Sl No |
Name of Officer | Designation | Telephone Nos | Email Id |
1. | Prof. (Dr ) Ashis Sharma |
Vice Chancellor | 03592-291552 |
vicechancellorssu [at] gmail [dot] com |
2. | Shri Karma Sonam Bhutia | Registrar | 03592-291552 |
ssu [dot] registrar [dot] adm [at] gmail [dot] com |
3. | Shri Rohit Kumar Pradhan | Finance Officer | 03592-291552 |
ssu [dot] financeofficer [at] gmail [dot] com |
4. | Dr. Jigme Wangchuk Bhutia | Controller of Examinations | 03592-291552 | ssu [dot] coexam [at] gmail [dot] com |
Sl No |
Name of Officer | Telephone Nos | Email Id |
Administrative Division | |||
1. | Ms. Babyla Topden, Astt.Registrar | 7908827952 | ssu [dot] assistantregistrar [at] gmail [dot] com |
2. | Mrs. Sangita Subba, Astt. Registrar | 9832318495 | ssu [dot] assistantregistrar [at] gmail [dot] com |
3. | Mrs. Durga Rai, LDC | 8918684807 | mary [dot] rai703 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4. | Mrs. Mamita Rai, Office Asstt | 9647879321 | mamitarai2016 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5. | Mrs. Solomi Rai Office Attendant | 9907844970 | raisolomi60 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6. | Mr. Sahil Rai Office Attendant | 7872971905 | raisahil3107 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7. | Mrs.Dil Kumari Subba, House –Keeping | 9832271543 | dilkumari08 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8. | Mr. Kushal Rana, House-Keeping | 9339685941 | kushallrana123 [at] gamil [dot] com |
Examination Division | |||
1. | Mrs. Sheela Subba, Astt. Controller of Examination | 9593774776 | ssu [dot] exam [at] gmail [dot] com |
2. | Mrs. Uma Chettri LDC | 9832304539 | chettriuma129 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3. | Mr. Anurag Rai LDC | 7478570642 | raianurag363 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4. | Ms. Kriti Limboo Office Attendant | 9619679173 | kriti [dot] lucksom [at] gmail [dot] com |
Finance and Accounts Division | |||
1. | Subash Manger LDC | 8972815858 | subashmanger3 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2. | Mr. Karma Chopel Bhutia LDC | 9734362889 | karmachopelbhutia17 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3. | Mr. Bhupendra Rai, Office Attendant | 7719306017 | bhupenrai10 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Sl. No. |
Name of the Faculties | |
Department of Nepali | ||
1 | Dr. Geeta Nirola (HOD) | geetanirola3 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Udai Chettri | chettriudai1972 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Tek Bahadur Chhetri | mail2tbc [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Sarda Chhetri | sardachhetri085 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr. Sabita Tamang | sabitasursab [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Kalyani Sharma | sharmakalyani2013 [at] gmail [dot] com Tel: 9775309257 |
Department of Sanskrit | ||
1 | Shri. Khem Lall Sharma (HOD) | sharmakl1981 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Shri. Padam Bhadur Poudali | pbpoudali1973 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Lila Dhar Bhattarai | liladharbhattrai [dot] lbs [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Yuvaraj Ghimirey | yuvarajghimirey28 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Shri. Pawan Kumar Sharma | pawanksharma09 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr. Hemanth Kumar Nepal | nepalhemanth [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Shri. Dina Nath Sharma | sigdeldn [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Dr Pradeep Sharma Luitel | pradeep25sharma [at] gmail [dot] com |
Khangchendzonga State University
Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government
College Complex
PO Tadong -737102
Gangtok, East Sikkim