Affidavit For Land Settlement

Company Name(s): 

(See Note Below Rule 8 (4) )
In the Court of Shri………………………………………………………
I, Shri……………………………………………………aged………………..son of………………………………… village
…………………………P.O………………P.S……………….. in the district of……………………
present……………………by profession do hereby solemnly affirm as follows:
1.That my income from all sources is Rs……………….(Rupees………………….)
2.That I or any of my family members do not own or possess any residential house/building or
homested land in the jurisdiction of………….. town……………
3.That I own or posess a residential house/building of homestead in the jurisdiction of town but
this has inadequate accommodation, the extent of my homested land being………………….cents.
4.That my family consists of besides myself.
i. Husband.
ii. Wife.
iii. Sons
iv. Unmarried daughters.
v. Widowed and dependant daughters.
vi. Brothers below…………………years and unmarried sisters
vii. Father.
viii. Mother.
ix. Step children.
x. ……………….
xi. ……………….
1. That my continued stay in this town is necessary in the interest of my employment / business / trade / profession and avocation.
2. That I have not been considered for any homestead plot in the town earlier and that my application has been rejected.
3. That I solemnly swear and affirm that the above statement are true to my knowledge and I swear that I have not concealed anything regarding existing property, owned either by me or by any of my family members mentioned above.
Identified by me Signature of the deponent
Shri…………………………………………aged…………………..years son of………………resident of village………………..P.O………………….P.S……………. in the district of…………… present by profession
who is identified by Shri…………..Advocate, appears before me and states on oath that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of his knowledge.
Strike out whatever is unnecessary Deponent Magistrate