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How To Register Compliant In SCORES Portal
SCORES is an online platform designed to help investors to lodge their complaints, pertaining to securities market, online with SEBI against listed
companies and SEBI registered intermediaries. All complaints received by
SEBI against listed companies and SEBI registered intermediaries are
dealt through SCORES.
Lodging complaint on SCORES
To lodge a complaint on SCORES you need to provide below given information.
- Name
- Address
- Valid Email Address
- Mobile Number
If you have all the above given information then you can follow below given steps to lodge complaint :-
- Visit SCORES Portal.

- Go to Registration Portal.

- Fill registration form. After filling the form you need to enter the captcha code then you need to click on submit form.

- User registered successfully and the user ID and password was sent to your phone and email.

- Visit SCORES Portal and login into your account using the user ID and password that you have received on your phone and email.

- Click on "Complaint Registration" button. after changing your password.

- After checking your personal details on "Complaint Registration Form" you need to select the "Category" in which you want to lodge the complaint.

- Give answer to the question that "Have you lodged a complaint with the concerned intermediary / listed company for redressal of your complaint?"

- After selecting the answer you need to fill the form and if you want attach a file then file should be in PDF format up to a maximum size of

- After filling the form you will be required to fill captcha and then you need to click on "Submit" button.

- After clicking on submit button you will get a popup window in which you will get details about your complaint if you are satisfied with the details then you can click on "Yes" button to submit your application and if you are not satisfied with the details and you want to update any detail then you can click on "No" button and after updating correct detail you can click on "Yes"button.

You will receive an SMS, containing complaint number in it, on your mobile and on your email.
Track Your Complaint Status
After registering the complaint you will receive a complaint number on your mobile and on your email, which will be required to track the complaint status.
To track the complaint status you can follow below given steps:-
- Visit SCORES Portal and login into your account using the user ID and password
that you have created.

- Click on "View Complaint Status" Link given on left side of the screen.

- Enter the complaint number that you have received and the captcha that is showing, then you need to click on "Submit" button.

- Click on complaint details.

Timeline for lodging complaint on SCORES
Investor may lodge a complaint on SCORES within 3 years from the date of cause of complaint. But first investor has to approached the listed company or registered intermediary for redressal of the complaint and then the investor will file complaint on score if he experienced below given problems:-
- The concerned listed company or registered intermediary rejected the complaint.
- The complainant does not receive any communication from the listed company or intermediary concerned.
- The complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him or redressal action taken by the listed company or an intermediary.
In case investor fails to lodge a complaint within the stipulated time, he
may directly take up the complaint with the entity concerned or may
approach appropriate court of law.
Matters that cannot be considered as complaints in
- Incomplete or un-specific complaints.
- Allegations without supporting documents.
- Anonymous Complaints (except whistleblower complaints).
- Complaint not pertaining to investment in securities market
- Suggestions or seeking guidance/explanation.
- Not satisfied with trading price of the shares of the companies.
- Non-listing of shares of private offer.
- Disputes arising out of private agreement with companies/intermediaries.
- Matter involving fake/forged documents.
- Complaints on matters not in SEBI purview.
- Complaints about any unregistered/ un-regulated activity.
Complaints against type of companies cannot be dealt on SCORES.
Complaints against the following companies cannot be dealt through
SCORES even though the complaint may be against a listed entity/ SEBI
registered intermediary :-
- Complaints against the following companies cannot be dealt through SCORES even though the complaint may be against a listed entity/
SEBI registered intermediary.
- Suspended companies, companies under liquidation, BIFR etc.
- Complaints against a sick company or a company where a moratorium order is passed in winding up / insolvency proceedings.
- Complaints against the companies where the name of company is struck off from Registrar of Companies (RoC) or a Vanishing Company as per list published by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
- Complaints that are sub-judice i.e. relating to cases which are under consideration by court of law, quasi-judicial proceedings etc..
- Complaints against companies, falling under the purview of other regulatory bodies viz. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), the Pension Funds Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), Competition
Commission of India (CCI), etc., or under the purview of other ministries viz., MCA, etc.