Application For VCC Public Call Office (PCO)

Company Name(s): 

(A Govt. of India Enterprising)

self Attested

1.Name of the applicant in whose :…………………………………………………
name VCC PCO is required.
2.Father/Spouse’s name
(in case of individual) : …………………………………………………
3.Address of Installation :…………………………………………………….
4.Residential Address of applicant :……………………………………………………..
5.Permanent Address of applicant :…………………………………………………….
6.Telephone Number in the vicinity of:……………………………………………………
the installation address(if any)
E-Mail …………………………………………………….
7.Whether any PCO is working in the :…………………………………………………….
name of applicant in the same premises,
if so indicate the Tele. Nos.
8. Whether any PCO is working :……………………………………………………...
in the name of applicant at any other
remises. If yes, please indicate
Tele. Nos.
Telex / Fax No. :……………………………………………………..
9 Type of application : Individual, Company, Others(Specify)
110. Proposed timing of PCO : Working day From……….to…………….
Holidays From…………….to……………
11. I/We hereby declare that the current rules and regulations/Instructions/terms and
conditions of the MTNL as amended from time to time are acceptable to me/us. I/We
also agree that any dispute arising with MTNL will be subjected to Arbitration by the
arbitrators appointed by the MTNL. The undertaking duly signed by me/us is
Date: Signature ofthe Applicant
Encl: 1. Proof of identity.
2.Proof of Address of installation.
For Office Use Only
Application received on___________________Regn. No.________________________
The documents are verified with original by undersigned and found them to be in order
Staff No---------------------------------------
Design. :--------------------------------------
2Regd. & Corporate Office : Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Jeevan Bharti
Building, Tower-1, 12th Floor, 124 Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110 001
(A Govt. of India Enterprising)
(To be submitted on plain paper)
1. I,Shri/Smt./Ms.________________________________________________________
S/o, D/o,W/o___________________________________________and resident of
hereby state and declare the following:-
a) My nationality is Indian and I am above 18 year of age.
b) The Premises where the Public Telephone required is:
i) easily accessible to public
ii) Occupied by me/allotted to me by____________________________________
(Name of Authority)
c) My landlord has no objection for installation of VCC PCO at installation
address. However, if in future my landlord takes objection for VCC PCO then
I hereby authorise MTNL Delhi to disconnect my VCC PCO line without
giving any notice to me. Further, I indemnify MTNL Delhi from any
liabilities due to any dispute between me and the owner and /or lesser of the
d) I hereby declare that all the documents provided by me for VCC PCO are true
and genuine. However, if in future any of the documents submitted by me
proves to be false and/or fabricated in that case MTNL Delhi is authorized to
disconnect my VCC PCO line without giving any notice to me and I am aware
that I will be liable for losses and consequences arising thereof.
e) I am also aware that if any of the above information stated at item No. 1(a) to
(c) is found to be false or incorrect or distorted my VCC PCO will not be
installed by MTNL. Also, any of the conditions stated at item (1) above is
violated at any stage, my Public Telephone is liable for disconnection by
MTNL at any time without giving any notice to me.
f) VCC PCO holder to display prominently the VCC PCO usage procedure and
precautions for ensuring secrecy of VCC Card Number.
3g) PCO holder shall ensure the handset receiver is always on-hook, when not in
h) The revenue share/ VCC usage on VCC PCO as recorded in the IN switch of
MTNL shall be final and binding. In exceptional cases only the details may be
made available at MTNL’s discretion for a processing fees of Rs 200 /- .
2. After the installation of the VCC PCO by MTNL, I give the following
a) I shall not replace the Ordinary EPBT instrument provided by MTNL with
any CLIP instrument.
b) I shall not charge any service charge or any other additional charge from
the Public for local /STD/ISD calls made from VCC based PCO.
c) I shall allow everybody to use the VCC PCO and I shall keep VCC PCO
open on all days.
d) I shall allow use of VCC cards without collecting any charges from users.
e) I Shall comply with all applicable laws,/bye-laws, rules, regulations,
orders directions, notification etc. of the Govt./Court/Tribunals and shall
also comply with all directions issued by MTNL. I also understand, the
tariff is subject to changes and it is the sole discretionary power of MTNL
to change tariff/commercial conditions at any point of time.
f) I shall extend all co-operation every time to MTNL staff/ Officers who
come for inspection/verification.
g) I will not use the service for any unlawful immoral, improper or abusive
purpose for sending obscene, indecent, threatening, harassing, unsolicited
message or messages affecting/infringing national interest, nor creating
any damage or risk to MTNL or its network.
h) I shall fully Co-operate with MTNL to investigate any complaint from the
i) I am fully aware that if any of the statements given at item 2 (a) to (i)
above is violated by me, the VCC PCO is liable to be disconnected by
MTNL without any notice.
j) During inspection/complaint, if a CLI display/storage feature/ facility
instrument is found/established to be used then the PCO’s of the holders
are liable to be disconnected and commission forfeited.
4k) During inspection/complaint if a CLI display/storage feature/facility
instrument is found/established to be used then the PCO’s of the holders
are liable to be disconnected and commission forfeited.
3. Ordinary EPBT set issued to the VCC PCO holder shall remain the constructive
property of the MTNL in the hands of VCC PCO holders. The same shall be
returnable to MTNL on Surrender/Disconnection for any reasons whatsoever, as
per the terms & conditions.
4. EPBT set shall not be used in any way to access any other network other than
MTNL for which it is solely meant.
5. The VCC PCO holders shall be responsible for proper use of EPBT set. For
replacement of any physically damaged EPBT set, MTNL shall charge damage
charges on actual basis.
6. In case of any loss/theft of EPBT set by VCC PCO holders, the full depreciated
cost of the lost set will have to be paid by the VCC PCO holders. On payment,
MTNL shall issue another replacement EPBT set.
Signature & Name of Applicant
Date :
1. The application form for VCC PCO is free of cost.
2. The premises where VCC PCO is required to be installed should be accessible to
the public.
3. Please ensure that all columns in the application form are filled in properly and all
relevant documents as given below are annexed with the application form before
submitting to the PCO Registration Counter.
4. VCC PCO is a landline PCO without Incoming facility, but out going facility
through VCC card only. On lifting the Handset customer shall be prompted to dial
the VCC Card Number. (Refer Usage instructions below)
1.Before making call please ensure that telephone does not have CLI
display/storage facility/ feature.
2.Lift the receiver and wait for announcement “Please dial your card number.”
3.On getting the announcement, dial your 10 digit secret Card number.
4.Thereafter, follow the further announcements to make a call.
5.On completion of the call. Place the receiver back.
• VCC PCO holder shall ensure the handset receiver is always on-hook,
when not in use.
6. Documents required with application.
(a) Document required for address proof: Self Attested copy of any of the
following-Passport, latest paid telephone/Gas/water/electricity/Credit
Card/House Tax Bills receipt, Allotment letter of accommodation issued
by Estate Office of a Govt. Body Income-Tax return. Election Card,
Driving licence, Rent receipt/rent lease agreement.
(b) Documents required for proof of identity: self attested copy of any of the
following:- Passport, Driving licence, Election Card issued by Election
Commission of India, PAN Card. Any Govt. document containing
photograph, identity card issued by Govt./Semi Govt./PSU/Recognized
6 (c) Please present original document mentioned above for verification by the
MTNL Officer at the booking counter.
(d) Undertaking on plain paper in prescribed Performa is attached.
(e) One self attested photograph to be affixed by the applicant. In case the
(f) Public Ltd Companies may enclosed certificate of incorporation,
memorandum of articles, duly signed by MD/director of Company along
with any proof of identity’s above of the authorized Officer of the
Company. In case application is signed by authorized signatory, then
attested copy of power of attorney must be attested.
Office seal should be affixed in all cases except I individuals.
(a) By the individual applicant.
(b) Director/Authorized signatory if it is for a company.
(c) By Secretary, if it is a Society
(d) Trustee, if it is a Trust.
(e) By the Principal, if it is for the college/School.
8. The applicant is informed that MTNL has full right to deny installation of VCC
PCO at the installation address should there be any outstanding dues against any
telephone that is/was working at the installation address.
9. The registration for the VCC PCO shall be done only if above conditions &
required valid documents are furnished along with the application. It is therefore,
the responsibility of the applicant of ensure supply of all the valid documents to
the MTNL authorities.
10. In addition to above, whenever it is required MTNL may request the applicant for
production of Additional documents as may deem fit & the same shall be
produced by the applicant.
Documents Required:-
a) Address proof: Attested copy of any of the following –
Passport,latest paid telephone Gas/water/electricity/Credit Card/House
Tax Bills receipt, Allotment letter of accommodation issued by Estate Office of a
Govt. Body, Income-Tax return, Election Card, Driving licence, Rent receipt/rent
7lease agreement . / Notarized personal affidavit in Rs 10/- of non judicial stamp
paper declaring address profession of applicant.
b) Documents required for proof of identity Attested copy of any of the
following:- Passport, Driving licence, Election Card issued by Election
Commission of India, PAN Card. Any Govt. document containing photograph,
identity card issued by Govt./Semi Govt./PSU/Recognized Institutions. OR
Self attested copy of above and present original document mentioned above for
verification by the MTNL Official at the booking counter.