PSSCIVE Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0755-266 0691 (Contact Support)
  • 0755-270 4100 (Alternate Contact Support)
  • 0755-266 0391 (Office Support)
  • 0755-266 0564 (For General Information)


  • jd [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in (Contact Support)
  • jdpsscive [at] gmail [dot] com (Alternate Contact Support)

Important Link

Telephone Directory

PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal Intercom Numbers of Faculty and Non-Faculty Staff
Sr.No. Name & Designation of the Faculty Intercom Mobile No.
1 Dr. Deepak Paliwal, Professor, Joint Director. 4101 9826027434
2 JD OfficeFax 0755-2660580
Department of Business and Commerce
3 Dr.P.Veeriah,Professor 4118 8989014432
Department of Agriculture and Husbandry
4 Dr.R.K.Pathak, Professor 4116 9425150401
Department of Engineering and Technology
5 Dr.Saurabh Prakash, Professor 4123 9425301901
6 Dr.Deepak Shudhalwar, Professor 4124 9425018802
Department of Home Science and Hospitality Management
7 Dr.Pinki Khanna, Professor 4127 9425372280
Department of Humanity Science and Research Center
8 Dr.V.K.Jain, Asso. Professor 4105 8349208061
9 Dr.R.Ravichandran, Asso. Professor 4145 9131711365
CDEC and NSQF Cell
10 Dr.V.S.Mehrotra, Professor 4117 9424485821
Department of Health and Paramedical Sciences
11 Dr.Abhijeet Nayak, Asso. Professor 4104 9425140269
Program Planning and Monitoring Centre
12 Dr. Pinki Khanna, Professor 4127 9425372280
Administration officer
13 Ms.Charu Arya, Under Secretary 4106 9911829711
Account Section officer
14 Mrs. Anni Philip, Sr. Acct. & I/c Acct. Of 4110
15 Mr. Ram Bahadur, Jr. Acct. 4162 9826738370
16 ICTC Lab 4130
17 Mr.Praveen Katolkar,PS to JD and A.P.C., In charge Section officer 4102 7987150602
18 Mr.Vinod Kumar Soni, Comp. Optr.Gr.-II 4128 9424413801
19 Mr.J.M.Wallace, Comp.Optr.Gr.-II 4114 9340239542
20 Mr.Jeevan B. Koli,Comp.Optr.Gr.-II 4131 7987691815
21 Sh.Durgesh Satankar,Comp.Optr.Gr.-II 4139 9826521553
22 Mrs.Manisha Katolkar,P.A. 4164 9407278737
23 Mrs.SunitaKoli, Comp.Optr.Gr.-III 4147 8109175738
24 Mrs. Sangeeta Sorte,Comp.Optr.Gr.-III 4135 9425392964
25 Mr.Akhilesh Kashiv, Comp.Optr.Gr.-III 4137 9669220172
26 Mr.KLVSV C. Rao,Comp.Optr.Gr.-III 4107 9754560878
27 Mrs.Rajani Balwani, UDC 9754527285
28 Mrs.Jayashree Nair, UDC 4142 9406534356
29 Mrs.Mamta Varshney, UDC 4168 9617789239
30 Mr.Shyam Basu, LDC 4112 8349365473
31 Mrs.Mamta Shrivastava, Receptinist 4125 or+9 9926884407
32 Ms.Neel Kusum, LDC 4151 8285979702
33 Mr.Subodh Kumar, LDC 4102 9111803042
34 Ms.Aparna Vyas, Library Clerk 4141 9406542446
35 Mr.Bhola Prasad, Storekeeper Gr.-II 4133 9179110545
36 Mr.Babulal Malviya, Driver 4102 8109215423
37 Mr.Vijay Katole, Driver 4112 9424407580
38 Mr.Gour Sunder Nath, MTS 4112 9425377527
39 Mr.Kamlesh Ahirwar, MTS 4102
40 Mrs.D.Vimala, MTS 4151 9003350962
41 Security Supervisor 4120 7987235144
42 Computer Center 4132


Regular Staff

Sr.No. Name and Designation Department Contact No. Email

Mr. Harish Sapra
Under Secretary

Administration 0755-2704106 us [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. Raju Borkar
Section Officer

Establishment Section 0755-2704134 borkarrajubpl [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Francis Demore
Section Officer

Campus & Welfare Section 0755-2704155 cwdpsscive [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Praveen Katolkar

JD Office 0755-2704102 jdof [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mrs. Annie Philip
Senior Accountant

Accounts Section 0755-2704110 ms_annphil [at] rediffmail [dot] com

Mrs. Manisha Katolkar
Personal Assistant

Programme Planning and
Monitoring Centre
0755-2704164 manishakatolkar [at] yahoo [dot] coin

Mr. Durgesh Satankar
Co. Operator Gr. II

Department of Agriculture
and Animal Husbandry
0755-2704139 durgeshpsscive [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Vinod Kumar Soni
Co. Operator Gr. II

Department of Engineering
and Technology
0755-2704128 vinod [dot] soni [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. J.M. Wallace
Co. Operator Gr. II

Curriculum Development
and Evaluation Centre
0755-2704114 jmwallace1968 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Jivan B. Koli
Co. Operator Gr. II

Department of Health
and Paramedical Sciences
0755-2704143 jivank2005 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Ram Bahadur K.
Junior Accountant

Accounts Section 0755-2704109 r [dot] bahadur [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. K. Chalapathi Rao
Co. Operator Gr. III

Establishment Section 0755-2704107 klvsvcr [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Akhilesh Kashiv
Co. Operator Gr. III

Department of Home Science
and Hospitality Management
0755-2704137 akhil_k97 [at] rediffmail [dot] com

Mrs. Sangeeta Sortey
Co. Operator Gr. III

Department of Humanities,
Science, Education and Research
0755-2704135 sangeetapsscive [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Sunita Koli
Co. Operator Gr. III

Department of Business and
0755-2704147 sunjkoli [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Mamta Varshney

Accounts Section 0755-2704168 mv128939 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Jayashree Nair

Establishment Section

0755-2704142 jayashreenair1997 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Rajani Balwani

Accounts Section 0755-2704109 rajanibalwani [at] gmail [dot] com

Mrs. Mamta Srivastava
Recp.t/EPABX Operator

Establishment Section 0755-2704125 mamtashrivastava19692017 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Bhola Prasad Janghela
Store Keeper Gr. II

Administration 0755-2704133 bholaprasadpsscive [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Shyam Basu

Campus & Welfare Section 0755-2704112 shyambasu [at] gmail [dot] com

Ms. Aparna Vyas
Library Clerk

Library 0755-2704141 aparnavyas [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mrs. Neel Kusum Ekka

Establishment Section 0755-2704151 ekka [dot] neelkusum [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Subodh Kumar U.

JD Office 0755-2704102 subodh [dot] kumar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. Babulal Malviya

JD Office 0755-2704102 b [dot] malviya [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mr. Gour Sunder Nath

Campus & Welfare Section 0755-2704112 gournath0110 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr. Kamlesh Ahirwar

JD Office 0755-2704102 k [dot] ahirwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Mrs. D. Vimala

Establishment Section 0755-2704151 vimalamuthuraj88 [at] gmail [dot] com

Academics Contact

Departments Contact

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact Details
Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (DAAH)
1 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak Professor 0755-2704116
Email. r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Business and Commerce (DBC)
2 Dr. P. Veeraiah Professor 0755-2704119
Email. p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain Associate Professor 0755-2704144
Email. v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Engineering and Technology (DET)
4 Dr. Saurabh Prakash Professor 0755-2704123
Email. s [dot] prakash [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar Professor 0755-2704124
Email. d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Health and Paramedical Sciences (DHPS)
6 Dr. Abhijit Nayak Professor 0755-2704104
Email. a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Home Science and Hospitality Management (DHSHM)
7 Dr. Pinki Khanna Professor 0755-2704127
Email. p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Humanities, Science, Education and Research(DHSER)
8 Dr. R. Ravichandran Associate Professor Email. r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Faculty Members Contact

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact Details
1 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak Professor (Horticulture) r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
rkpathak22 [at] gmail [dot] com 
2 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor (Plant Protection) v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
  drvs [dot] mehrotra [at] gmail [dot] com 
3 Dr. Saurabh Prakash Professor (Rural Engineering) s [dot] prakash [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
saurabhp16 [at] gmail [dot] com 
4 Dr. Abhijit Nayak Professor (Biochemistry)  a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
nayak60 [at] hotmail [dot] com 
5 Dr. Pinki Khanna Professor (Food and Nutrition) p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
khannapinki [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in 
6 Dr. P. Veeraiah Professor (Distributive Education) p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
vp672000 [at] gmail [dot] com 
7 Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar Professor (Computer Science/ Engineering) d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
dipakds [at] yahoo [dot] com 
8 Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain Associate Professor (Entrepreneurship Development) v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
drvkjain2012 [at] gmail [dot] com 
9 Dr. R. Ravichandran Associate Professor (Chemistry)

r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 
ravincert [at] gmail [dot] com

Centre Contact

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact Details
Programme Planning and Monitoring Center(PPMC)
1 Dr. Pinki Khanna Professor 0755-2704127
Email. p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Information and Communication Technology Center(ICTC)
2 Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar Professor 0755-2704124
Email. d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Center for International Relation(CIR)
3 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor 0755-2704117
Email. v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Curriculum Development and Evaluation Center(CDEC)
4 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor 0755-2704117
Email. v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor 0755-2704117
Email. v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Computer Center
6 Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar Professor 0755-2704124
Email. d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Cells Contact

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact Details
National Skills Qualification Framework Cell
1 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor 0755-2704117
Email. v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
Hindi Cell
2 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak Professor 0755-2704116
Email. r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

Library Department in PSSCIVE

Name Designation Contact Details
Dr. Pinki Khanna Professor 0755-2704127
Email. p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in

State Coordinators

Sno. State Name Coordinator Details Email ID Contact No.
1 Andhra Pradesh Dr. P. Veeraiah p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704119
2 Arunachal Pradesh Dr. Pinki Khanna p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704127
3 Assam Dr. Pinki Khanna p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704127
4 Bihar Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197
5 Chhattisgarh Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704144
6 Goa Dr. V. S. Mehrotra v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704117
7 Gujarat Dr. Saurabh Prakash s [dot] prakash [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704123
8 Haryana Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704116
9 Himachal Pradesh Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704124
10 Jharkhand Dr. Abhijit Nayak a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704104
11 Karnataka Dr. P. Veeraiah p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704119
12 Kerala Dr. V. S. Mehrotra v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704117
13 Madhya Pradesh Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704144
14 Maharashtra Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704144
15 Manipur Dr. V. S. Mehrotra v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704117
16 Meghalaya Dr. Pinki Khanna p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704127
17 Mizoram Dr. V. S. Mehrotra v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704117
18 Nagaland Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197
19 Odisha Dr. Abhijit Nayak a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704104
20 Punjab Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704124
21 Rajasthan Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704144
22 Sikkim Dr. Abhijit Nayak a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704104
23 Tamil Nadu Dr. P. Veeraiah p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704119
24 Telangana Dr. P. Veeraiah p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704119
25 Tripura Dr. Pinki Khanna p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704127
26 Uttar Pradesh Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704116
27 Uttarakhand Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704116
28 West Bengal Dr. Abhijit Nayak a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704104
29 Andaman and Nicobar
Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197
30 Chandigarh Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704124
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and
Daman & Diu
Dr. Saurabh Prakash s [dot] prakash [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704123
32 Delhi Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704116
33 Jammu and Kashmir Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197
34 Lakshadweep Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197
35 Puducherry Dr. Pinki Khanna p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704127
36 Laddakh Dr. R. Ravichandran r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in 0755-2704197

Right to Information (RTI)

Sr.No. Name And Designation Subject Area Mobile Numbers Intercom/
Office Number
1 Dr. Deepak Paliwal Joint Director 9826027434 jd [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Pathak Professor
Department of Agriculture and Animal
Husbandry (DAAH)
Horticulture 9425150401 0755-2704116 r [dot] pathak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Dr. V. S. Mehrotra Professor Curriculum
Development and Evaluation Center (CDEC)
Plant Protection 9424485821 0755-2704117 v [dot] mehrotra [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Dr. Saurabh Prakash Professor Department of
Engineering and Technology (DET)
Rural Engineering 9425301901 0755-2704123 s [dot] prakash [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Dr. Abhijit Nayak Professor Department of
Health and Paramedical Sciences (DHPS)
Biochemistry 9425140269 0755-2704104 a [dot] nayak [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Dr. Pinki Khanna Professor Department of
Home Science and Hospitality Management (DHSHM)
Food and Nutrition 9425372280 0755-2704127 p [dot] khanna [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
7 Dr. P. Veeraiah Professor Department of
Business and Commerce (DBC)
Distributive Education 8989014432 0755-2704119 p [dot] veeraiah [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
8 Dr. Deepak D. Shudhalwar Professor
Department of Engineering and Technology (DET)
Computer Science/
9425018802 0755-2704124 d [dot] shudhalwar [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
9 Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain Associate Professor
Department of Business and Commerce (DBC)
8349208061 0755-2704144 v [dot] jain [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in
10 Dr. R. Ravichandran Associate Professor
Department of Humanities, Science,
Education and Research (DHSER)
Chemistry 9131711365 r [dot] ravichandran [at] psscive [dot] ac [dot] in


Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Inst. of Vocational Edu.(PSSCIVE)
Shyamla Hills, Bhopal – 462013
Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
Fax : 0755-2660481

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