Kerala State GST Department Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 155300 (Citizen Call center)


Important Links

Officers Contacts Details

Sr No. Designation Name Phone Address
1 Commissioner Shri Ajit Patil, IAS 0471-2785202, 0471-2785203
9th Floor, Tax Towers, Karamana P.O,
Killippalam, Thiruvananthapuram
2 Special Commissioner Shri. Abraham Renn S, IRS 0471-2785211 9th Floor, Tax Tower, Killippalam, Karamana
P. O, Thiruvananthapuram -695 002
3 Additional Commissioner-1 Smt. Sreelakshmi R IAS 0471-2785206 8th Floor, Tax Tower, Killippalam, Karamana
P. O, Thiruvananthapuram -695 002

Telephone Directory

Headquaters Contacts

Sl No Office Contact Number E-Mail Office Address
1 Commissioner 0471-2785202,
Cst.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
2 Ca To Commissioner 0471-2785202
Catocct.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
3 Special Commissioner 0471-2785204 Splcst.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
4 Ca To Special Commissioner 0471-2785206 Catocst@Gmail.Com 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
5 Addl. Commissioner 1 0471-2785333, 0471-2785666 Adc1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
6 Ca To Addl. Commissioner-1 0471-2785211 Catoadcsgst@Gmail.Com 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
7 Addl. Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Hq 0471-2785236 Adctpshq.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
8 Ca To Addl. Commissioner, Tps Hq 0471-2785245 Catojcg@Gmail.Com 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
9 Jt. Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Hq 0471-2785264 Jctpshq.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
10 Ca To Jt. Commissoner, Tps Hq 0471-2785289 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
11 Deputy Commissioner (Personal Division) 0471-27855235, 9447786357 Cstpddc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Towers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
12 Personal Division (Establishment) 0471-2785223, 8129445189 Cstpdest.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Towers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
13 Personal Division (Bill) 0471-2785238 Cstpdbill.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Towers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
14 Personal Division (Seniority And Related Works) 0471-2785247, 0471-2785237 Cstpdsen.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
15 Deputy Commissioner, Data Analytics Division 0471-2785044 Dcanalytics.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
16 Data Analytics Division 0471-2785232 Dat.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
17 Finance Section 0471-2785234, 0471-2785224 Cstfinance.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
18 C And Ag Cell 0471-2785232, 0471-2785230, 0471-2785233 Cstcagcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
19 Infrastructure Division 0471-2785250, 0471-2785240 Cstinfra.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
20 Public Relations Cell 0471-2785223, 0471-2785245, 0471-2785257 Cstprcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
21 Economic Intelligence Cell 0471-2785251, 0471-2785252, 0471-2785221 Cstecoint.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
22 Statistics And Performance Management Cell 0471-2785183,
0471-2785185, 0471-2785263
Cststatcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
23 Deputy Commissioner (C And Ag Cell) 0471-2785287 Cstdccag.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
24 Deputy Commissioner 1 (Legal Wing) 0471-2785262 Cstdc1Legal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
25 Deputy Commissioner 2 (Legal Wing) Cstdc2Legal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
26 Internal Audit And Internal Vigilance Cell 0471-2785295, 0471-2785296, 0471-2785196, 0471-2785197 Cstintaudit.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
27 Legal Cell 0471-2785191, 0471-2785271, 0471-2785281, 0471-2785297 Cstlglcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
28 Anpr Cell 0471-2785284 Cstanprcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
29 Taxpayer Services Hq 0471-2785264, 0471-2785289 Csttpshq.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
30 Tapal 0471-2785265, 0471-2785159, 0471-2785160 Cstpdtapal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
31 Review Cell 0471-2785173, 0471-2785167, 0471-2785164, 0471-2785171, 0471-2785169, 0471-2785385, 0471-2785385, 0471-2785384 Cstrevcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
32 Deputy Commissioner (Policy Division) 0471-2785300 Cstdcpolicy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
33 Policy Division 0471-2785276, 0471-2785199 Cstpolicy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
34 Deputy Ccommissioner (Infrastructure) 0471-2785174, 0471-2785177 Cstdcinfra.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
35 Deputy Commissioner (Review Cell)- 1 0471-2785382 Cstdcreview.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
36 Deputy Commissioner (Review Cell)- 2 0471-2785180 Cstdcreview.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
37 Deputy Commissioner (Review Cell)- 3 0471-2785189, 0471-2785182 Cstdcreview.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
38 Deputy Commissioner (Advance Ruling) 0471-2785089 Cstarcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
39 Dc (Economic Intelligence) 0471-2785178, 0471-2785179 Cstdcecoint.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
40 Advance Ruling Cell 0471-2785280 Cstarcell.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
41 It Management Division 0471-2785149 Cstitmc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
42 Cyber Forensic Division Cstcyberfc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
43 It Infrastructure Division 0471-2785010 Cstitinfra.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
44 Deputy Commissioner (Itmd) 0471-2785210 Cstdcitmd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
45 Deputy Commissioner (Internal Audit And Internal Vigilance) 0471-2785145 Cstdcintadt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
46 Deputy Commissioner (It Infrastructure Division) 0471-2785140 Cstdcitinfr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
47 Central Registration Unit (Cru) 0471-2785146 Cstbocru.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Taxtowers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram-695002
48 Addl Commissioner, Appeals Hq 0484-2226735 Cstapladc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Appeal Headquarters, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex,
Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Kochi, Kerala-682 002
49 Addl Commissioner, Audit Hq 0484-2226735 Cstadtadc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Headquarters, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry,Bazar Road, Kochi, Kerala €" 682 002

Tax Payer Services Department

Sno. Office Contact Number E-Mail Office Address Jurisdictional Pincodes
1 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785024 Tvmtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram
2 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785092 Tvmtpsdtvm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram
3 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kazhakoottam 0471-2785057 Tvmtpsdkztm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695 002
4 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Neyyattinkara 0471-2222562 Tvmtpsdnta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Civil Station, Neyyattinkara, Kerala
5 Tax Payer Services Circle, Fort 0471-2785111 Tvmtpscfort.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, 695007, 695008, 695009, 695522, 695026, 695027, 695527, 695023, 695051
6 Tax Payer Services Circle, Poojappura 0471-2785118 Tvmtpscpjpr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram 695002, 695006, 695012, 695018, 695019, 695020, 695032, 695040 695036
7 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kawdiar 0471-2785123 Tvmtpsckwdr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram 695003, 695005, 695010, 695013, 695014, 695025, 695030, 695038, 695043, 695099
8 Tax Payer Services Circle, Pattom 0471-2785063 Tvmtpscptm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695 002 695004, 695011, 695024, 695029, 695035, 695033, 695015, 695034
9 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kazhakoottam 0471-2785046,0471-2785047 Tvmtpsckztm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695 002 695016, 695017, 695301, 695302, 695303, 695313, 695316, 695317, 695581, 695582, 695583, 695584, 695585, 695586, 695587, 695588, 695589, 695021, 695022
10 Tax Payer Services Circle, Attingal 0470-2622229 Tvmtpscatgl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Attingal, Kerala 695 101 695101, 695102, 695103, 695104, 695141, 695142, 695143, 695144, 695145, 695146, 695304, 695305, 695306, 695307, 695308, 695309, 695310, 695311, 695312, 695318, 695601, 695602, 695603, 695604, 695605, 695611, 695612, 695614
11 Tax Payer Services Circle, Neyyattinkara 0471-2223562 Tvmtpscnta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Ground Floor, Civil Station, Neyyattinkara, Kerala 695123, 695132, 695504, 695503, 695526, 695122, 695521, 695523, 695524, 695121, 695133, 695507, 695502, 695508, 695126, 695513, 695525, 695528, 695506, 695134
12 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kattakada 0471-2223562 Tvmtpscktd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Revenue Tower, Nedumangad, Kerala 695541 695512, 695505, 695124, 695574, 695571, 695572, 695573, 695575, 695042, 695501, 695125, 695570
13 Tax Payer Services Circle, Nedumangad 0472-2802435 Tvmtpscndd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram 695607, 695608, 695028, 695541, 695542, 695543, 695547, 695551, 695561, 695562, 695563, 695564, 695568, 695606, 695609, 695610, 695615
14 Thiruvananthapuram Arrear Recovery Cell Tvmar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana 695 002, Thiruvananthapuram
15 Thiruvananthapuram Adjudication Cell Tvmadj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In
16 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Kollam 0474-2742760 Klmtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services,
State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar,
Asramam, Kollam ,Pin 691002
17 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services D, Kollam 0474-2760543 Klmtpsdklm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar,
Asramam, Kollam ,Pin 691002
18 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services D, Kottarakkara 0474-2455252 Klmtpsdkkr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax ,Taxpayer Services Division, Mini Civil Station, Kottarakkara,Pin 691506
19 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kollam West 0474-2760536 Klmtpscklmw.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/ State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle -Kollam West,State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam,Pin 691002 691001, 691003, 691006, 691007, 691009, 691010, 691012, 691013, 691016, 691581, 691582, 691583, 691584
20 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kollam East 0474-2740279 Klmtpscklme.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer,Taxpayer Services Circle -Kollam East,State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam,Pin 691002 691002, 691004, 691005, 691008, 691014, 691015, 691017, 691018, 691019, 691021, 691501, 691502, 691503, 691504, 691511, 691515, 691601, 691602, 691604
21 Tax Payer Services Circle, Chathanoor 0474-2595688 Klmtpscctnr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer,Taxpayer Services Circle ,Mini Civil Station , Chathanoor-691572 691301, 691302, 691303, 691304, 691319, 691334, 691571, 691572, 691573, 691574, 691576, 691577, 691578, 691579, 691580, 691589, 691011, 691020
22 Tax Payer Services Circle, Karunagappally 0476-2626350 Klmtpscknpy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer,Taxpayer Services Circle ,Mini Civil Station , Karunagappally-690518 690518, 690519, 690520, 690521, 690522, 690523, 690524, 690525, 690526, 690528, 690536, 690538, 690539, 690540, 690542, 690543, 690544, 690546, 690547, 690561, 690567, 690568, 690569, 690573, 690574, 691500, 691585, 691587, 691588, 691590
23 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kottarakkara 0474-2452703 Klmtpsckkr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer,Taxpayer Services Circle ,Mini Civil Station, Kottarakkara 691506 691505, 691506, 691507, 691509, 691510, 691512, 691513, 691516, 691518, 691520, 691521, 691527, 691531, 691532, 691533, 691534, 691535, 691536, 691537, 691538, 691539, 691540, 691542, 691543, 691544, 691545, 691546, 691547, 691548, 691557, 691560, 691566, 691623
24 Tax Payer Services Circle, Punalur 0475-2222224 Klmtpscpnlr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Assistant Commissioner/ State Tax Officer,Taxpayer Services Circle ,Mini Civil Station, Punalur-691305 691306, 691559, 691310, 691312, 691307, 691541, 691308, 691311, 691309, 691320, 691317, 691326, 691330, 691305, 689695, 691508, 691333, 689696, 691522, 691331, 691322, 691332, 691514, 691517, 689706, 691315, 691329, 691324, 691625, 691316
25 Kollam Arrear Recovery Cell 0474-2760543 Klmar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of Arrear Recovery Of State Tax, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-691002
26 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Pathanamthitta 0468-2325088 Ptatpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,3Rd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
27 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Pathanamthitta 0468-2322760 Ptatpsdpta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
28 Tax Payer Services Circle, Pathanamthitta 0468-2222421 Ptatpscpta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645 689645, 689691, 689673, 689641, 689647, 689672, 689503, 689643, 689711, 689653, 689646, 689663, 689662, 689674, 686511, 689625, 689533, 689532, 689692, 689699, 689667, 689642, 689650, 689666, 689671, 689611, 689612, 689661, 689678, 689649, 689514, 689656, 689676, 689614, 689654, 689677, 689698, 689668, 689664, 689507, 689513, 689652, 689675, 689644, 689657, 689682, 689616, 689659, 689681, 689517, 689580, 689651, 689655, 689660, 689680, 689703, 689713, 689771, 698645, 699653, 699663, 689803, 689596, 689665, 689620, 689114
29 Tax Payer Services Circle, Adoor 04734-224847 Ptatpscadr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,4Th Floor ,Revenue Tower,Adoor-691523 691523, 689501, 691554, 691526, 691551, 691555, 689694, 691556, 691553, 689648, 689693, 691525, 691530, 689502, 691524, 689519, 689518, 691528, 689632, 689516, 691529, 689512, 691552
30 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thiruvalla 0469-2601203 Ptatpsctrvl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,4Th Floor ,Revenue Tower,Thiruvalla-689101 689101, 689581, 689585, 689107, 689548, 689621, 689110, 689544, 689542, 689106, 689547, 689541, 689545, 689105, 689582, 686547, 689549, 689102, 689586, 689103, 689626, 689588, 689104, 689115, 689108, 689543, 689531, 689546, 689584, 689551, 689113, 689112, 689613, 689583, 689111, 689594, 689589, 689587, 689615, 689550, 689597, 689592, 689591, 689578, 689602, 689630, 689629, 689593, 689603, 689601.
31 Pathanamtitta Arrear Recovery Cell 0468-2325088 Ptaar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,3Rd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
32 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Alappuzha 0477-2243596 Alptpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services, State Goods And Services Tax Department
Bsnl Building, Second Floor, Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha 688 001
33 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Alappuzha 0477-2252469 Alptpsdalp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department
Bsnl Building, Second Floor, Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha 688 001
34 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Chengannur 0479-2452839 Alptpsdcngr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department
Mini Civil Station, First Floor, Chengannoor
35 Tax Payer Services Circle, Alappuzha South 0477-2238944 Alptpscalps.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Circle, State Goods And Services Tax Department
Second Floor, Civil Station, Civil Station Ward, Alappuzha 688001
688001, 688011, 688561, 688003, 688005, 688004, 688013, 688007, 688002, 688012, 688009, 688014, 688010, 690551, 688563, 689576
36 Tax Payer Services Circle, Alappuzha North 0477-2230181 Alptpscalpn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Circle, State Goods And Services Tax Department
4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Near Boat Jetty, Thathampally P.O, Alappuzha
Pin 688013
688006, 688522, 689573, 688521, 689595, 688503, 686534, 688008, 688505, 688506, 688507, 689572, 688501, 688562, 689574, 689571, 688542, 689590, 688502, 688567, 688546, 688508, 688512, 690583, 688564, 689598, 690556, 686108, 688511, 689524, 689579, 688539, 688525, 688538, 688523, 688527, 688555, 688543, 688544, 688549, 688545, 688552, 688852, 688582, 689627, 688504, 686102, 68610
37 Tax Payer Services Circle, Cherthala 0478 2813210 Alptpscchtl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Circle, State Goods And Services Tax Department
3Rd Floor, Mini Civil Station, Near Govt. Hospital, Cherthala, Alappuzha
688524, 688541, 688530, 688536, 688556, 688557, 688586, 688551, 688587, 685524, 685527, 688252, 688625, 688534, 688526, 688537, 688531, 688532, 688540, 688528, 688547, 688570, 688566, 688548, 688581, 688559, 688550, 688558, 688584, 688573, 688652 688529, 688535, 688533
38 Tax Payer Services Circle, Haripad 0479-2418500 Alptpschrpd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Circle, State Goods And Services Tax Department
6Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Harippad, Pin- 690 514
690502, 690514, 690572, 690516, 690508, 690517, 690515, 690506, 690548, 690535, 690513, 690507, 690511, 690527, 690512, 690559, 690531, 690532, 690564, 690549, 690563, 690550, 688514, 688995, 690553, 690554, 690560, 690565, 690597, 690533, 690107, 690501, 690530, 690503
39 Tax Payer Services Circle, Chengannur 0479-2452509 Alptpsccngr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services Circle, State Goods And Services Tax Department
Mini Civil Station, Ground Floor, Chengannoor Pin 689121
689121, 690101, 689622, 690505, 690504, 690103, 690509, 690558, 690106, 689124, 689504, 690105, 690110, 689511, 690510, 689510, 689509, 690537, 690529, 690104, 689623, 690102, 689505, 689123, 689122, 690534, 689508, 690108, And Nbsp; 689109, 689126, 689506, 690570, 689520, 690571, 689521, 690109, 689515, 690557, 690590, 690121, 689522, 689558, 689921, 690010, 690588, 690604, 690629, 692623, 689624
40 Alappuzha Arrear Recovery Cell 0477-2243596 Alpar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tax Payer Services, State Goods And Srvices Tax Department, Bsnl Building, Second Floor, Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha 688 001
41 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Kottayam 0481-2562314
Ktmtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Joint Commissioner Of State Taxpayer Serviecs,
State Gst Department, Firsfloor, Collectorate Building, Collectorate P.O, Kottayam, Kerala686002
42 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kottayam 0481-2562720 Ktmtpsdktm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division Kottayam, State Gst Department,
2Nd Floor, Collectorate Building, Collectorate P.O, Kottayam, Kerala 686002
43 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Pala 04822-212014 Ktmtpsdpala.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division Pala,
State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala, Kerala 686 575
44 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kottayam Town 0481-2562071 Ktmtpscktmt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Ground Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam, Kerala 686 001 686001, 686004, 686008, 686013, 686011, 686006, 686010, 686002, 686003, 686007, 686009
45 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kottayam East 0481-2560491,0481-2560492,0481-2560493,0481-2560494,0481-2560495,0481-2560496,0481-2560497,0481-2560498 Ktmtpscktme.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle, Kottayam East ,
State Gst Department, Ground Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam, Kerala 686 001
686631, 686019, 686562, 686016, 686012, 686564, 686533, 686017, 686501, 686630, 686637, 686005, 686601, 686561, 686039, 686015, 686018, 686021, 686014, 686020, 686022, 686516, 686585, 686028, 686521, 686602, 686041, 686027, 686032, 686025, 686026, 686037, 686029, 686024, 686035, 686529, 686023, 686031, 686036, 686038, 686566, 686030, 686560, 686568, 686595, 686596, 683532, 686113, 686592, 686628
46 Tax Payer Services Circle, Changanassery 0481-2420448 Ktmtpsccnsy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle Changanacherry,
State Gst Department, Third Floor, Revenue Tower, Changanacherry, Kerala686101
686101, 686540, 686102, 686531, 686536, 686541, 686105, 686532, 686535, 686538, 686106, 686504, 686542, 686543, 686537, 686546, 686548, 686515, 686539, 686544, 686549, 686517, 686555, 686553, 686545, 686505, 686589, 686000, 686100, 686552, 680540, 686033, 686107, 686500, 686556
47 Tax Payer Services Circle, Ponkunnam 04828-221394 Ktmtpscpnkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle, Ponkunnam,
State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Ponkunnam, Kerala 686506
686507, 686513, 686506, 686502, 686509, 686510, 686503, 686512, 686508, 686518, 686514, 686520, 686522, 686519, 686124, 686321
48 Tax Payer Services Circle, Pala 04822-212739 Ktmtpscpala.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle Pala,
State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala, Kerala 686 575
686575, 686121, 686633, 686632, 686122, 686577, 686651, 686576, 686574, 686572, 686578, 686579, 686573, 686635, 686582, 686584, 686580, 686636, 686652, 686587, 686123, 686581, 686653, 686586, 686571, 686583, 686594, 685513, 686597, 686642, 686655, 686523, 686524, 686550, 686590, 686591, 686638, 686640, 686654, 683366, 686527, 686588, 686599, 686620, 686621, 686622, 686643, 686675, 686975
49 Tax Payer Services Circle, Vaikom 04829-231715 Ktmtpscvykm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle,Vaikom,
State Gst Department, Near Mahadeva Temple, Vadakkenada, Vaikom, Kerala 686141
686605, 686141, 686604, 686610, 686603, 686563, 686608, 686607, 686634, 686611, 686613, 686144, 686143, 686606, 686612, 686609, 686146, 686142, 686615, 686614, 686639, 686145, 686617, 686616, 686046, 686619, 686660, 688607
50 Kottayam Arrear Recovery Cell 0481-2560713 Ktmar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of Arrear Recovery, Kottayam,
State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Collectorate Building, Collectorate P.O, Kottayam, Kerala 686002
51 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Idukki 0486-8272431 Idktpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner ,Taxpayer Services , Idukki, Tax Complex, 1St Floor, Kattappana South P.O., Idukki 685515
52 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Idukki 0486-8272266 Idktpsdidk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Service Division, Tax Complex, 2Nd Floor, Kattappana South P.O., Idukki 685515
53 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kattappana 0486-8252525 Idktpscktpn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle, Tax Complex, Ground Floor, Kattappana South P.O., Idukki 685515 685508, 685509, 685553, 685515, 685552, 685533, 685551, 685512, 685531, 685514, 685511, 685571, 685507, 685535, 685554, 685532, 685537, 685506, 685536, 685564, 685510, 685538, 685539, 685603, 685556, 685518, 685555, 685557, 685558, 685550, 685902, 689992
54 Tax Payer Services Circle, Adimali 0486-4225099 Idktpscadml.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle, Puthayathu Building, 2Nd Floor, Near Private Bus Stand, Adimali, Idukki 685561 685561, 685612, 685565, 685619, 685566, 685620, 685563, 685618, 685562, 685613, 685615, 685611, 685616, 685569, 685614, 685559, 685602, 685604, 685609
55 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thodupuzha 0486-2227866 Idktpsctdp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner/State Tax Officer, Taxpayer Services Circle, Mini Civil Station, New Block, Ground Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki 685584 685584, 685585, 685608, 685606, 685607, 685605, 685588, 685581, 685587, 685582, 685586, 685595, 685583, 685589, 685591, 685590, 685601, 685592, 685597, 685501, 685503, 685504, 685505
56 Idukki Arrear Recovery Cell 0486-8272431 Idkar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Recovery Officer/Recovery Officer , O/O The Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Tax Complex, 1St Floor, Kattappana South P.O., Idukki 685515
57 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Ernakulam 0484-2359440 Ekmtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kerala, Sgst Complex, Thevara, Perumanoor P.O. , Kerala 682 015
58 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Ernakulam South 0484-2359175 Ekmtpsdekms.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, 3Rd Floor, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala 682 015
59 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Ernakulam North 0484-2359618 Ekmtpsdekmn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, 4Th Floor, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
60 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kakkanad 0484-2422223 Ekmtpsdkknd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Civil Station, Kakkanad, Kerala 682030
61 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Thrippunithura 0484-2785428 Ekmtpsdtptr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station Trippunithura, Kerala -682 301
62 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kochi 0484-2224058 Ekmtpsckcy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Sgst Complex Mattancherry, Bazar Road,
Cochin, Kerala- 682002
682001, 682002, 682005, 682006, 682007, 682008, 682010, 682507
63 Tax Payer Services Circle, Panampilly Nagar 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscppnr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, 3Rd Floor, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015 682003, 682004, 682009, 682029, 682013, 682015, 682036, 682011
64 Tax Payer Services Circle, Ernakulam Central 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscekmc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 3Rd Floor Sgst Complex, Thevara, Perumanoor P.O., Kerala 682 015 682016, 682035, 682050, 682051
65 Tax Payer Services Circle, Ernakulam North 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscekmn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 3Rd Floor Sgst Complex, Thevara, Perumanoor P.O., Kerala 682 015 682031, 682018, 682014
66 Tax Payer Services Circle, Vypin 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscvypn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor Sgst Complex, Thevara, Perumanoor P.O. , Kerala 682 015 682501, 682502, 682503, 682504, 682505, 682508, 682509, 682027, 682510, 682511, 683514, 682034, 682023, 683515
67 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kaloor 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscklr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor Sgst Complex, Thevara, Perumanoor P.O. , Kerala 682 015 682017, 682041, 682012, 682026
68 Tax Payer Services Circle, Palarivattom 0484-2359175 Ekmtpscplvt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Civil Station, Kakkanad, Kerala 682 030 682025, 682306, 682028
69 Tax Payer Services Circle, Edappally 0484-2422060 Ekmtpscedpy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Civil Station, Kakkanad, Kerala 682030 682024, 682033
70 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kakkanad 0484-2423425 Ekmtpsckknd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Civil Station, Kakkanad, Kerala 682030 682030, 682037, 682039, 682042, 682309, 682052
71 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thrikkakkara 0484-2423425 Ekmtpsctkkr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Trippunithura, Kerala -682 301 682021, 683104, 683503, 682022
72 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kadavanthra 0484-2782186 Ekmtpsckdtr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Trippunithura, Kerala -682301 682020, 682032
73 Tax Payer Services Circle, Vyttila 0484-2782186 Ekmtpscvyt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Trippunithura, Kerala -682 301 682304, 682506, 682019, 682040
74 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thrippunithura 0484-2785428 Ekmtpsctptr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, 1St Floor, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015 682038, 682301, 682305, 682307, 682312, 682313, 682314, 682315, 682317, 682319, 682320
75 Ernakulam Arrear Recovery Cell 0484-2358889 Ekmar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, 1St Floor, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
76 Ernakulam Adjudication Cell 0484-2358889 Ekmadj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In
77 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Aluva 0484-2625695 Alvtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Aluva , Kerala,683101
78 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Aluva 0484-2620886, 7356204437 Alvtpsdalv.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,K A P Commercial Centre, Third Floor, Railway Station Road,Aluva,Kerala,683101
79 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Muvattupuzha 0485-2814760 Alvtpsdmvpz.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Second Floor, Mudavoor P O, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, 686669
80 Tax Payer Services Circle, Aluva 0484-2623518 Alvtpscalv.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,K A P Commercial Centre, Third Floor, Railway Station Road,Aluva,Kerala,683101 683101, 683561, 683106, 683102, 683112, 683108, 683580, 683563, 683571, 683109, 683107, 683111, 683564, 683525, 683524, 683505, 683590, 683591, 682562, 683001, 683016, 683536, 670412, 682580, 683012, 683523, 683570, 683705, 683808, 683875, 685663, 683031, 683103, 683105
81 Tax Payer Services Circle, Angamaly 0484-2457238 Alvtpscagly.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Thottakkara Building,Opp.Govt.Hospital, Angamaly, Kerala-683572 683572, 683576, 683585, 683581, 683579, 683573, 683577, 683589, 683584, 683582, 683588, 682000, 683132, 683272, 683539, 683558, 683559, 685381, 687534, 688575, 683583, 683593, 683574, 683587, 683575
82 Tax Payer Services Circle, North Paravur 0484-2442638 Alvtpscnpvr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Near Mini Civil Station, North Paravur, Kerala, 683513 683513, 683511, 683110, 683520, 683517, 683578, 683518, 683522, 683594, 683502, 683516, 683512, 683519, 682501, 683521, 683510, 683115, 683552, 682514, 683622, 683717, 683811, 688518, 683504
83 Tax Payer Services Circle, Perumbavoor 0484-2523195 Alvtpscpbvr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station , Perumbavoor,Kerala,683542 683550, 683548, 683542, 683544, 683546, 683543, 683545, 683547,
84 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kunnathunadu 0485-2862482 Alvtpscktnd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station , Perumbavoor,Kerala,683542 683556, 683549, 683555, 683567, 682208, 682230, 683354, 683356, 683442, 683457, 683560, 683566, 683666, 684435, 684545, 684554, 685573, 686645, 696669, 682308, 683565, 682303, 682302, 682310, 686721, 683557, 683541, 682311, 686689, 683553, 683562, 683554
85 Tax Payer Services Circle, Muvattupuzha 0485-2814427 Alvtpscmvpz.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Second Floor, Mudavoor P O, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, 686669 686673, 686661, 686662, 686664, 686670, 682316, 686667, 686663, 686668, 686665, 686672, 686677, 686676, 686686, 676671, 682318, 683371, 683691, 686064, 686623, 686627, 686678, 686726, 686723, 686730, 686687, 686679, 686674, 686669, 686726
86 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kothamangalam 0484-2596484 Alvtpscktgm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Kothamangalam, Kerala, 686691 686691, 686671, 686692, 686693, 686681, 686695, 686666, 686688, 686698, 686694, 696691
87 Aluva Arrear Recovery Cell Alvar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Aluva , Kerala,683101
88 Aluva Adjudication Cell Alvadj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Aluva , Kerala,683101  
89 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Thrissur 0487-2388799 Tsrtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004
90 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Thrissur 0487-2380427 Tsrtpsdtsr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680005
91 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Wadakkancherry 0487-2384999 Tsrtpsdwkcy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, Ground Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004
92 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Irinjalakkuda 0480 2823712 Tsrtpsdinkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Irinjalakkuda, Kerala 680125
93 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thrissur City 0487-2384299 Tsrtpsctsrc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004 680001, 680004, 680020, 680021
94 Tax Payer Services Circle, Ollur 0487-2383599 Tsrtpscolr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 3Rd Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004 680005, 680006, 680007, 680014, 680026, 680306, 680313, 680314, 680320, 680322
95 Tax Payer Services Circle, Nattika 0487-2383599 Tsrtpscntk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 3Rd Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680005 680012, 680015, 680016, 680017, 680027, 680508, 680509, 680510, 680513, 680560, 680561, 680562, 680563, 680564, 680565, 680566, 680567, 680568, 680569, 680570, 680571, 680572, 680573, 680574, 680575, 680611, 680612, 680613, 680614, 680615, 680616, 680617, 680618, 680619, 680620, 680621, 680627, 680641, 680642
96 Tax Payer Services Circle, Mannuthy 0487-2384299 Tsrtpscmnt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004 680002, 680003, 680008, 680009, 680010, 680011, 680013, 680018, 680022, 680028, 680541, 680545, 680546, 680547, 680549, 680551, 680552, 680553, 680554, 680555, 680596, 680631, 680651, 680652, 680653, 680654, 680655, 680656, 680657, 680751, 680752, 680771
97 Tax Payer Services Circle, Chavakkad 0487-2501868 Tsrtpsccvkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Chavakkad, Kerala- 680506 679561, 679562, 679563, 679564, 680101, 680102, 680103, 680104, 680503, 680504, 680505, 680506, 680507, 680511, 680512, 680514, 680515, 680516, 680517, 680518, 680519, 680520, 680521, 680522, 680523, 680524, 680542, 680543, 680544, 680602, 680603
98 Tax Payer Services Circle, Wadakkancherry 0488-4234636 Tsrtpscwkcy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Government Office Complex, Wadakkancherry, Kerala 680582 679105, 679106, 679531, 679532, 680501, 680502, 680578, 680580, 680581, 680582, 680583, 680584, 680585, 680586, 680587, 680588, 680589, 680590, 680591, 680592, 680593, 680594, 680595, 680597, 680600, 680601, 680604, 680608, 680609, 680610, 680623
99 Tax Payer Services Circle, Chalakkudy 0480-2701673 Tsrtpscckd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakkudy, Kerala 680307 680307, 680308, 680309, 680311, 680315, 680316, 680321, 680324, 680682, 680684, 680689, 680697, 680721, 680722, 680723, 680724, 680725, 680731, 680734, 680735, 680736, 680738, 680741
100 Tax Payer Services Circle, Irinjalakuda 0480-2826547 Tsrtpscinkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civilstation, Irinjalakkuda, Kerala 680125 680121, 680122, 680125, 680301, 680302, 680303, 680304, 680305, 680310, 680312, 680317, 680319, 680323, 680325, 680661, 680662, 680672, 680683, 680688, 680692, 680693, 680694, 680695, 680698, 680699, 680701, 680702, 680704, 680711, 680712
101 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kodungallur 0480-2812321 Tsrtpsckdlr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kodungallur, Kerala 680664 680123, 680124, 680663, 680664, 680665, 680666, 680667, 680668, 680669, 680670, 680671, 680673, 680681, 680685, 680686, 680687, 680691, 680703, 680732, 680733
102 Thrissur Arrear Recovery Cell 0487-2380427 Tsrar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004
103 Thrissur Adjudication Cell 7356386497 Tsradj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Commercial Taxes Complex, 1St Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004
104 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Palakkad 0491-2505568
Pkdtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,First Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
105 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Palakkad 0491- 2551234 Pkdtpsdpkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala,678001
106 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Ottappalam 0466-2244223 Pkdtpsdotpl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Ottapalam, Kerala, 679104
107 Tax Payer Services Circle, Palakkad West 0491- 2551223 Pkdtpscpkdw.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala,678001 678004, 678594, 678733, 678635, 678015, 678019, 678020, 678600, 678614, 678616, 678615, 678611, 678006, 678592, 678014, 678612, 678731, 678613, 678001, 678002, 678003, 678651, 678008, 678012, 678010, 678009, 678011, 678005, 678051
108 Tax Payer Services Circle, Palakkad East 0491- 2551226 Pkdtpscpkde.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala,678001 678531, 678552, 678732, 678551, 678007, 678013, 678553, 678104, 678507, 678101, 678555, 678103, 678102, 678556, 678557, 678532, 678554, 678533, 678534, 678621, 678623, 678624, 678622, 678701
109 Tax Payer Services Circle, Alathur 0492-2222319 Pkdtpscaltr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Bank Road, Alathur, Kerala,678541 678575, 678689, 678709, 678545, 678546, 678572, 678671, 678706, 678574, 678686, 678684, 678702, 678703, 678544, 678685, 678688, 678573, 678722, 678704, 678543, 678571, 678541, 678705, 678683, 678682, 678542, 678681, 678721, 678687, 678547, 678548, 678511, 678504, 678506, 678503, 678505, 678508, 678509, 678502, 678512, 678510, 678661, 678501
110 Tax Payer Services Circle, Mannarkkad 0492-4226616 Pkdtpscmrkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Mannarkad, Kerala, 678582 678598, 678583, 678762, 678593, 678595, 678596, 678609, 678601, 678602, 678761, 678605, 678582, 678597, 678591, 678581, 678589, 678632, 678631
111 Tax Payer Services Circle, Ottappalam 0466-2244223 Pkdtpscotpl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Ottapalam, Kerala, 679104 679301, 679302, 679514, 679501, 679511, 679125, 679516, 679517, 679515, 679513, 679104, 679506, 679523, 679522, 679122, 679121, 679521, 679101, 678633, 679103, 679512, 679504, 679503, 679505, 679102, 679123, 679502, 679335, 678642, 678641
112 Tax Payer Services Circle, Pattambi 0466-2214686 Pkdtpscptmb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi, Kerala, 679303 679536, 679304, 679336, 679552, 679309, 679535, 679305, 679551, 679308, 679306, 679554, 679303, 679307, 679553, 679533, 679313, 679538, 679537, 679337, 679314, 679312, 679311, 679310, 679534
113 Palakkad Arrear Recovery Cell 0491- 2551210 Pkdar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Arrear Recovery), State Gst Department,Second Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
114 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Malappuram 0483-2737377 Mlptpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, B2 Block, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala 676505
115 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Manjeri Mlptpsdmjr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Manjeri, Kerala -676121
116 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Tirur Mlptpsdtrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala 676101
117 Tax Payer Services Circle, Nilambur Mlptpscnbr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Metro Complex, Kovilakam Road, Nilambur, Kerala 679329 676329, 676331, 676523, 676525, 676542, 676546, 679327, 679328, 679329, 679330, 679331, 679332, 679333, 679334, 679339, 679342, 679343, 679344, 679348, 679355, 679525, 679930, 693331, 697330, 676541, 679354
118 Tax Payer Services Circle, Manjeri Mlptpscmjr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kacherippadi, 3Rd Floor, Kacheripadi, Manjeri, Kerala 676121 676121, 676505, 676126, 673644, 676122, 676123, 676521, 676509, 676522, 676513, 676519, 673651, 676517, 676127, 676514
119 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kondotty Mlptpsckdt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kacherippadi, 3Rd Floor, Kacheripadi, Manjeri, Kerala 676121 673638, 673637, 673645, 673642, 673640, 673641, 673633, 673639, 673634, 673647, 673648, 673649, 673652, 673632
120 Tax Payer Services Circle, Perinthalmanna Mlptpscplm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna, Kerala 679 322 670607, 675507, 676321, 676338, 676506, 676507, 679321, 679322, 679323, 679324, 679325, 679326, 679338, 679340, 679341, 679350, 679351, 679352, 679357, 679388, 679526, 697326.
121 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kottakkal Mlptpscktkl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Plaza Tower, Sbi Building, 3Rd Floor, Kottakkal, Kerala 676 503 679590, 676551, 676554, 676553, 676518, 676504, 676510, 679572, 676501, 676557, 676503, 676528, 676552, 676301, 679571, 676106
122 Tax Payer Services Circle, Tirur Mlptpsctrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala 676 101 676108, 676502, 676109, 676102, 676561, 676310, 676107, 676104, 676103, 676562, 676105, 676101, 676110, 676313, 676573, 679585, 679579, 679584, 679583, 679575, 679576, 679582, 679577, 679580, 679578, 679587, 679591, 679594, 679573, 679581, 679574, 679586, 676111, 679592
123 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thirurangadi Mlptpsctgd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chemmad, Tirurangadi, Kerala 676 306 676318, 676515, 676311, 676317, 676306, 673635, 673653, 676305, 676309, 676319, 676303, 676312, 676304, 676307, 676508, 673314, 676308, 676120, 676315, 676511, 673636, 676302, 676320
124 Malappuram Arrear Recovery Cell Mlpar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, B2 Block, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala 676505
125 Malappuram Adjudication Cell Mlpadj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, B2 Block, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala 676505
126 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Kozhikode 0495-2770088 Kkdtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax Taxpayer Services, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Iiird Floor, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam, P.O. Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
127 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kozhikode South Kkdtpsdkkds.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iiird Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawhar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam Po, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
128 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kozhikode North Kkdtpsdkkdn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division, Kozhikode North, State Gst Department, Iiird Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam P.O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
129 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Vatakara Kkdtpsdvdk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Taxpayer Services Division, Vatakara, State Gst Department, Ivth Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam P.O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
130 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kozhikode City Kkdtpsckkdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Kozhikode City, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673001, 673032, 673051
131 Tax Payer Services Circle, Chalappuram Kkdtpscclpm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Chalappuram, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673002, 673004, 673007
132 Tax Payer Services Circle, Feroke Kkdtpscfrk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Feroke, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673015, 673018, 673027, 673029, 673028, 673328, 673302, 673301, 673655, 673631, 673019, 673014, 673013, 673025, 673643
133 Tax Payer Services Circle, Nadakkavu Kkdtpscndk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Nadakkavu, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673003, 673006, 673005, 673011, 673020, 673010, 673303, 673317, 673021
134 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kunnamangalam Kkdtpsckngm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Kunnamangalam, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673008, 673009, 673012, 673611, 673016, 673017, 673571, 673619, 673613, 673616, 673570, 673026, 673024, 673617, 673618, 673661
135 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thamarassery Kkdtpsctmsy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Thamarassery, State Gst Department, Ist Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006 673602, 673573, 673586, 673601, 673585, 673603, 673582, 673580, 673604, 673584, 673583, 673587, 673572, 673574, 673023
136 Tax Payer Services Circle, Koyilandy 0496-2620389 Kkdtpsckldy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Koyilandy, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Koyilandy, Kerala-673006 673525, 673612, 673305, 673614, 673522, 673524, 673315, 673620, 673307, 673304, 673527, 673323 673615, 673529, 673528, 673523, 673306, 673526, 673621, 673623, 673326, 673624, 673321, 673531, 673319, 673327, 673330, 673322, 673324, 673325, 673331, 673412, 673414, 673532
137 Tax Payer Services Circle, Vatakara 0496-2522397 Kkdtpscvdk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax/State Tax Officer, Tax Payer Service Circle, Vatakara, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Vatakara, Kerala-673006 673101, 673508, 673104, 673504, 673506, 673507, 673542, 673501, 673513, 673541, 673106, 673102, 673521, 673103, 673308, 673309, 673105, 673503, 673505, 673509, 673502, 673517, 673544, 673515, 673512, 673516, 673514, 673519, 673543, 673100, 673107, 673108, 673109, 673110, 673510, 673511, 673518, 673520, 673530, 673112
138 Kozhikode Arrear Recovery Cell Kkdar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Arrear Recovery, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Iiird Floor, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam, P.O. Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
139 Kozhikode Adjudication Cell Kkdadj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Adjudication, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Iiird Floor, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam, P.O. Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
140 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Wayanad 0493-6205424 Wydtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Kerala 673 121
141 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Wayanad 0493-6205424 Wydtpsdwyd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Kerala 673 121
142 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kalpetta 0493-6202614 Wydtpscklp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Surya Complex, Kalpetta (P.O), Kerala 673 121 673121, 673122, 673577, 673575, 673576, 673581, 673123, 673124
143 Tax Payer Services Circle, Mananthavady 0493-5240328 Wydtpscmtvd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Mananthavady, Kerala 670645 670645, 670721, 670731, 670644, 670646
144 Tax Payer Services Circle, Sulthan Bathery 0493-6223334 Wydtpscsby.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Sulthan Bathery, Kerala 673592 673592, 673591, 673579, 673593, 673596, 673595
145 Wayanad Arrear Recovery Cell 0493-6205424 Wydar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Kerala 673 121
146 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Kannur 0497--2700863 Knrtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
147 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kannur South 0497--2700381 Knrtpsdknrs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
148 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kannur North 0497--2700381 Knrtpsdknrn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
149 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kannur South 0497--2749831 Knrtpscknrs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur 670001, 670003, 670006, 670007, 670012, 670017, 670018, 670591, 670592, 670594, 670597, 670611, 670013, 670613, 670614, 670621, 670622, 670663, 670615, 670606, 670051
150 Tax Payer Services Circle, Thalassery 0490--2320559 Knrtpsctly.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Tb Complex, Old Bus Stand, Thalassery-670101 670101, 670692, 670741, 670103, 670672, 670642, 670104, 670693, 670102, 670675, 670107, 670661, 670662, 670676, 670694, 670105, 670671, 670649, 670106, 673311, 670641, 673316, 673312, 673313, 670647, 670109, 670110, 670112, 670111, 670480, 670654, 670678, 670749, 670952
Tax Payer Services Circle, Kuthuparamba
0490--2363250 Knrtpscktpb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Kuthuparamba-670643 670643, 670702, 670703, 670673, 670595, 670674, 670650, 670612, 670704, 670706, 670691, 670701, 670651, 670653, 670450, 670677, 670743, 670708
152 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kannur North 0497--2749831 Knrtpscknrn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur 670002, 670004, 670008, 670009, 670010, 670011, 670014, 670015, 670016, 670301, 670331, 670561, 670562, 670565, 670302 670566, 670601, 670603, 670005, 670538, 670572, 670658, 670583
153 Tax Payer Services Circle, Taliparamba 0460--2202560 Knrtpsctlpb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Thalparamba-670141 670141, 670571, 670142, 670631, 670593, 670602, 670563, 670705, 670581, 670633, 670502, 670582, 670632, 670604, 670143, 670567, 670564, 670144, 670573, 670652, 670140, 670148, 670361, 670584
154 Tax Payer Services Circle, Payyannur 0498-5202166 Knrtpscpynr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Shopping Complex, Perumba, Payyannur-670307 670307, 670511, 670501, 670303, 670358, 670306, 670309, 670504, 670334, 670521, 670308, 670304, 670353, 670327, 670503, 670305, 670325, 670354, 670522, 670310, 670311, 670346, 670300, 670312, 670332, 670335, 670337, 670343, 670363, 670530, 670330, 670333
155 Kannur Arrear Recovery Cell 0497-2717360 Knrar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
156 Joint Commissioner, Tax Payer Services, Kasaragod 0499-4256262/ 0499-4256820 Ksdtpsjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner, Taxpayer Services, State Gst Department, Ist Floor,B Block, Civil Station, Vidyanagar,Kasaragod Pin 671123
157 Deputy Commissioner, Tax Payer Services Division, Kasaragod 04994-256832 Ksdtpsdksd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Taxpayer Services Division, State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, C Block, Civilstation, Vidyanagar,Kasaragod Pin 671123
158 Tax Payer Services Circle, Kasaragod 04994-230449 Ksdtpscksd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Taxpayer Services Circle, Kasaragod, State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121 671543, 671542, 671122, 671123, 671124, 671317, 671551, 671545, 671544, 671541, 671121, 671327
159 Tax Payer Services Circle, Manjeshwar 7356090852 Ksdtpscmjwr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Taxpayer Services Circle, Manjeshwar, State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121 671348, 671552, 671322, 671321, 671323, 671324
160 Tax Payer Services Circle, Hosdurg 04672-204335 Ksdtpschsd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Taxpayer Services Circle, Hosdurg, State Gst Deaprtment,Near Mini Civil Station, I St Floor, Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315 671320, 671357, 671349, 671345, 671312, 671531, 671319, 671316, 671329, 671328, 671313, 671351, 671310, 671318, 671533, 671315, 671311, 671326, 671532, 671534, 671350, 671314, 671511, 671353
161 Kasaragod Arrear Recovery Cell 7356090828 Ksdar.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Joint Commissioner, Taxpayer Services, Kasaragod State Gst Department, Ist Floor, B Block, Civilstation, Vidyanagar,Kasaragod Pin 671123

Intelligence And Enforcement Department

Sno. Office Contact Number E-Mail Office Address
1 Joint Commissioner Intelligence And Enforcement, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785007 Tvmintenfjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana Po Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
2 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785131 Tvmintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fifth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
3 Deputy Commissioner Enforcement, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2339930 Tvmenfdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, New Public Office Buildings, C Block, Opposite Museum, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
4 Intelligence Unit, Thiruvananthapuram-1 0471-2785131 Tvmintu1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Fifth Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
5 Intelligence Unit, Thiruvananthapuram-2 Tvmintu2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Chirakkara Palace, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
6 Intelligence Unit, Thiruvananthapuram-3 Tvmintu3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, New Public Office Buildings, C Block, Opposite Museum, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
7 Intelligence Unit, Attingal Tvmintuatl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor Mini Civil Station, Attingal, Kerala
8 Enforcement Squad, Neyyattinkara-1 Tvmenfsnta1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Ground Floor, Old Check Post Building, Amaravila, Thiruvananthapuram (Dist), Kerala
9 Enforcement Squad, Neyyattinkara-2 Tvmenfsnta2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Old Check Post Building, Amaravila, Thiruvananthapuram
10 Enforcement Squad, Attingal Tvmenfsatl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Mini Civil Station, Attingal -695101 Thiruvananthapuram (Dist), Kerala
11 Enforcement Squad, Nedumangad Tvmenfsndd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Nedumangadu -695541 Thiruvananthapuram (Dist), Kerala
12 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Kollam 0474-2761699 Klmintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence),
State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
13 Intelligence Unit, Kollam 9447786377 Klmintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Senior Inteligence Officer/Intelligence Officer Of State Tax, Intelligence Unit- Kollam, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
14 Intelligence Unit, Ktkr 9447758000 Klmintuktra.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Senior Inteligence Officer/Intelligence Officer Of State Tax, Intelligence Unit- Kottarakkara,State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
15 Enforcement Squad, Kollam 9447786366 Klmenfs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Senior Enforcement Officer /Enforcement Officer Of State Tax, Enforcement Squad -Kollam, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
16 Enforcement Squad, Karunagapally 9447794472 Klmenfskpy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Senior Enforcement Officer/ Enforcement Officer Of State Tax, Enforcement Squad Karunagappally, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
17 Enforcement Squad, Punalur 9447794473 Klmenfsplr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer Of State Tax,Enforcement Squad Punalur, Mini Civil Station, Punalur, Pin -691305
18 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Pathanamtitta 0468-2270175 Ptaintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
19 Intelligence Unit, Pathanamtitta 7356372086 Ptaintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
20 Intelligence Unit, Thiruvalla 7356082208 Ptaintutvla.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
21 Enforcement Squad, Pathanamtitta 7356081883 Ptaenfs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,2Nd Floor,Financial Complex,Mini Civil Station ,Pathanamthitta-689645
22 Enforcement Squad, Thiruvalla 7356094599 Ptaenfstvla.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,3Rd Floor ,Revenue Tower,Thiruvalla-689101
23 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Alappuzha 0477-2251664 Alpintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Tax Department, 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Near Boat Jetty, Thathampally P.O, Alappuzha Pin688013
24 Intelligence Unit, Alappuzha 0477-2251664 Alpintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Intelligence Unit-1, State Goods And Services Tax Department, 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Near Boat Jetty, Thathampally P.O, Alappuzha Pin688013
25 Intelligence Unit, Mavelikkara 0479-2340294 Alpintumvlk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Intelligence Unit-2, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mini Civil Station, Mavelikkara,
Pin 690101
26 Enforcement Squad, Alappuzha 9447794474 Alpenfs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Second Floor, Civil Station, Civil Station Ward, Alappuzha -688001
27 Enforcement Squad, Kayamkulam 9447794475 Alpenfskym.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mini Civilstation, Second Floor, Kayamkulam Pin 690502
28 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Kottayam 0481-2564792 Ktmintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax Intelligence, Kottayam
State Gst Department, Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam -686001.
29 Intelligence Unit, Kottayam 0481-2560704 Ktmintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit, Kottayam
State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Collectorate Building , Collectorate P.O, Kottayam -686002
30 Intelligence Unit, Ponkunnam 0481-2564792 Ktmintupnk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit, Ponkunnam
State Gst Department, Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam -686001.
31 Enforcement Squad, Changanassery 0481-2420448 Ktmenfschry.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Enforcement Officer/ Enforcement Squad Changancherry,
State Gst Department, Third Floor, Revenue Tower, Changanacherry, Kerala -686101
32 Enforcement Squad, Pala 0482-2216976 Ktmenfspla.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad Pala,
State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala, Kerala -686575
33 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Idukki 0486-2229870 Idkintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Idukki Mini Civil Station, New
Block, Ground Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki-685584
34 Intelligence Unit, Thodupuzha 0486-2220446 Idkintutdp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit, Thodupuzha, Mini Civil Station, Old Block, 2Nd Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki-685584
35 Intelligence Unit, Devikulam 0486-5264245 Idkintudkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit, Devikulam Revenue Divisional Office Complex,Devikulam P.O, Idukki-685613
36 Enforcement Squad, Kumily 0486-9222073 Idkenfskmy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Kumily State Tax Complex, 2Nd Floor, Kumily P.O., Idukki-685509
37 Enforcement Squad, Nedumkandam 0486-8232397 Idkenfsnkdm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Nedumkandam State Tax Complex, Ground Floor, Nedumkandam P.O, Idukki Pin:685553
38 Enforcement Squad, Devikulam 0486-5264301 Idkenfsdkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Devikulam Revenue Divisional Office Complex, Devikulam P.O, Idukki- 685613
39 Joint Commissioner Intelligence And Enforcement, Ernakulam 0484-2544300 Ekmintenfjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
40 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Ernakulam 0484-2544300 Ekmintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
41 Deputy Commissioner Enforcement, Ernakulam 0484-2544300 Ekmenfdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
42 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-1 0484-2544300 Ekmintu1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
43 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-2 0484-2544300 Ekmintu2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
44 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-3 0484-2544300 Ekmintu3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Kureikal Building, Edappally, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 024
45 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-4 0484-2224278 Ekmintu4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Cochin, Kerala -682 002
46 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-5 0484-2224278 Ekmintu5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Cochin, Kerala -682 002
47 Intelligence Unit, Ernakulam-6 0484-2359796 Ekmintu6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
48 Enforcement Squad, Ernakulam-1 0484-2359796 Ekmenfs1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Sgst Complex, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
49 Enforcement Squad, Ernakulam-2 0484-2359796 Ekmenfs2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Sgst Complex, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
50 Enforcement Squad, Ernakulam-3 0484-2226735 Ekmenfs3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Sgst Complex, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala -682 015
51 Enforcement Squad, Ernakulam-4 0484-2226735 Ekmenfs4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Cochin, Kerala -682 002
52 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Aluva Alvintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex,Ground Floor,Bazar Road,Mattancherry ,682002
53 Intelligence Unit, Aluva Alvintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex,Ground Floor,Bazar Road,Mattancherry ,682002
54 Intelligence Unit, Perumbavoor 7356263659 Alvintupbr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Second Floor,Mini Civil Station,Perumbavoor,683542
55 Intelligence Unit, Muvattupuzha 7356263522 Alvintumvpa.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Second Floor,Mini Civil Station,Muvattupuzha,686669
56 Enforcement Squad, Karukutty 9447786376 Alvenfskrty.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Opp. Adlux International Convention Centre,Karuktty,683576
57 Enforcement Squad, Perumbavoor 9447759000 Alvenfspbr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Second Floor,Mini Civil Station,Perumbavoor,683542
58 Enforcement Squad, Kothamangalam Alvenfskmg.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In
59 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Thrissur Tsrintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Ground Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala -680004
60 Intelligence Unit, Thrissur-1 Tsrintu1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Ground Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala -680004
61 Intelligence Unit, Thrissur-2 Tsrintu2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Ground Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala -680004
62 Intelligence Unit, Wadakkancherry Tsrintuwdk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Government Office Complex, Wadakkancherry, 680582
63 Enforcement Squad, Thrissur Tsrenfs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Ground Floor, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala -680004
64 Enforcement Squad, Kunnamkulam Tsrenfsknlm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Kunnamkulam, Kerala -680503
65 Enforcement Squad, Chalakkudy Tsrenfscld.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakkudy, Kerala -680307
66 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Palakkad 0491-2551255 Pkdintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Ground Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
67 Intelligence Unit, Palakkad-1 00491-2551253 Pkdintu1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Ground Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
68 Intelligence Unit, Palakkad-2 0491-2551251 Pkdintu2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Ground Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
69 Intelligence Unit, Ottapalam 0491-2551248 Pkdintuotp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Ground Floor, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
70 Enforcement Squad, Palakkad-1 9447795588 Pkdenfs1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,First Floor Annex, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
71 Enforcement Squad, Palakkad-2 9447795599 Pkdenfs2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,First Floor Annex, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
72 Enforcement Squad, Walayar Pkdenfswlr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Officer, State Gst Department, Walayar Dam, Chandrapuram Post, Palakkad, Kerala -678624
73 Enforcement Squad, Gopalapuram Pkdenfsgpm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Officer, State Gst Department, Facilitation Centre, State Gst Building, Gopalapuram, Kerala -678555
74 Enforcement Squad, Pattambi 0491-2551256 Pkdenfsptb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,First Floor Annex, Sgst Complex, Palakkad,Kerala,678001
75 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Malappuram Mlpintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, B1 Block, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala -676 505
76 Intelligence Unit, Malappuram Mlpintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, B1 Block, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala -676 505
77 Intelligence Unit, Kottakkal Mlpintuktkl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Plaza Tower, Sbi Building, 3Rd Floor, Kottakkal, Kerala -676 503
78 Intelligence Unit, Tirur Mlpintutrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala -676101
79 Enforcement Squad, Nilambur Mlpenfsnlbr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Room No. 6/220Q, First Floor, Mini Civil Station, Chandanakunnu P.O., Nilambur -679329
80 Enforcement Squad, Perintalmanna Mlpenfspmn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Opp. Pwd Office, Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna, Kerala -679322
81 Enforcement Squad, Tirur Mlpenfstrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala -676101
82 Joint Commissioner Intelligence And Enforcement, Kozhikode 0495-2770036 Kkdintenfjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax Intelligence And Enforcement, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Ivth Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam P.O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
83 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Kozhikode Kkdintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax Intelligence,Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iv Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Eranhipalam Po, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
84 Deputy Commissioner Enforcement, Kozhikode 0495-2367033 Kkdenfdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax Enforcement,Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Nirmal Arcade, Eranhipalam
85 Intelligence Unit, Kozhikode-1 Kkdintu1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit-1, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iv Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam P.O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
86 Intelligence Unit, Kozhikode-2 Kkdintu2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit-2, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iv Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam P.O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
87 Intelligence Unit, Vatakara Kkdintuvka.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit , Vatakara, State Gst Department, Kerala, Mini Civil Station, Vatakara, Kerala
88 Enforcement Squad, Kozhikode-1 Kkdenfs1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad No.1, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Nirmal Arcade, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
89 Enforcement Squad, Kozhikode-2 0495-2367033 Kkdenfs2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad No.2, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Nirmal Arcade, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
90 Enforcement Squad, Koyilandy 0495-2367033 Kkdenfskld.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad No.1, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Nirmal Arcade, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
91 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Wayanad 04936-206979 Wydintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax Intelligence, Wayanad State Gst Department,
Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
92 Intelligence Unit, Kalpetta-1 04936-206979 Wydintukpt1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/ Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit-1, Kalpetta.
State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta,
Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
93 Intelligence Unit, Kalpetta-2 04936-206979 Wydintukpt2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Intelligence Officer/ Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Unit-1, Kalpetta. State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
94 Enforcement Squad, Kalpetta 9447786329 Wydenfskpt.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/ Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Kalpetta State Gst Department, Anappara Building, Near Leo Hospital Junction, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
95 Enforcement Squad, Sulthan Bathery 9447786330 Wydenfssby.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/ Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Sulthan Bathery, State Gst Department, Sbpxv/1845, Pulickal Ittundal Buidling, Police Station Road, Sulthan Bathery, Kerala -673 592
96 Enforcement Squad, Mananthavady 9447799177 Wydenfsmnd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Enforcement Officer/ Enforcement Officer, Enforcement Squad, Mananthavady, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Mananthavady, Kerala -680 645
97 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Kannur 0497-2700691 Knrintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur -670002
98 Intelligence Unit, Thalassery 0497-2700691 Knrintutly.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur -670002
99 Intelligence Unit, Kannur 0497-2725388 Knrintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Kannothumchal, Po. Chovva, Kannur-670006
100 Enforcement Squad, Thalassery 0490-2341122 Knrenfstly.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In New Bus Stand Building, Thalassery-670101
101 Enforcement Squad, Kannur 0497-2700691 Knrenfs.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur -670002
102 Enforcement Squad, Taliparamba 0460-2202560 Knrenfstpba.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Thalparamba-670141
103 Deputy Commissioner Intelligence, Kasaragod 04994-230604 Ksdintdc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner, Intelligence, Kasaragod State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121
104 Intelligence Unit, Kasaragod 7356090858 Ksdintu.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Intelligence Unit, Kasaragod, State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121
105 Intelligence Unit, Kanhangad 7356090831 Ksdintuknd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Intelligence Unit, Kanhangad, State Gst Deaprtment,Near Mini Civil Station I St Floor, Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315
106 Enforcement Squad, Kasaragod-1 7356090854 Ksdenfs1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Squad -1, Kasaragod, State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121
107 Enforcement Squad, Kasaragod-2 7356090833 Ksdenfs2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Squad-2, Kasaragod, State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121
108 Enforcement Squad, Kasaragod-3 7356090856 Ksdenfs3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Squad-3, Kasaragod State Gst Department,Near Clock Tower, Railway Station Road, Thayalangadi, Kasaragod, Kerala Pin 671121
109 Enforcement Squad, Kanhangad 7356090853 Ksdenfsknd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Enforcement Squad, Kanhangad , State Gst Deaprtment,I St Floor,Near Mini Civil Station, Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315

Audit Department

Sno. Office Contact Number E-Mail Address
1 Joint Commissioner, Audit Tvmadtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana,
2 Audit Division Thiruvananthapuram-1 Tvmadtdtvm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana
3 Audit Team-1, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
4 Audit Team-2, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
5 Audit Team-3, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana,
6 Audit Division Thiruvananthapuram-2 Tvmadtdtvm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
7 Audit Team-4, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
8 Audit Team-5, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala -695 002
9 Audit Division Thiruvananthapuram-3 Tvmadtdtvm3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Chirakkara Palace, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
10 Audit Team-6, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Chirakkara Palace, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
11 Audit Team-7, Thiruvananthapuram Tvmadtttvm7.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Chirakkara Palace, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
12 Audit Division Kattakkada Tvmadtdktd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Amaravila Old Check Post Building, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
13 Audit Team-1, Kattakkada Tvmadttktd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Amaravila Old Check Post Building, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
14 Audit Team-2, Kattakkada Tvmadttktd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, First Floor, Amaravila Old Check Post Building, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
15 Audit Division Attingal Tvmadtdatgl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, Attingal, Kerala
16 Audit Team Attingal Tvmadttatgl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Attingal, Kerala
17 Audit Team Varkala Tvmadttvrkl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Attingal, Kerala
18 Audit Division Neyyattinkara Tvmadtdnta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, First Floor, Neyyattinkara, Kerala
19 Audit Team-1, Neyyattinkara Tvmadttnta1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, First Floor, Neyyattinkara, Kerala
20 Audit Team-2, Neyyattinkara Tvmadttnta2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, First Floor, Neyyattinkara, Kerala
21 Audit Division Nedumangad Tvmadtdndd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Revenue Tower, Nedumangad, Kerala
22 Audit Team-1, Nedumangad Tvmadttndd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Revenue Tower, Nedumangad, Kerala
23 Audit Team-2, Nedumangad Tvmadttndd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Revenue Tower, Nedumangad, Kerala
24 Joint Commissioner, Audit 0474-2765023 Klmadtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Joint Commissioner Of State Tax (Audit)
State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam Pin -691002
25 Audit Division Kollam-1 0474-2764581 Klmadtdklm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax- Audit Division 1, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
26 Audit Team -1, Kollam 0474-2764581 Klmadttklm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-1, Audit Team -1,O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
27 Audit Team -2, Kollam 0474-2764581 Klmadttklm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-2, Audit Team -2,O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Taxstate Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
28 Audit Division Kollam-2 0474-2764581 Klmadtdklm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax Audit Division 2, State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
29 Audit Team -3, Kollam 0474-2764581 Klmadttklm3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-3 Of State Tax,Audit Team 3 ,O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax
State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
30 Audit Team -4, Kollam 0474-2764581 Klmadttklm4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-3 Of State Tax,Audit Team 3,O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax
State Gst Complex, Bapuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam-Pin -691002
31 Audit Division Kottarakkara 0474-2457838 Klmadtdkkr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Kottarakkara Mini Civil Station ,Kottarakkara -691506
32 Audit Team -1, Kottarakkara 0474-2457838 Klmadttkkr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-1 Of State Tax ,Audit Team 1, O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Mini Civil Station , Kottarakkara -691506
33 Audit Team -2, Kottarakkara 0474-2457838 Klmadttkkr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-1Of State Tax ,Audit Team 2, O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Mini Civil Station , Kottarakkara -691506
34 Audit Division Kundara 0474-2525035 Klmadtdknd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Mini Civil Station, Kundara, Pin -691501
35 Audit Team -1, Kundara 0474-2525035 Klmadttknd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-1 Of State Tax,Audit Team 1, O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax
Mini Civil Station, Kundara, Pin -691501
36 Audit Team -2, Kundara 0474-2525035 Klmadttknd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-2 Of State Tax ,Audit Team 2, O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax , Mini Civil Station, Kundara, Pin -691501
37 Audit Division Anchal 0475-2278844 Klmadtdacl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division,Mini Civil Station, Anchal -691306
38 Audit Team -1, Anchal 0475-2278844 Klmadttacl1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-1 Of State Tax,Audit Team 1, O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Mini Civil Station, Anchal -691306
39 Audit Team -2, Anchal 0475-2278844 Klmadttacl2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer-2 Of State Tax, Audit Team 2 , O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax,Mini Civil Station, Anchal -691306
40 Audit Division Pathanamtitta-1 9447771622 Ptaadtdpta1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 3Rd Floor, Financial Complex, Mini Civil Station, Pathanamthitta-689645
41 Audit Team Pathanamtitta 9847281040 Ptaadtdpta.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 3Rd Floor, Financial Complex, Mini Civil Station, Pathanamthitta-689645
42 Audit Team Ranni 04735-221995 Ptaadtdran.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 1St Floor , Mini Civil Station Ranni-689672
43 Audit Division Pathanamtitta-2 8547895858 Ptaadtdpta2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Adoor-691523
44 Audit Team Adoor 8547249822 Ptaadttadr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Adoor-691523
45 Audit Team Thiruvalla 9074135101 Ptaadtttrvl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, 4Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Thiruvalla-689101
46 Audit Division Alappuzha. 0477-2251062 Alpadtdalp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Second Floor, Civil Station, Civil Station Ward, Alappuzha -688001
47 Audit Team -1, Alappuzha 0477-2251062 Alpadttalp1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team -1, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Second Floor, Civil Station, Civil Station Ward, Alappuzha -688001
48 Audit Team- 2, Alappuzha 0477-2251062 Alpadttalp2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team- 2, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Second Floor, Civil Station, Civil Station Ward, Alappuzha -688001
49 Audit Division Kuthiyathode 0478-2565088 Alpadtdktyd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Chiramel Building, (Near K.S.F.E.Kuthiathode) Kuthiathode, Pin-688533
50 Audit Team -3, Alappuzha 0477 2243596 Alpadttalp3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team -3 (Kutiathode), State Goods And Srvices Tax Department, Bsnl Building, Second Floor, Head Post Office Road,
Alappuzha 688 001
51 Audit Team Kuthiyathode 0478 2565088 Alpadttktyd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Chiramel Building, (Near K.S.F.E.Kuthiathode) Kuthiathode Pin-688533
52 Audit Division Kayamkulam 0479-2442089 Alpadtdkykm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mini Civil Station, Second Floor, Kayamkulam Pin 690502
53 Audit Team Kayamkulam 0479-2442089 Alpadttkykm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mini Civil Station, Second Floor, Kayamkulam Pin 690502
54 Audit Team Haripad 0479-2418500 Alpadtthrpd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Tax Department, 6Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Harippad, Pin- 690 514
55 Audit Team Mavelikkara 0479-2340294 Alpadttmvkr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mini Civil Station
Mavelikkara, Pin 690101
56 Joint Commissioner, Audit 0481-2560701 Ktmadtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit, Kottayam,
State Gst Department, 2Nd Floor, Collectorate Building, Collectorate P.O,Kottayam -686002
57 Audit Division Kottayam 0481-2562116 Ktmadtdktm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of Statetax, Audit Division Kottayam,
State Gst Department, First Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam, Kerala -686001
58 Audit Team -1,Kottayam 0481-2562116 Ktmadttktm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Kottayam,
State Gst Department, First Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam, Kerala- 686001
59 Audit Team -2,Kottayam 0481-2562116 Ktmadttktm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-2, Kottayam,
State Gst Department, First Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam, Kerala- 686001
60 Audit Team Changanacherry 0481-2412088 Ktmadttcnsy.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team,Changanacherry,
State Gst Department, Third Floor, Revenue Tower, Changanacherry, Kerala -686101
61 Audit Division Ettumanoor 0481-2537829 Ktmadtdetm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax,Audit Division, Ettumanoor,State Gst Department,
Maya Commercial Arcade, Building No. Ep/214-B, Mangarakalungu ,Ettumanoor, Kerala -686631
62 Audit Team -1,Ettumanoor 0481-2537829 Ktmadttetm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer ,Audit Team-1, Ettumanoor, State Gst Department,
Maya Commercial Arcade, Building No. Ep/214-B, Mangarakalungu, Ettumanoor, Kerala -686631
63 Audit Team -2,Ettumanoor 0481-2537829 Ktmadttetm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Auditofficer/Audit Officer,Audit Team-2,Ettumanoor,
State Gst Department, Maya Commercial Arcade, Building No. Ep/214-B,Mangarakalungu,Ettumanoor, Kerala -686631
64 Audit Division Pala 04822-212739 Ktmadtdpala.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Pala.
State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala, Kerala -686575
65 Audit Team Pala 04822-212739 Ktmadttpala.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Pala.
State Gst Department, Fourth Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala, Kerala -686575
66 Audit Team Vaikom 04829-231715 Ktmadttvykm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Vaikom.
State Gst Department, Near Mahadeva Temple,Vadakkenada, Vaikom, Kerala -686141
67 Audit Division Ponkunnam 04828-221394 Ktmadtdpnkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Ponkunnam
State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Ponkunnam, Kerala -686506
68 Audit Team Ponkunnam 04828-221394 Ktmadttpnkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Ponkunnam.
State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Ponkunnam, Kerala -686506
69 Audit Team Kanjirappally 04828-204484 Ktmadttkjpl.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Kanjirappally
State Gst Department, Firstfloor, Kanjirappally Service Co-Operativebank Building,Puthanangady,Kanjirappally,Kerala -686507
70 Audit Division Nedumkandam 04868-234938 Idkadtdndkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Nedumkandam State Tax Complex, 1St Floor, Nedumkandam P.O, Idukki Pin:685553
71 Audit Team Nedumkandam 04868-234938 Idkadttndkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Nedumkandam State Tax Complex, 1St Floor, Nedumkandam P.O, Idukki Pin:685553
72 Audit Team Kattappana 04868-272204 Idkadttktpn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team, Kattappana
State Tax Complex, 2Nd Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki Pin:685515
73 Audit Division Thodupuzha 04862-222663 Idkadtdtdp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Mini Civil Station, Old Block, 3Rd Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki-685584
74 Audit Team 1, Thodupuzha 04862-222663 Idkadtttdp1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Thodupuzha
Mini Civil Station, Old Block, 3Rd Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki-685584
75 Audit Team 2, Thodupuzha 04862-222663 Idkadtttdp2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-2, Thodupuzha Mini Civil Station, Old Block, 3Rd Floor, Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki-685584
76 Joint Commissioner, Audit 0484-2224058 Ekmadtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Sgst Complex Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Cochin, Kerala -682 002
77 Audit Division Ernakulam- 1 0484-2394527 Ekmadtdekm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682018
78 Audit Team 1,Ernakulam 0484-2394527 Ekmadttekm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
79 Audit Team 2,Ernakulam 0484-2394527 Ekmadttekm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
80 Audit Team 3,Ernakulam 0484-2394527 Ekmadttekm3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
81 Audit Division Ernakulam- 2 0484-2394521 Ekmadtdekm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
82 Audit Team 4,Ernakulam 0484-2394521 Ekmadttekm4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
83 Audit Team 5,Ernakulam 0484-2394521 Ekmadttekm5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
84 Audit Division Ernakulam- 3 0484-23945061 Ekmadtdekm3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
85 Audit Team 6,Ernakulam 0484-23945061 Ekmadttekm6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
86 Audit Team 7,Ernakulam 0484-23945061 Ekmadttekm7.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
87 Audit Division Ernakulam- 4 0484-23945072 Ekmadtdekm4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
88 Audit Team 8,Ernakulam 0484-23945072 Ekmadttekm8.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
89 Audit Team 9,Ernakulam 0484-23945072 Ekmadttekm9.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
90 Audit Division Ernakulam- 5 0484-23945165 Ekmadtdekm5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
91 Audit Team 10,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek10.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
92 Audit Team 11,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek11.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
93 Audit Division Ernakulam- 6 0484-23945165 Ekmadtdekm6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
94 Audit Team 12,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek12.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
95 Audit Team 13,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek13.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
96 Audit Division Ernakulam- 7 0484-23945165 Ekmadtdekm7.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, 2Nd Floor, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
97 Audit Team 14,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek14.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, 2Nd Floor, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
98 Audit Team 15,Ernakulam 0484-23945165 Ekmadttek15.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Clas Tower, 2Nd Floor, Kacheripady, Old Railway Station Road, Ernakulam, Kerala -682 018
99 Addl Commissioner, Audit Hq 0484-2226735 Cstadtadc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Headquarters, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry,Bazar Road, Kochi, Kerala -682 002
100 Audit Division Aluva-1 Alvadtdalv1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
101 Audit Team 1, Aluva Alvadttalv1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
102 Audit Team 2, Aluva Alvadttalv2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
103 Audit Division Aluva-2 Alvadtdalv2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
104 Audit Team 3, Aluva Alvadttalv3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
105 Audit Team 4, Aluva Alvadttalv4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Kerala -683101
106 Audit Division Angamali Alvadtdagm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Kerala -682002
107 Audit Team 1, Angamali Alvadttagm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Kerala -682002
108 Audit Team 2, Angamali Alvadttagm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Gst Complex, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Kerala -682002
109 Audit Division Perumbavoor-1 Alvadtdpbv1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
110 Audit Team 1, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
111 Audit Team 2, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
112 Audit Division Perumbavoor-2 Alvadtdpbv2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
113 Audit Team 3, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
114 Audit Team 4, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
115 Audit Division Perumbavoor-3 Alvadtdpbv3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
116 Audit Team 5, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
117 Audit Team 6, Perumbavoor Alvadttpbv6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Kerala -683542
118 Audit Division Muvattupuzha Alvadtdmvp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Mudavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha, Pin -686669
119 Audit Team 1, Muvattupuzha Alvadttmvp1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Mudavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha, Pin -686669
120 Audit Team 2, Muvattupuzha Alvadttmvp2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Mudavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha, Pin -686669
121 Joint Commissioner, Audit Tsradtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680004
122 Audit Division Thrissur-1 Tsradtdtsr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680005
123 Audit Team 1,Thrissur Tsradtttsr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680006
124 Audit Team 2,Thrissur Tsradtttsr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680007
125 Audit Division Thrissur-2 Tsradtdtsr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680008
126 Audit Team 3,Thrissur Tsradtttsr3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680009
127 Audit Team 4,Thrissur Tsradtttsr4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680010
128 Audit Division Thrissur-3 Tsradtdtsr3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680011
129 Audit Team 5,Thrissur Tsradtttsr5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680012
130 Audit Team 6,Thrissur Tsradtttsr6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680013
131 Audit Division Thrissur-4 Tsradtdtsr4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680014
132 Audit Team 7,Thrissur Tsradtttsr7.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680015
133 Audit Team 8,Thrissur Tsradtttsr8.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Gst Complex, 2Nd Floor,Thrissur, Kerala -680016
134 Audit Division Chalakkudy Tsradtdckd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakkudy, Kerala -680307
135 Audit Team 1,Chalakkudy Tsradttckd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakkudy, Kerala -680308
136 Audit Team 2,Chalakkudy Tsradtdckd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakkudy, Kerala -680309
137 Audit Division Kunnamkulam Tsradtdknkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Kunnamkulam, Kerala -680503
138 Audit Team Kunnamkulam Tsradttknkm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Kunnamkulam, Kerala -680503
139 Audit Team Chavakkad Tsradttckd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, Chavakkad. Pin.680506
140 Audit Division Irinjalakkuda Tsradtdinj.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Irinjalakkuda,Kerala -680125
141 Audit Team 1,Irinjalakkuda Tsradttinj1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Irinjalakkuda,Kerala -680125
142 Audit Team 2,Irinjalakkuda Tsradttinj2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station,Irinjalakkuda,Kerala -680125
143 Audit Division Palakkad-1 0491-2551242 Pkdadtdpkd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fifth Floor(Right Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
144 Audit Team 1,Palakkad 0491-2551242 Pkdadttpkd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fifth Floor(Right Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
145 Audit Team 2,Palakkad 0491-2551242 Pkdadttpkd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fifth Floor(Right Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
146 Audit Division Palakkad-2 0491-2551228 Pkdadtdpkd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fourth Floor(Right Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
147 Audit Team 3,Palakkad 0491-2551232 Pkdadttpkd3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fourth Floor(Right Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
148 Audit Team Mannarkkad 04924-226616 Pkdadttmnkd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Mannarkad, Kerala, 678582
149 Audit Division Palakkad-3 0491-2551243 Pkdadtdpkd3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fifth Floor(Left Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
150 Audit Team 4,Palakkad 0491-2551245 Pkdadttpkd4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department,Fifth Floor(Left Wing), State Gst Complex, Palakkad, Kerala, 678001
151 Audit Team Pattambi 0466-2214686 Pkdadttptmb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi, Kerala, 679303
152 Audit Division Chittur 04923-222256 Pkdadtdctr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chittur, Kerala, 678101
153 Audit Team 1,Chittur 04923-222256 Pkdadttctr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chittur, Kerala, 678101
154 Audit Team 2,Chittur 04923-222457 Pkdadttctr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, State Gst Building, Chittur, Kerala, 678101
155 Audit Division Manjeri-1 Mlpadtdmjr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, City Centre Building, Nilambur Road, Manjeri, Kerala -676121.
156 Audit Team 1,Manjeri Mlpadttmjr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, City Centre Building, Nilambur Road, Manjeri, Kerala -676121.
157 Audit Team 2,Manjeri Mlpadttmjr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, City Centre Building, Nilambur Road, Manjeri, Kerala -676121.
158 Audit Team 3,Manjeri Mlpadttmjr3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, City Centre Building, Nilambur Road, Manjeri, Kerala -676121.
159 Audit Division Manjeri-2 Mlpadtdmjr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kacherippadi, 3Rd Floor, Kacheripadi, Manjeri, Kerala -676121
160 Audit Team 4,Manjeri Mlpadttmjr4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kacherippadi, 3Rd Floor, Kacheripadi, Manjeri, Kerala -676121
161 Audit Team 5,Manjeri Mlpadttmjr5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kacherippadi, 3Rd Floor, Kacheripadi, Manjeri, Kerala -676121
162 Audit Division Malappuram Mlpadtdmlp.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala -676505
163 Audit Team 1,Malappuram Mlpadttmlp1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala -676505
164 Audit Team 2,Malappuram Mlpadttmlp2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Civil Station, Malappuram, Kerala -676505
165 Audit Division Perintalmanna Mlpadtdplm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna, Kerala -679 322
166 Audit Team 1,Perintelligencehalmanna Mlpadttplm1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna, Kerala -679 322
167 Audit Team 2,Perintelligencehalmanna Mlpadttplm2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi Road, Perinthalmanna, Kerala -679 322
168 Audit Division Tirur Mlpadtdtrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala -676 101
169 Audit Team 1,Tirur Mlpadtttrr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala -676 101
170 Audit Team 2,Tirur Mlpadttpnn.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, 3Rd Floor, Tirur, Kerala -676 101
171 Audit Division Tirurangadi Mlpadtdtgd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chemmad, Tirurangadi, Kerala -676 306
172 Audit Team 1,Tirurangadi Mlpadtttgd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chemmad, Tirurangadi, Kerala -676 306
173 Audit Team 2,Tirurangadi Mlpadtttgd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chemmad, Tirurangadi, Kerala -676 306
174 Joint Commissioner, Audit Kkdadtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit, Kozhikode, Iind Floor, State Gst Department , Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala
175 Audit Division Kozhikode- 1 Kkdadtdkkd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division-1, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iind Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
176 Audit Team 1, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Ii Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
177 Audit Team 2, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-2, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Ii Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
178 Audit Division Kozhikode- 2 Kkdadtdkkd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division-2, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Iind Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
179 Audit Team 3, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-3, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Ii Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
180 Audit Team 4, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-4, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Ii Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
181 Audit Division Kozhikode- 3 Kkdadtdkkd3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division-3, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Vth Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
182 Audit Team 5, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-5, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, V Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala
183 Audit Team 6, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd6.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-6, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, V Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
184 Audit Team 7, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd7.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-7, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, V Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
185 Audit Division Kozhikode- 4 Kkdadtdkkd4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division-4, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Vth Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
186 Audit Team 8, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd8.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-8, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, V Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
187 Audit Team 9, Kozhikode Kkdadttkkd9.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-9, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, V Floor, Sgst Complex, Jawahar Nagar, Eranhipalam, Kozhikode, Kerala-673006
188 Audit Division Vatakara Kkdadtdvdk.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Vatakara, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Vatakara, Kerala-673101
189 Audit Team 1, Vatakara Kkdadttvdk1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Vatakara, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Vatakara, Kerala
190 Audit Team 2, Vatakara Kkdadttvdk2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Vatakara, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Vatakara, Kerala
191 Audit Division Perambra Kkdadtdprb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Perambra, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Perambra, Kerala-673525
192 Audit Team 1, Perambra Kkdadttprb1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Perambra, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Perambra, Kerala
193 Audit Team 2, Perambra Kkdadttprb2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-2, Perambra, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Perambra, Kerala-673525
194 Audit Division Wayanad 04936-204533 Wydadtdwyd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Audit Division, Wayanad State Gst Department, Surya Complex, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
195 Audit Team 1,Wayanad 04936-204533 Wydadttklp1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-1, Kalpetta. State Gst Department, Surya Complex, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
196 Audit Team 2,Wayanad 04936-204533 Wydadttklp2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Senior Audit Officer/Audit Officer, Audit Team-2, Kalpetta. State Gst Department, Surya Complex, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala -673 121
197 Joint Commissioner, Audit 0497-2712960 Knradtjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
198 Audit Division Kannur-1 0497-2761161 Knradtdknr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
199 Audit Team 1,Kannur 0497-2761161 Knradttknr1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
200 Audit Team 2,Kannur 0497-2761161 Knradttknr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
201 Audit Team 3,Kkannur 0497-2761161 Knradttknr3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
202 Audit Division Kannur-2 0497-2705092 Knradtdknr2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
203 Audit Team 4,Kannur 0497-2705092 Knradttknr4.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
204 Audit Team 5,Kannur 0497-2705092 Knradttknr5.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
205 Audit Division Thalassery 0490-2321246 Knradtdtly.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mareena Complex, Chirakkara, Thalassery-670104
206 Audit Team 1, Thalassery 0490-2321246 Knradtttly1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mareena Complex, Chirakkara, Thalassery-670104
207 Audit Team 2, Thalassery 0490-2321246 Knradtttly2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mareena Complex, Chirakkara, Thalassery-670104
208 Audit Division Taliparamba 0460-2202560 Knradtdtlpb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Thalparamba-670141
209 Audit Team 1,Taliparamba 0460-2202560 Knradtttlpb.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Thalparamba-670141
210 Audit Team 2,Payyannur 0498-5202166 Knradttpynr.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Shopping Complex, Perumba, Payyannur-670307
211 Audit Division Kasaragod 04672-204308 Ksdadtdksd.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Division, Kasaragod, State Gst Deaprtment,Ground Floor, Near Mini Civil Station , Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315
212 Audit Team 1, Kasaragod 7356090847 Ksdadttksd1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team 1, Kasaragod State Gst Deaprtment,Near Mini Civil Station Ground Floor, Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315
213 Audit Team 2, Kasaragod 8129358099 Ksdadttksd2.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team 2, Kasaragod, State Gst Deaprtment, Ground Floor,Near Mini Civil Station Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315
214 Audit Team 3, Kasaragod 8129357345 Ksdadttksd3.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Audit Team 3, Kasaragod State Gst Deaprtment, Ground Floor,Near Mini Civil Station Kanhangad P.O, Kerala Pin 671315

Law Department

Sno. Office Contact Number E-Mail Office Address
1 Addl. Bench, Appellate Tribunal Kvat/Ait And St Tvmtribunal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Gx7C+Rwr, Jawahar Nagar, Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695010
2 Joint Commissioner, Appeals Tvmappealjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram -695 002
3 Law Office Tvmlawoff.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Department, Third Floor, Tax Tower, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram -695 002
4 Joint Commissioner, Appeals 0474-2766132 Klmappealjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O The Joint Commissioner(Appeal)Of State Tax , Gst Complex, Bappuji Nagar, Asramam, Kollam -691002
5 Addl. Bench, Appellate Tribunal Kvat/Ait And St 0481-2561187 Ktmtribunal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Kvat/Ait And St Appellate Tribunal, Additional Bench, Kottayam, Sgst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam -686001
6 Joint Commissioner, Appeals 0481-2564792 Ktmappealjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Joint Commissioner Of State Tax Appeals, Kottayam
State Gst Department, Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam -686001.
7 Law Office 0481-2564771 Ktmlawoff.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In O/O Law Officer, Kottayam
State Gst Department, First Floor, Gst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam -686001
8 Appellate Tribunal Kvat/Ait And St 0484-2359652 Ekmtriekm.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Kvat/Ait And St Appellate Tribunal, Ernakulam 6Th Floor, Sgst Department Complex, Thevara,Cochin -682015
9 Joint Commissioner, Law 0484-2384145 Ekmlawjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax (Law), State Gst Department, Revenue Tower, 9Th Floor, Ernakulam, Kochi Pin- 682 011
10 Joint Commissioner, Appeals 0484-2226735 Ekmapljc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax Appeals, Ernakulam, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Cochin -682 002
11 Law Office, Ernakulam 0484-2359211 Ekmlawoff.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Law Officer, Ernakulam, State Gst Department, 5 Th Floor, Sgst Complex, Perumanoor.P.O., Ernakulam 682015
12 Addl Commissioner, Appeals Hq 0484-2226735 Cstapladc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Appeal Headquarters, State Gst Department, Sgst Complex, Mattancherry, Bazar Road, Kochi, Kerala-682 002
13 Joint Commissioner, Appeals Tsrappealjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Gst Complex, State Gst Department, Third Floor, Poothole, Thrissur -680004
14 Addl. Bench, Appellate Tribunal Kvat/Ait And St 0495-2365724 Kkdtribunal.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Kvat/Ait And St Appellate Tribunal, Additional Bench, Kozhikode, Mariyambi Building , Cherooty Road, Kozhikode-673032
15 Joint Commissioner, Appeals 0495-2766718, 2367222 Kkdappealjc.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Joint Commissioner Of State Tax Appeals, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Nirmal Arcade, Eranhipalam -Po, Kozhikode-673006
16 Law Office 0495-2365260 Kkdlawoff.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In Law Officer, Kozhikode, State Gst Department, Mariyambi Building, Cherooty Road, Kozhikode

GST Department Directory

SNo. Name Of Office Office Contacts Mobile No. Email Address
1 Commissioner 0471-2785202, 0471-2785203 Cct.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
2 Special Commissioner 0471-2785206 Adlcst1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
3 Additional  Commissioner-1 0471-2785207 Adc1.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
4 Additional Commissioner (General) 0471-2785236 9447783000 Jcg.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
5 Additional Commissioner (Law) 0471-2785264 / 0471-2785294 9447786379 Jclaw.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
6 Additional Commissioner (Audit And Inspection) 0471-2785282 9447786367 Jcai.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 7Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
7 Joint Commissioner (Enforcement) 0471-2785044 Sureshk.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
8 Joint Commissioner (Internal Audit) 0471-2785177 / 0471-2785176 9446465532 Dcinternalaudit.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
9 Deputy Commissioner I 0471-2785235 9447786357 Ac1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
10 Deputy Commissioner Ii 0471-2785222 9447781234 Ac2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
11 Finance Officer 0471-2785224 Fo.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 8Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
12 Deputy Commissioner (Law) 0471-2785262 / 0471-2785275 7Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
13 Deputy Commissioner (Audit And Inspection) 0471-2785287 7Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
14 Deputy Commissioner (Economic Intelligence) 0471-2785382, 0471-2785385 Ac1Eiw.Sgst@Kerala.Gov.In 6Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
15 Deputy Commissioner (Itmc) Infrastructure 0471-2785210, 0471-2785135 9447786343 Acitmc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
16 Assistant Commissioner (Gstinfo) Software 0471-2785010 9446505527 Gstinfo.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Vksuni.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 3Rd Floor, Tax Tower, Killippalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
17 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785024, 0471-2785025 9447786399 Tvmdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 1St Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
18 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle ), Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785052, 0471-2785055, 0471-2785054 Assistantcommissioner@Yahoo.Co.In 2Nd Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
19 State Tax Office, First Circle, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785107, 0471-2785118, 0471-2785111 Tvmcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
20 State Tax Office, Second Circle, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785060, 0471-2785056, 0471-2785058, 0471-2785057 Tvmcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Circle, 2Nd Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
21 State Tax Office, Third Circle, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785101, 0471-2785102, 0471-2785124, 0471-2785100, 0471-2785123 Tvmcir3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
22 State Tax Office, Attingal 0470-2622229 Stoattingal@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, St Office, Mini Civil Station, Attingal
23 State Tax Office, Neyyattinkara 0471-2223562 Neyyattinkaracto@Gmail.Com, Neyyatinkarasto@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, St Office, Ground Floor, Mini Civil Station, Neyyattinkara
24 State Tax Office, Nedumangad 0472-2802435 Nedumangadcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Fourth Floor, Revenue Tower,
Nedumangad, Pin-695541
25 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Works Contract, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785051, 0471-2785046, 0471-2785049, 5047 Tvmwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
26 State Tax Office (Luxury), Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785032, 0471-2785030, 0471-2785036 Tvmlt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 1St Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
27 State Tax Office (Enquiry) 0471-2785042 1St Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
28 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785092 Tvmiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
29 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Neyyattinkara 0471-2222562   Iacneyyattinkara@Gmail.Com Office Of The Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax, Ground Floor, Mini Civil Station, Neyyattinkara
30 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Training), Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785187 Actraining.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 1) Chirakkara Palace, Ground Floor, Kaimanam, Pappanamcode P.O, Thiruvananthapuram And
2) 5Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
31 Law Office, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785131, 0471-2785132 Lawofficetvm@Gmail.Com 5Th Floor, Tax Tower, Killppalam, Karamana P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
32 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence), Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2785007 9447784000 Tvmdci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In First Floor, Tax Towers, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram
33 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Intelligence), Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2339930 9447786353 Tvmiaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Publice Office Building, 2Nd Floor,C-Block, Opp. Museum, Vikas Bhavan.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
34 State Tax Officer, Squad No. I, Thiruvananthapuram)   9447786323 Tvmio1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Publice Office Building, 2Nd Floor, C-Block, Opp. Museum, Vikas Bhavan.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
35 State Tax Officer, Squad No. Ii, Attingal   9447786373 Tvmio2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor , Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram
36 State Tax Officer, Squad No. Iii, Neyyattinkara   9447786383 Tvmio3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, 1St Floor, Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram
37 State Tax Officer, Squad No. Iv, Thiruvananthapuram   9447794470 Tvmio4.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Publice Office Building, 2Nd Floor, C-Block, Opp. Museum, Vikas Bhavan.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
38 State Tax Officer, Squad No. V, Thiruvananthapuram   9447794471 Tvmio5.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Publice Office Building, 2Nd Floor, C-Block, Opp. Museum, Vikas Bhavan.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
39 State Tax Officer, Squad No. Vi, Nedumangad   9447795544 Tvmio6.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Revenue Tower, 4Th Floor, Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram
40 State Tax Officer, Squad No. Vii, Neyyattinkara   Tvmio7.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram
41 State Tax Officer-I (Investigation Branch) 0471-2785139 9447786388 Tvmioib@Keralataxes.Gov.In Camp At Tax Tower, 5Th Floor, Thiruvananthapuram
42 State Tax Officer-Ii (Investigation Branch) 0471-2785140   Tvmio2Ib@Keralataxes.Gov.In Camp At Tax Tower, 5Th Floor, Thiruvananthapuram
43 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Kollam 0474-2742760 9447786333 Dcklm@Yahoo.Co.In, Klmdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
44 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax (Special Circle ), Kollam 0474-2760543 Acspecialkollam@Yahoo.Com O/O The Asst Commissioner, Special Circle, State Goods And Service Tax Department Kerala, Taxes Complex, Asramom, Kollam 691002
45 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax, Kollam 0474-2765023 Iackollam@Yahoo.Com, Iackollam@Gmail.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
46 State Tax Office, First Circle,, Kollam 0474-2760279 Ctofirstcircle@Yahoo.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
47 State Tax Office, Second Circle, Kollam 0474-2764581 Cto2Circle@Yahoo.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
48 State Tax Office, Third Circle, Kollam 0474-2764581 Cto3Circle@Yahoo.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
49 State Tax Office, Kundara 0474-2525035 Ctokundara@Yahoo.Com Mini Civil Station, Kundara Pin.691501
50 State Tax Office, Chathanoor 0474-2595688 Ctochathannoor@Yahoo.Com Mini Civil Station, Chathannoor Pin.691572
51 State Tax Office, Karunagapally 0476-2626350 Ctokarunagapally@Yahoo.Com Mini Civil Station, Karunagapally, Pin 690518
52 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax Kottarakkara 0474-2452703 Iackottarakkara@Yahoo.Com Prb Building, Market Jn., Kottarakara
53 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax (Special Circle ),
0475-2455252 Ackottarakkara@Yahoo.Com Kottarakkara, 691506
54 State Tax Office, Kottarakkara 0476-2457838 Ctoktr@Gmail.Com Prb Building, Market Jn., Kottarakara
55 State Tax Office, Anchal 0475-2278844   Stoanchal@Yahoo.Com Mini Civil Station, Anchal
56 State Tax Office, Punalur 0475-2222224 Ctopunalur@Yahoo.Com Mini Civil Station, Punalur Pin:691305
57 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax (Intelligence) Kollam. 0474-2761699 9447786344 Iacintklm@Gmail.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
58 State Tax Office, Squad.I   9447786355 Klmio1@Keralataxes.Gov.In Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
59 State Tax Office, Squad.Ii   9447786366 Klmio2@Keralataxes.Gov.In Market Jn, Kottarakkara-691506
60 State Tax Office, Squad.Iii 9447794472 Klmio3@Keralataxes.Gov.In Civilstation, Karunagappally-690518
61 State Tax Office, Squad.Iv 9447794473 Klmio4@Keralataxes.Gov.In Civilstation, Punalur-691305
62 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch)-I 0474-2761699 9447786377 Ioibkollam@Gmail.Com Bapuji Nagar, Asramom Po, Kollam-691002
63 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch)-Ii 0474-2761699 Ioib2Kollam@Gmail.Com Bapuji Nagar,Asramom Po,Kollam-691002
64 State Tax Office (Luxury Tax) Ctoltklm@Yahoo.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
65 State Tax Office (Works Contract) Kollam 0474-2742760   Ctowckollam@Yahoo.Com Bappuji Nagar, Asramam Pin: 691002
66 Joint
Commissioner Of State Tax,
0468-2325088 9447786393 Ptadc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Financial
Complex, 3Rd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
67 Deputy
Commissioner Of State Tax,
0468-2322760 Ptaiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
68 Deputy
Commissioner Of State Tax
( Appeal)
0468-2322760 Acappealspta@Gmail.Com Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
69 State
Tax Office (WcAnd Lt)
0468-2325088 Wcltpta@Gmail.Com Financial
Complex, 3Rd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
70 State
Tax Office, Pathanamthitta
0468-2222421 Ctopathanamthitta@Gmail.Com Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta 689645
71 State
Tax Office, Adoor
04734-224847 Stoadoor@Gmail.Com Revenue
Tower, 3Rd Floor, Adoor-691523
72 State
Tax Office, Thiruvalla
0469-2601203 Ctotvla@Gmail.Com Revenue
Tower, 3Rd Floor, Thiruvalla 689
73 State
Tax Office , Ranni
04735-221995 Ctoranni@Gmail.Com Mini
Civil Station,Ist Floor,Ranni 689672
74 Deputy
Commissioner Of State Tax
0468-2270175 8330011257 Ptaiaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
75 State
Tax Officer (Squad No.I),Pathanamthitta
9447756000   Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
76 State
Tax Officer (Squad No.2),
Pathanamthitta At Thiruvalla.
9447795522 Ptaio2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Revenue
Tower, 3Rd Floor, Thiruvalla 689
77 State
Tax Officer (Investigation
Branch), Pathanamthitta
0468-2270175   Ptaioib.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Financial
Complex, 2Nd Floor, Mini
Civil Station Pathanamthitta-689645
78 Joint  Commissioner 0477-2243596 9447786363 Alpdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Dcctalappuzha@Gmail.Com Bsnl Bhavan (Second Floor), Mullakkal Village, Xiii/915 E,Opposite Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha-688001
79 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax 0477-2252469   Alpiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Iacalpza@Yahoo.Com Bsnl Bhavan (Second Floor), Mullakkal Village, Xiii/915 E,Opposite Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha-688001
80 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals) 0477-2252469   Alpdca.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Acappealalpy@Gmail.Com Bsnl Bhavan (Second Floor), Mullakkal Village, Xiii/915 E,Opposite Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha-688001
81 Deputy Commissioner, Chengannur 0479-2452839   Chengannuriac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station,Chengannur 689121
82 Deputy Commissioner, Special Circle 0477-2251062   Alpspl1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station, Collectorate, Alappuzha. Pin : 688001
83 Sto(Wc) 0477-2243252   Alpwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Wcalappuzha@Gmail.Com Bsnl Bhavan (Second Floor), Mullakkal Village, Xiii/915 E,Opposite Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha-688001
84 Sto(Lt) 0477-2243252   Alplt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ltctalappuzha@Gmail.Com Bsnl Bhavan (Second Floor), Mullakkal Village, Xiii/915 E,Opposite Head Post Office Road, Alappuzha-688001
85 Sto First Circle 0477-2238944   Alpcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station, Collectorate, Alappuzha. Pin : 688001
86 Sto Second Circle 0477-2253074   Alpcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctosecondcirclealpza@Gmail.Com Civil Station, Collectorate, Alappuzha. Pin : 688001
87 Ait And Sto Alappuzha 0477-2230181   Alpait.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Alappuzha 688013
88 Sto Cherthala 0478-2813210   Cherthalacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctocherthala@Gmail.Com Mini Civil Station, Third Floor, Cherthala
89 Sto Kuthiathode 0478-2565088   Kuthiathodecto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In  State Tax Office, Kuthiathode, Chiramel Building, (Near K.S.F.E.Kuthiathode) Pin-688533
90 Sto Harippad 0479-2418500   Haripadcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Revenue Tower,6Th Floor,Haripad,690514
91 Sto Kayamkulam 0479-2443970   Kayamkulamcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station,Kayamkulam 690502
92 Sto Mavelikkara 0479-2340294   Mavelikaracto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station,Mavelikara 690101
93 Sto Chengannur 0479-2450181   Chengannurcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station,Chengannur 689121
94 Deputy Commissioner(Intelligence) 0477-2251664 8330011256 Alpiaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Alappuzha 688013
95 Sto, Squad No.1 0477-2251664 9447794474 Alpio1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Alappuzha 688013
96 Sto, Squad No.2 0479-2452839 9447794475 Alpio2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station,Chengannur 689121
97 Sto, Squad No.3 0477-2251664 9447795511 Alpio3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Alappuzha 688013
98 Sto(Ib) 0477-2251664   Alpioib.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Mini Civil Station, Alappuzha 688013
99 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax,Kottayam 0481-2300943 ,0481-2562314 9447786337 Ktmdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In First Floor, Civil Station,Collectorate P.O , Kottayam,Pin-686002
100 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Kottayam 0481-2562720   Ktmiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In,
Second Floor, Civil Station,Collectorate P.O , Kottayam,Pin-686002
101 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Special Circle) Kottayam 0481-2562116   Ktmspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Splkottayam@Gmail.Com Sgst Complex , Nagampadom, Kottayam. 686001
102 State Tax Office(Wc And Lt) 0481-2560701   Ktmwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctowcktm@Gmail.Com Civil Station,Collectorate P.O , Kottayam,Pin-686002
103 State Tax Office, Ist Circe, Kottayam 0481-2562071   Ktmcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Firstcirktm@Gmail.Com Sgst Complex , Nagampadom, Kottayam. 686001
104 State Tax Office, 2Nd Circle, Kottayam 0481-2564917   Ktmcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Cto2Ktm@Yahoo.Com Sgst Complex , Nagampadom, Kottayam. 686001
105 State Tax Office,First Circle, Changanacherry 0481-2420448   Changanacherrycir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Cto1Chry@Yahoo.Co.In Third Floor, Revenue Tower, Changanacherry, 686101
106 State Tax Office, Second Circle, Changanacherry 0481-2412088   Changanacherrycir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Cto2Chry@Yahoo.Co.In Third Floor, Revenue Tower, Changanacherry, 686102
107 State Tax Office, Ettumanoor 0481-2537829   Ettumanoorcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctoetmnr@Gmail.Com O/O The State Tax Officer State Goods And Service Tax Office Ettumanoor .Pin-686631
108 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax,Pala 0482-2212014   Palaiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Iacpala@Gmail.Com 4Th Floor Mini Civil Station Pala,686575
109 State Tax Office, Pala 0482-2212739   Palacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Palacto@Gmail.Com 4Th Floor Mini Civil Station Pala,686575
110 State Tax Office, Ponkunnam 04828-221394   Ponkunnamcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctoponkunnam@Gmail.Com Punnam Parambil Building, Opp. Police Station, Ponkunnam Pin-686506
111 State Tax Office, Vaikom 04829-231715   Vaikomcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctovaikom@Gmail.Com State Tax Office, North Gate, Vaikom 686 141
112 State Tax Office (Ait And St) Kanjirapally 04828-204484   Kanjirapallycto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Aitkply@Gmail.Com Kanjirapally Service Cooperative Soceity Building, Puthengady, Kanjirapally,686507
113 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Intelligence) 0481-2564792 9447786339 Ktmiaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam Pin 686001
114 State Tax Officer (Intelligence), Squad No. I 0481-2564792   Ktmio1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam Pin 686001
115 State Tax Officer (Intelligence), Squad No. Ii, Kottayam At Pala 0482-2216926   Ktmio2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, 2Nd Floor, Mini Civil Station, Pala. Pin 686575
116 State Tax Officer (Intelligence), Squad No. Iii 0481-2564792   Ktmio3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam Pin 686001
117 State Tax Officer (Intelligence), Squad No. Iv 0481-2560713   Ktmio4.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, Collectrate, Kottayam. Pin 686002
118 State Tax Officer (Intelligence), Squad No. V 0481-2564792   Ktmio5.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Public Library Building, Sastri Road, Kottayam Pin 686001
119 State Tax Officer (Investigation Branch) Kottayam 0481-2560704   Ktmioib.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, Collectrate, Kottayam. Pin 686002
120 Law Office, Kottayam 0481-2564771   Ktmlaw.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Lawofficektm@Gmail.Com Law Office Sgst Complex, Nagampadom Kottayam
121 Stat Additional Bench Kottayam 0481-2561187   Ktmstat.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Statktm@Gmail.Com Stat Additional Bench Kottayam, Sgst Complex, Nagampadom, Kottayam
122 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax(Appeals), Kottayam 0481-2564792 Ktmdcappeals.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.InDcappeal2Ktm@Gmail.Com, Joint Commissioner(Appeals), State Goods And Service Tax Department, Public Library Buildings, Sasthri Road, Kottayam.
123 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax
Idukki At Kattapana
04868-272431 9447786341 Dcidukki@Gmail.Com, Idkdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The Deputy Commissioner,
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment, 1St Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana-
Pin- 685 515
124 Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax,
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-272266 Iacidukki@Gmail.Com, Idkiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The Asst. Commissioner,
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,2Nd Floor Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana- 685 515
125 Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax (Int.)
Idukki At Nedumkandam
04868-234938 9447786342 Iaciidukki@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax (Int.)
State Goods And Service Taxes Department
Nedumkandam P.O
Nedumkandam- 685553
126 Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax,
Special Circle, Thodupuzha
04862-229870 Acthodupuzha@Gmail.Com, Tdpaacspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Ist Floor,
New Block, Thodupuzha 685608
127 Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals),
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-274132 Acappealidukki@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The Asst. Commissioner,
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,2Nd Floor Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana-
Pin- 685 515
128 State Tax Office (WcAnd Lt),
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-250666 Wcltctoidukki@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer (WcAnd Lt),
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment, Ground Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana- Pin- 685 515
129 State Tax Office (Wc),
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-250666 Idkwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In,
Office Of The State Tax Officer (Wc),
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,Ground Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana-
Pin- 685 515
130 State Tax Office (Lt),
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-250666 Idklt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In,Idklt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer (Lt), State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,Ground Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana- Pin- 685 515
131 State Tax Office (Enquiry),
Idukki At Kattappana
04868-252530 Idkctoenquiry.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer (Enquiry), State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,2Nd Floor Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana- Pin- 685 515
132 State Tax Office,
04868-252525 Ctokattappana@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,Ground Floor, Kattappana South P.O, Idukki At Kattapana-
Pin- 685 515
133 State Tax Office, 1St Circle, Thodupuzha. 04862-222663 Cto1Thodupuzha@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Services Tax Depratment,
1St Circle, Mini Civil Station,3Rd Floor, Old Building, Thodupuzha, Pin 685 584
134 State Tax Office, 2Nd Circle, Thodupuzha. 04862-227866 Cto2Circlethodupuzha@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Service Tax Department,
2Nd Circle, Ground Floor, New Block, Mini Civil Station, Thodupuzha, Pin-685 584
135 State Tax Office, Adimali. 04864-225099 Ctoadimali@Gmail.Com,
Putheyathu Building, 2Nd Floor ,
Near Pvt.Bus Stand Adimali, Pin :685561
136 State Tax Office, Devikulam. 04865-264245   Ctodevikulam@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Service Tax Department,
Revenue Divisional Office Complex, Devikulam P.O, Pin. 685613
137 State Tax Office, Nedumkandam. 04868-232397 Ctondkm@Gmail.Com, Nedumkandomcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Service Tax Department, Nedumkandam, Pin. 685553
138 State Tax Office,
04869-222073 Ctovandiperiyar@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Service Tax Department, 2Nd Floor
Vandiperiyar At Kumily,Pin -685509
139 State Tax Office
04869-232965 Ctopeermade@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Service Tax Offce,
Peermade, Peermade.P.O, Idukki,685531.
140 State Tax Office,
Cheruthoni At Idukki.
04862-235994 Ctocheruthoni@Gmail.Com
State Tax Officer,
State Goods And Services
Tax Department,
Cheruthoni At Idukki,
Nayarupara P.O. Pin.685602
141 State Tax Office Squad No.I Kattappana 04868-272204 9447786397 Iosqd1Idukki@Gmail.Com,
State Tax Officer,
Squad No.1, Kattappana South P.O,Idukki Dt, Pin:685515
142 State Tax Office Squad No.Ii, Thodupuzha 04862-229491 9447786397 Io2Tdpa@Gmail.Com,
State Tax Officer,
Squad No.Ii,
Minicivilstation (Old Block),
2Nd Floor,Thodupuzha Pin -685584
143 State Tax Office Squad No.Iii, Devikulam 04865-264301 9447786398 Io3Idukki@Gmail.Com,
State Tax Officer,
Squad No.Iii,
Revenue Building
Devikulam P.O
Devikulam. Pin 685613
144 State Tax Office Squad No.Iv,Idukki At
- 9447795533 Iosqd4Idukki@Gmail.Com,
State Tax Office, Squad No.Iv, Ground Floor, Idukki At Nedumkandam, Pin 685553
145 State Tax Office
Squad No.Vi,
04869-222058 Io6Idukki@Gmail.Com,
State Tax Office, Squad No. Vi, 1St Floor,
Kumily P.O, Kumily. Pin. 685509
146 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch) 04862-220446 9447786394 Ioibthodupuzha@Gmail.Com,
Office Of The State Tax Tax Officer (Ib),State Goods And Service Tax Department Mini Civil Station (New Block), 3Rd Floor, Idukki At Thodupuzha 685584
147 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Ernakulam 0484--2359440 Ekmdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Sgst Complex, Perumanoor P.O. Ernakulam, Kochi 682015
148 Assistant Commissioner (Asst)Special Circle I, Ernakulam 0484--2358889 Acspl1Ernakulam@Gmail.Com Sgst Complex, Perumanoor P.O. Ernakulam, Kochi 682015
149 Assistant Commissioner (Asst)Special Circle Ii, Ernakulam 0484--2359175 Acspl2Ekm1@Gmail.Com Sgst Complex, Perumanoor P.O. Ernakulam, Kochi, 682015
150 Assistant Commissioner (Asst)Special Circle Iii, Ernakulam 0484--2359796 Acspl3Ekm1@Gmail.Com Sgst Complex, Perumanoor P.O. Ernakulam, Kochi, 682015
151 Cto I Circle , Ernakulam 0484-2394506 Ctoernakulam1@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi, 682018
152 Ctoii Circle , Ernakulam 0484-2394507 Ctoernakulam2@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi, 682018
153 Cto Iii Circle , Ernakulam 0484-2394527 Ctoernakulam3@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi, 682018
154 Cto Iv Circle , Ernakulam 0484-2394521 Ctoernakulam4@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi, 682018
155 Cto I Circle, Kalamassery 0484-2422060 Ctokalamassery1@Gmail.Com Sgst Office,Civil Station , New Block, 2Nd Floor, Kakkanad, Ekm, 682030
156 Cto Ii Nd Circle, Kalamassery 0484-2423425 Ctokalamassery2@Gmail.Com Sgst Office,Civil Station , New Block, 2Nd Floor, Kakkanad, Ekm, 682030
157 Cto Ist Circle Tripunithura 0484-2785428 Ctotripunithura1@Yahoo.Com Sgst Office, Mini Civil Station Tripunithura, 682301
158 Cto Ii Circle Tripunithura 0484-2782186 Ctotripunithura2@Yahoo.Co.In Sgst Office, Mini Civil Station Tripunithura,682301
159 Cto Works Contract Office, Ernakulam 0484-2394516 Acworkscontractekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi,682018
160 Cto Luxury Tax, Ernakulam 0484-2394516 Acworkscontractekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Class Tower, Kargil Lane, Ekm, Kochi,682018
161 Asst. Commissioner Of State Tax,Ernakkulam 0484-2422223, 0484-2427940 Iacernakulam@Gmail.Com Sgst Department, Civil Station, Old Block, 2Nd Floor, Kakkanad, Ekm, Kochi,682030
162 Asst.Commissioner Of State Tax(Intelligence.), Ernakulam 0484-2358529 9447786370 Iacintekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex, Thevara, Cochin-682015
163 State Tax Office, Squad No.I, Ernakulam   9447786371 Sq1Ekm@Gmail.Com Kureekal Building,Edappally-682024
164 State Tax Office, Squad No.Ii, Ernakulam   9447786372 Io2Ekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex, Thevara, Cochin-682015
165 State Tax Office, Squad No.Iii, Ernakulam   9447786374 Io3Ekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex, Thevara, Cochin-682015
166 State Tax Office, Squad No.V, Ernakulam   9447797733 Intofficersq5Ekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex, Thevara, Cochin-682015
167 State Tax Office, Squad No.Vi, Ernakulam   9447797744 Iosquad6Ekm@Gmail.Com Mini Civil Stattion, Aluva-683101
168 State Tax Office, Squad No.Vii, Ernakulam   9447797755 Squad7Ekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex, Thevara, Cochin-682015
169 State Tax Office, Squadd No.Viii, Ernakulam   9447797766 Io8Ekm@Gmail.Com Sgst Department Complex,Thevara,Cochin-682015
170 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Appeals), Ernakulam 0484-2359618 Dcappealsekm@Gmail.Com 4Th Floor, Sgst Department Complex,Thevara,Cochin-682015
171 Law Office, Ermakulam 0484-2359211 Lawofficerekm@Yahoo.In 5Th Floor, Sgst Department Complex,Thevara,Cochin-682015
172 Appellate Tribunal, Ernakulam 0484-2359652 Staternakulam@Gmail.Com 6Th Floor, Sgst Department Complex,Thevara,Cochin-682015
173 Deputy Commissioner (Law), Ernakulam 0484-2384145 Dclawekm@Keralataxes.Gov.In 9Th Floor, Revenue Tower, Ernakulam
174 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence.) Ernakulam 0484-2544300 9447785000 Dcekmint@Gmail.Com
Kureikkal Building, 2Nd Floor, Near Lulu Mall, Edappallay
175 State Tax Office , Squad Iv, Ernakulam   9447786375 Io4Ekm@Gmail.Com Kureikkal Building, 2Nd Floor, Near Lulu Mall, Edappallay
176 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch) Ernakulam   Ioibctekm@Gmail.Com Kureikkal Building, 2Nd Floor, Near Lulu Mall, Edappallay
177 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch), Mattancherry 0484-2627337 Ioibmattancherri@Gmail.Com Mini Civilstation, 2Nd Floor, Aluva
178 State Tax Office, 1St Circle, Thrissur 0487-2388699 Cto1Tsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, 1St Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
179 State Tax Office, 2Nd Circle, Thrissur 0487-2387299 Cto2Trichur@Yahoo.Co.In, Tsrctocir2@Keralataxes.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 2Nd Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
180 State Tax Office, 3Rd Circle, Thrissur 0487-2383599 Cto3Tsr@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 3Rd Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
181 State Tax Office, 4Th Circle, Thrissur 0487-2381899 Cto4Tsr@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 4Th Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
182 State Tax Office (Works Contract And Luxury Tax), Thrissur 0487-2384299 Ctowctsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer (Works Contract And Luxury Tax), Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
183 State Tax Office (AitAnd St), Thrissur 0487-2384999 Aittsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The Agricultural Income Tax And State Tax Officer, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
184 State Tax Office, Kunnamkulam 04885-222818 Ctokkm@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kakkad, Kunnamkulam
185 State Tax Office, Wadakkanchery 04884-234636 Vadakkancherrycto1@Keralataxes.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Government Office Building, Wadakkanchery.P.O, Thrissur 680582
186 State Tax Office, Chavakkad 0487-2501868 Ctockd@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chavakkad
187 State Tax Office, Kodungallur 0480-2812321 Ctokdr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kodungallur
188 State Tax Office, Chalakudy 0480-2701673 Ctocky@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakudy
189 State Tax Office, Irinjalakuda 0480-2826547   Ctoijk@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Civil Station, Irinjalakuda 680125
190 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Thrissur 0487-2388799 9447786336 Tsrdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The Deputy Commissioner, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
191 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals), Thrissur Dcappealtsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The Deputy Commissioner (Appeals), Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
192 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Thrissur 0487-2380177 Iacthrissur@Gmail.Com Office Of The Assistant Commissioner, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
193 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Irinjalakuda 0480-2823712 Iacijk@Gmail.Com Office Of The Assistant Commissioner, State Gst Departmetn, Civil Station, Irinjalakuda 680125
194 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals), Thrissur Acappealstsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The Assistant Commissioner (Appeals), Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
195 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Internal Aduit), Thrissur Acauditassessment@Gmail.Com Office Of The Assistant Commissioner (Internal Audit), Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
196 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax Special Circle, Thrissur 0487-2380427 Acspltsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The Assistant Commissioner (Assmt.), Special Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
197 State Tax Office, 1St Circle, Thrissur 0487-2388699 Cto1Tsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, 1St Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
198 State Tax Office, 2Nd Circle, Thrissur 0487-2387299 Cto2Trichur@Yahoo.Co.In, Tsrctocir2@Keralataxes.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 2Nd Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
199 State Tax Office, 3Rd Circle, Thrissur 0487-2383599 Cto3Tsr@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 3Rd Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
200 State Tax Office, 4Th Circle, Thrissur 0487-2381899 Cto4Tsr@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, 4Th Circle, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
201 State Tax Office (Works Contract And Luxury Tax), Thrissur 0487-2384299 Ctowctsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer (Works Contract And Luxury Tax), Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
202 State Tax Office (AitAnd St), Thrissur 0487-2384999 Aittsr@Gmail.Com Office Of The Agricultural Income Tax And State Tax Officer, Tax Complex, Poothole, Thrissur 680004
203 State Tax Office, Kunnamkulam 04885-222818   Ctokkm@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kakkad, Kunnamkulam
204 State Tax Office, Wadakkanchery 04884-234636 Vadakkancherrycto1@Keralataxes.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Government Office Building, Wadakkanchery.P.O, Thrissur 680582
205 State Tax Office, Chavakkad 0487-2501868 Ctockd@Yahoo.Co.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chavakkad
206 State Tax Office, Kodungallur 0480-2812321 Ctokdr@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Kodungallur
207 State Tax Office, Chalakudy 0480-2701673   Ctocky@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Mini Civil Station, Chalakudy
208 State Tax Office, Irinjalakuda 0480-2826547   Ctoijk@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Gst Department, Civil Station, Irinjalakuda 680125
209 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Palakkad 0491- 2505568
0491- 2551209
9447786356 Pkddc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 1St Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
210 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals), Palakkad 0491- 2505858
0491- 2551245
  Dcappealsplkd@Gmail.Com 5Th Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
211 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Palakkad 0491- 2505680
0491- 2551215
  Pkdiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
212 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals), Palakkad 0491- 2505858
0491- 2551244
9447786357 Acappealspkd@Gmail.Com 5Th Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
213 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle) Palakkad 0491- 2505828
0491- 2551223
Pkdspl1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 3Rd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
214 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence), Palakkad 0491- 2505660
0491- 2551255
9447786358 Pkdiaci@Kerala.Gov.In Ground Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
215 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch), Palakkad 0491- 2544433
0491- 2551257
Pkdiacib.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In First Floor, State Gst Complex Annexe, Behind Civil Station, 678001
216 Law Office, Palakkad 0491- 2505481
0491- 2551218
Pkdlaw.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
217 Additional Appellate Tribunal,Palakkad 0491-2538453 0491-2524747   Statpalakkad@Gmail.Com Noorani, Palakkad 678004
218 State Tax Office, Enquiry, Palakkad 0491- 2551212   Pkdctoenquiry.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In, Ctoenquirypkd@Gmail.Com Ctoenquirypkd@Gmail.Com 2Nd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
219 State Tax Office, First Circle, Palakkad 0491- 2505468
0491- 2551232
  Pkdcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
220 State Tax Office, Second Circle, Palakkad 0491- 2505628
0491- 2551242
  Pkdcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 5Th Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
221 State Tax Office, Third Circle, Palakkad 0491- 2505863
0491- 2551234
  Pkdcir3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
222 State Tax Office, Works Contract, Palakkad 0491- 2505568
0491- 2551226
  Pkdwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 3Rd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
223 State Tax Office, Luxury Tax, Palakkad 0491- 2505568
0491- 2551211
  Pkdlt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 2Nd Floor, State Gst Complex, Behind Civil Station, 678001
224 State Tax Office, Ottapalam 0466-2244223   Ottappalamcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Mini Civil Station, Kanniampuram, Ottapalam- 679104
225 State Tax Office, Pattambi 0466 -2214686   Pattambicto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Mini Civil Station, Pattambi- 679303
226 State Tax Office, Mannarkad 0492- 4226616   Mannarkkadcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Mini Civil Station, Kodathippadi, Mannarkad
227 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Chittur, Palakkad 0492- 3222256   Chitturiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Mini Civil Station, Kacherimedu, Chittur- 678101
228 State Tax Office, Chittur 0492 -3222457   Chitturcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Kacherimedu, Chittur- 678101
229 State Tax Office, Alathur 0492 2222319   Alathurcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Office, Alathur- 678541
230 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax , Malappurarm, 0483-2737377   Dcctmalappuram1@Gmail.Com  
231 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Spl. Circle, Malappuram 0483-2731851 Acmalappuram@Gmail.Com
232 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax , Manjeri 0483-2766466 Iacmanjeri@Gmail.Com
233 State Tax Office Manjeri 0483-2766486 Ctomanjeri@Gmail.Com
234 State Tax Office, Kottakkal 0483-2742750 Ctokottakkal@Gmail.Com
235 State Tax Office, Perinthalmanna 0493-3225494   Ctoperintalmanna@Gmail.Com  
236 State Tax Office, Nilambur 0493-1223736   Ctonbr@Gmail.Com  
237 State Tax Office Tirur 0494-2422580 Ctofficetirur@Gmail.Com
238 State Tax Office Ponnani 0494-2666057 Ponnanicto@Gmail.Com
239 State Tax Office Thirurangadi 0494-2465985 Ctotgi2006@Yahoo.Com
240 State Tax Office (Works Contract ), Malappuram 0483-2737387 Ctowcmpm@Gmail.Com
241 State Tax Office (Luxury Tax), Malappuram At Manjeri 0483-2766466 Ctoltmanjeri@Gmail.Com
242 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals), Malappuram At Manjeri 0483-2766466 Mpm@Gmail.Com
243 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence) 0483-2765855 9447786331 Iacintmpm@Gmail.Com  
244 State Tax Officer(Intelligence), Squad No.I   9447786334 Iompmsquadone@Gmail.Com  
245 State Tax Officer(Intelligence), Squad No.Ii 0494-2421009 9447786340 Iotirur@Gmail.Com  
246 State Tax Office(Intelligence), Squad No.Iii 0483-2745010 9446331440 Iointkkl@Gmail.Com  
247 State Tax Office(Intelligence), Squad No.Iv, Perinthalmanna 0493-3220787 9447159738 Squad4Mpm@Gmail.Com  
248 State Tax Office(Intelligence), Squad No.V, Nilambur 0493-223736 9447159808 Iosquadfivenbr@Gmail.Com  
249 State Tax Office(Ib)   9446514485 Ibctdmpm@Gmail.Com  
250 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Kozhikode 0495-2775100 9447786320 Dckozhikode@Gmail.Com  
251 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax,Kozhikode 0495-2775125 Iackozhikode@Gmail.Com
252 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Special Circle-I,Kozhikode 0495-2775140 Acspl1Kde@Gmail.Com
253 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Special Circle-Ii,Kozhikode 0495-2775109 Acspl2Kde@Gmail.Com
254 State Tax Office (Works Contract And Luxury Tax, Kozhikode 0495-2775106 Ctowcltkde@Gmail.Com
255 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence), Kozhikode 0495-2775120 9447786000 Dcintkkd@Gmail.Com  
256 State Tax Office, Ist Circle ,Kozhikode 0495-2775138 Ctofirstcirclekde@Gmail.Com
257 State Tax Office,2Nd Circle 0495-2775115 Ctosecondcirclekde@Gmail.Com
258 State Tax Office,3Rd Circle 0495-2775144 Ctothirdcirclekde@Gmail.Com
259 State Tax Office,4Th Circle,Kozhikode 0495-2775124 Ctofourthcirclekde@Gmail.Com
260 State Tax Office,5Th Circle,Kozhikode 0495-2775132 Ctofifthcirclekde@Gmail.Com
261 State Tax Office, Koyilandy 0496-2620389 Ctokoyilandy@Gmail.Com
262 State Tax Office, Vatakara 0496-2522397 Ctovatakara@Gmail.Com
263 State Tax Office, Perambra 0496-2615220 Ctoperambra@Gmail.Com
264 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax (Appeals),Kozhikode 0495-2766718 Dcappeals@Gmail.Com
265 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Intelligence)Kozhikode 0495-2367033 Iacikkd@Gmail.Com
266 Joint Commissioner (Audit) 0495-2766900 Acauditkkd@Gmail.Com
267 Law Office 0495-2365260 Lawofficerkde@Gmail.Com
268 State Tax Appellate Tribunal Additional Bench 0495-2365724 Sttribunalkkd@Gmail.Com
269 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax., Kannur



Knrdc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur-670002
270 State Tax Office(Wc)Kannur


Knrwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur-670002
271 State Tax Office(Lt), Kannur


Knrlt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur-670002
272 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle), Kannur


Knrspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur-670002
273 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Kannur


Knriac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
274 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Appeals) Functioning In The O/O Deputy Commissioner, Kannur


Knriac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Safair Hotel Building, South Bazar, Kannur-670002
275 State Tax Office, I Circle, Kannur


Knrcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
276 State Tax Office, Iind Circle, Kannur


Knrcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
277 State Tax Office, Iiird Circle, Kannur


Knrcir3.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 4Th Floor, Bsnl Bahavan, Kannur
278 State Tax Office, I Circle, Thalassery


Thalasserycir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Tb Complex, Old Bus Stand, Thalassery-670101
279 State Tax Office, Iind Circle, Thalassery


Thalasserycir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mareena Complex, Chirakkara, Thalassery-670104
280 State Tax Office, Thaliparamba


Taliparambacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Thalparamba-670141
281 State Tax Office, Payyannur


Payyannurcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Shopping Complex, Perumba, Payyannur-670307
282 State Tax Office, Kuthuparamba


Kuthuparambacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Kuthuparamba-670643
283 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax(Intelligence), Kannur



Knriaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
284 State Tax Office, Squad-1, Kannur



Knriaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
285 State Tax Officer, Squad No.Iv, Kannur, Functioning In The O/O The Deputy Commissioner (Intelligence), Kannur



Knriaci.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station Annex, Kannur 670002
286 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch), Kannur



Ioibknr@Gmail.Com Kannothumchal, Po. Chovva, Kannur-670006
287 State Tax Office (Intelligence), Squad No.I Thalassery



Thalasseryio.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Bus Stand Building, Thalassery-670101
288 State Tax Office (Intelligence), Squad No. Ii, Thalassery



Thalasseryio.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In New Bus Stand Building, Thalassery-670101
289 Joint Commissioner Of State Tax, Kasaragod 04994-256262 9447786385 Ksddc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In B Block,Ist Floor, Civil Station,Vidyanagar, Kasaragod 671123
290 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Kasaragod At Hosdurg 04672-204335 Ksdiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Building, Istfloor, Hosdurg, Kanhangad 671315
291 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle), Kasaragod 04994-227832 Ksdspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In C Block,2Nd Floor, Civil Station,Vidyanagar, Kasaragod 671123
292 Deputy Commissisoner Of State Tax (Inteligence), Kasaragod 04994-230604 9447786381 Ksdiaci@Kerala.Gov.In I St Floor,Near Clock Tower,Railway Staion Road,Railway Staion Road,Kasaragod-671121
293 State Tax Office,Kasaragod   04994-230449 Ksdcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 1St Floor,Near Clock Tower,Railway Staion Road,Kasaragod 671121
294 State Tax Office, Hosdurg   04672-204308 Hosdurgcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Gst Building,,Groung Floor, Hosdurg,Kanhangad 671315
295 State Tax Office (Luxury Tax) , Kasaragod   04994-256262 Ksdlt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In B Block,Ist Floor, Civil Station,Vidyanagar, Kasaragod 671123
296 State Tax Office (Works Contract) , Kasaragod   04994-256262 Ksdwc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In B Block,Ist Floor, Civil Station,Vidyanagar, Kasaragod 671123
297 State Tax Office Enquiry, Kasaragod   04994-256262 Ksdctoenquiry.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In B Block,Ist Floor, Civil Station,Vidyanagar, Kasaragod 671123
298 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Kalpetta 04936-205424 9447787000 Wyddc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Anappara Building, Near New Bus Stand, Kalpetta
299 State Tax Office , Bathery 04936-277304 Sulthanbatheryaitcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Station, Bathery
300 State Tax Office , Kalpetta 04936-202614 Ctokalpetta@Yahoo.Com Calicut Main Road,Near James Medicals, Kalpetta
301 State Tax Office (Ait), Kalpetta 04936-204533 Aitkalpetta@Gmail.Com Calicut Main Road,Near James Medicals, Kalpetta
302 State Tax Office , Manathavady 04936-240328 Mananthavadyaitcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Civil Station, Mananthavady
303 Assistant Commisisoner Of State Tax (Intelligence), Kalpetta 04936-206979 8330011258 Iaciwayanad@Gmail.Com Anappara Building, Near New Bus Stand, Kalpetta
304 Deputy Commissioner Of State Tax, Mattancherry 0484-2225979 9447786365 Mtydc.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In First Floor, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Kochi-682002
305 State Tax Office (Works Contract)Mattancherry 0484-2226911 Mtywclt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In First Floor, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Kochi-682002
306 State Tax Office (Luxury Tax)Mattancherry 0484-2226911 Mtywclt.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The Deputy Commissioner,State Goods And Services Tax Complex, First Floor, Bazar Road,Mattancherry, Kochi-682002
307 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Special Circle (Produce), Mattancherry 0484-2224278 Mtysplproduce.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Special Circle (Produce), Ground Floor, Bazar Road Mattancherry Pin 682002
308 State Tax Office, Ii Circle,Mattancherry 0484-2226735 Mtycir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Tax Complex, Ii Floor, Mattancherry, Kochi-672002
309 State Tax Office, First Circle, Mattancherry 0484-2224058 Mtycir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Commercial Tax Complex, 2Nd Floor, Bazar Road, Mattancherry, Pin- 682 002
310 State Tax Office,North Paravur 0484-2442638 Paravurcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Taxes, N. Paravur, Pin. 683513
311 State Tax Office, Aluva 0484-2623518 Aluvacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Pin-683101.
312 State Tax Office(Ait And Sto), Aluva 0484-2623518 Aluvaaitcto.Cto@Kerala.Gov.In K.A.P. Commercial Centre, 3Rd Floor, Railway Station Road, Aluva, Pin-683101.
313 State Tax Office, Angamaly 0484-2457238 Angamalycto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Statetax Office, Sgst Dept., Thottakkara Building, Opp. Govt. Hospital. Angamaly Pin: 683572
314 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Mattancherry, 0484-2224251 Mtyiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Goods And Services Tax Complex, Ii Floor, Mattancherry, Kochi-682002
315 State Tax Office,1St Circle,Perumbavoor 0485-2523195 Perumbavoorcir1.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor, Pin -683542
316 State Tax Office, 2Nd Circle, Perumbavoor 0484-2596484 Perumbavoorcir2.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Second Floor, Mini Civil Station, Perumbavoor Pin:683542
317 State Tax Office, Kothamangalam 0485-2822482 Kothamangalamcto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In State Tax Office, Housing Board Building, Revenue Tower, Iv Th Floor, Kothamangalam 686 691
318 State Tax Office,Muvattupuzha 0485-2814427 Muvattupuzhacto.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Office Of The State Tax Officer, State Goods And Service Tax Office, Mini Civil Station, 2Nd Floor, Mudavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha, Pin 686 669
319 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle) Mattancherry 0484-2620886 Mtyspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In 3Rd Floor, K.A.P Complex,Mattancherry At Aluva.
320 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Special Circle) Perumbavoor 0484-2591622 Perumbavoorspl.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Second Floor, Mini Civil Station Perumbavoor Pin : 683542
321 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax, Muvattupuzha, 0485-2814760 Muvattupuzhaiac.Ctd@Kerala.Gov.In Mini Civil Sstation, 2Nd Floor, Mudavoor P.O, Muvattupuzha Pin:686 669
322 Assistant Commissioner Of State Tax (Int), Mattancherry At Aluva 0484-2625695 9447786359 Iacintmatty@Gmail.Com ,Mattancherry At Aluva-683101
323 State Tax Office, Squad No.1 9447786378 Intofficer1Matty@Gmail.Com State Tax Officer, Squad No.1, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mattancherry At Aluva-683101
324 State Tax Office, Squad No.2 0484-2612626 9447786376 Mattyio2@Keralataxes.Gov.In State Tax Officer, Squad No.2, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mattancherry At Aluva-683576
325 State Tax Office, Squad No.3 9447797788 Squad3Matty@Gmail.Com State Tax Officer, Squad No.3, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mattancherry At Aluva-683101
326 State Tax Office, Squad No.4 9447799133 Mattyio4@Keralataxes.Gov.In State Tax Officer, Squad No.4, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mattancherry At Aluva-683101
327 State Tax Office, Squad No.5 9447759000 Mattyio5@Keralataxes.Gov.In State Tax Officer, Squad No.5, State Goods And Services Tax Department, Mattancherry At Aluva-683542
328 State Tax Office (Investigation Branch), Mattancherry 0484-2627337 Ioibmattancherri@Gmail.Com Office Of The State Tax Officer (Ib),Mini Civil Station, Aluva.

District Wise ASPIO/SPIO And Appellate Authority

GST Facilitation Centres

Sr no. Name/Location Contact
State Head Quarter
1 GST Cell, Tvpm 8330011255
District Head Quarter
2 Thiruvananthapuram 8330011240
3 Kollam 8330011241
4 Pathanamthitta 8330011242
5 Alappuzha 8330011243
6 Kottayam 8330011244
7 Idukki 8330011245
8 Ernakulam 8330011246
9 Mattancherry 8330011247
10 Thrissur 8330011248
11 Palakkad 8330011249
12 Malappuram 8330011250
13 Kozhikode 8330011251
14 Wayanad 8330011252
15 Kannur 8330011253
16 Kasargode 8330011254

E- Way Bill /Helpline No.s

E- Mail:
Ph: 9400246956

Sl. No District District Help Desk Contact No. E-mail Address
1 Tvpm 9400246940
2 Kollam 9400246941
3 Pathanamthitta 9400246942
4 Alappuzha 9400246943
5 Kottayam 9400246944
6 Idukki 9400246945
7 Ernakulam 9400246946
8 Mattanchery 9400246947
9 Thrissur 9400246948
10 Palakkad 9400246950
11 Malappuram 9400246951
12 Kozhikkode 9400246952
13 Waynad 9400246953
14 Kannur 9400246954
15 Kasargod 9400246955

GST Helpline

Head Quarter Cell: 8330011255

SL District Contact No. Email
1. Thiruvananthapuram 8330011240
2. Kollam 8330011241
3. Pathanamthitta 8330011242
4. Alappuzha 8330011243
5. Kottayam 8330011244
6. Idukki 8330011245
7. Ernakulam 8330011246
8. Mattancherry 8330011247
9. Thrissur 8330011248
10. Palakkad 8330011249
11. Malappuram 8330011250
12. Kozhikode 8330011251
13. Wayanad 8330011252
14. Kannur 8330011253
15 Kasargode 8330011254

Download Form


State Goods And Services Tax Department, Kerala
FXJ6+JP6, Prem Nagar, Karamana,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695002
Phone- 0471-155300 (Citizen Call center no. with std code)

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