S. No. |
Name of Office | Contact Details |
1 | Vice Chancellors' Secretariat |
0744-2472911 vc@uok.ac.in, vcsuok@gmail.com |
2 | Registrar Office | 0744-2472934 registrar@uok.ac.in |
3 | Comptroller Office | 0744-2472912 fo.uok2003@gmail.com |
4 | Examination Section | 0744-2472920 0744-2472921 |
5 | Dean, Students' Welfare | 0744-2472260 |
6 | Directorate of Research | 0744-2471037 |
7 | Head, Department of Commerce & Management |
0744-2471018 |
8 | Head, Department of Computer Science & Informatics |
0744-2472260 |
9 | Head, Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry |
0744-2471742 |
10 | Head, Department of Pure & Applied Physics |
0744-2471038 |
11 | Head, Department of Social Sciences |
0744-2471437 |
12 | Deputy Registrar (Academic & Affiliation) |
0744-2472910 |
13 | Proctor | 0744-2209647 |
14 | Dean, PG Studies | 0744-2472901 |
15 | Dean | 0744-2471037 profrdadhich@uok.ac.in, reena.dadhich@gmail.com |
16 | Dy. Registrar | 9414176970 |
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Tel. Nos. | Address | |
1 | Vice Chancellor | Prof. Neelima Singh | 0744-2472911 9461519973 |
vcsuok@gmail.com | University of Kota, Kota |
2 | Secretary, Higher Education |
Secretary | 0141-2227683 | jshegr4@gmail.com | Deptt. of Hr. Ed. Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
3 | College Education Rajasthan, Jaipur |
Commissioner | 0141-2706847 | cce_raj@yahoo.com | Directorate College Education, Rajasthan, Jaipur |
4 | Lecturer, Political Science, Govt. P.G. Dungar College, Bikaner |
Dr. Narendra Nath | 9414141990 8209315826 |
nathnarendra00@gmail.com | R/o A9, Saraswati Vihar, Khaturia Colony, Bikaner334003 |
5 | Principal, Govt. College, Bundi |
Dr. Piyush Kumar Salodia |
9414986595 | ggcbnd95@gmail.com | Govt. College, Bundi |
6 | Principal, Lord Buddha College, Kota |
Dr. Kapil Dev Sharma | 9414230993 | Sharmakapil0826@gmail.com | Principal, Lord Buddha College, Kota |
7 | Associate Prof., Govt. College, Kota |
Sh. Mallu Ram Meena | 9079065391 | mallurammeena@gmail.com | Govt. College, Kota |
8 | Rtd. Principal Govt. Commerce College, Kota |
Dr. Gopal Singh | 9414260768 | gopal6078@gmail.com | 4JA27, Vigyan Nagar, Kota |
9 | Dean, Faculty of Science, Convenor, BOS in Chemistry |
Prof. Ashu Rani | 9352619059 | profashurani@uok.ac.in | University of Kota, Kota |
10 | Dean, Faculty of Social Science |
Dr. Gyaneshwar Meena | 9413481919 | pgcollegekarauli@gmail.com | Principal Govt. College, Karauli |
11 | Dean, Faculty of Education | Dr. Sushma Singh | 9929418517 | singhsleo@gmail.com | Principal JL.N T.T. College, Sakatpura, Kota |
12 | Dean, Faculty of Law, Convenor, BOS in Law |
Dr. Chandrajeet Singh | 6377488615 | chandrajeetkota@gmail.com | Principal, Govt. Law College, Kota |
13 | Dean, Faculty of Arts | Dr. Anita Gupta | 9462846898 | girlsartskota@gmail.com | Principal Govt. J.D.B. Girls Arts College, Kota |
14 | Dean, Faculty of Commerce | Dr. Anita Sukhwal | 0744-2471018 | shivparadise@gmail.com | Asso. Prof., Deptt. of Comm. & Mgmt. |
15 | Faculty of Comp. Science | Prof. Reena Dadhich | 9928558950 | profrdadhich@uok.ac.in | Deptt. of Comp. Sc. & Informatics, UOK, Kota |
16 | Member | Dr. Bhawani Singh | 9414424434 | bsyadav@uok.ac.in | Associate Prof. - Head of Deptt. Pure & Applied Chemistry, UOK, Kota |
17 | BOS Physics | Prof. N.K. Jaiman | 9414681549 | nkjaiman@uok.ac.in | University of Kota, Kota |
18 | BOS in Sociology | Dr. Manju Gupta | 9413415699 | drmanju104@gmail.com | Govt. College, Kota |
19 | BOS in English | Dr. Seema Rathore | 9782400865 | mseema.5@gmail.com | Govt. Commerce College, Kota |
20 | BOS in Urdu | Dr. Nadira Khatoon | 9414227384 | nadirakhatoon16@gmail.com | Govt. J.D.B. G. College, Kota |
21 | BOS in Hindi | Vacant | |||
22 | BOS in Sindhi | Dr. Hasso Dadlani | 9414280843 | dadlanih@gmail.com | Retd. Govt. College, Ajmer |
23 | BOS in Drawing & Painting | Dr. Shalini Bharti | 9829078694 | shalinibharti1969@gmail.com | Deptt. of D.& P., Govt. Arts College, Kota |
24 | BOS in Botany | Dr. Shuchita Jain | 9352600740 | drshuchita@yahoo.com | JDB Govt. Girls College, Kota |
25 | BOS in Sanskrit | Dr. P.C. Upadhyay | 9414489723 | purnachandra9414@gmail.com | Govt. College, Bundi |
26 | BOS in Indian Music | Dr. Roshan Bharti | 9829036828 | bharti_roshan@yahoo.co.in | J.D.B. College, Kota |
27 | BOS in Philosophy | Dr. Irfan Ahmed | 9214452999 | irfanajmer@gmail.com | Govt. JDB Girls College, Kota |
28 | BOS in Geography | Dr. M.Z.A. Khan | 9414485055 | mzakhan32@gmail.com | Govt. College, Kota |
29 | BOS in History | Prof. A.A. Hanfi | 9460235961 | hanfiaa@gmail.com | Deptt. of Social Sc., University of Kota, Kota |
30 | BOS in Economics | Dr. Kalpana Bohra | 9414185593 | kalpanabohra62@gmail.com | Govt. College, Kota |
31 | BOS in Pol. Science | Dr. Shammi Khandelwal | 9460055303 | shammikhandelwal63@gmail.com | Govt. Arts Gils College, Kota |
32 | BOS in Home Science | Dr. Reena Khanooja | 0744-2423074 9414385594 |
drkhanoojareena@gmail.com | Govt. J.D.B. Girls College, Kota |
33 | BOS in Public Admn. | Sh. Jage Ram | 9352605868 | jageram1961@gmail.com | Govt. Arts College, Kota |
34 | BOS in Maths | Dr. Arun Kumar | 9414930214 | arunkr71@gmail.com | Govt. College, Kota |
35 | BOS in E.A.F.M. | Dr. Rajesh Sharma | 9414287766 | rajeshsharmaswm62@gmail.com | Govt. Girls College, Sawaimadhopur |
36 | BOS in Bus. Admn. | Dr. A.K. Jain | 9413829647 | jainanand77@gmail.com | Govt. Commerce College, Kota |
37 | BOS in A.B.S.T. | Dr. Yusuf Ali Ansari | 7734911813 | rvanijyakm@gmail.com | Govt. Girls Comm. College, Kota |
38 | BOS in Education | Dr. Sapna Joshi | 9413732982 | joshisleo@gmail.com | JLN T.T. College, Sakatpura, Kota |
39 | Registrar & Member Secretary | Dr. R.K. Upadhyay | 9414257432 | registrar@uok.ac.in | University of Kota, Kota |
S. No. |
Designation | Name | |
1 | Faculty Of Science | ||
Department of Pure & Applied Chemistery Ph: 0744-2471742/ 0744-2471724 Email: chemistry@uok.ac.in |
2 | Director (Research) | Prof. Ashu Rani | hod.chemistry@uok.ac.in, profashurani@uok.ac.in, ashu.uok@gmail.com |
3 | Associate Professor | Dr. Neelu Chouhan | niloochauhan@hotmail.com, neeluchouhan@uok.ac.in |
4 | Associate Professor | Dr. Bhawani Singh | bsyadav@uok.ac.in; bsyadav2000@gmail.com |
5 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Sushil Kumar Sharma | sushil@uok.ac.in, skaharmauok@gmail.com |
6 | Assistant Professor | Mr. Ankit Sharma | ankit@uok.ac.in |
7 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Shweta Vyas | shwetavyas@uok.ac.in, shweta.joshi77@gmail.com |
Department of Pure & Applied Physics Ph: 0744-2471038 |
8 | Professor | Prof. N.K. Jaiman | nkjaiman@uok.ac.in |
9 | Associate Professor | Dr. Saurabh Dalela | sdalela@uok.ac.in, sdphysics@rediffmail.com |
10 | Associate Professor | Dr. Ghanshyam Sharma | gsharma@uok.ac.in, gsphysics@gmail.com |
11 | Associate Professor & Head |
Dr. N. L. Heda | nlheda@uok.ac.in, nlheda@yahoo.co.in |
12 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Namrata Sengar | namrata@uok.ac.in, namraghav@yahoo.co.in |
Department of Computer Science & Informatics | |||
13 | Head of Department | 0744-2472260 hod.csi@uok.ac.in |
14 | Professor | Prof. Reena Dadhich | profrdadhich@uok.ac.in, reena.dadhich@gmail.com 0744-2471037 |
15 | Associate Professor | Dr. O.P. Rishi | dr.oprishi@uok.ac.in 0744-2471037 |
16 | Associate Professor & Head |
Dr. P.C. Gupta | dr.pcgupta@uok.ac.in |
17 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Krishna Kumar Sharma | krisshna.sharma@uok.ac.in |
Department of Botony | |||
18 | Coordinator | Dr. Vandana Sharma | 9829431223 vandana_270gck@yahoo.com |
Department of Biotechnology | |||
19 | Course Coordinator | Dr. Pallavi Sharma | 9460568700 & 9414140988 drsharmapallavi10@gmail.com |
Department of Microbiology | |||
20 | Course Coordinator | Dr. Pallavi Sharma | 9460568700 & 9414140988 drsharmapallavi10@gmail.com |
Department of Pharmacy | |||
21 | Coordinator | Dr. Bhawani Singh | 0744-2471742 bsyadav@uok.ac.in; bsyadav2000@gmail.com |
Department of Zoology | |||
22 | Head of the Department | 9413351033 smritiparesh@gmail.com |
Department of Mathmetics | |||
23 | Coordinator | Dr. S. N. Mathur | 9460177082 sureshnarayanmathur@gmail.com |
Department of Willife Sciences | |||
24 | Course Coordinator | Surabhi Shrivastava | |
Department of Social Sciences | |||
25 | Head of Department | Dr. J.P. Sharma | 9460822677 jpsharma@uok.ac.in |
26 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Vikrant Kumar Sharma | 7976333587 vikrantsharma@uok.ac.in |
27 | Assistant Professor | Mr. K.R. Choudhary | 8764444474 kishnaram@uok.ac.in |
Department of Physical Education | |||
28 | Course Co-ordinator | Dr. Vijay Singh | sports@uok.ac.in |
Department of Laws | |||
29 | Assistant Professor | Mr. Ashish Asopa | 0744-2471018 asopa84@gmail.com |
30 | Course Coordinator | Dr. Veenita Hada | 6377785803 lmdepartmentuok@gmail.com, vinitasingh2290@gmail.com |
Department of Commerce and Management | |||
31 | Associate Professor | Dr. Anita Sukhwal | 0744-2471018 shivparadise@gmail.com |
32 | Head of Department | Dr. Anukrati Sharma | 0744-2471037 dr.anukratisharma@gmail.com |
33 | Associate Professor | Dr. Meenu Maheshwari | 0744-2471018 drmeenumaheshwari@gmail.com |
34 | Assistant Professor | Mr. Ashish Asopa | 0744-2471018 asopa84@gmail.com |
35 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Pragya Dheer | 0744-2471018 pragyadheer@yahoo.com |
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contact No. | Address | |
Chairman | |||||
1. | Vice-Chancellor | Prof. Neelima Singh | 0744-2472911, 0744-2472913 |
vcsuok@gmail.com | University of Kota, Kota |
Ex-Officio Member | |||||
2. | Secretary, Finance | Secretary | 0141-2227664, 7727085555 |
psf@rajasthan.gov.in | Department of Finance, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
3. | Secretary, Higher Education |
Secretary | 0141-2227683 | jshegr4@gmail.com | Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
4. | Commissioner, College Education, Jaipur |
Commissioner | 0141-2706847 | cce_raj@yahoo.com | College Education, Shiksha Sankul, J.L.N. Marg, Jaipur |
Member | |||||
5. | Chancellor's nominee |
Prof. Bhagwati Prasad Saraswat |
9414007655 | profbpsaraswat@gmail.com | Former Head of Deptt. and Dean (Commerce), Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer |
6. | Chancellor's nominee |
Dr. Manoranjan Sharma |
9900164046 | maverickranjan@gmail.com | C/o Mrs. Archana Choudhary, IRS, D4, Tower 2, New Moti Bagh, Chankyapuri, New Delhi |
7. | Nominee by the State Government |
Smt. Indira Meena | 9983105462, 7976668230 Akash Ji PA |
indirameena8@gmail.com | Hon'ble M.L.A., Bamanwas, Sawai Madhopur Res,- Gupteshwar Road, Indira Colony, Bonli, Sawaimadhopur |
8. | Nominee by the State Government |
Sh. Pana Chand Meghwal |
9414100880, 9636872777 PA |
anilsharma0877@gmail.com | Hon'ble M.L.A., Baran- Atru(SC), Baran Res.-Near Chuna Bhatti, Ganesh Mohalla, Salpura Road, Teh. Atru, Distt.- Baran Res,- Riddhika Nagar, Near Central Academy School, Baran |
9. | Nominee by the State Government |
Dr. Ekta Dhariwal | 0744-2324455 9413352199 |
ektadhariwal2013@gmail.com | H. No. 11, Aarshi Bhawan, Rajbhawan Road, Nayapura, Kota |
10. | Nominee by the State Government |
Dr. Jagdish Prasad Saini |
9414492551 | jpsainiskr@gmail.com | Associate Professor, Govt. College, Sikar |
11. | Nominee by the State Government |
Dr. Sanjay Bhargava | 9414434842 | sanjaybhargava167@gmail.com | Principal, Govt. Arts College, Kota |
12 | Nominee by the State Government |
Dr. Rajwant Sandhu | 9928916992 | pragaticampus@gmail.com, rajwant9880@gmail.com |
Principal, Pragati Teachers Training College, opposite of plot no.- IPC-16, Institutional Areal RIICO Ranpur, Distt.-Kota |
13. | Vice Chancellor's Nominee |
Dr. K.K. Sharma | - | 2010kkant@gmail.com | Principal, Bhagwati T.T. College, Gangapurcity, Sawai Madhopur |
14. | Vice Chancellor's Nominee |
Prof. Reena Dadhich | 0744-2472260 9928558950 |
profrdadhich@uok.ac.in | Deptt. of Comp. Sc. & Informatics, UOK, Kota |
15. | Vice Chancellor's Nominee |
Dr. Anita Sukhawal | 0744-2471080 | shivparadise@gmail.com | Dean Faculty of Commerce, Deptt. Of Commerce and Management |
16. | University Teacher- Elected Member |
Dr. Anukrati Sharma | 9414607878 | dr.anukratisharma@uok.ac.in | Associate Prof. Deptt. of Commerce & Mgmt., University of Kota |
17. | University Teacher- Elected Member |
Dr. Krishna Kumar Sharma |
8764321836 | krisshna.sharma@uok.ac.in | Assistant Prof. Deptt. of Computer Science & Informatics, University of Kota, Kota |
Member Secretary | |||||
18. | Registrar,
University of Kota |
Dr. R.K. Upadhyay | 0744-2472934 9414257432 |
registrar@uok.ac.in | University of Kota, Kota |
S. No. |
Designation/Position/ Capacity |
Name | Contact Number |
1 | Chairman | Prof. Neelima Singh, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor |
0744-2472911 |
2 | Ex-Officio Member | Commissionor | 0141-2706847 |
3 | Dean, Faculty of Science | Prof. Ashu Rani | 9352619059 |
4 | Dean, Faculty of Social Science |
Dr. Gyaneshwar Meena | 9413481919 |
5 | Dean, Faculty of Arts | Dr. Anita Gupta | 9462846898 |
6 | Dean, Faculty of Education | Dr. Sushma Singh | 9929418517 |
7 | Member Secretary | Registrar | 9414257432 |
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contatct Details |
1 | Librarian | Dr. Hukam Chand Jain | hukamjainbasant@gmail.com 0744-2470930 |
2 | - | Dr. M. L. Gupta | Mlgupta1955@gmail.com |
3 | Deputy Librarian | Dr. Anna Kaushik | drannakaushik@uok.ac.in |
4 | Assistant Librarian | Ms. Jyoti Jadon | jadon_pinkey@yahoo.co.in |
5 | Senior Technical Assistant | Payal Joshi | payal@uok.ac.in |
6 | Senior Technical Assistant | Mr. Rohit Nandwana | rohit.nandwana84@gmail.com |
7 | Book attendant | Lokesh jain | jainlokeshkota1989@gmail.com |
8 | Book attendant | Mahesh Kumar Pancholi | pancholimaheshkumar@gmail.com |
9 | LDC | Navita Pareek | navitamadhav1985@gmail.com |
S. No |
Designation | Name | Contact Details |
Swami Vivekanand Shodhpeeth | |||
1 | Assistant Professor | Dr. N.L. Heda | vsp@uok.ac.in; nlheda@uok.ac.in |
Mahatma Gandhi Peeth | |||
2 | Coordinator of the Peeth | Dr. Shweta Vyas | 0744-2471742 shwetavyas@uok.ac.in |
Sindhu Adhayayan Shodhpeeth | |||
3 | Coordinator | Dr. P.C. Gupta | 9649355857 dr.pcgupta@uok.ac.in |
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Shodhpeeth | |||
4 | Convener of the Cell | Dr. Sushil Kumar Sharma | 9413561491 sushil@uok.ac.in |
S. No |
Designation | Name | Contact No | |
Equal Opportunity Cell | ||||
1 | Director | Dr.Anita Sukhwal | 0744-2471018 | hodcommerce@uok.ac.in 121, Nagarjun Bhwan, University of Kota,Kota |
Hindi Cell | ||||
2 | Coordinator of the Peeth | Dr. Shweta Vyas | 0744-2471742 | shwetavyas@uok.ac.in 119, Nagarjun Bhawan, University of Kota, Kota |
Intellectual Property Rights | ||||
3 | Administrative Set-up | Prof. Ashu Rani Nodal Officer, University IPR Cell |
0744-2471742 | profashurani@uok.ac.in ashu.uok@gmail.com |
Women Cell Tel: 0744-2471742 , profashurani@uok.ac.in |
4 | Head Deptt. Pure & Applied Chemistry, UOK, Kota |
Prof. Ashu Rani | 9358619059 | - |
5 | Asso. Prof., Deptt. of Commerce & Management. UOK. Kota |
Prof. Anita Sukhwal | 9414160972 | - |
6 | Asso. Prof., Pure & Applied Chem.. UOK, Kota |
Dr. Neelu Chouhan | 8003740106 | - |
University Of Kota
Near Kabir Circle, Mbs Marg,
Kota, Rajasthan 324 005, India.
Fax- 0744-2472960