Application Form For Internet Banking (United Online)–Corporate

Company Name(s): 

United Bank of India

Application Form for Internet Banking
(United Online) –Corporate

Application Number : ________________
(PLEASE FILL IN BLOCK LETTERS ONLY) (To be filled by Branch)
UNITED BANK OF INDIA Application Date: / /
…………………………………Branch DD / MM / YYYY
I request you to register my application for Internet Banking Facility (United Online) & link my accounts with your
branch/branches with following rights.
Name of the Account / Title
Account Number
Date of Establishment d d / m m / y y y y
Activity: _________________________________
I wish to have any of the following CORPORATE-ID* for the Internet Banking (4 to 8 Chars)
1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________
Nature of Business Public Limited Company Society Trusts
(Please tick as applicable) HUF Partnership Sole Proprietorship
Private Limited Company Others Specify ____________
Communication Address : *
City :* State :*
Country :* Pin Code:
Phone : Mobile :*
Email ID :*
Details of accounts to be linked to e-Banking
Branch Name Title of Account Account Number Customer ID Mode of Operation
Details of the Account Administrator:
Full Name: ____________________________________________ Designation: _______________________
Contact Number: ____________________ Email: ______________________Signature:_________________
Special conditions for Corporate Clients:
1. Limits of Fund Transfer will be as specified in the letter of Constitution, Board Resolutions, Authorization letter
etc. as the case may be subject to Corporate United Online limits. [Declaration to be submitted in the case of
partnership firms on the requisite stamp paper and copy of resolution is to be submitted in the case of limited
Companies on the letter head duly singed by the authorized Official of the company along-with seal
2. Initiator is the individual user initiating the Fund Transfer request as defined in the letter of Constitution,
Board Resolutions, Authorization Letter etc. as the case may be
3. Approver is the person who authorizes the Fund Transfer request keyed in by the initiator
4. Initiator and Approver cannot be the same individual
5. Any Fund Transfer request necessarily will involve an initiator and an Approver.
I/We affirm, confirm and undertake that I/We have read and understood the Terms & Conditions for users of United
Bank of India - United Online (Internet Banking Services) and agree to them. I/We am/are aware that the users of
United Bank of India internet banking are governed by the Terms & Conditions which are displayed on
<>. Further I/We accept the Terms & Conditions governing internet banking of United
Bank of India bank accounts as displayed on Bank’s web site. I/We accept and agree that I/We am/are aware of the
contents of the Terms & Conditions and that all my rights and liabilities would be governed by the said Terms &
Conditions by my/our act of assessing on <>. I/We hereby agree to be subject to and
comply with all the provisions of the Terms & Conditions which are incorporated by reference herein and deemed to be
part of this application form to the same extent as if such provisions had been set forth in full herein.
Additional Terms & Conditions for Fund Transfer in any currency other than INR:
I/We agree that the facility of United Bank of India, United Online shall be available only in specified types of
account(s) notified by Bank as eligible for internet banking facility from time to time. I/We do hereby undertake that
I/We shall not make available to any person/s resident in India foreign currency against reimbursement in Rupee or in
other manner in India. I/We further confirm that all details of my/our accounts for the purpose of investment in India
and credit representing sale proceeds of investments are covered either by general or special permission of Reserve
Bank of India. I/We agree that the facility of Internet Banking is for inter bank in INR only and no fund transfer in any
currency other than INR can be effected from other Banks to my/our account maintained at United Bank of India as
well as no fund transfer in any currency other than INR is permissible from United Bank of India to accounts
maintained with other Banks. I/We further undertake and declare that any request made by me through United Online
a Banking facility for transfer of fund shall be further approved bonafide transactions of domestic nature only and in
any event such request will not be in contravention to the various regulations framed under Foreign Exchange
Management Act 1999, Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit Regulations 2000) and other Rules and Regulations
laid down by Reserve Bank of India including Exchange Control Regulations.
I/We do hereby indemnify and forever keep indemnifying the Bank and its successors and assigns from and against
any and all claims actions and penalties that may be made suffered or incurred by the Bank by reason of noncompliance
of any of the Terms & Conditions mentioned therein.
Place & Date:____________________________ Signature :______________________________
Place & Date:____________________________ Signature :______________________________
Place & Date:____________________________ Signature :______________________________
Place & Date:____________________________ Signature :______________________________
For Office Use Only
For Use at Branch For Corporate Office Use
We confirm having verified the signatures, enabled the
customerID in finacle Core and recommend granting of
eBanking Facility
Name & Signature of Branch Manager
Signature No ____________________________
Branch Name____________________________
SOL ID _________________________________
User ID Created
d d / m m / y y y y
Name __________________________________
Signature _________________________________
User ID & PWD
Dispatched On
d d / m m / y y y y
Name __________________________________
Signature _________________________________
ANNEXTURE I (FOR Granting Transactional Authority to Various Corporate User)
Name of User Details of Role/Designation within
the Corporate
within the
Preferred User ID Date of
of the User
• V : View Only (Transaction not allowed)
• R : Online Requests
• T : Online Transfer (including schedule transfer) to Own accounts/Third Party Accounts/NEFT/RTGS
From (Rs.) To (Rs.) Work Flow Rule
Initiator Approver 1 Approver 2 Approver 3 Approver 3
Please attach separate sheet if more details to be furnished.
1. Initiator is the user with valid user-id as specified in table 2 who initiates the Fund transfer transactions. 2. Approver is the user with valid user –id as
specified in table 1 who authorizes the fund transfer transaction keyed in by the initiator 3. Initiator & Approver can not be the same individual 4.any Fund
transfer transaction necessarily will involve initiator and Approver.
Ex. Work Flow rule can be multilevel kindly find the below table as reference.
S.No. Transaction Type* From(Rs.) To(Rs.) Work Flow Rule
Initiator Approver 1 Approver 2 Approver 3 Approver 4
1. Self Transfer 1.00 10,000 5 4
2. Self Transfer 10001 50,000 4 3 2
3. Self Transfer 50,001 1,00,000 2 1 1 1
Clerk – 5, Officer – 4, Manager – 3, Chief Manager – 2, General Manager -1 (1 being the highest in hierarchy)
Case 1 – The self transfer transaction between Rs. 1.00 to 10,000.00 can be initiated by ONE Clerk having hierarchy 5 and it can be approved by ONE Manager
having hierarchy 4.
Case 2 – The self transfer transaction between Rs. 10,001.00 to 50,000.00 can be initiated by ONE officer having hierarchy 4 and can be approved by ONE
Manager having hierarchy 3 and ONE Chief Manager
Case 3 - The self transfer transaction between Rs. 50,001.00 to 1,00,000.00 can be initiated by ONE Chief Manager having hierarchy 2 and can be approved by
THREE General Managers having hierarchy level 1
I/We hereby confirm that mandate from the competent authority has been obtained. Necessary Resolution/Authorization is enclosed on the letterhead.
1. Name : ___________________________________________________ Designation : ________________________________________
2. Name : ___________________________________________________ Designation : ________________________________________
3. Name : ___________________________________________________ Designation : ________________________________________
4. Name : ___________________________________________________ Designation : ________________________________________
Place: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________
Company Seal