Haryana Roadways Customer Care No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0172-270 4014 (Online Booking of Seats in chandigarh)
  • 0124-232 0222 (Gurgaon Inquiry Office)
  • 011-2386 1262 (Delhi Inquiry Office)
  • 011-4216 1053 (Another Inquiry Office No.)
  • 0172-5200 600 (Online Refund Queries, 6am-10pm)


Important Links

Online Booking of Seats

For any queries regarding Online Booking of seats in Super Luxury/Volvo/Ordinary
bus services please contactinquiry offices of Haryana Roadways:

Email: transport@hry.nic.in

Location Contact No.
1 Chandigarh 0172-2704014
2 Delhi 011-23861262
3 Gurgaon 0124-2320222

List of Enquiry Numbers of Various Bus Stands

Sr. No. District Bus Stand Enquiry Number
1. Ambala Ambala City 0171-2556388
Ambala Cantt. 0171-2640821
Naraingarh 01734-284038
2. Bhiwani Bhiwani 01664-242230
3 Charkhi Dadri Charkhi Dadri 01250-220144
Loharu 01252-258207
4 Faridabad Faridabad 0129-2244953
5 Fatehabad Fatehabad 01667-220617
Tohana 01692-220036
6 Gurgaon Gurgaon 0124-2320222,
7 Hisar Hisar 01662-233285
Hansi 01663-254081
8 Jind Jind 01681-245370
Narwana 01684-240104
Safidon 01686-262235
9 Jhajjar Jhajjar 9467154214
Bahadurgarh 9467154209
New Bus Stand 09467154214
10 Kaithal Kaithal 01746-224214
11 Karnal Karnal Old Bus Stand 0184-2251158
12 Kurukshetra Kurukshetra 01744-220468
Pehowa 01741-220102
13 Mohindergarh Mohindergarh 01285-222100
Narnaul 01282-251947
14 Panipat Panipat 0180-2646544
15 Panchkula Panchkula 0172-2562200
Chandigarh 0172-2704014
Kalka 01733-225125
16 Rohtak Rohtak 01262-276641
17 Rewari Rewari 01274-256751
18 Sonipat Sonipat 0130-2201101
Gohana 01263-252140
19 Sirsa Sirsa 01666-220866
Dabwali 01668-226015
20 Yamunanagar Yamunanagar 01732-227717
21 Mewat(Nuh) Nuh 01267-274714
22 Palwal Palwal 01275-240285
23 Delhi ISBT-Delhi, Kashmere Gate 011-42161053
24 Chandigarh ISBT-17, Chd. 0172-2704014

Haryana Roadways Depot Officers Contact Details

Sr No. Designation Landline No
1 General Manager 0171-2550801
2 Traffic Manager 0171-2550801
3 Works Manager 0171-2550803
4 S.P.O 0171-2550803
5 Foreman 0171-2551803
6 Station Supervisor, Ambala City 0171-2556388
7 D.I. Ambala 0171-2551804
8 Station Supervisor, Ambala Cantt 0171-2640821
9 Duty Inspector 01734-284038
10 Foreman 01734-284038
11 General Manager (addl. charge) 01664-242134
12 Traffic Manager 01664-242134
13 Works Manager 01664-242373
14 Store Purchase Officer 01664-242134
15 Accounts Officer 01664-242134
16 Superintendent 01664-242134
17 ADA 01664-242134
18 Station Supervisor 01664-242230
19 Duty Inspector (Officiating) 01664-242373
20 Station Supervisor 01253-258256
21 Duty Inspector 01253-258256
Charkhi Dadri
22 General Manager (addl. charge) 01250-220122
23 A.O. 01250-220122
24 Traffic Manager 01250-220122
25 Works Manager 01250-220122
26 S P O 01250-220122
27 Station Supervisor 01250-220144
28 Duty Inspector 01250-220144
29 General Manager 0172-2655412
30 Traffic Manager 0172-2637582
31 Works Manager (Addl. Charge) 0172-2658727
32 S.P.O. 0172-2637582
33 Accounts Officer 0172-2658727
34 Superintendent 0172-2658727
35 Duty Inspector 0172-2655910
36 General Manager 011-20878418
37 Flying Squad Officer 011-20878418
38 Traffic Manager 011-27605038
39 Works Manager (Addl. Charge) 011-20878418
40 S.P.O (Addl. Charge) 011-20878418
41 Accounts Officer 011-20878418
42 ADA 011-27601152
43 RSO 011-20878418
44 Superintendent 011-27601152
45 Chief Inspector --
46 Duty Inspector 011-20878418
47 Steno to GM 011-43161051
48 B.I. 011-43161052
49 Station Supervisor 011-20878418
50 General Manager 0129-2241464
51 Traffic Manager 0129-2241464
52 Works Manager 0129-2241464
53 Accounts Officer 0129-2241464
54 ADA 0129-2242239
55 SPO 0129-2241464
56 Duty Inspector 0129-2241464
57 Superintendent 0129-2241464
58 RSO 0129-2241464
59 Station Supervisor 0129-2241464
60 General Manager 01667-220317
61 Accounts Officer 01667-220317
62 Traffic Manager 0167-220620
63 Works Manager 01667-220618
64 S.P.O. 01667-220618
65 Station Supervisor 01667-220617
66 Duty Inspector 01667-220620
67 Station Supervisor 01692-220036
68 Duty Inspector 01692-220036
69 General Manager (Addl. Charge) 0124-2322391
70 Traffic Manager 0124-2322391
71 Works Manager 0124-2322391
72 S P O 0124-2322391
73 Accounts Officer 0124-2322391
74 ADA 0124-2322391
75 Superintendent 0124-2322391
76 Officiating Establishment Assistant 0124-2322391
78 C.I. 0124-2322391
79 Duty Inspector 0124-2322391
80 General Manager 01662-231028
81 Traffic Manager (Addl.) 01662-225833
82 Works Manager 01662-225833
83 Store Purchase Officer 01662-233485
84 Assistant District Attorney 01662-225668
85 Accounts Officer 01662-231028
86 Resident Section Officer 01662-231028
87 Superintendent (Addl. Charge) 01662-230128
88 Foreman 01662-231028
89 Traffic Manager 01662-231028
90 Duty Inspector 01662-225668
91 Station Supervisor 01662-225668
92 Traffic Manager 01663-254081
93 Duty Inspector 01663-254081
94 Duty Inspector - II 01663-254081
95 Station Supervisor 01663-233485
96 General Manager (addl. Charge) 01681-245430
97 Traffic Manager 01681-245430
98 Works Manager 01681-245337
99 Accounts Officer 01681-245430
100 S P O 01681-245337
101 Superintendent 01681-245430
102 Station Supervisor 01681-245430
103 Duty Inspector 01681-245337
104 Station Supervisor 01686-262235
105 Duty Inspector 01686-262235
106 For Refund - Booking Incharge --
107 General Manager 01746-222415
108 R.S.O. 01746-222415
109 ADA 01746-222415
110 S.S. 01746-222415
111 Foreman 01746-222415
112 Store Purchase Officer Addl. Charge 01746-222415
113 Driver Traning School 01746-222415
114 Superintendent Addl. charge 01746-222415
115 C. I. 01746-222415
116 Amit 01746-222415
117 Traffic Manager Addl. Charge 01746-222415
118 Works Manager Addl. Charge 01746-222415
119 Accounts Officer 01746-222415
120 Duty Inspector 01746-222415
121 General Manager 0184-2254290
122 Traffic Manager 0184-2254290
123 Works Manager 0184-2251752
124 Store Purchase Officer 0184-2251752
125 Accounts Officer 0184-2254290
126 ADA 0184-2254290
127 Superintendent 0184-2254290
128 Duty Inspector 0184-2251752
129 General Manager 01744-221921
130 Traffic Manager 01744-220468
131 Works Manager 01744-225151
132 SPO 01744-225151
133 Accounts Officer 01744-221921
134 Superintendent --
135 ADA 01744-221921
136 Duty Inspector 01744-225151
137 Station Supervisor 01741-220102
138 Duty Inspector 01741-220102
139 General Manager 01282-250803
140 Traffic Manager ----
141 Works Manager 01282-251909
142 Accounts Officer 01282-250803
143 Chief Inspector ----
144 ADA 01282-250803
145 Superintendent 01282-250803
146 Foreman 01282-251909
147 Duty Inspector 01282-250804
148 General Manager (Addl. Charge) 01275-252203
149 Traffic Manager 01275-252103
150 SPO 01275-252103
151 Works Manager 01275-252103
152 Accounts Officer 01275-252103
153 ADA 01275-252103
154 Duty Inspector 01275-252103
155 General Manager 0180-2648804
156 Traffic Manager 0180-2648804
157 Works Manager/SPO 0180-2643269
158 Accounts Officer 0180-2648804
159 ADA 0180-2648804
160 Duty Inspector --
161 Supdt./RSO --
162 General Manager 0172-2568200
163 Traffic Manager 0172-2568200
164 Works Manager 0172-2568200
165 Accounts Officer 0172-2568200
166 SPO 0172-2568200
167 RSO 0172-2568200
168 ADA 0172-2568200
169 Duty Inspector 0172-2562300
170 Station Supervisor 0172-2562200
171 Duty Section Incharge 01733-225125
172 Stand Duty 01733-225125
173 General Manager 01262-276640
174 Traffic Manager 01262-276641
175 Works Manager 01262-216098
176 SPO --
177 Addl. Charge as Accounts Officer 01262-276641
178 RSO Addl. charge as Superintendent 01262-276641
179 Duty Inspector --
180 General Manager 01274-253788
181 Traffic Manager 01274-256751
182 Works Manager 01274-258751
183 Accounts Officer 01274-258751
184 ADA 01274-253788
185 Officiating Superintendent 01274-253788
186 SPO 01274-253788
187 Duty Inspector 01274-256323
188 General Manager 0130-2242226
189 Traffic Manager 0130-2201102
190 Works Manager 0130-2201103
191 Accounts Officer 0130-2201102
192 SPO --
193 Duty Inspector ----
194 Duty Inspector 01263-252140
195 General Manager 01666-221274
196 Asstt. District Attorney 01666-221274
197 Residential Sanction Officer 01666-221274
198 Service Station Incharge 01666-221264
199 Training School Assistant 01666-221273
200 Accounts Officer 01666-221274
201 Works Manager 01666-221264
202 Store Purchase Officer 01666-221274
203 Superintendent 01666-221274
204 Station Supervisor 01666-221274
205 Traffic Inspector 01666-221273
206 Booking Incharge 01666-221273
207 Duty Inspector 01666-221273
208 Foreman 01666-221273
209 Foreman 01668-226115
210 Service Station Incharge 01668-226115
211 Traffic Manager 01668-226115
212 Station Supervisor 01668-226015
213 Duty Inspector 01666-226015
214 Booking Incharge 01668-226015
215 General Manager 01732-237803
216 Traffic Manager 01732-227717
217 Works Manager 01732-220307
218 S P O 01732-220307
219 Accounts Officer 01732-237803
220 Superintendent (Officiating) 01732-237803
221 Duty Inspector 01732-220307
222 General Manager 01267-274711
223 Traffic Manager (Addl. Charge) 01267-274711
224 Works Manager 01267-274711
225 SPO 01267-274711
226 Duty Incharge 01267-274710
227 Duty Incharge 01267-274710
228 DTS section Incharge 01267-274716
229 Inquiry Section Incharge 01267-274714
230 Station Supervisor 01267-274714
231 Traffic Manager Addl. Charge 9467154215
232 General Manager 9467154215
233 Works Manager 9467154210
234 S P O --
235 Accounts Officer (Addl. Charge) 9467154215
236 Superintendent (officiating) --
237 Duty Inspector 9467154210
238 Station Supervisor 9467154214
239 Duty Inspector 9467154211
240 Station Supervisor 9467154209
241 Station Supervisor 01684-240104
242 Duty Inspector 01284-240104

Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh

  Designation Office
Contact No.
1. Transport Minister 0172-2740157
2. Principle Secretary
to Govt. Haryana,

Director General State Transport Haryana

Sr No. Designation Landline No
1 Director State Transport 0172-2727263
2 Transport Commissioner 0172-2784359
3 Joint Director State Transport-I 0172-2701257
4 Joint Director State Transport -II 0172-2701164
5 Senior Mechnical Engineer 0172-2709809
6 Joint State Transport Controller (Tech.) 0172-2713196
7 Chief Accounts Officer 0172-2701188
8 Deputy Transport Controller (Tr.) 0172-2713196
9 Incharge - Planning and Development Branch 0172-2708035
10 District Attorney 0172-2708180
11 Deputy Transport Controller(Stores) 0172-2709809
12 Deputy Transport Controller (Tech) 0172-2713196
13 Deputy Transport Controller (Tech) - Addl. Charge 0172-2713196
14 Flying Squad officer(Tr) 0172-2710975
15 Flying Squad officer(Tr) - Addl. Charge 0172-2710975

Haryana Roadways Engineering Corporation, Gurgaon

Sr No. Designation Landline No Address
1 M.D. Office at Chandigarh 0172-2710371 0172-2727263
Fax: 0172-2710378
2 General Manager 0124-2215389 0124-2215660(PBX).
3 Senior Accounts Officer 0124-2215389 0124-2215660(PBX)
4 Works Manager 0124-2215389 0124-2215660(PBX)
5 Financial Consultant(HQ) 0172-27018180 -

Transport Commissioner, Haryana

17C Chandigarh, Haryana-160017
Ph: 0172-2700029
Email: stcharyana@hry.nic.in

Head Office

2nd Floor, 30 Bays
Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh
EPBX No.- 0172-2722980
Fax: 0172-2727263

Social Sites


बहल -तोशाम से चलने वाली बस का वाला समय बहल से 7 बजे करवाने बारे

सेवा में
प्रबंधन महोदय
हरियाणा राज्य परिवहन भिवानी

विषय:- बहल-तोशाम बस का समय बहल से 7:00 बजे करवाने बारे।

श्रीमान जी
उपरोक्त विषयानुसार बहल से तोशाम जाने वाली बस 7:00 पर चलती थी और मंढ़ाण,खावा, भारीवास वाया करते हुए जाती थी । इसका समय बदलकर और वाया काटकर सीधा तोशाम जाने लगी है ।
कोरोना से पहले बहल-तोशाम जाने वाली बस हमारे मंढ़ाण, खावा ,भारीवास से होते हुए तीन बसें
(मढाण का समय 6:00,7:50 और 9:00 बजे) सुबह तोशाम के लिए जाती थी लेकिन अब हमारे लिए केवल एक बस बची है जोकि 9:50 बजे तोशाम पहुंचती है । भेरा- तोशाम बस भी मंढ़ाण का वाया करती थी लेकिन अब इसका वाया भी बंद कर रखा है।
जिससे स्कूल और कॉलेज में जाने वाले बच्चों और आम आदमी को काफी दिक्कत आ रही है।
आपसे अनुरोध है कि बहल- तोशाम बस सुबह 7:00 बजे और मंढ़ाण, खावा, भारीवास वाया करते हुए दोबारा से चलाने का कष्ट करें जिससे समस्या से राहत मिल सके।
धन्यवाद सहित।

समस्त ग्रामवासी ,
मंढ़ाण ,
दिनांक:- 16/07/2023

Regarding misbehavior by bus driver and conductor

श्रीमान जी ,
निवेदन है कि मैं हरियाणा शिक्षा विभाग में प्रवक्ता के पद पर कार्यरत हूँ।मैं आज दिनांक 18-06-2023(रविवार) को सवेरे 3.05 पर ISBT दिल्ली से रोहतक जाने वाली रोहतक बस डिपो की बस न.HR 46 E-0368 में ड्राइवर एवं कंडक्टर से पूछताछ करके ,रोहतक जाने के लिए बैठा।परन्तु बाद में 3.25 A.M. पर बस कंडक्टर ने कहा कि ये बस रोहतक बस स्टैंड नही जाएगी,ये बस रोहतक बाहरी by-pass से सीधा हिसार-सिरसा जाएगी।यह कहते हुए उन्होंने मुझे बस से उतरने को कहा,तब मैंने कहा कि रात की बात है फिर अन्य बस साधन पता नही किस टाइम आये,आप मुझे रोहतक के बाहरी दिल्ली by-pass पर उतार देना,आगे मैं ऑटो से चला जाऊंगा।तब उन्होंने बोला की तुझे एक बार कहा समझ मे नही आया,इस बस में तेरे लिए कोई सीट नही है, ये लम्बे रूट की Non-stop बस है।इस प्रकार उन्होंने मुझे बदतमीजी करते हुए,गुंडागर्दी जैसा व्यवहार करते हुए जबरदस्ती बस से उतार दिया।मैं उनके व्यवहार से बहुत व्यथित और बेईज्जत हुआ हूँ।अतः आपसे निवेदन हैं कि मेरे साथ अनुचित व्यवहार करने वाले बस के स्टाफ के खिलाफ विभागीय एवं कानूनी कार्यवाही की जाए।मैं आपकी इस अनुकम्पा के लिए सदैव आपका आभारी रहूँगा।
राजीव कुमार

wrong telephone number detail

Dear sir,

In your web page all give contact number is wrong, all given number is 4 year old now all given number is updated with new contact numbers. So, Kindly remove all these number for better customer services.

Thanks & Regards.

Matter of injustice and mistreated in bus

Dear Sir/Madam, myself Manoj Dogra serving in Border Security Force from last 9 years and currently serving at the peak of Kashmir valley and presently on leave. Yesterday I have visited one of my colleague's home town on his daughter's marriage occasion at Berala, Charkhi Dadri, haryana and I came from my hometown i.e Jammu. I have taken the haryana roadways bus from ISBT Kashmere gate for charkhi dadri bus stop. First time I was traveling from haryana roadways or any roadways bus. I have taken the ticket from counter and de boarded at charkhi dadri bus stand at midnight alongwith my another colleague. Whole night I was present at marriage function there and today's morning I left there home and came to charkhi dadri bus stand for further going to Delhi. When I reached at charkhi dadri bus stand, the bus which was going to Delhi was fully loaded passengers and even there was properly a space of putting my legs inside there. As I had to go delhi on time, some how I have put my legs inside bus and managed to stand inside it. As there was even space to pass air among passengers as the bus was fully loaded with hundreds of passengers. As I said I had directly boarded on bus as it was about to move from bus stand, so I have not taken the ticket from counter and i thought that I would take it inside the bus from conductor. But due to heavy Rush inside the bus and there was not even enough space to stand properly inside it and also I have hanged my backpack on my back, i was unable to take the ticket from conductor and he went backside of the bus just passing one time and never came again at the front side of the bus due to which I could not took the ticket as in thought that he would again come to collect and issue the ticket and i will take then but he didn't come again. As when the bus reached near the jhajjar bus stand, few of the passengers de boarded from bus and some free space created in the bus as well as I found a seat in the bus. Immediately few ticket checking staff came inside the bus and started checking the tickets. Seriously sir I have not any idea about the ticket procedure of the haryana roadways or any roadways bus because it was only second time I am travelling from roadways bus. I have shown my defence identity Card to ticket checker and also told my complete story that how I was boarded and about the rush of the bus and also that I have not any idea my ticket procedure. But he had completely refused my plea and started telling that I am a thief and trying to thief the money of ticket. You tell me sir if i had to do that then I would not have taken the tickets for last night bus journey from Delhi to Charkhi Dadri bus stand. I also showed that tickets to them but they were not ready to listen anything and declared me thief in front of entire bus and asked me to pay fine or rupees five hundred. I told them u may fine me but don't say me thief and all as I was not aware about the ticket procedure of roadways bus and given them all the money that was in possession in my wallet and they charged rupees 3 hundred as fine to me. Sir it was not the matter of money but it's the matter of my pride, my dignity as I am serving for my country at the peak of Kashmir valley where surving a single second is tougher than tough and they called me thief. How the country man paid my 9 years of service for nation in a thief role. I am completely disappointed and broken from inside from this incident. Atleast they could let this matter as a matter of humanity and immaturity but they declared the act as as act of crime. Please sir, look into the matter and do needful as I don't want that some another soldier of my country will face the same thing again in life and direct your conductors to collect the tickets in a proper manner and direct your collecting and checking staff to act like a human being and show some humanity to innocent and soldiers of this country. if we never thought our life for the sake of our nation then can we hide ourselves for just few hundred of rupees. Please sir let my matter as a matter of humanity and genuine basis. Bus no was ending with 2678 and fined slip having no 16432 dated 10.10.2022 copy no 429 at jhajjar bus stand and haryana State transport, charkhi dadri. Thanks and regards.

Wrong update of telephone numbers

All the numbers updated by you is totally wrong and false . Specifically gurugram from gurgaon depot all official are either transferred or retired. Navneet Bajaj is transferred after promotion and you still showing his mobile no. So pl Delete his mobile no.from site immediately.

Incorrect mobile number of T.M. Ambala depot

Hi everyone,

This is for your kind attention that mobile number of AMBALA DEPOT TRAFFIC MANAGER is not correct, kindly delete the mobile number and update the correct mobile number.


Bad and abusive behaviour of Hariyana roadways drivers

Hariyana Roadways: The driver of Hariyana shakti Bus no. HR-470 8563 is has very bad behaviour.He is driving a bus from Jaipur to Delhi. If a coustmor ask him to please drive carefully he started shouting and abusing in the bus. He warn people to get out from the bus if you want. Me to aise hi chalunga tu bhad me ja. like. Please ask him to have some manner how to talk people. Everyone has respect and they should abide with this. If a person paying money to travel can't he ask him for drivel safely and timely manner

Jaipur to Rewari Bus time table

Dear Sir,

No records found on internet/any website regarding Jaipur to Rewari Bus time table.
Request update time table of Buses from Jaipur to Rewari and back .

Thanking you.