Jagtial District All Important Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100 (Police Helpline)
  • 101 (Fire Helpline)
  • 1091 (Women Helpline)
  • 1098 (Child Helpline)
  • 1950 (Voter Toll Free No)

Important Link

Telephone Directory

District Level Officers Contact

Sl.No. Departments Name Designation  Contact No.
1 Additional Collector (LB) Divakara T.S  I.A.S Additional Collector (LB) 9063371372
2 Revenue Divisional Officer, Jagtial P. Madhusudhan RDO Jagtial 9391245988
3 Revenue Divisional Officer, Korutla N Anand Kumar RDO Korutla 8886645202
4 Revenue Divisional Officer, Metpally N Srinivas RDO Metpally 8886255528
5 Panchayath Raj  M. Raghuvaran CEO, ZPP, Jagtial  (FAC) 9963121936
6 Rural Development  Sampath Rao DRDO 9281479744
7 Adult Education  J. Thirupathi Rao Superviosor  9490526212
8 Agriculture Dept. B Vani DAO 7288894119
9 Animal Husbandary (Vaterinary) K. Venu Gopala Rao DV and AHO 7337396423
10 Arogyasri B. Suresh Team Leader Arogyasri 8333815971
11 BC Welfare  L. Sai baba DBCDO 9441460325
12 BSNL M. Venkataiah DE BSNL(FAC) 9490133880
13 BSNL Ravindhar SDE 9440000522
14 Civil Supplies   C. Venkateshwar Rao DCSO 8019566428
15 Civil Supplies Corporation V. Hathiram DM(CSC) 7995050721
16 Co-operation M. Satyanarayana DCO (FAC) 9100115665
17 Dist. Audit Dept. B. Sujatha Dist. Audit officer 9440746334
18 Markfed Divyabharathi DM, Markfed 7288879820
19 Education Jagan Mohan Reddy DEO  7995087619
20 Education A. Shiva Krishna AD, O/o DEO 7995087650
21 Employment Satyamma Dist. Emp. Officer  9502791442
22 Endowment  A Chandra Shekar AC Karimnagar 9966760805
23 Excise P. Sreedhar Excise Supdt.  9440902701
24 Fisheries  L. Dhamodhar Dist. Fisheries Officer 8328569953
25 Forest  B. Venkateshwar Rao DFO 9440810357
26 Ground Water Dept. G. Narsimulu Asst. Director I/C 9154299817
27 Horticulture and Sericulture  J. Prathap Singh  DHSO 7997725067
28 Housing (2BHK) J. Rajeshwar Dy.EE  8340808886
29 Industries  Upender Rao District Industries Officer (FAC) 9959967837
30 Information and Public Relations  N. Bheem Kumar DPRO 9949351663
31 Intermediate Education B. Narayana DIEO 7997994356
32 Irrigation K. Sudakar Reddy Chief Engineer 9100902434
33 Irrigation B. Appala Naidu Dy Chief Engineer 9440238873
34 SDC LA G. Srinivasa Rao SDC (FAC) 9000126665
35 Labour  Rajeshwaramma  AC (Labour)  9492555250
36 Legal Metrology Md. Aziz Pasha Dist. Legal Metrology Officer 9885558028
37 Librarian  Saritha Dist. Secretary  8978801163
38 Marketing  D. Prakash DMO 7330733148
39 Medical and Health P. Sridhar DM and HO 9985865479
40 Mines and Geology  Vijay Kumar Rathod AD (M and G) 9676086008
41 Minority Welfare  L. Sai baba DMWO (FAC) 9441460325
42 Mission Bhagiratha G. Shekar Reddy EE MB  9100122232
43 Municipal Admin. and Urban Development P. Anil Babu MC, Jagtial  9849905877
44 Municipal Admin. and Urban Development A. Jagadeeshwar MC, Metpally 9866577636
45 Municipal Admin. and Urban Development CH. Ramesh MC, Dharmapuri 8886649051
46 Municipal Admin. and Urban Development T. Rajeshwar MC, Korutla 9849905880
47 Municipal Admin. and Urban Development G. Santhosh Kumar MC, Raikal (FAC) 9866715557
48 NPDCL G. Satyanarayana SE NPDCL 7901093956
49 Panchayath Raj  O. Devaraj DPO 9848792788
50 Planning  Mallesham CPO 9490530925,
51 PR Engineering  Md. Abdul Rahman DPRE (FAC) 9440449017
52 Registration  K. Kishan Nayak Sub Registrar, Jagtial  9441062434
53 Roads and Buildings  M. Srinivas EE (R and B) 9440818090
54 Rural Water Supply  G. Shekar Reddy EE RWS  I/C 9100120571
55 S.C Corporation  K. Laxminarayana ED SC Corporation 9441723979
56 SC Development  K. Rajkumar DSCDO  9177798847
57 Youth and Sports  K. Ravi Kumar DYSO (FAC) 9441056972
58 Survey and Land Records  Venkat Reddy AD (S and LR) 9866818945
59 Telangana Vaidhya Vidhana Parishad Dr. L Ramulu Supdt. Dist. Hq. Hospital 7780692255
60 Transport Dept. G. Vamshidar Dist. Transport Officer 8333828383
61 Tribal Welfare Neelima DTDO 7093893883
62 TSEWIDC Anitha Singnath EE, TSEWIDC, Jagtial 9704701513
63 TSRTC Sunitha DVM (TSRTC) 9959225925
64 Women, Child Disabled and Senior Citizen  A. Bhaskar DWO 9441414314,
65 SC Welfare Residential Schools R. Hariprasad District Coordinator  9704550173
66 BC Welfare Residential Schools Venkata Ramana District Coordinator  7095503904
67 Fire Department G. Muralimanohar Reddy District Fire Officer 8712699141
68 Treasury  Ch. Sofiya   DTO 7799934031
69 Banking P. Venkat Reddy LDM 8919043167
70 T-Fiber Y. Abhi sai DM T-Fiber 9182561724
71 Police L . Amarnath AO, SP Office 8074151972
72 Drugs Upendra Drug Inspector 8500810865
73 District Revenue Officer     08724-222206,

Other Officers Contacts

S.No Office / Ps Name Contact No. Email
1 SP Office Sunpreet Singh, Ips 08724-223133,
2 SP Office Sai Krishna 08724-223133,
3 Addl SP (Admin) S.Vinod Kumar 8712656801 addlsp-admn-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
4 SDPO Jagtial D. Raghu Chander 8712656802 sdpo-jgl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
5 SDPO Metpalli K.Umamaheshwar Rao 8712656803 sdpo-mtp-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
6 Cyber Cell D.V.Ranga Reddy 8712665561 cyberlab-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
7 DCRB G.Mahesh Babu 8712656805 dcrb-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
8 SB Office B.Ravindra Kumar 8712656804 dsp-dsb-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
9 SB Office K. Nageswara Rao 08724-224100,
10 CCS K.Laxminarayana 8712656810 ccs-jagtial@tspolice.gov.in
11 CI Jagtial Rural Ali Arif Ali Khan 8712656816 ci-jglr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
12 CI Dharmapuri A.Ramnarsimha Reddy 8712656817 ci-dpi-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
13 CI Mallial Neelam Ravi 8712656818 ci-mll-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
14 CI Korutla B.Suresh Babu 8712656820 ci-ktl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
15 CI Metpalli P. Naveen 8712656819 ci-mtp-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
16 SHO Jagtial Town S.Venugopal 8712656815 sho-jglt-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
17 SHO Jagtial Traffic P.Ramchandram 8712656823 sho-jgltrf-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
18 SHO Jagtial Rural N.Sadakar 8712656822 sho-jglr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
19 SHO Raikal T. Ajay 8712656791 sho-rkl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
20 SHO Sarangapur A.Thirupathi 8712656825 sho-srpr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
21 SHO Beerpur Pawar Goutham 8712656828 sho-brpr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
22 SHO Dharmapuri P.Uday Kumar 8712656824 sho-dpi-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
23 SHO Buggaram M.Sridhar Reddy 8712656829 sho-bgrm-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
24 SHO Gollapalli Ch. Sateesh 8712656826 sho-glpl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
25 SHO Velgatur R.Umasagar 8712656827 sho-vgtr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
26 SHO Mallial Abdulraheem 8712656830 sho-mll-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
27 SHO Kodimial S.Sandeep 8712656831 sho-kdml-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
28 SHO Pegadapalli J.Ramakrishna 8712656832 sho-pgpl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
29 SHO Korutla E.Kirankumar 8712656790 sho-krtl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
30 SHO Medipalli G.Syam Raj 8712656792 sho-mdpl-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
31 SHO Kathalapur G.Naveen Kumar 8712656793 sho-ktpr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
32 SHO Metpalli M.Chiranjeevi 8712656794 sho-mtp-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
33 SHO Ibrahimpatnam A.Anil 8712656795 sho-ibp-jgl@tspolice.gov.in
34 SHO Mallapur P.Kirankumar 8712656796 sho-mlpr-jgl@tspolice.gov.in

Public Utilities


S.No Office Name Contact No. Email Address
1 Bank State Bank Of India 8724-228558 sbi.05365@sbi.co.in Near Buststand, Jagtial-Telangana-505327
2 Colleges / Universities Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University Hyderabad
8008103369 cej@jntuh.ac.in Nachupally (Kondagattu), Kodimial Mandal,
Jagtial Dist.Telangana - 505 501


Sl.No. Name Designation  Contact No. Email
District Industries Centre
1 Sri.ES. Ganeshram General Manager 9441090176 gmdic-jgtl-inds@telangana.gov.in,
Horticulture and Sericulture
2 Sri. J. Prathap Singh District Horticulture and Sericulture Officer 7997725061 dhso-jgtl-horti@telangana.gov.in
3 Shyam prasad Horticulture Officer (Tech.,) 7780239329 dhso.jagityal@gmail.com
4     7288879820 jagityal.markfed@gmail.com
5 D.Prakash DMO 7330733148  
Medical and Health
6 P. Sridhar DM and HO 9985865479  
Minorities Welfare
7 D. Sundara Varada Rajan DMWO 9866154269  
8 Mohd. Mahamood Ali Superintendent 9440063555  
District Panchayat Officer
9 Sri O. Devaraj Panchayat Officer 9848792788 dpojagtial@gmail.com
Zilla Praja Parishad
10 Smt. Dava Vasantha Chairperson 9705512804  
11 Sri. B Goutham Reddy Chief Executive Officer 9963121936  

Panchayat Raj Department

Sr.No. Division Name Contact No. Email
Divisional Panchayat Officers
1 Jagtial Sri D. Kanaka Durga 8790479732 dlpojagitial@gmail.com
2 Korutla Sri A. Shankar 9618038447 dlpokorutla@gmail.com
3 Metpalli Sri Patha Srinivas 9490534412 dlpometpalli@gmail.com

Zilla Praja Parishad Department

S.No. Mandal MPDO Contact No.
1 Jagtial Vemula Vijayalaxmi 9493188309
2 Jagtial ( Rural ) Neerla Rama Devi 9989930731
3 Medipalli M Shankar 9441430930
4 Metpalli V. Rama Krishna 9989930734
5 Kathalapur M Shankar 9441430930
6 Ibrahimpatnam N Rajender Reddy 9848751934
7 Korutla V. Rama Krishna 9989930734
8 Mallial Avunoori Swathi 9281482610
9 Kodimial Enukonda Swaroopa 9908270056
10 Gollapalli S. Ram Reddy 9441057078
11 Velgatur C. Ravinder Reddy 9959530729
12 Dharmapuri P Ravinder 9949514841
13 Buggaram M.Srinivas 9989930730
14 Beerpur P.Lachalu 9849900100
15 Sarangapur V . Venkatesham 9704567386
16 Mallapur N Rajender Reddy 9848751934
17 Raikal B Chiranjeevi 9989773073
18 Pegadapalli A Srinivas Reddy 9866685746

Information And Public Relations Department

Sl.No. Office/ administrative unit Designation Name Contact No.
1 DPRO, Jagtial D.PRO(FAC) V.Sridhar 9949351648
2 DPRO, Jagtial Typist K.Rambabu 9908509294
3 DPRO, Jagtial Office Sub G.Gangajela 9866571379
4 DPRO, Jagtial O.S., Rizwanasulthana 8142954678
5   Public Relations Officer   08724-221646,

TSNPDCL Operation Circle

Sr.No. Designation Contact No.
District Office
1 Se/OP/Jagtial 7901093956,
2 ADE/Comml/Co/Jagtial 9493579767
3 Sao/Co/Jagtial 7901624852
4 Ao/Co/Jagtial 7901094497,
Division Offices
5 De/OP/Jagtial 9440811399,
6 De/OP/Metpally 7901093946,
Jagtial Town Sub-Division
7 ADE/OP/Jagtial Town 9440811424,
8 AE/OP/Jagtial Town-I 9440811462
9 AE/OP/Jagtial Town-Ii 9440811463
10 AE/OP/Jagtial Town-Iii 7660921097
11 AE/OP/Polasa 9491058667
12 AE/OP/Chelgal 9440811467
13 Aao/Ero/Jagtial Town 9440811725
Jagtial Rural Sub-Division
14 ADE/OP/Jagtial Rural 9440811425,
15 AE/OP/Raikal 9440811468
16 AE/OP/Sarangapur 9440811470
17 AE/OP/Dharmapuri 9440811469
18 AE/OP/Nerella 9440814976
19 AE/OP/Vaddelingapur 9440851083
20 AE/OP/Beerpur 7901678209
21 AE/OP/Velgatoor 9440811486
22 AE/OP/Rajarampally 8333923889
23 Aao/Ero/Jagtial Rural 7901674692
Mallial Sub-Division
24 ADE/OP/Malyala 9491061732,
25 AE/OP/Malyala 9440811473
26 AE/OP/Pegadapally 9440811475
27 AE/OP/Pudur 9440811474
28 AE/OP/Gollapally 9440811472
29 AE/OP/Ramannapet 8333923893
30 AE/OP/Chilavakodoor 8333923884
31 AE/OP/Kodimial 7901678206
32 AE/OP/Bathikepally 8106617170
33 Aao/Ero/Mallial 7901674690
Metpally Sub-Division
34 ADE/OP/Metpally 9440811427,
35 AE/OP/Metpally Town-I 9440811479
36 AE/OP/Metpally Town-Ii 8333923891
37 AE/OP/Metpally Rural 9440811480
38 AE/OP/Ibrahimpatnam 9440811481
39 AE/OP/Mallapur 9440811482
40 AE/OP/Medipally-Ibp 7901092687
41 AE/OP/Raghavapet 7901678207
42 Aao/Ero/Metpally 9440811655
Korutla Sub-Division
43 ADE/OP/Korutla 9440811426,
44 AE/OP/Korutla Town-I 9440811476
45 AE/OP/Korutla Town-Ii 9490021414
46 AE/OP/Korutla Rural 9440811477
47 AE/OP/Kathalapur 9440811478
48 AE/OP/Medipally 9440811471
49 AE/OP/Ambaripet 8374047593
50 AE/OP/Mannegudem 8333923892
51 Aao/Ero/Korutla 9490959364

Division Wise Revenue Officers

Sl.No. Mandal Name Contact No. Email
1 Beerpur Daripelli Naresh 7981437216 Tahsildar.beerpur@gmail.com
2 Buggaram Abdul Majid 9866292786 Tahsildar.buggaram@gmail.com
3 Dharmapuri Krishna Chaitanya 8886645211 tahsildar_dmpr@yahoo.com
4 Endapalli K. Ravikanth 9490666491  tah.endapalli@gmail.com
5 Gollapalli Md. Zameer 9849278404 tahsildar_glpl@yahoo.com
6 Jagitial Urban K. Varandan 9652557773 tahsildar_jgtl@yahoo.com
7 Jagitial Rural Rammohan 6305617176 tahsildar.jglrural@gmail.com
8 Kodimial B Rajamani 9346578559 Tahsildarkodimial@gmail.com
9 Mallial P. Munidhar 9440303955,
10 Pegadapalli R. Srinivas 9440443707 tahsildar_pdpl@yahoo.com
11 Raikal Qayyum 9885353428,
12 Sarangapur G Ramesh 9849012167 tahsildar_spur@yahoo.com
13 Velgatoor R. Shekar 9182126113 tah.velgatoor@gmail.com
14 Metpally A. Shekar 8309184098 tahsildarmtpl@gmail.com
15 Ibrahimpatnam G. Prasad 6303130259 tahsildaribpt@gmail.com
16 Mallapur L. Veersingh 9490510432 tahsildar_mpr@yahoo.com
17 Kathalapur Md. Munthajibuddin 7995084629 tahsildar_ktp@yahoo.com
18 Korutla E. Kishan 9908198484 tahsildar_krtl@yahoo.com
19 Medipalli K. Vasantha 9502410597  tahsildar_mdpl@yahoo.com
20 Bhemaram G. Ravi Kiran 9030248993 tah.bhemaram@gmail.com

Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation Email Address
District Administration
1 Smt. Shaik Yasmeen Basha IAS. Collector and District Magistrate Collector-jgtl@telangana.gov.in Office of the Collector, District Jagitial,
505327, Telangana.
2 Dr. P. Rambabu Additional Collector [Revenue] Jc-Jgtl@telangana.gov.in Office of the Collector, District Jagtial,
505327, Telangana.
3 Sri. Divakara T.S IAS Additional Collector [local Bodies] aclb.jagtial@gmail.com Office of the Collector, District Jagitial,
505327, Telangana.
Police Department
4 Sri. Sunpreet Singh, IPS Superintendent of Police spjagtial@gmail.com Office of the Superintendent of Police,

Grievance Redressal

  • If you have any query/complaint, then you can lodge your complaint on PRAJAVANI.
  • You can also lodge your complaint online through CPGRAMS Portal

Administrative Officer

O/o Collectorate Complex, Jagtial-505327
Email: collector-jgtl@telangana.gov.in

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