7(ABC) | 253 | 011-23379139 |
23 | Logistic Deptt | 10 | 509 | |
24 | Marketing Div. | 344 460 265 |
25 | Akal Information System Ltd., | 404 | 011-23378808 011-23371319 |
26 | Portal team of BDD | Hall 7(G) 029 Ground Floor |
316 | |
27 | Reception-I/EPABX | Hall 7(D) | 9 | 011-23371540 |
28 | Reception- Gate No. 1 | 7065182754 | ||
29 | Reception Gate No. 10 | 7065182748 | ||
30 | Revenue Section | 10 | 495 342 |
31 | R&I Section | 7(G) 21 | 237 | |
32 | Store (Main) | In front of Hall No. 12 |
011-23378645 | |
33 | Security Office | 7(G) | 288, 292 |
011-23371507, 011-23371796, |
34 | Salary Section | Hall 9 | 300, 207 |
35 | Vigilance Section | 7(G). 124 | 268, 275, |
011-23371605 |
36 | PIC/RTI | Hall 9 | 293 | |
37 | CCTV Control Room Near Food Plaza |
Back side of Hall No. 12 |
011-23371904 | |
38 | Travel Unit | 9 | 395 |
S No. |
Bank | Hall No./ Room No. |
Contact No. |
1 | Canara Bank | 7FGH | 011-23371812 |
2 | Central Bank | 7FGH | 011-23371473 |
3 | Mtnl Complaints | Back side of Hall 12 |
011-23371653, 011-23371327 or 198 |
4 | Sh.Arun Meena,SDO | 011-23415522 | |
5 | Post Office | 7D | 011-23371549 |
SNo. | Name/ Desgination | Contact No. | Address |
1 | V. Narayanan DGM |
9566046088 | Raja Annamalai Bldg.2nd Floor, 18-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road, Egmore, Chennai - 8 Tele : 044-28554655, 044-28587297, 044-28415416 fax : 044-28554740 e-mail : narayananv [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
2 | D.Selvam, Sr. Manager |
9952098973 selvamd [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
SNo. | Name/ Desgination | Contact No. | Address |
1 | Ms. Rumela Roy | 9874649720 | International Trade Facilitation Centre, 5th Floor, 1/1 Wood Street, Kolkata - 700 016 Tele : 033-22822904, 033-22825820 fax : 033-22828269 e-mail : itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
SNo. | Name/ Desgination | Contact No. | Address |
1 | Sh.B.G. Sonkamble Manager |
9969274693 | 3rd Floor, Jhansi Castle, 7, Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001 Tele : 022-22026629, 022-22822196 Fax : 022-22044922 E-mail:-romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in , bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
S No. |
Office | Contact Details |
1 | Mumbai | 7, Cooperage Road, 3rd Floor, Jhansi Castle Mumbai - 400001 (INDIA) Tel. : 022-22026629, 022-22822196, 022-22044922 Fax : 022-22044922 Email: bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
2 | Kolkata | International Trade Facilitation Centre, 5th Floor, 1/1 Wood Street, Kolkata-700016 (INDIA) Tel. : 033-22822904 033-22825820 Fax : 033-22828269 Email : itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in rroy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
3 | Chennai | Raja Annamalai Buiding,2nd Floor, 18-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008 (INDIA) Tel : 044-28554655 044-28587297 044-28415416 Fax : 044-28554740 Email: narayananv [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
S. No. |
Officer | Contact Details |
Key Executives in Head Office | ||
1 | Shri Pradeep Singh Kharola, IAS (Retd.) Chairman & Managing Director |
Phone: 011-23371100, 011-23371909 Fax: 011-23371122 Email: cmditpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
2 | Shri Vibhu Nayar, IAS Executive Director |
Phone: 011-23371144, 011-23371292 Fax: 011-23371292 PA's Mob:9871092560 Email: editpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in edoffice [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
3 | Shri Mathura Prasad Executive Director(Projects) Functional Division: Engineering Services and IECC Unit . |
Phone: 011-23378929, 011-23371292 Mob: 9818582453 Email: edprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
4 | Col. Pushpam Kumar, SM Officer on Special Duty (Admin) Functional Division: Administration, Protocol, COO- ISL, Chairman- IECC Transition Committee, Vigilance Officer(Part time), Publicity and Corporate Communication Services, Culture Unit, Law Division (case pertaining to Estate Office) and Estate Management Division . |
Phone: 011-23378962 Fax: 011-23371519 Mob: 8558945501 Email: pushpam1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
5 | Shri Bimal Kumar Dubey, IAS General Manager Functional Division: IT Service Division, Business Development Division (including Domestic Fairs) and Food & Beverage Unit |
Phone: 011-23371869 Email: gmit2021 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
6 | Mrs. Hema Maity General Manager Functional Division: Fair Services (Foreign Fairs) |
Phone: 011-23371819 Fax:011-23371901 Mob: 9971240168 Email: hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
7 | Shri S R Sahoo Company Secretary & General Manager Functional Division: Estate Office, Company Secretary Unit and Law Division. |
Phone: 011-23371965 Mob: 8527889103 Email: srsahoo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
8 | Shri Vikash Kumar Singh General Manager Functional Division: Security Services Division |
Phone: 011-23378511 Mob: 9868630478 Email: vikashitpo238 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
9 | Shri Brij Lal Deputy General Manager Functional Division: Arch. Unit and Printing Unit(Part of Engg. Services Division) |
Phone: 011-23370695 Mobile: 9818514779 Email: brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
10 | Shri R.K. Thakur Deputy General Manager Functional Division: Delegated Financial & Administrative Powers of FA & CAO |
Mobile: 9891066002 Email: rajthakur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
Key Executive in Regional Offices | ||
1 | Mr. B G Sonkamble Manager India Trade Promotion Organisation Regional Office-7 Cooperage Road 3rd Floor Jhansi Castle Mumbai-400001 Maharashtra (INDIA) |
Ph. 022-22026629, 022-22822196, 022-22044922 Fax 022-22044922 Email:-bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
2 | Mrs Rumela Roy Das Sr .Manager India Trade Promotion Organisation International Trade Facilitation Centre 5th Floor 1/1 Wood Street Kolkata-700016 West Bengal (INDIA) |
Ph. 033-22822904 033-22825820 Fax No. 033-22828269 Email:- itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in, rroy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
3 | Mr. D. Selvam sr. Manager India Trade Promotion Organisation Raja Annamalai Building 2nd Floor 18-A Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road Egmore Chennai-600008 Tamil Nadu (INDIA) |
Ph. 044-28554655 044-28587297 044-28415416 Fax No. 044-28554740 Email:- selvamd [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
Col. Pushpam Kumar,
Designation Officer on
Special Duty (Administration)
Phone: 011-23378962
Email : pushpum1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
SNo. | Name | Contact Details |
1 | Smt. Hema Maity | General Manager & First Appellate Authority India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110 001 Tel: 011-23371819 Email:hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
2 | Shri S R Sahoo | CS & Transparency Officer India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110001 Tel : 011-23371965 Email: companysecretary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
3 | Mrs. Amarpali Dixit | Sr. Manager & Public Information Officer(PIO) India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110001 Tel: 011-23378821 E-mail: amrapalidixit [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
4 | Ms. Nazneen Begum | Assistant Public Information Officer India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110 001 Tel:011-23371913 Email:nazneenibraheem [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
5 | Shri Kirshan Kumar | Sr. Manager, Alternate Public Information Officer(Alt.PIO) India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110001 E-mail: kk [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
6 | Shri Brij Lal | DGM (Arch) Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110 001 Tel: 011-23370695 Mob: 9818514779 Email: brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
7 | Shri Devender Pal | DGM Alternate Central Public Information Officer (ACPIO) India Trade Promotion Organisation Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan New Delhi - 110 001 Tel: 011-23379305 Mob: 9810994832 Email: devenderpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
Public Information Officers for regional offices | ||
8 | Shri V Narayanan | DGM, ITPO Chennai-600 008 Tel : 044-28554655 044-28587297, fax : 044-28554740 E-mail: itpochn [at] md4 [dot] vsnl [dot] net [dot] in |
9 | Ms Rumela Roy Das | Manager, ITPO Kolkata Tel. : 033-22822904 033-22825820 033-22828586 Telefax : 033-22828269 Email: itpocal [at] cal3 [dot] vsnl [dot] net [dot] in |
10 | Shri B G Sonkamble | Manager, ITPO Mumbai Tel. : 022-22026629, 022-22821017 Fax : 022-22044922 Email: bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in |
Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi-110001 (INDIA)
CIN: U74899DL1976NPL008453
Tel. : 011-23371540 (EPABX)
E-mail : info [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in