[Paragraph 7B.8(ii)]
Statement showing drawals, utilisation, repayments and out standings of short-term foreign currency loan/credit for the month ended...........
This statement should be completed, in duplicate, and one copy submitted by the borrower
to the Chief General Manager, Exchange Control Department, Central Office , Reserve
Bank of India, Mumbai 400 001, duly certified by an authorised dealer and the other copy
to the concerned Regional Office of Exchange Control Department, Reserve Bank of India.
The details of actual utilisation of the loan/credit should be furnished by way of an
annexure in the attached form together with a complete set of documents evidencing
utilisation of loan/credit viz. Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry for Home
Consumption, import licence (where the import is against a licence) and original
commercial invoice.
1. (i) RBI Registration Number
(ii) Amount of loan/credit approved : Currency
[For RBI use]
2. Name and address of Borrower :_____________________________________
(For RBI use) _____________________________________
3. Country of lender : ________________
(For RBI use)
4. Amount outstanding as at the : ________________
beginning of the month (For RBI use)
5. Drawdown Transaction during the month -
No. Date of drawal Currency Amount Balance Amount yet to be
drawn at the end of the month
6. Utilisation during the month -
No. Date Particulars
of imports @
Country Amount
Balance Amount yet to be
utilised at the end of the
@ Capital goods/raw material/others
6. Remittance during the month - (Debt Servicing)
No. Purpose Date of remittance Currency Amount Country to which sent
1 Principal (a)
2 Interest (a)
8. Name and Code of Authorised : :_____________________________________
Dealer through which remitted
9. Amount of loan/credit outstanding : Currency________
at the end of the month [For RBI use]
: Amount _____________________________
10. Import documents submitted in : :_____________________________________
the month of
We hereby certify that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
Place:___________ ________________________________
Stamp (Signature of Authorised Signatory)
Date :___________
Name ___________________________
Designation ______________________
[For use of Authorised Dealer]
This is to certify that the particulars furnished in the application have been scrutinised by
us and found to be correct.
Place: ………………………………………….
Date : Stamp (Signature of Authorised Signatory)
Name ....................................................
Designation ..........................................
Name of bank/branch ...................……...
Details of utilisation of short-term foreign currency loan/credit
[This should be submitted with ECB 5 with a complete set of documentary evidence in
support of utilisation of loan/credit, till such time the loan/credit has been fully utilised and
all the relative documents submitted to RBI]
Report for the month ended ..............
1. Name of the borrower :
FCL Registration No. :
We state that we were permitted to raise a foreign currency loan/credit for _____________
from____________________________ for the purpose of______________________
We hereby certify that the amount of loan/credit has been utilised by us fully/partly for the
approved purpose strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan approved by
Reserve Bank of India
The details of utilisation are as under. :
(a) Description of goods imported -
(b) Value of imports -
(c) Documentary evidence in support of above imports (Enclose the
following documents)
i) Original Invoice No. & date -
ii) EC copy of Bill of entry for Home Consumption (No. &
iii) EC copy of import licence, if any, No. & date -
iv) Others (specify) -
We certify that the information furnished above is true and correct. No material
information which may affect the RBI decision to allow the remittances connected with this
loan/credit, has been withheld by us.
(Signature of Authorised Signatory)
Place:____________ Name: ___________________________
Date :___________ Designation: _____________________.
Full Address: _____________________
Authorised Dealer's Certificate
We hereby certify that the foreign currency loan/credit permitted to be raised by RBI
vide its letter No.______________________ dated____________ and Registration No. _______
has been raised by ______________________________ and utilised by the said (Name of the
borrower) borrower for the declared purpose of ________________________________
We have verified all the relevant documents and our record connected with the utilisation
of loan/credit and found these to be in order in accordance with the terms and conditions of
approval granted by RBI as also the provision of Exchange Control Manual, 1993 edition and to
our satisfaction. We hereby certify that the foreign currency loan/credit permitted to be raised by
(Signature of Authorised Official)
Date :___________ Stamp Designation: _____________________.
Address: _____________________