ITM University Gwalior Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 270 0031 (Contact Support)
All India Number(s): 
  • 62648 65609 (Query)
  • 0751-398 1200 ( Campus Office Contact Support)


  • admission [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in (Contact Support)

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Important Contact Details

Tap Cell 9691973919
 Exam 6260544885
VC Office 7770854333
DR Office 9399405170

Officers Contacts

Designation Name Contact No Email
Vice Chancellor Prof. S.S. Bhakar 8770766424 vc [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in,
vcoffice [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Santosh Kishan
  provc [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in,
Registrar Dr. Omveer Singh 0751-6560655 registrar [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in,
registraroffice [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in

Chief Finance
And Accounts Officer
Mr. Ajay Khatri 0751- 2440064 cfao [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in

Other Contact Details

1 Name of the Institution ITM University Gwalior
(School Of Engineering And Technology)
Address , Telephone,
Mobile, E-Mail
ITM University Gwalior Campus,
NH- 44, Turari,
Gwalior (M.P.)
Mobile: 9399915081
Email: registraroffice [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Name and address of the
Trust/ Society/ Company
and the Trustees
Samata Lok Sansthan Trust
Sh. Rama Shankar Singh/
Smt. Ruchi Singh Chauhan/
Smt. Palak Singh/
Dr. Daulat Singh Chauhan/
Address, Telephone,
Mobile, E-Mail
ITM Campus, Opp. Sithouli Railway
Station, NH – 75, Jhansi Road,
Mobile: 9340958350
Email: slstrustgwl [at] gmail [dot] com
3 Name and Address of the
Vice Chancellor/ Principal/Director
Prof. Sher Singh Bhakar
Vice Chancellor
Address, Telephone,
ITM University Gwalior Campus,
NH- 44, Turari, Gwalior (M.P.)
Mobile: 7770854333
Email: vc [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in

Grievance Redressal Committee SC /ST Cell

Sr. No. Designation Name Contact No. Email Id
1 Nodel Officer Mr. Krishna K Mohbey 9826968036 krishnamohbey [dot] mca [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Section Officer Mr.Rajendra Dhamaniya 9301364900 deputy [dot] registrar [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Member Ms.Poonam Verma 0751-6560655 info [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
4 DSW Dr. Sanjay Jain 9425724658 dsw [at] itmuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in

Anti Ragging Committee

Designation Deptt. Name Telepbole No.
SDM Administration Mr. Ajay Dev Sharma 9425152833
Town Inspector MP Police Mr. S. R. Rtt 9981613968
Sr. Editoi Media Dr. Ram Vidrohl 9426746235
Sr. Archeologist NGO Mr, Arviad Sharma 8989215834
Parent of Himaii Updt B.Tech (EC) ITM University, Gwalior Dr. Ravlshankar Upriti 9893201454
Senior student B.Tech (Mech) ITM Universiw, Gwalior Mr.Rahul Bbadoria 8223910057
Fresher student B.Tech (Mech) ITM Universiw, Gwalior Mr, Ram Chaturvedi 8871155662
Deputy Registrar Administration ITM University Gwalior Mr.S.K.Shrivastava 9425113990
Asst. Prof. (SOM) MBA Deptt. ITM University Gwa-lior Mr.Keshav Kansana 9755215373
Asst. Prof (SOLS) Bio Tech Deptt ITM University Gwalior Dr. Kuldeep Dwlvedi 8349060056
Asst. Prof. (SOCA) MCA Deptt. ITM University Gwalior Ms. Geetanjali Surange 9425772120
Asst. Prot (SONS)
And Hostel Warden
Nursing Deptt. ITM Univercity Gwalior Mr. Ralesh Kumar Dhaka 9229846199
Prof{SOET) Dean Academics Mech. Engg. Deptt. ITM University Gwalior Dr. Anshul Gangele P 9009694290
Asst. Prof. {SOET) Environment Deptt. ITM University Gwalior Dr. Shivom Singh 9406971946
Security oflicer qa^rr;fr, nFnti ITM University Gwalior Dr. N,S. R.ghivarshi 9009994444

Anti Ragging Squad

School Incbarge Members Pb. No.
Engg. And Technology (Soet) Dr. D.V.S. Kushwab
Dr. Salabh Sharma 8779943471
Mr. Arun Kushwah 9827599648
Mr. SaurabhKhandelwal 9713051805
Dr. Pallavi Khatri 9425308942
Life Science And Pharmacy
(soLS) And (soP)
Dr. Raghvendta Saxena
Dr. Vivek Bajpai 8817817360
Dr. Trapti Pathak 9329727657
Dr. Vibhor Asrawal 9456434059
Dr.SoniaJohri 9893096353
Computer Application (socA) Dr. Sanjay Jatn
Mr. Anand Panday 9425756133
Mr. Ashok Shrivastava 9755319747
Mr. Deeoak Motwani 9425770399
Management (soM) Mr. Keshav Katrsana
Dr. Vikash Jain 9752678200
Dr. Viiav Varma 9301108031
Mr. Vinav GuDta 9425360407
Mr. Abhinandam Chakrabartv 8085136965
Nursing (soNS) Ms. Rekha Kulshrestha Mr. Minerva Kshetrimayun 7879540176
Mr. Harish Kumar Nagar 9301128337
Mr. Charan Singh 9329288281
Mr. Yogesh Goyal 9907382656
Hostels Mr.Rakesh Dhaka
(Hostel Warden)
Ms. Anita Sharma 9993270754
Mr. R.R. Sharma 8989103316
Ms. Swati Aerawal 8962675079
Mr. Rashvendra Raiawat 7697868451


ITM University Gwalior,
Jhansi Rd, Turari, Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh 474001

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