IVRS Menu : 1800 118 887
- Press 1: For calls
- Press 2: For changes and cancelation to your travel booking
- Press 3: For new travel booking or cash related queries
- dinersblack [dot] support [at] smartbuyoffers [dot] co (For Diner Black)
- dinersprivilege_support [at] smartbuyoffers [dot] co (For Diners Privilege)
- diners [dot] support [at] smartbuyoffers [dot] co (For Diners ClubMiles, Diners
Premium and Diners Rewardz)
Important Link
Grievance Redressal
- If you have any query/complaint then, firstly you have to call 1800118887 or email at grievance [dot] redressal [at] hdfcbank [dot] com.
- If your query is noy resolved then you can contact to Grievance Redressal Cell at 044-61084900 (9:30am-5:30pm), this service is not available on 2nd and 4th Saturdays, all Sundays and Bank Holidays
- You can also lodge your complaint online through CMS Portal.
The Manager - Customer Services,
HDFC Bank Cards Division,
P.O Box No. 8654,
Thiruvanmiyur P.O.,
Chennai - 600041