Application Form For Assistance For Institutional Services For Welfare of Destitute Children

Company Name(s): 

Assistance for Institutional Services for Welfare of Destitute Children
Application for Assistance for Institutional Services For Welfare of Destitute Children

1) Name of the Institution selected for expanding services
2) Address:
3) Copy of the Constitution and the list of members of the Executive committee
4) Date of registration under societies registration Act
5) Present capacity of institutional services for Children
6) a) Number of children at present served
b) Number of children proposed to be admitted now
7) Age range of children
8) Boys or girls or mixed
9) Types of children serviced
a) Destitute children
b) Delinquent children committed under court orders
10) Types of Accommodation:
i. Type of building
ii. Average floor area allowed to each Child for sleeping
iii. Whether cots are used of whether sleep on floor
11) Nature of service offered:
a. Boarding:
b. Education:
c. Vocational Training:
d. Recreation:
e. Case work services:
f. Medical: and
g. Other services nature or rehabilitation services,
11.A. Approach to organisation of services
a) Through dormitories.
b) Cottage system .
12) Nature of personnel employed an their training:
a. House Mothers:
b. Dormitory incharge:
c. Cook and Helper:
d. General Education Teachers:
e. Vocational Instructors:
f. Case Workers (State qualification and experience)
g. Recreation Worker:
h. Medical Officer (part-time)
i. Superintendent (State qualification and Experience)
j. Any other:
13) a) Existing level of recurring expenditure per child per month for various items like food, clothing, bedding health check-up and medicine, education, (including books, stationery etc.) vocational training, recreation etc.
b) Rent for accommodation (per child per month average)
14) Expenditure on salaries of personnel
15) Nature of supervision (by paid or voluntary personnel)
16) Capacity of expansion of services
a) Is accommodation available for taking m ore children?
b) Number of additional children that could be provided with services
17) Assistance received by the organisation during last year from :
a) Central Government:
b) State Government:
c) Central Social Welfare Board:
d) State Council Welfare Advisory Board:
e) Private Donation:
f) Any other source:
18) Copy of the audited statement of accounts for last financial year. Also state the average number of children present per month during the year
19) Assistance now sought for taking care of addition children:
a) Recurring assistance:
b) Initial non-recurring assistance:
c) Building:
20) Amount to be contribute by the organisation:
21) Any other information: