Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhathi (KASP) Scheme Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1056 (For Queries)
  • 14555 (To Know the Eligibility)
All India Number(s): 
  • 0471-406 3121 (Customer Support)
  • 0471-296 0221


Important Link

District Project Coordinators Details

If hospitals have any queries and issues Please contact your respective district project coordinators:

S.No Name District Number Email
1 Bismi.S.J Nair Thiruvananthapuram 8138009646 dpctvm.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
2 Renjini R Kollam 9048890661 dpcklm.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
3 dennis John Pathanamthitta 9562946066 dpcpta.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
4 Fabin J Joseph Alappuzha 9447154546 dpcalp.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
5 toney thomas Kottayam 9605045616 dpcktm.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
6 Rojith Mathew Idukki 9446797249 dpcidk.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
7 Hema K R Ernakulam 9947646307 dpcekm.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
8 Reny Kuriakose C thrissur 9846980729 dpctsr.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
9 Arun C A Palakkad 9847541123 dpcpkd.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
10 Jinesh K P Malappuram 9746268955 dpcmlp.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
11 Linoj thomas Kozhikkode 9447776338 dpckkd.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
12 Mithun t Wayanad 9633151880 dpcwyd.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
13 Mithun t Kannur 9633151880 dpcknr.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In
14 Sibin Joseph Kasargod 6238079877 dpcksd.Sha@Kerala.Gov.In

Submit a Greivance Online

State Health Agency Address

5th and 8th Floor, Artech Meenakshi Plaza,
Opp. Government Women and Child Hospital, thycaud,
thiruvananthapuram, 695 014.