Tamil Nadu State Government Contact Details

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1100 (Helpline No. for all department related complaint, 24x7)
  • 102/108 (Ambulance)
  • 101 (Fire)
  • 1091 (Women Helpline)
  • 1098 (Child Helpline)

Important Links

Help Desk No.

S.No. Name of the Facility Contact No. Remarks
1. Chief Minister in your Constituency  044-25672345 N/A
2. Amma Call Centre  1100
(Toll Free)24 x 7
All Department related complaints
3. The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO)

(Toll Free) 24 x 7
Electricity Failure related complaints
4. Chennai MetroWater Complaints 044-45674567
24 x 7
Metro Water Related Complaints at Chennai
5. Chennai Corporation
1913 (Toll Free) 24 x 7 Chennai Corporation Related Complaints
6. Crime Reporting 100 Police Complaints
7. Ambulance Services 108 Health Services
8. Disaster Management Help Line (State Helpline)

9. Disaster Management Help Line (District Helpline)

Emergency Helpline Numbers

Emergency Numbers Chennai
Police 100
Fire 101
Ambulance 102 Or 108
Coastal Security Helpline 1093
Traffic Police 103
Women Helpline 1091
Child Line 1098
Railway Police Helpline 9962500500
Or 1512
Disaster Helpline 1077
Gas Leakage 1716
Hospital , Ambulance & Other Important Numbers
National Hospital Ambulance 044-25240131
Apollo Ambulance 1066 ,
St. Johns Ambulance 044-28194630
Helpling Point Ambulance 044-28280257
Trauma Care Consortium 044-28150700 ,
Government General Hospital 044-25305000
Government Kilpauk Hospital 044-28364951
Government Royapettah Hospital 044-28483051
Government Stanley Hospital 044-25281347
Govt. Hospital For Women & Children 044-28191982
Kasturba Hospital For Women 044-28545449
Institute Of Child Health & Hospital 044-28191135
Voluntary Health Service 044-22541972
Blood Banks
Government Stanley Hospital Blood Bank 044-25214941
Rotary Blood Bank 044-24881392
Indian Red Cross Society 044-28554425
Jeevan Blood Bank 044-28220494
Kasturbha Gandhi Government Hospital 044-28545001
Child Trust Hospital Blood Bank 044-28259601
Apollo Hospital Blood Bank 044-28294870
Royapettah Hospital ( Govt. ) Blood Bank 044-28533051
Lions Blood Bank 044-28415959,
Tourist Helpline Numbers
Railways Reservation Enquiry 132
Railway Enquiry 139
Tourist Enquiry 1913
Tourism Office ( Govt. Of Tamil Nadu ) 044-25368538
Tourism Office ( Govt. Of India ) 044-28460285

Important Contacts

Name Designation Contact No. Email
V. Irai Anbu, IAS Vigilance Commissioner 044-25671548
PBX No: 044-25665566
Dr. V. Irai Anbu, IAS Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671555 cs@tn.gov.in
Thiru M.K.Stalin Chief Minister's Office Secretariat 044-25672345
Fax: 044-25670930
PBX No. 044-25665566
Shri Banwarilal Purohit Governor Of TamilNadu Raj Bhawan 044-25670099  

Contact Details of Departments

Address: Department Secretariat, Chennai 600 009
PBX No. 044-25665566 (Same For All)

Name Desination Contact No.
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department
Email: adisec@tn.gov.in
Thiru T.S Jawahar IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department
Thiru C. Samayamoorthy IAS., Agricultural Production Commissioner
and Secretary to Government
  Special Secretary 044-25670073
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Department
Email: ahsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru A. Karthik IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25672937
Thiru Ranjeet Singh IAS., Deputy Secretary 044-25676902
PBX 5517
Thiru R. Yesudoss Kennedy Additional Secretary to Government 044-25673650
PBX 5317
Thiru S. Krishnamoorthy Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25671481
PBX 5812
Tmt V.S Vimala Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25672921
PBX 5028
Tmt Molly R. Xavier Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25674084
PBX 5971
Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department
Email: bcsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Mangat Ram Sharma IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25670848
Fax 044-25670756
Thiru V.Sampath, I.A.S Special Secretary to Government 044-25677412
Fax 044-25670756
Commercial Taxes and Registration Department
Email: ctsec@tn.gov.in
Tmt B. Jothi Nirmalasamy, IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25672757
PBX No:5587
Co-operation, Food and Consumer Protection Department
Email: coopsec@tn.gov.in
Dr J. Radhakrishnan IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25672224
  Joint Secretary 044-25671190
PABX : 5352
Energy Department
Email: enersec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Ramesh Chand Meena IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671496,
Environment, Climate Change and Forests Department
Email: forsec@tn.gov.in
Tmt Supriya Sahu, I.A.S., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671511
Fax 044-25670560
Mrs. Supriya Sahu, E.A.P Additional Chief Secretary to Govt 044-25671511
PABX 5691
Fax 044-25670560
Finance Department
Email: finsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru N.Muruganandam, IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671173,
PBX No-5636
Thiru V. Arun Roy I.A.S., Secretary to Government (Expenditure) 044-25673305,
PBX No-5810
Tmt Reeta Harish Thakkar, IAS Special Secretary 044-25670366
PBX: 5651
Thiru Prashant M. Wadnere IAS., Additional Secretary 044-25674435 ,
PBX No-5278
Thiru Arun Sundar Thayalan IAS., Additional Secretary 044-25671157,
PBX No-5393
Thiru Sibi Adhithya Senthil Kumar, IAS Deputy Secretary 044-25675475,
PBX No-5967
Thiru Pratik Tayal, IAS Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25671401,
PBX No-5256
Tmt Lakshmi Bhavya Tanneeru IAS., Deputy Secretary 044-25672575
Thiru K. Piraisoodum Perumal Joint Secretary 044-25672154;
PBX No-5492
Thiru R. Thulasiram Joint Secretary (Per) 044-25679290;
PBX No-5903
Tmt V.Revathy Joint Secretary to Government 044-25674537
PBX No-5270
Tmt P.A Parimalachelvi Joint Secretary 044-25671817;
PBX No-5685
Thiru S. Girirajkumar Joint Secretary to Government 044-25670353
PBX; 5331
Thiru R. Ramanathan Deputy Secretary 044-25671516;
PBX No: 5592
Tmt J.Padmamalini Deputy Secretary (Per) 044-25670266
PBX No:5443
Tmt R.Bhuvaneswari Deputy Secretary 044-25670072,
PBX No-5208
Thiru T.Sivasankar Deputy Secretary to Government(Legal Cell) 044-25672813
PBX No-5831
Thiru R.Narasimha Ragavan Deputy Secretary 044-25672279;
PBX No: 5374
Thiru P.Mohan Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25670089,
PBX No-5802
Thiru D.Gopalakrishnan Deputy Secretary 044-25677604,
PBX No-5220
Thiru D. Mohan Under Secretary PBX - 5037
Thiru S.Raja Under Secretary to Government PBX No-5637
Thiru V. K. Anantharaman Under Secretary to Government PBX No-5296
Thiru P. Rajakumar Under Secretary(Budget) 044-25677609;
PBX No: 5577
Tmt S.Selvi Under Secretary PBX No-5337
Tmt P.Sundari Under Secretary PABX : 5625
Thiru M.Panneerselvam Under Secretary PBX No:5639
Thiru K.Muruganantham Under Secretary to Government (W&M) 044-25675692
PBX No-5417
Thiru K. Balamurugan Under Secretary to Government (PIO) 044-25675339
PBX No - 5823
Thiru M. Balu Under Secretary to Government (Per) PBX No-5847
  Under Secretary to Government PBX No- 5207
Thiru C.R Balaji Additional Director (BPE) 044-25670081
PABX: 5395
Thiru T.V Premgopal Deputy Director(BPE) PABX: 5372
Thiru S. Srinivasan AD (BPE) PABX : 5904
Thiru N. Kumar AD (BPE) PBX No: 5904
Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles and Khadi Department
Email: htksec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Dharmendra Pratap Yadav IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25671623
Fax 044-25672261
Health and Family Welfare Department
Email: hfsec@tn.gov.in
Dr P. Senthil Kumar IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25671875,
Higher Education Department
Email: hrsec@tn.gov.in
Dr D. Karthikeyan IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25670499
Thiru S. Palanisamy IAS., Additional Secretary to Government 044-25677560
Thiru M. Ilango Henry Dass Deputy Secretary (Univ) 044-25670094
Tmt V.P Nagajothi Deputy Secretary (OP & Budget) 044-25678498
Highways and Minor Ports Department
Email: hwaysec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Pradeep Yadav, IAS., Principal Secretary to GovernmentT 044-25670959
Fax 044-25673035
Home, Prohibition and Excise Department
Email: homesec@tn.gov.in
Thiru K. Phanindra Reddy, IAS Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671113,
PABX 5632
Housing and Urban Development Department
Email: hud@tn.gov.in
Selvi Apoorva, IAS Principal Secretary to Government 044-25670516
Human Resources Management Department
Email: parsec@tn.gov.in
Dr V. Irai Anbu , IAS., Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671548
Fax 044-25673437
Tmt Mythili K. Rajendran IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25672740
Fax 044-25673437
Industries Department
Email: indsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru S. Krishnan, IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671383
Tmt Mariam Palavi Baldev, IAS Additional Secretary to Government 044-25670765
  Special secretary to Government 044-25670765
Tmt A.K.Zakira Bibi Deputy Secretary 044-25675605
Thiru A. Mariappan Deputy Secretary 044-25670168
Thiru R.Veeruswamy Under Secretary 044-25665529
Thiru A.Vijayarajan Under Secretary 044-25665578
Thiru S. Sivaji Baskar Under Secretary 044-25665211
Tmt N. Arun Swedhambara Under Secretary 044-25665755
Thiru A. Pandurengan Under Secretary 044-25665424
Information Technology and Digital Services Department
Email: secyit.tn@nic.in
Dr Neeraj Mittal, IAS Principal Secretary to Government 044-25670783
Labour and Employment Department
Email: labsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Md. Nasimuddin IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25670472,
Fax 044-25679739
Thiru M.Karunanidhi,M.A,B.Ed Joint Secretary to Government
(Employment and Training)
PABX : 5722
Fax 044-25679739
  Joint Secretary to Government 044-25670373
PABX :5265
Fax 044-25679739
Law Department
Email: lawsec@tn.gov.in, lawsec.legis@tn.gov.in
Thiru B. Karthikeyan Secretary to Government ( Legal Affairs) 044-25672396 :
Intercom No. 5989
Thiru C. Gopi RaviKumar Secretary to Government (Legislation) 044-25672920:
Intercom No. 5657
Legislative Assembly
(PBX Nos 044-25670271 to 044-25670276, 044-25671245)
Email: assembly@tn.gov.in , assemblysecretary@tn.gov.in
Thiru K.Srinivasan Secretary 044-25672611,
Tmt L.S Vasanthi Malar Additional Secretary 044-25675059
Thiru R. Chandrasekaran Addl.Secretary (Editor of Debates) 044-25672701
Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises Department (formerly Small Industries Department),
Secretariat. Email : sindsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru V.Arun Roy IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25671476
Thiru N. Murugesan M.A Additional Secretary 044-25671520
Thiru G.Shivaji, M.Sc., Joint Secretary 044-25678106
Mudalvarin Mugavari Department
Email: utmtamilnadu@gmail.com
Tmt Shilpa Prabhakar Satheesh I.A.S Special Officer (FAC) PBX NO:5586
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department
Email: mawssec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Shiv Das Meena IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25670491
Fax 044-25679866
Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Department
Email: plansec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Vikram Kapur, I.A.S., Additional Chief Secretary to Government,
Planning and Development Department
PBX No-5078
Thiru Har Sahay Meena, IAS., Special Secretary to Government
Planning and Development Department
PBX No-5244
Tmt B. Geetha, M.Com., M.SC. (IT), Joint Secretary to Government 044-25678830,
PBX No-5829
Tmt V. Vimala, B.Sc., M.A., Deputy Secretary to Government (Per) 044-25670450,
PBX No-5544
Thiru G. Kaviarasan, B.Sc.,B.Ed., Deputy Secretary to Government (TC) 044-25676334,
PBX No-5842
Tmt V.P. Kayalvizhi, M.A(Economics) Officer on Special Duty 044-25670521,
PBX No-5473
Tmt D. Semanalini, M.Com., Under Secretary to Government 044-25665190,
PBX No-5190
Public Department
Email: pubsec@tn.gov.in
Dr D. Jagannathan, IAS Secretary to Government 044-25671444
Tmt V. Kalaiarasi IAS., Special Secretary 044-25670101
Dr S. Anu IAS., Deputy Secretary 044-25671500
Thiru K.Panneerselvam Additional Secretary 044-25671627
Thiru P.M.Ambalavanan Additional Secretary 044-25676882
Public (Elections) Department
Thiru Satyabrata Sahoo IAS., Chief Electoral Officer and
principal Secretary to Government
Thiru Sravan Kumar Jatavath IAS., Deputy Chief Electoral Officer
and Deputy Secretary to Government
  Joint Chief Electoral Officer (IT) 044-25678764
Thiru M R Ekambaram US 044-25678764
Thiru V. Sridhar Deputy Chief Electoral Officer 044-25679396
Public Works Department
Email: pwdsec@tn.gov.in
Dr K.Manivasan, I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25673040
PBX No:5917
Thiru R. Viswanath Special Secretary 044-25673863
Thiru S. Dorai OSD (ISW) 044-25672153;
PBX No.5832
Tmt N. Vasanthi DS (Estt. I) 044-25671880
PBX No:5501
Thiru M. Ravikumar DS (Irrigation) 044-25670022 ,
PBX No - 5540
Tmt Mageswari Ravikumar IAS., Joint Secretary 044-25665251
PBX NO:5251
  US (Estt.I) 044-25665512;
PBX No.5512
Tmt K. Revathi DS (Budget) 044-25670786
Thiru N.Pari US (ISW) PBX -5154
Thiru S. Murugan US (Estt.II) PBXNo: 5512
  US (Irrg.II) 044-25665579;
PBX No.5579
  US (Irrg.III) 044-25665953
PBX NO:5953
Thiru C.Kannan US (Bldgs) 044-25665153
  US (Gl) 044-25665153
  US (Budget) 044-25665965
Thiru K. Venkatakrishnan US (OP) 044-25665679;
PBX No.5679
  US (EAP) 044-25665496,
Revenue Department
Email: revsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Kumar Jayant, IAS Principal Secretary to Government 044-25671556
PABX 5664
Thiru T. Selvaraj Joint Secretary to Government 044-25673093,
Tmt S. Poorani Joint Secretary to Government 044-25676109,
Thiru K Ganesan Joint Secretary to Government 044-25671821,
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department
Email: ruralsec@tn.gov.in
Tmt P. Amudha, IAS., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25670769
Thiru M. Karunakaran, IAS Special Secretary to Government 044-25675849
School Education Department
Email: schsec@tn.gov.in
Tmt Kakarla Usha, IAS., Prinicipal Secretary to Government 044-25672790
Thiru K.K Muralidharan Additional Secretary to Government(SE) 044-25677763
Thiru D.Manikandan, IAS, Joint Secretary to Government 044-25671639
Tmt Sharanya Ari IAS., Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25673243
Social Reforms Department
Thiru T. Abraham, IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25670190
Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department
Email: swsec@tn.gov.in
Thiru Shunchonngam Jatak Chiru, IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25671545(O)
Tmt R.Seetha Lakshmi, IAS Joint Secretary to Government 044-25671571
Tmt P. Chellam Joint Secretary to Government 044-25672633
Thiru P. Jerard Selvaraj Deputy Secretary to Government 044-25677331
Special Implementation Department
Email: spidept@tn.gov.in
Thiru T. Udhayachandran IAS., Principal Secretary to Government (FAC) 044-25670997
PABX 5789
Thiru S. Nagarajan IAS., Special Secretary to Government(FAC) 044-25676904
PABX: 5399
Thiru G. Lakshmipathy Additional Director 044-25674318
PABX : 5005
Thiru F. Charles Maria Joseph Additional Director 044-25676237
PABX : 5007
Tamil Development and Information Department
Email: tdinfosec@tn.gov.in
Dr R. Selvaraj IAS., Secretary to Government 044-25672887
Thiru P.K Ramachandran Joint secretary 044-25670969
Tmt R. Vijayalakshmi DS 044-25677484
Dr N. Arul Dir (Trans) 044-25671722
Tourism and Culture Department
Email: toursec@tn.gov.in
Dr B. Chandra Mohan E.A.B Principal Secretary to Govt 044-25670820
Thiru A. Thangappa Joint Secretary (Culture) 044-25672709
Thiru K. Sekar DS(Tourism) 044-25677444
Thiru V. Muthaiyan DS (Religious Endowments) 044-25671480
Transport Department
Email: transec@tn.gov.in
Dr K.Gopal , I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government 044-25671475
Thiru T.N Venkatesh IAS., Special Secretary to Government 044-25671120
Water Resources Department
Email: jspublicworksdepartment@gmail.com
Dr Sandeep Saxena, I.A.S., Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. 044-25671644,
PBX No-5673
Tmt Mageswari Ravikumar I.A.S., Joint Secretary to Government 044-25679407,
PBX No-5339
Welfare of Differently Abled Persons Department
Email: secywdap@tn.gov.in
Dr Anandakumar, IAS Secretary to Government 044-25676303
Youth Welfare and Sports Development
Email: ywssec@tn.gov.in
Dr Atulya Misra, IAS., Additional Chief Secretary to Government 044-25671233
Fax 044-25671233

Form Centre

District Collectors

Location Name Contact Details
Ariyalur Tmt P. Ramana Saraswathi IAS.,
District Collector Ariyalur - 621704
Phone : 04329-228336,
04329 228831
Fax : 04329-228335
E-Mail : collrari@nic.in
Karur Dr T. Prabhushankar, IAS.,
District Collector Karur - 639007
Phone : 04324-257511,
04324 257112
Fax : 04324-257800
E-Mail : collrkar@nic.in
Krishnagiri Dr V. Jaya Chandra Bhanu Reddy,
IAS District Collector Krishnagiri - 635001
Phone : 04343-239500,
04343 239400
Fax : 04343-239300,
E-Mail : collrkgi@nic.in
Madurai Dr S. Aneesh Sekhar, IAS.,
District Collector Madurai - 625001
Phone : 0452-2531110
Fax : 0452-2530925
E-Mail : collrmdu@nic.in
Nagapattinam Dr A. Arun Thamburaj IAS.,
District Collector Nagapattinam - 611001
Phone : 04365-252700,
Fax : 04365-253048
E-Mail : collrngp@nic.in
Namakkal Tmt Shreya P. Singh, IAS.,
District Collector Namakkal - 637003
Phone : 04286-281101,
04286 280111,
Fax : 04286-281106
E-Mail : collrnmk@nic.in
Perambalur Tmt P. Sri Venkata Priya, IAS.,
District Collector Perambalur - 621212
Phone : 04328-225700,
04328 224300(R)
Fax : 04328-224555,
E-Mail : collrpmb@nic.in
Pudukottai Tmt Kavitha Ramu, IAS.,
District Collector Pudukottai - 62200
Phone : 04322-221663,
04322-221627 (O),
04322 221690
Fax : 04322-221690
E-Mail : collrpdk@nic.in
Ramanathapuram Thiru Johny Tom Vargheese, IAS.,
District Collector Ramanathapuram - 623501
Phone : 04567-231220,
Fax : 04567-231220
E-Mail : collrrmd@nic.in
Salem Thiru S. Karmegam, IAS
District Collector Salem - 636001
Phone : 0427-2330030,
Fax : 0427-2417575
E-Mail : collrslm@nic.in
Sivagangai Thiru P. Madhusudhan Reddy IAS.,
District Collector Sivagangai
Phone : 04575-241466,
Fax : 04575-241455
E-Mail : collrsvg@nic.in
Chennai Tmt S. Amirtha Jothi, IAS.,
District Collector Chennai -
Phone : 044-25228025,
Fax : 044-25228025
E-Mail : collrchn@nic.in
Thanjavur Thiru Dinesh Ponraj Oliver IAS.,
District Collector Thanjavur - 613001
Phone : 04362-230102,
Fax : 04362-230857
E-Mail : collrtnj@nic.in
The Nilgiris Thiru S.P. Amrith IAS.,
District Collector The Nilgiris - 643001
Phone : 0423-2442344,
0416 2222000
Fax : 0423-2443971
E-Mail : collrnlg@nic.in
Theni Thiru K.V Muralidharan, IAS.,
District Collector Theni - 625531
Phone : 04546-253676,
04546 254732
Fax : 04546-251466
E-Mail : collrthn@nic.in
Thiruvallur Dr Alby John Varghese IAS.,
District Collector Thiruvallur - 602001
Phone : 044-27661600,
044 27662233
Fax : 044-27661200
E-Mail : collrtlr@nic.in
Tiruvannamalai Thiru B. Murugesh IAS.,
District Collector Tiruvannamalai
Phone : 04175-233333,
Fax : 04175-232222
E-Mail : collrtvm@nic.in
Thiruvarur Tmt B. Gayathri Krishnan, IAS.,
District Collector Thiruvarur - 610001
Phone : 04366-223344,
Fax : 04366-221033
E-Mail : collrtvr@nic.in
Thirunelveli  Thiru V. Vishnu,
IAS District Collector Thirunelveli - 627009
Phone : 0462-2501032
Fax : 0462-2500244
E-Mail : collrtnv@nic.in
Trichirappalli Thiru M.Pradeep Kumar, IAS
District Collector Trichirappalli - 620001
Phone : 0431-2415358,
Fax : 0431-2411929
E-Mail : collrtry@nic.in
Tiruppur Dr S. Vineeth,
IAS District Collector Tiruppur - 641604
Phone : 0421-2488811,
Fax : 0421-2488822
E-Mail : collrtup@nic.in
Tuticorin Dr K. Senthil Raj, I.A.S
District Collector Tuticorin - 628001
Phone : 0461-2340600,
Fax : 0461-2340606
E-Mail : collrtut@nic.in
Coimbatore Dr G.S. Sameeran, IAS.,
District Collector Coimbatore - 641018
Phone : 0422-2301114,
Fax : 0422-2222630
E-Mail : collrcbe@nic.in
Vellore Thiru P. Kumaravel Pandian IAS.,
District Collector Vellore - 632009
Phone : 0416-2252345,
Fax : 0416-2253034
E-Mail : collrvel@nic.in
Viluppuram Thiru D. Mohan IAS.,
District Collector Viluppuram - 605602
Phone : 04146-222450,
Fax : 04146-222470
E-Mail : collrvpm@nic.in
Virudhunagar Thiru J. Meghanatha Reddy IAS.,
District Collector Virudhunagar - 626002
Phone : 04562-252525,
Fax : 04562-252500
E-Mail : collrvnr@nic.in
Tenkasi Thiru P. Akash,IAS.,
District Collector Tenkasi -
Phone : 04633-290547,
Fax : 04633-290545
E-Mail : collr-tks@gov.in
Kallakurichi Thiru Sravan Kumar Jatavath, IAS
District Collector Kallakurichi -
Phone : 04151-222000,
Fax : - E-Mail : collr-kki@gov.in
Chengalpattu Thiru A.R Rahul Nadh, IAS
District Collector Chengalpattu
Phone : 044-27427412,
E-Mail : collr-cpt@nic.in
Tirupathur Thiru Amar Kushawha IAS.,
District Collector Tirupathur
Phone : 04179-222111,
E-Mail : collr-tpt@gov.in
Ranipet Thiru D. Baskara Pandian, IAS
District Collector Ranipet
E-Mail : collr-rpt@gov.in
Mayiladuthurai Tmt R.Lalitha, IAS
District Collector Mayiladuthurai - 609001
Phone : 04364-290797,
Fax : 04329-228335
E-Mail : collr-myd@nic.in
Cuddalore Thiru K. Balasubramaniam, IAS.,
District Collector Cuddalore - 607001
Phone : 04142-230999,
E-Mail : collrcud@nic.in
Dharmapuri Tmt K.Santhi, I.A.S.,
District Collector Dharmapuri - 636705
Phone : 04342-230500,
Fax : 04342-230886
E-Mail : collrdpi@nic.in
Dindigul Thiru S. Visakan, IAS.,
District Collector Dindigul - 624004
Phone : 0451-2461199,
E-Mail : collrdgl@nic.in
Erode Thiru H. Krishnanunni, IAS.,
District Collector Erode - 638011
Phone : 0424-2266700,
Fax : 0424-2261555
E-Mail : collrerd@nic.in
Kancheepuram Dr M. Aarthi, IAS.,
District Collector Kancheepuram - 631501
Phone : 044-27237433,
Fax : 044-27237789
E-Mail : collrkpm@nic.in
Kanyakumari Thiru M. Arvind IAS.,
District Collector Kanyakumari - 629001
Phone : 04652-279555,
Fax : 04652-260999
E-Mail : collrkkm@nic.in

Council of Minisiters

Departments Name Contact No. Email
1 Minister for Water Resources Thiru Duraimurugan 044-25674113
2 Minister for Municipal Administration Thiru K.N.Nehru 044-25675370 minister_mard@tn.gov.in
3 Minister for Co-operation Thiru I.Periyasamy 044-25672866 minister_coop@tn.gov.in
4 Minister for Higher Education Thiru K.Ponmudi 044-25671142 minister_hredu@tn.gov.in
5 Minister for Public Works Thiru E.V.Velu 044-25671129 minister_pwd@tn.gov.in
6 Minister for Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Thiru M.R.K. Panneerselvam 044-25670682 minister_agri@tn.gov.in
7 Minister for Revenue and Disaster Management Thiru K.K.S.S.R Ramachandran 044-25670203 minister_revenue@tn.gov.in
8 Minister for Industries Thiru Thangam Thennarasu 044-25671696 minister_industry@tn.gov.in
9 Minister for Law Thiru S. Regupathy 044-25671118 minister_ilcp@tn.gov.in
10 Minister for Housing and Urban Development Thiru S. Muthusamy
044-25674510 minister_housing@tn.gov.in
11 Minister for Rural Development Thiru KR. Periakaruppan 044-25671184 N/A
12 Minister for Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MS&ME)
Thiru T.M.Anbarasan 044-25674020 minister_ruralind@tn.gov.in
13 Minister for Information & Publicity Thiru M.P.Saminathan 044-25673130 N/A
14 Minister for Social Welfare & Women Empowerment Tmt. P. Geetha Jeevan 044-25673209 minister_sw@tn.gov.in
15 Minister for Fisheries Fishermen
Welfare and Animal Husbandry
Thiru Anitha R. Radhakrishnan 044-25672265 minister_fisheries@tn.gov.in,
16 Minister for Transport Thiru R.S.Rajakannappan 044-25678843 minister_transport@tn.gov.in
17 Minister for Forests Thiru K. Ramachandran 044-25673126 minister_forests@tn.gov.in
18 Minister for Food and Civil Supplies Thiru R. Sakkarapani 044-2567142 minister_food@tn.gov.in
19 Minister for Electricity, Prohibition & Excise Thiru V.Senthilbalaji 044-25673037 minister_elepe@tn.gov.in
20 Minister for Handlooms and Textiles Thiru R. Gandhi 044-25674234 minister_textiles@tn.gov.in,
21 Minister for Health & Family Welfare Thiru Ma.Subramanian 044-25672939 minister_health@tn.gov.in
22 Minister for Commercial Taxes and Registration Thiru P. Moorthy 044-25672232 minister_ctax@tn.gov.in
23 Minister for Backward Classes Welfare Thiru S.S.Sivasankar 044-25672173 minister_bcmw@tn.gov.in
24 Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Thiru P.K. Sekarbabu 044-25670374 minister_hrce@tn.gov.in
25 Minister for Finance and Human Resources Management Dr Palanivel Thiaga Rajan 044-25679136 minister_finance@tn.gov.in
26 Minister for Milk & Dairy Development Thiru S.M. Nasar 044-25672265 N/A
27 Minister for Minorities Welfare and
Non Resident Tamils Welfare
Thiru Gingee K.S.Masthan 044-25670401 N/A
28 Minister for School Education Thiru Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi 044-25672574 minister_schedu@tn.gov.in
29 Minister for Environment - Climate Change
and Youth Welfare and Sports Development
Thiru Siva. V. Meyyanathan 044-25675099 minister_envpc@tn.gov.in
30 Minister for Labour Welfare and Skill Development Thiru C.V. Ganesan 044-25673034 minister_labour@tn.gov.in
31 Minister for Information Technology Thiru T. Mano Thangaraj 044-25671512 minister_it@tn.gov.in
32 Minister for Tourism Dr. M. Mathiventhan 044-25672991 minister_tourism@tn.gov.in
33 Minister for Adi Dravidar Welfare Tmt. N. Kayalvizhi Selvaraj 044-25671021 minister_adtw@tn.gov.in

Office Address

Government of Tamil Nadu
Namakkal Kavignar Maaligai,
Fort St. George,Chennai 600 009
Phone No :044-2566 5566

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LBP VAIKAL change No 2 to No1 in Thayirpalayam,Chithode,Erode(dt)

Last 2 years..its pending.. Kindly do necessary actions to solve drinking water problem in chithode,Erode district..

By Chithode peoples..

education fees

Sir under RTE government schme fees to heavy please any action

Plz convey this message to education minister

Today on the day of Eid for Muslims , SRI VIJAY VIDHAYALA SCHOOL TIRUPATTUR has zoom classes for students which is very much disrespectful to the religion. If it was a deepavali or pongal they would give a week holiday . Though it's a zoom class it very sad to that the management of the school has done a great disrespect to the Muslim community. And the school is forcing to pay the fees for the academic year and today is the last date for the payment. I hereby request you to kindly take action against the school management. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Request for MBA degree

I completed my MBA degree from MKU in 2008-10 batch from NDIMS, New Delhi, affiliated to MKU Madurai.
I have deposited the required fee for the degree online and the receipt is attached with the mail.
I have sent the required documents by registered post but I have not recieved my degree yet.
Please look into the matter and do needful


We request to straight bus kallakurchi to coimbatore . So many students and peoples to read and working to coimbatore they mostly at time so please 1or 2 buse on the ways
Thanking you

Second appeal no answer from tamil Nadu information commission

Respected sir my father died in cash estimate time in bank I given petition in collector office they accept in e governance company ate government job but so many days over no answer then I file in right for that also wrong answer and I file first appeal for that also wrong answer then I filed second appeal still seven months over nothing reply from tamil Nadu information commission then where I have to find what government performed order for me