Indira Gandhi University (IGU) Meerpur Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 01274-248 011 (Contact Support)
  • 01274-248 753 (Admission Helpline No, 9am-5pm)
  • 94671 48929 (Examinations Helpline No, 9am-5pm)


  • admissions [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in (Admission Helpline No, 9am-5pm)
  • coehelpline [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in (Examinations Helpline No, 9am-5pm)

Administration Contact

Name Designation Email
Prof. J. P. Yadav Vice Chancellor
vc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Parmod Kumar Registrar registrar [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Manju Pruthi Dean Academic Affairs dean [dot] academic [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Vijay Kumar Dean Student Welfare dean [dot] dsw [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Parmod Kumar Controller of Examination coe [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Sh. Parveen Kumar Yadav Finance Officer fo [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Branch Details

Branch Email
Academic Branch academic [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Establishment Branch establishmentbranch [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
General Branch general [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Account Branch fo [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
ao [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
accounts [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Examination Branch coe [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
coehelpline [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
result [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
conduct [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Purchase and Store Branch purchase [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
College Branch college [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Engineering Branch erwng [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Registration and
Scholarship Branch
reg [dot] sch [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Email Directory

Name Email
Chairperson, Department of BioTech chairperson [dot] biotech [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Botany chairperson [dot] botany [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Chemistry chairperson [dot] chemistry [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Commerce chairperson [dot] commerce [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering
chairperson [dot] cse [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Economics chairperson [dot] economics [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Education chairperson [dot] education [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of English chairperson [dot] english [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Environment Studies chairperson [dot] evs [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Geography chairperson [dot] geography [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Hindi chairperson [dot] hindi [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of History chairperson [dot] history [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Hotel &
Tourism Management
chairperson [dot] htm [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Law chairperson [dot] law [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Management chairperson [dot] management [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Mathematics chairperson [dot] math [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Pharmacy chairperson [dot] pharmacy [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Physical Education chairperson [dot] physical [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Physics chairperson [dot] physics [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Political Science chairperson [dot] politicalscience [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department Of Psychology chairperson [dot] psychology [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Social work chairperson [dot] msw [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Yoga chairperson [dot] yoga [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chairperson, Department of Zoology chairperson [dot] zoology [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Faculty Contact 

SC/ST/OBC Committee

Sr. Name  Designation Members Email
1. Dr. Kuldeep Associate Prof. in Management Convener kuldeep [dot] management [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
2. Dr. Karan Singh Associate Prof. in Chemistry Member karansingh [dot] chem [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
3. Dr. Vijay Singh Assistant Prof. in Commerce Member vijay [dot] commerce [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
4. Dr. Rajender Kumar Assistant Prof. in Mathematics Member rajender [dot] math [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
5. Dr. Jasvinder Singh Assistant Prof. in Management Member jasvinder [dot] management [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
6. Dr. Bharti  Assistant Prof. in Management Member bharti [dot] management [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Women Cell

Sr. Name  Members Contact No.
1. Prof. Manju Pruthi Convener 8572804777
2. Prof. Romika Batra Member 9810125130
3. Dr. Pinki Rani  Member 9541272747
4. Dr. Sonu Madan  Member 8685911117
5. Dr. Aditi Member 9729610786

Library Contact

Name Designation Contact No.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Librarian 9416393100
Sh. Meer Singh Library Attendant 9416697636
Sh. Ram Singh Library Attendant 9466433553
Sh. Suresh Kumar Clerk 9050955364

Officials of Youth Red Cross at University Level

Name Designation Contact Details
Dr. Samridhi Programme Coordinator Email.: yrc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Mob. 9416176634
Dr. Reena Hooda Counsellor (Female) for UTDs Email.: yrc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Mob. 7082294509
Dr. Jasvinder Singh Counsellor (Male) for UTDs Email.: yrc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Right To Information (RTI) Contact

FAA (First Appellant Authority)

Sh.Satish Kumar
Associate Professor
Indira Gandhi University,
Meerpur, Rewari
Email: faa [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. Vikas Yadav,
Clerk RTI Cell
Contact No.: 9034026797

Officer Incharge-cum- SPIO, RTI Cell

Dr. M.S. Barak,
Officer Incharge-cum-SPIO,
RTI Cell
Email: spio [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. Vikas Yadav,
Clerk RTI Cell
Contact No.: 9034026797

Other SPIO's

Sr. No. Name Email
1 Chairperson Department of Psychology chairperson [dot] psychology [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Chairperson Department of Chemistry chairperson [dot] chemistry [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Chairperson Department of Computer
Science and Application
chairperson [dot] cse [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Chairperson Department of Economics chairperson [dot] economics [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Chairperson Department of Education chairperson [dot] education [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Chairperson Department of English chairperson [dot] english [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
7 Chairperson Department of
Environment Studies
chairperson [dot] evs [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
8 Chairperson Department of Geography chairperson [dot] geography [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
9 Chairperson Department of Hindi chairperson [dot] hindi [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
10 Chairperson Department of History chairperson [dot] history [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
11 Chairperson Department of Hotel
& Tourism Management
chairperson [dot] htm [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
12 Chairperson Department of Law chairperson [dot] law [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
13 Chairperson Department of MSW chairperson [dot] msw [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
14 Chairperson Department of Management chairperson [dot] management [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
15 Chairperson Department of Mathematics chairperson [dot] math [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
16 Chairperson Department of Pharmacy chairperson [dot] pharmacy [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
17 Chairperson Department of Physical Education chairperson [dot] physical [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
18 Chairperson Department of Physics chairperson [dot] physics [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
19 Chairperson Department of Political Science chairperson [dot] polliticalscience [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
20 Chairperson Department of Yoga chairperson [dot] yoga [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
21 Chairperson Department of commerce chairperson [dot] commerce [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
22 Chairperson Dept of BHMCT chairperson [dot] bhmct [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
23 Chairperson, Department of Botany chairperson [dot] botany [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
24 Chairperson, Department of Zoology chairperson [dot] zoology [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
Branch Officers/SPIOs
1 Academic Branch academic [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Account Officer ao [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Asst Engineer asst [dot] engineer [dot] project [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Chief Warden chiefwarden [dot] rlb [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
5 COE Helpline coehelpline [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Colleges collegebranch [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
7 Controller of Examinations coe [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
8 Director IQAC director [dot] iqac [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
9 Director LMS director [dot] lms [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
10 Engineering Branch erwng [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
11 Establishment Branch establishmentbranch [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
12 Finance Officer fo [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
13 General Branch general [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
14 Horticulture horticulture [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
15 Incharge Guest House guesthouse [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
16 Nodal Officer C.M. Grievances nodalofficer [dot] cmg [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
17 Nodal Officer Indiacode nodal [dot] indiacode [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
18 P. A. To Vice Chancellor pa [dot] vc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
19 Program Coordinator NSS nss [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
20 Public Relation Office pro [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
21 Purchase and Store Branch purchase [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
22 Registrar registrar [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
23 Registration and Scholarship Branch reg [dot] sch [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
24 Result Branch result [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
25 Secrecy Branch secrecy [dot] br [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
26 University Library library [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
27 Women Cell womencell [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in
28 Youth Red Cross yrc [at] igu [dot] ac [dot] in


Indira Gandhi University,
Meerpur, Rewari,
Haryana - 122502.

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