[Paragraph 10 C.27(iii)]
Sale of shares/bonds/debentures of Indian companies by non-residents of Indian nationality/origin and overseas bodies predominantly owned by such persons and disposal of sale proceeds thereof in terms of permissions granted by the Reserve Bank of India
Statement for the quarter ended ....................... 19 .......
Sr. Name of the Nationality Reserve Bank's Cost of Total sale Disposal of sale proceeds
No. non-resident or place of approval number acquisition proceeds Remitted Credited to Credited to
seller incorporation and date for of realised abroad NRE/FCNR Ordinary N.R.
sale of shares/ investment Account A/c or retained
debentures sold with the bank
in suspense
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disposal of the balance credited to Ordinary Non-resident Account/Suspense Account
Taxes paid Local Remitted Credited to Balance Remarks
withdrawals abroad NRE/FCNR A/c. (if any)
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
10 11 12 13 14 15
Place:..................................... ...........................................................
Date :..................................... (Signature of Authorised Official)
Name: ................................................
Designation: ......................................
Stamp Name and Address .........................
of Authorised Dealer ........................
NB : Sale of shares/bonds/debentures acquired by NRIs/OCBs under the Direct Investment
Schemes should only be reported in this statement and sale of shares/bonds/debentures
acquired under the Portfolio Investment Scheme should not be reported in this statement.