India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) Contact No.

Important Links

Telephone Directory

Name Designation Hall No. &
Room No.
Tele. (O), Fax No. Int.
1 Pradeep Singh
Kharola, IAS
CMD 101, 011-23371100,
cmditpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Sanjay Kumar PSO to CMD 102 221 sanjaykumarpso [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Rajat Agarwal, IAS ED 104 011-23371144
4 Manoj Upreti PA to ED 103 9871092560 222 edoffice [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Mathura Prasad, ED (Projects) 001(GF)
PA G-9
400 418 edprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Col.Pushpam
Kumar, SM
OSD (Admn.,EMD,
Protocol, CCSD, Cul.,
Transition Committee,
Law(case pertainiing
to Estate Office)
PA - G- 106
314 407 pushpam1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
7 S.R. Sahoo CS/GM (CS Unit/
Law, Estate Office)
PA- 106
410 259 srsahoo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
8 Hema Maity GM (FS-I) & FS II G-14
PA - G-9
338 385 hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
9 Vikash Kumar Singh GM(Security) G-002
PA G-9
383 208 vikashitpo238 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
10 B,K. Dubey, IAS GM(IT) BDD, F&B. 110,
PA 106
011-23371869 266 264 gmit2021 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
11 Suresh Kumar Sinha GM(Works) 107,
FF PA 106
205 290 gmprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
12 Lal Brij GM ( D&D
(including Arch.)
7(D)3 011-23370695,
212 485 brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
13 Pal Devender GM(BDD) 7(D) 13 011-23379305
372 295 devenderpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
14 Thakur Raj Kumar GM(F&A/cs) 7(D) G-2 9891066002 326 319 rajthakur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Kumar Krishan DGM (FS-II) 7(G), 123 011-23371337,
202 kk [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
16 Kumar Surinder DGM(BDD) 7(D) G-7 9810960930 363 ksurinder [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
17 Kumar Ashok DGM(EMD)
In addition to
of Complex)
7(G) 119 011-23371688,
203 ashokkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
18 Prasad Manish DGM(Fin.) Hall 10 7042500175 396 manishprasad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
19 Vivekanand Vivek DGM (Admn.)
7(G) 117 011-23371445,
329 vivekanand [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
20 Azad Sanjay SM(Elect.) 7(ABC) 9350243317 518 s-azad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
21 Dixit Amrapali SM(Security) 7(G) 017
(G. Floor)
9201010510 516 amrapalidixit [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
22 Gupta S.K SM(Civil)(N/F) 7(ABC) 331 skgupta [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
23 Gedam R.M. SM(Fin.)(N/F)
Hall 10 9911712706 387 rsgedam [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
24 Kumar Satish SM(N/F) 7ABC 9818259607 285 satishkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
25 Moinuddin SM(N/F) 7(ABC) 9891097292 294 moinuddin [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
26 Pareek Ravi Prakash SM (C.S.Unit
and addl.charge
of law Div. and ISL
7(G) 118 9810237371 508 ravipareek [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
27 Panda S.P. SM (BDD) 7(G) -23 9315766211 325 sppanda [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
28 Singh Hemant Kumar SM(Civil) 6 (GF) 9911011877 336 hemantkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
29 SinghPradeep Kumar SM(Elect.) 6(GF) 8178515250 409 pradeepkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
30 Singh Harpal SM(Fin.)(N/F) Hall 10 9818230986 234 harpalsingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
31 Aniket Manager
(Cash Section)
Hall 10 403 aniket [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
32 Aggarwal Anchal M(M./Acs.) Hall 10 362 anchalaggarwal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
33 Begum Nazneen M(Vigilance) Addl.
Charge- PIC/RTI
and ACR Unit
7(G)FF 124 011-23371605 268 nazneenibraheem [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
34 Bhatia Anil M(FFA/cs) Hall 10 9818462677 226 anilbhatia [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
35 Bhatia Anirudh Kr Manager (NF)
Hall 10 362 anirudhbhatia [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
36 Chauhan Abhishek M(F&B) 7(ABC) 8505955777 513 abhishekchauhan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
37 Chitranshan A K M(Engg. & IECC) 7(D) 011-23371614 312 amritchitranshan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
38 Chikkara Amit M(Security) 7(G) 026 011-23371808 288 amitchhikara [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
39 Chowdhary Shailender M(NF)(Fin.) Hall 10 300 schaudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
40 Chawla Jyoti M(NF)(Revenue ) Hall 10 9818605067 330
41 Chand Kailash M(NF)BDD 7(G)116 9810093505 251 kgyan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
42 Chaudhary Dharmendra M(NF)(Revenue ) Hall 10 9818593139 495 dkchaudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
43 Durgesh N Batra M (FS - I) Hall No.
7(G) 120
011-23371630 437 dbatra [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
44 Grover Naveen M(Tech.) 7(ABC) 9810021251 naveengrover [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
45 Gandhi R.K M(NF)(Salary) Hall 10 207
rkgandhi [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
46 Khan Azam Manager (Admn.)
(E-III) Addl.Charge
- Gen.Sec. & Protocol
Hall 9 011-23371322 371 akhan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
47 Kumar Ashok M(N/F) Finance Hall 10 9810300913 360
ashokkumarfin [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
48 Kumar Shailesh M(N/F)M/Acs Hall 10 362 shaileshkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
49 Malik Kulbhushan M(N/F) (BCS) Hall 10 360 kulbhushan [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
50 Nair S. Praful M(FS-II) 7(G)21 8375045884 350 prafulnair [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
51 Pankaj M (FS-II) Hall 7(G) 9013340345 276 pankaj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
52 Pant Tarun Kant M(IECC) 7(G) 016 011-23371822
384 tkpant [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
53 Pandey Rashmi M (FS-II) 7(G)
(FF) 111
9868862101 210 rashmipanwar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
54 Pal Vijay M (Security) 7(G)026 011-23371808,
288, vijaypal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
55 Sharma Saurabh M(Arch.) 7(ABC) 011-23371843,
239 saurabhsharma [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
56 Sikdar Debjit M(D&D) 7(ABC) 011-23371682,
204 debjitsikdar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
57 Singh Raj Kumar M (Elec.) 7(ABC) 9810917907 354 rajkumarsingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
58 Siraj Asif M(E-I)
(Policy& HR)
7(D) 05 011-23371913 287 asifsiraj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
59 Sonkar Rohit M (FS-II) 7(G) 115 9716943120 323 rsonkar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
60 Seth Jasdeep M (F&B) 7(G) 112 9818128369 525 jseth [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
61 Rama Rao J. M (Elec.) 7(ABC) 9711475008 286 jramarao [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
62 Rastogi Sanjay M(N/F) (Revenue) Hall 10 9210706666 495 sanjayrastogi [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
63 Verma A.R. Manager (Finance) Hall 10 9029238559 300 aleshverma [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
64 Vashistha Sanjay M(Store)) Hall No. 12 011-23371783
svashistha [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
65 Vasudev M(FS-I) 7(D) 05 9868995216 287 vasu [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
66 Yadav N.P. Manager (N/F)
Hall 10 9873599821 330 npyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
67 Yadav Saurabh M(BDD) 7(ABC) 278 sy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
68 Ahuja Ajay DM(CS Unit) 7(ABC) 9810854253 376 ajayahuja [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
69 Ahuja Raj DM(NF)(BDD) 7(G) 265 rajahuja [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
70 Akshay DM(FS-II) 7(G) 115 9350492503,
323 akshay [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
71 Azad Nirmala DM (Hindi Section) Hall 9 9873733284 463 nirmalaazaad [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
72 Aggarwal Sahil DM(D&D) 7ABC 7838443437 247 sahilaggarwal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
73 Bhatia Rahul DM(Civil) 7ABC 9968006653 399 rahul13074 [at] gmail [dot] com
74 Choudhary Renu DM(D&D) 7(ABC) 9811425251 204 renuchoudhary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
75 Chawla K Suresh DM(Vig.) 7(G )
9868512828 275 skchawla [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
76 Gehlot Monica DM (-IT Service) Hall
9574436630 255 monicagehlot [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
77 Ghai Amrita DM(N/F) Publicity Hall
9818120666 415 aghai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
78 Gulati Veena DM(Nf) Security Hall 7(G)
9968472449 232 veenagulati [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
79 Jain Srishti DM(E-I) Hall 9 011-23379038
365 srishtijain [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
80 Jit Ram DM(NF) F& A/cs) Hall 10 219 jitram [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
81 Jit Ram DM(NF) F& A/cs) Hall 10 219
82 Kandhari Ravi DM(A/cs)(NF)( BCS) Hall 10 423
83 Kamboj Sunita DM(NF) (F&B) Hall 7D 9818724040 253 sunitakamboj [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
84 Kumar Abhishek DM (EMD) 9810932192 abhishekkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
85 Kumar Narender DM(NF)
(Reven ue/GST)
Hall 10 9810784859 342 narenderkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
86 Kumar Bijender DM(E-II) Hall 9 9868639483 462 bkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
87 Kumar Mukesh DM(Elect.) 7ABC 8125818624 354 mukeshkumar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
88 Mathur Dinesh DM(FS-II) Hall 7 G
21 (GF)
9911381966 350 dineshmathur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
89 Mondal Suman DM(IECC) . 7(D)
GF 016
9538856394 384 sumanmondal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
90 Nagpal Saroj DM(NF)(FS-II) 7G FF snagpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
91 Pal Rajendra Singh DM(NF) (BCS) Hall 10 360
rsp [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
92 Pandey Bimla DM (E-II) Hall 9 9811301149 366 bimlapandey [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
93 Pandit Deo Nath DM(NF) F& A/cs)
Hall 10 495
94 Paul, Sweety DM(TIRP) and
ITPO's fair and
third party fairs
in BDD
7(ABC) 9891997791 291
95 S. Sundararaman, DM (TIRP) and
ITPO's fair and
third party fairs
in BDD
011-23378817 432 sundararaman [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
96 Sagar Dharmender DM(Elect.) 7ABC 9968051214 313 dharmendrasagar [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
97 Singh Surender DM(Gen. Sec.
& R&I)
Hall 7 G
20 (GF)
011-23371749 500 surendersingh [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
98 Sikka Asha DM(NF) Store 011-23378645
asikka [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
99 Shrivastava Shrey Raj DM(BDD) 7G 9810433094 344 shreyrs [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
100 Yadav Kapil DM(Security) 7(G) 026 8828242955 288 kapilyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
101 Yadav Manish DM (BDD) 7(G) 016 9654393044 460 manishyadav [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Service Section– ITPO

Service Hall No./
Room No.
1 Admn.I Hall 10 365 011-23379038
2 Admn.II -do- 366,
3 Admn.III -do- 359 011-23379132
4 Architect Unit Hall 7(ABC) 485,
5 Auditors Hall 10 375,
6 Bill Checking Section Hall 10 423,
7 Board Room 7(D) 258
8 Caretaker Back side
of Hall 12
9 Cash Section 10 219
10 Conservancy Back side
of Hall 10
11 Computer Complaint 7(ABC) 240
12 Co-ordination 7 G 261  
13 Cultural Division
Committee Room
7(G) 21
14 CISF In front of
Hall No. 12 A
15 CR Unit Hall No.9 280
16 DFD Hall 7(G) 388
17 Employee’s Union Room In front
of Hall 12
Fire Office
18 General Section Hall 7(G) 020 421
19 Hindi Section Hall 9 463
20 Law Unit 7(ABC) 345, 011-23371478
21 Lan Room 7(G) 426
22 Library 7(ABC) 253 011-23379139
23 Logistic Deptt 10 509
24 Marketing Div. 344
25 Akal Information System Ltd., 404 011-23378808
26 Portal team of BDD Hall 7(G) 029
Ground Floor
27 Reception-I/EPABX Hall 7(D) 9 011-23371540
28 Reception- Gate No. 1 7065182754
29 Reception Gate No. 10 7065182748
30 Revenue Section 10 495
31 R&I Section 7(G) 21 237
32 Store (Main) In front of
Hall No. 12
33 Security Office 7(G) 288,
34 Salary Section Hall 9 300,
35 Vigilance Section 7(G). 124 268,
36 PIC/RTI Hall 9 293
37 CCTV Control Room
Near Food Plaza
Back side
of Hall No. 12
38 Travel Unit 9 395


Bank Hall No./
Room No.
Contact No.
1 Canara Bank 7FGH 011-23371812
2 Central Bank 7FGH 011-23371473
3 Mtnl Complaints Back side
of Hall 12
011-23371327 or 198
4 Sh.Arun Meena,SDO 011-23415522
5 Post Office 7D 011-23371549


SNo. Name/ Desgination Contact No. Address
1 V. Narayanan
9566046088 Raja Annamalai Bldg.2nd Floor, 18-A,
Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road,
Egmore, Chennai - 8
Tele : 044-28554655,
044-28587297, 044-28415416
fax : 044-28554740
e-mail : narayananv [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 D.Selvam,
Sr. Manager
selvamd [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in


SNo. Name/ Desgination Contact No. Address
1 Ms. Rumela Roy 9874649720 International Trade Facilitation Centre,
5th Floor, 1/1 Wood Street, Kolkata - 700 016
Tele : 033-22822904, 033-22825820
fax : 033-22828269
e-mail : itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in


SNo. Name/ Desgination Contact No. Address
1 Sh.B.G. Sonkamble
9969274693 3rd Floor, Jhansi Castle, 7,
Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001
Tele : 022-22026629, 022-22822196
Fax : 022-22044922
E-mail:-romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in ,
bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Regional Offices

Office Contact Details
1 Mumbai 7, Cooperage Road, 3rd Floor, Jhansi Castle
Mumbai - 400001 (INDIA)
Tel. : 022-22026629,
Fax : 022-22044922
Email: bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Kolkata International Trade Facilitation Centre,
5th Floor, 1/1 Wood Street, Kolkata-700016 (INDIA)
Tel. : 033-22822904
Fax : 033-22828269
Email : itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
rroy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
3  Chennai Raja Annamalai Buiding,2nd Floor, 18-A,
Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600008 (INDIA)
Tel : 044-28554655
Fax : 044-28554740
Email: narayananv [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Key Executives

Officer Contact Details
Key Executives in Head Office
1 Shri Pradeep Singh Kharola, IAS (Retd.)
Chairman & Managing Director
Phone: 011-23371100,
Fax: 011-23371122
Email: cmditpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Shri Vibhu Nayar, IAS
Executive Director
Phone: 011-23371144,
Fax: 011-23371292
PA's Mob:9871092560
Email: editpo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
edoffice [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Shri Mathura Prasad
Executive Director(Projects)
Functional Division:  Engineering
Services and IECC Unit .
Phone: 011-23378929,
Mob: 9818582453
Email: edprojects [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Col. Pushpam Kumar, SM
Officer on Special Duty (Admin)
Functional Division: Administration,
Protocol, COO- ISL, Chairman- IECC
Transition Committee, Vigilance Officer(Part time),
Publicity and Corporate Communication Services,
Culture Unit, Law Division (case pertaining to
Estate Office) and Estate Management Division .
Phone: 011-23378962
Fax: 011-23371519
Mob: 8558945501
Email: pushpam1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Shri Bimal Kumar Dubey, IAS
General Manager
Functional Division:  IT Service Division,
Business Development Division (including
Domestic Fairs) and Food & Beverage Unit
Phone: 011-23371869
Email:  gmit2021 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Mrs. Hema Maity
General Manager
Functional Division:  Fair Services (Foreign Fairs)
Phone: 011-23371819
Mob: 9971240168
Email: hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
7 Shri S R Sahoo
Company Secretary & General Manager
Functional Division: Estate Office,
Company Secretary Unit and Law Division.
Phone: 011-23371965
Mob: 8527889103
Email: srsahoo [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
8 Shri Vikash Kumar Singh
General Manager
Functional Division:  Security Services Division
Phone: 011-23378511
Mob: 9868630478
Email:  vikashitpo238 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
9 Shri Brij Lal
Deputy General Manager
Functional Division: Arch. Unit and Printing
Unit(Part of Engg. Services Division)
Phone: 011-23370695
Mobile: 9818514779
Email: brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
10 Shri R.K. Thakur
Deputy General Manager
Functional Division:  Delegated Financial
& Administrative Powers of FA & CAO
Mobile: 9891066002
Email: rajthakur [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
Key Executive in Regional Offices
1 Mr. B G Sonkamble
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Regional Office-7 Cooperage Road
3rd Floor Jhansi Castle
Maharashtra (INDIA)
Ph. 022-22026629,
Fax 022-22044922
Email:-bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
romumbai [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Mrs Rumela Roy Das
Sr .Manager
India Trade Promotion Organisation
International Trade Facilitation Centre
5th Floor 1/1 Wood Street
West Bengal (INDIA)
Ph. 033-22822904
Fax No. 033-22828269
Email:- itporok [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
rroy [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Mr. D. Selvam
sr. Manager
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Raja Annamalai Building 2nd Floor 18-A
Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road Egmore
Tamil Nadu (INDIA)
Ph. 044-28554655
Fax No. 044-28554740
Email:- selvamd [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Nodal Officer of Grievances

Col. Pushpam Kumar,
SM Designation Officer on
Special Duty (Administration)
Phone: 011-23378962
Email : pushpum1701 [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Right To Information (RTI)

SNo. Name Contact Details
1 Smt. Hema Maity General Manager & First Appellate Authority
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 011-23371819
Email:hemamaity [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Shri S R Sahoo CS & Transparency Officer
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110001
Tel : 011-23371965
Email: companysecretary [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Mrs. Amarpali Dixit Sr. Manager  & Public Information Officer(PIO)
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110001
Tel: 011-23378821
E-mail: amrapalidixit [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Ms. Nazneen Begum Assistant Public Information Officer
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110 001
Email:nazneenibraheem [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Shri Kirshan Kumar Sr. Manager, Alternate Public Information Officer(Alt.PIO)
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110001
E-mail: kk [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Shri Brij Lal DGM (Arch)
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 011-23370695
Mob: 9818514779
Email: brijlal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
7 Shri Devender Pal DGM
Alternate Central Public Information Officer (ACPIO)
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 011-23379305
Mob: 9810994832
Email: devenderpal [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in
Public Information Officers for regional offices
8 Shri V Narayanan DGM,
ITPO Chennai-600 008
Tel : 044-28554655
fax : 044-28554740
E-mail: itpochn [at] md4 [dot] vsnl [dot] net [dot] in
9 Ms Rumela Roy Das Manager,
ITPO Kolkata
Tel. : 033-22822904
Telefax : 033-22828269
Email: itpocal [at] cal3 [dot] vsnl [dot] net [dot] in
10 Shri B G Sonkamble Manager,
ITPO Mumbai
Tel. : 022-22026629,
Fax : 022-22044922
Email: bgsonkamble [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Head Office

Pragati Bhawan, Pragati Maidan
New Delhi-110001 (INDIA)
CIN: U74899DL1976NPL008453
Tel. : 011-23371540 (EPABX)
E-mail : info [at] itpo [dot] gov [dot] in

Social Sites

Google Map: