MDI Gurgaon Institute Contact No. 0124-456 0000

All India Number(s): 
  • 0124-4560000 (Office Assistance)
  • 0124-4560555 (Admission)


  • mdiwebsite [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in (Queries)
  • grievanceredressal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in (Complaint)

Important Links

Contact support

Subject Contact Email
Addmission 0124-4560555
Fax:  0124-4560456
admissions [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Accreditation 00124-4560593 accreditations [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Alumni Relations 0124-4560008 alcom [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Centres of Excellence (COE) 0124-4560686 cero [dot] esg [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
deccs [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Consulting 0124-4560687 consulting [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Executive Programmes 0124-4560553 executiveadmissions [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Fellowship Programmes 0124-4560010 Fpm-office [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Global Connect 0124-4560691 iro [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Graduate Programmes 0124-4560666 admissions [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Library 0124-4560282 library [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Management Development
Programmes (MDPs)
0124-4560534 mdp [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Outreach & Communications 0124-4560385 corp_communications [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Placements 0124-4560012 placement [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Research 0124-4560808 researchoffice [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Affairs 0124-4560683 studentscouncil [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Teaching Learning Center 0124-4560114 tlc [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in

Important Emails

Subject Email
Director director [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Admissions admissions [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
PGDM chairperson-pgpm [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
PGDM-HRM chairperson-pgphr [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
PGDM-IB chairperson-pgpim [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
chairperson-pgpib [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Executive Graduate Programmes deanegp [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
PGDM-NMP chairpersonnmp [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
FPM chairperson-fpm [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Research & Accreditation deanresearch [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Consulting dean-ca [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Management Development Programmes caomdp [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective editor [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
editor [dot] vision [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
assistant-editor [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
editorialcoordinator [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Centres of excellence cexim [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Corporate Relations & Placement Committee placement [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Corporate & Marketing Communication corp_communications [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Activities studentscouncil [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Alumni Relations alcom [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
International Relations iro [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Library library [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in


Name Designation Number Email
Abhishek Behl Assistant Professor
Lead - Incubator Cell
0124-4560330 abhishek [dot] behl [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Abinash Panda Associate Professor
Industry Workshop
0124-4560295 abinash [dot] panda [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ajay Kumar Jain Professor
Centers Of Excellence -
Center For Indian Thought
And Management, Fellow
Aarhus University Denmark
0124-4560373 akjain [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Alok Misra Professor
AM Singhvi Chair Professor
(On EOL)
0124-4560190 alok [dot] misra [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Amit Kumar Gupta Assistant Professor
Lead - Graduate
Programmes Placements
0124-4560340 amitkgupta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anil Misra Associate Professor
Lead - Global Engagements
0124-4560189 anil [dot] misra [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anil Anand Pathak Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Lead - Consulting
0124-4560317 apathak [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anjali Kaushik Professor
Dean - Strategic Initiatives,
Centers Of Excellence -
Center On Digital Economy,
Cryptocurrencies & Cyber Security
0124-4560311 anjalikaushik [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ankur Roy Assistant Professor
0124-4560378 ankur [dot] roy [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anshul Jain Associate Professor
Online PGDM Programme
0124-4560302 anshul [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anupama Prashar Associate Professor 0124-4560292 anupama [dot] prashar [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Anurag Singh Chauhan Assistant Professor
Graduate Programmes
Placements - PGDM,
0124-4560293 anurag [dot] chauhan [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Arun Pereira Distinguished Professor -- arun [dot] pereira [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Arun Kumar Tripathy Assistant Professor
Alumni Events
0124-4560319 arun [dot] tripathy [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ashok Panjwani Professor
Accreditations Records & Data
0124-4560187 apanjwani [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ashutosh Dash Associate Professor
GP Admissions
0124-4560318 ashutosh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Atmanand Professor -- atmanand [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Avanish Kumar Professor
0124-4560380 avanish [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Avinash Kapoor Professor 0124-4560312 avinashkapoor [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Chinmaya Kulshrestha Associate Professor
Online Programmes
0124-4560321 chinmayak [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
D. P. Goyal Professor
(On EOL)
0124-4560311 dpgoyal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Divya Sharma Assistant Professor
Lead - Outreach & Communications
divya [dot] sharma [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Imlak Shaikh Associate Professor
Annual Conferences
0124-4560297 imlak [dot] shaikh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Jaydeep Mukherjee Professor 0124-4560381 jmukherjee [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Joydip Mitra Associate Professor
Decision Support System
0124-2349835 joydip [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Jyotsna Bhatnagar Professor
Dean - Research
0124-4560179 jyotsnab [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Kanwal Kapil Professor
Area Lead - Marketing
0124-4560298 kanwalkapil [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Kirti Sharma Assistant Professor
Consulting - PSUs & Government
0124-4560313 kirti [dot] sharma [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Kishore Kumar Gangwani Assistant Professor
Strategic Initiatives -
Decision Support System
0124-4560312 kishore [dot] gangwani [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Leena Ajit Kaushal Assistant Professor
Sponsored Research & Case Studies
0124-4560280 leena [dot] kaushal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Madhushree Nanda Agarwal Associate Professor
Managing Editor - Journal Vision
0124-4560332 madhushree [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Mahadeo P Jaiswal Professor
Executive Dean - School Of Design
0124-4560504 mpjaiswal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Manoj Anand Professor
(On EOL)
0124-4560504 manand [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Manoj Kumar Srivastava Associate Professor
Area Lead - Operations Management
0124-4560377 mks [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Meeta Dasgupta Assistant Professor
Lead - Conferences And Workshops
0124-4560192 meeta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Nakul Gupta Associate Professor
EGP Placements
0124-4560343 nakul [dot] gupta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Narain Gupta
Lead - Alumni Affairs
0124-4560315 narain [dot] gupta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Neelu S. Bhullar Associate Professor
0124-4560376 neelu [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Neera Jain Professor
EGP Admissions
0124-4560396 njain [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Neetu Yadav Assistant Professor
0124-4560191 neetu [dot] yadav [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Nidhi S. Bisht Assistant Professor
0124-4560325 nidhi [dot] bisht [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Niva Bhandari Assistant Professor
Management Development Programme
(MDP)- Private Sector & Global
0124-4560175 niva [dot] bhandari [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
P C Biswal Professor
Executive Dean - School Of
Management And Financial Institutions
0124-4560379 pcbiswal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Parul Gupta Associate Professor
Faculty Incharge - PGDM-IB
0124-4560617 parul [dot] gupta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Prageet Aeron Assistant Professor
Lead - Digitization
0124-4560337 prageet [dot] aeron [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Prajapati Trivedi Distinguished Professor
-- prajapati [dot] trivedi [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Priyanka Vallabh Assistant Professor
PGDM (Executive)
0124-4560314 priyanka [dot] vallabh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rajesh Chakrabarti Professor
Director, MDI Gurgaon
0124-4560002 director [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rajesh K Singh Rajesh K Singh 0124-4560290 rajesh [dot] singh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rajesh K Pillania Professor
Strategic Interest Group 2
0124-4560397 rajeshpillania [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ritu Srivastava Associate Professor
Center Lead - Teaching Learning Centre
0124-4560181 ritu [dot] srivastava [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rohit Prasad Professor
Brown Bags - Conferences And Workshops
0124-4560306 rohit [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Ruchi Agarwal Assistant Professor
Global Engagements - New & Existing Alliances
0124-4560183 ruchi [dot] agarwal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rupamanjari Sinha Ray Assistant Professor
0124-4560801 rupamanjari [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
S Chatterjee Professor
Dean - Graduate Programmes
0124-4560177 s [dot] chatterjee [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
S K Tapasvi Professor
Area Lead - Economics & Public Polic
0124-4560395 tapasvi [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
S Veena Iyer Associate Professor
Lead - Online Diploma Programme
0124-4560185 s [dot] veena [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sajal Ghosh Professor
Editor - Vision - Journal Of
Business Perspective
0124-4560309 sghosh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sandeep Goel Associate Professor
Area Lead - Accounting & Finance
0124-4560288 sandeep [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sangeeta Shah Bharadwaj Professor
Dean - Accreditations,
Ranking & Compliance
0124-4560308 ssbharadwaj [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sasmit Patra Distinguished Professor -- sasmit [dot] patra [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Shalini Lal Adjunct Professor -- shalini [dot] lal [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Shalini Kalra Sahi Assistant Professor
Continuing Accreditation
0124-4560333 skalrasahi [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Shiv S Tripathi Assistant Professor
0124-4560578 sstripathi [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Soumendu Biswas Assistant Professor
Area Lead - Organization Behavior &
Human Resource Management
0124-4560297 sbiswas [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sumita Rai Professor
Lead - Doctoral Level Programmes
0124-4560329 sumitar [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sunil Ashra Professor
Strategic Interest Group 1
0124-4560178 sunil [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Tanuja Sharma Professor
Centers Of Excellence - Center For Ethics,
Responsible Organizations & ESG Initiatives
0124-4560304 tanujasharma [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vanita Singh Vanita Singh Assistant Professor
Industry Connect - Healthcare MDPs
0124-4560336 vanita [dot] singh [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vibhava Srivastava Assistant Professor 0124-4560342 Vibhava [dot] srivastava [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vidhu Gaur Assistant Professor
Student Affairs & Outreach
0124-4560182 vidhu [dot] gaur [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vishal Narain Professor
Research Outreach
0124-5013050 vishalnarain [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in

Student affairs

Name of Secretary/
Club/Committee Name Email
Onkar Khamgaonkar General Secretary studentscouncil [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Dhananjai J Secretary, Academic Affairs pgrep [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Kartikeya Gupta Treasurer treasurer [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Committee
Niyati Jain Hostel and Mess Committee hnm [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Debabrata Das
Corporate and Marketing Communication
corpcom [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Apurba Chakraborty
International Relations Committee
irc [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Tejas Nagpal Sports Committee sports [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Upamanyu Shaha
Alumni Relations Committee
alcom [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Diwanshu Guleria Web Committee webcommitee [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Academic Clubs
Pankaj Jajoo HR Direction hrdirection [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Rishabh Rathod Marquity marquity [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sagar Shivaji Sakhalkar Opsession opsession [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Vaibhav Aggarwal Strategist strategist [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
L.P. Ashwanth Monetrix monetrix [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Marut R Shukla ThinC thinc [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Aditya Kumar IMpulse impulse [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Activity Clubs
Apoorva Samaritans samaritans [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Megha Sharma MILE mile [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Siddharth Bokaria Focus focus [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Alankriti Gulati Sanskriti sanskriti [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
-- Mart mart [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Event Clubs
Yashjeet Varshney Delphique delphique [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Keshav Gupta TEDxMDIGurgaon Tedx [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Yash Upadhyay Imperium imperium [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Archit Bhatt Illumina Illumina [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Interest Groups
Sivaramakrishnan Nadar Delta Delta [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Pallavi Jain Vagmi vagmi [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Akshat Rastogi Infinite Pounces w5h [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Sakshi Samiksha Saurav Asymmetry asymmetry [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Kaustubh Nath Unnati amc [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Aman Chajad 180 Degree 180dc [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Obed Daruwala Toastmaster toastmasters [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in

Placement Offices

Name Number Email Address
Post Graduate
Programme in Management
 0124-4560012 placement [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in Corporate Relations and Placement
CommitteeManagement Development
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali
Gurgaon (Haryana) - 120007
Executive Post Graduate
Programme in Management
0124-4560786 executiveplacements [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in
Executive Programme in
Business Management
for Armed Forces
0124-4560802 placements [dot] afp [at] mdi [dot] ac [dot] in

Placement Committee


Management Development Institute
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali
Gurugram - 122 007

Social Sites