[Paragraph 9 B.5(ii)]
Statement of expenditure incurred in foreign exchange by the correspondents /
representatives of newspapers / periodicals / news agencies during the half year ended 30th September/31st March ..........
1. The statement should be completed by the Indian company in duplicate in a consolidated
manner covering all the correspondents/respresentatives to whom remittances have been
made during the previous half year through the concerned designated branch of an
authorised dealer and submitted to that branch within one month of the close of half-year
to which it pertains.
2. Part 'B' of the statement should be completed by the company's auditors.
3. Authorised dealers must properly scrutinise the statement to ensure that all remittances
allowed by them during the period under report in respect of all the
correspondents/representatives have been accounted for by the company.
4. Authorised dealers should ensure that the company's auditors have given the required
certificate as indicated in Part B of the statement.
5. Within fifteen days of the receipt of statement from the company, one copy thereof should
be submitted by authorised dealers, after completing the certificate given in Part C of the
statement, to the office of the Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the Registered
Office of the company is situate.
Part A - Statement of remittances and expenses
1. Name and address of the newspaper/
periodical/news agency
2. Name of the correspondent/ 1 2 3 4
3. Country of posting
4. (a) Amount remitted during the
(b) Amount not accounted for
during the previous half year
(c) Total (a+b)
5. Expenditure incurred
(a) Maintenance expenses(salary,
allowances, house rent etc.)
(b) Office expenses
(i) Office rent and service
(ii) Telephone/cable charges
(iii) Telex charges
(iv) Postage & Stationery
(v) Travel
(vi) Newspapers/periodicals etc.
(vii)Others (Please specify)
(c) Total (a + b)
6. Balance amount to be accounted
for during the next half year
4(c) - 5(c)
We hereby certify that the particulars given hereinabove are true and correct to the best of
our knowledge and belief.
Stamp (Signature of the authorised official)
Date : Name:
Part B - Auditor's Certificate
We have verified the relevant books and records of and the statement
(name of the company)
and vouchers received from
(Name/s of the correspondents/ representatives)
towards expenses incurred by him / them during the half year ended 30th
September/31st March...........and certify that the total expenses shown in Part A above of the
statement are true and correct.
Stamp (Signature of auditors)
Date :
Registration No.:
Part C - Certificate by Authorised Dealer
We certify that an amount of U.S.$/Rs.................. was allowed to be remitted abroad to
the correspondents / representatives named in Part A of the statement during the half year ended
30th September / 31st March........ .
Stamp (Signature of the authorised official)
Date : Name:
Name and address of the
Authorised Dealer