Foreign Exchange Department
Central Office
Mumbai - 400 001
RBI/2013-14/254 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.43 September 13, 2013
All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange
Madam / Sir,
Export of Goods and Services-
Simplification and Revision of Declaration Form for Exports of Goods/Softwares
Attention of the Authorised Dealers is invited to Regulation 6 of the Notification No.FEMA 23/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 viz. Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) Regulations, 2000, as amended by the Notification No.FEMA 36/2001-RB dated February 27, 2001 and A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 80 dated February 15, 2012 ,in terms of which every exporter of goods or softwares has to give declaration in one of the forms (GR/PP/SDF/SOFTEX/Bulk SOFTEX) and submit it to the specified authority for certification.
2. In order to simplify the existing form used for declaration of exports of Goods/Softwares, a common form called “Export Declaration Form” (EDF) has been devised to declare all types of export of goods from Non-EDI ports and a common “SOFTEX Form” to declare single as well as bulk software exports. The EDF will replace the existing GR/PP form used for declaration of export of Goods. The procedure relating to the exports of goods through EDI ports will remain the same and SDF form will be applicable as hitherto. The EDF and SOFTEX form have been given in Annex I and Annex II respectively.
3. Under the revised procedure, the exporters will have to declare all the export transactions, including those less than US$25000, in the form as applicable.
4. Reserve Bank of India will be extending the facilities to exporters for online generation of SOFTEX Form No. (Single as well as Bulk) for use in Off-Site Software exports, in addition to EDF Form No. (Present web-based process of generation of GR Form No. gets replaced) through its website . In order to generate the above number, the applicant has to fill-in the online form (Path Forms FEMA Forms Printing EDF/SOFTEX Form No.) , thereafter, the related EDF/SOFTEX Form No. would be generated for each transaction by the applicant exporter. The specimen of online form and
the advice are given in Annex III. The present facility of manual allotment of single as well bulk SOFTEX form number by Regional Offices of RBI would be dispensed with accordingly.
5. The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) requires exporters to complete the EDF/SOFTEX Form using the number so allotted and submit them to the specified authority first for certification and then to AD for necessary action as hitherto.
6. The above instruction will come into force from October 1, 2013. Authorised Dealers may bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their constituents concerned.
7. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the FEMA, 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to permissions / approvals, if any, required under any other law.
Yours faithfully,
Chief General Manager
1. General Information:
Customs Security No.:
Form No:
Nature of Cargo:
[ ] Government [ ] Non-Government
Shipping Bill No. & Date:
Mode of Transport: [ ] Air [ ] Land [ ] Sea [ ] Post/Couriers [ ] others
Category of Exporter: [ ] Custom (DTA units) [ ] SEZ [ ] Status holder exporters [ ] 100% EOU [ ] Warehouse export [ ] others (Specify).......
RBI approval no. & date, if any:
IE Code:
AD code:
Exporters Name & Address:
AD Name & Address:
Mode of Realisation : [ ] L/C [ ] BG [ ] Others (advance payment, etc. including transfer/remittance to bank account maintained overseas )
Consignee’s Name & Address:
Port of Loading / Source Port in case of SEZ :
Country of Destination:
Port of Discharge:
Name of the Indian bank and AD code, in case of LC/BG
Whether payment to be
Received through ACU?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Let Export order (LEO) Date:
General Commodity Description:
State of Origin of Goods:
Total FOB value in words (INR):
Custom Assessable value (INR)*:
2. Invoice –Wise details of Export Value ( If more than one invoice for a particular shipping bill , the block 2 will repeat as many times of invoices)
Invoice No.
Invoice Currency:
Invoice Amount:
Nature of Contract:
[ ] FOB [ ] CIF [ ] C&F [ ] CI [ ] Others
Invoice date.
Amount in FC
Exchange Rate
Amount (INR)
FOB Value
Other Deduction
Packing Charges
Net Realisable value
@ Strike out whichever is not applicable.
* Unit declared Value in case of exports affected from SEZs
3. Applicable for Export under FPO/Couriers
Name of the post Office:
Number & date of Parcel receipts :
Stamp & Signature of Authorised Dealer
4. Declaration by the Exporters (All types of exports)
I /We hereby declare that I/we @am/are the seller/consignor of the goods in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the goods exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stipulated by RBI from time to time ) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
I/We @ am/are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
Date: (Signature of Exporter)
5. Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. Custom/SEZ) on behalf of Ministry concerned:
Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the Custom/SEZ unit, that the Goods described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit.
(Signature of Designated/Authorised officials of Custom /SEZ )
Annex II
Format of Softex Forms submitted in bulk
Summary Sheet
Section - A
Name and address of Exporter
IEC Code.
Letter of Permission (LOP) No.(STP/EHTP/SEZ/EPZ/100% EOU/DTA Unit)
Date of LOP issued
Name of Authorised Datacom Service Provider
Name and address of Authorised Dealer/Bank
Authorized Dealer Code
Section - B
List of Invoices for offshore export value through datacom link
Period of Invoices raised from _____________ to _____________
Analysis of Export Value
Sr. No.
Softex No.
Name of the Client
Address of the Client
Internal project code/Contract/ Agreement No & date
Type of S/W Exported
Mode of realisation
Invoice Number
Invoice Date (DD/MM/YY)
Value of software Export (A)
Transmission Charge (B)
Commission ( C)
Deduction (D)
Net Realisable value [ (A+B)-(C+D)]
I /We@ hereby declare that I/we@ am/are@ the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/We@ also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using Authorised and legitimate datacom link and certified that the software described above was actually transmitted. I/We @ undertake that I/we@ will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stipulated by RBI from time to time ) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
I/We @ am/are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
(Signature of the Exporter)
Space for use of the competent authority in STPI/EPZ/SEZ
Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the SEZ/STPI unit, that the software described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit.
Name :
( Signature of the Designated/Authorised Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ )
@ Strike out whichever is not applicable
Format of Softex Forms submitted in bulk for royalty receipt
Summary Sheet
Section - A
Name and address of Exporter
IEC Code.
Letter of Permission (LOP) No.(STP/EHTP/SEZ/EPZ/100% EOU/DTA Unit)
Date of LOP issued
Name of Authorised Datacom Service Provider
STPI/SEZ centre
Name and address of Authorised Dealer/Bank
Authorized Dealer Code
Section - B
List of Invoices for offshore export value through datacom link
Details of inovices for Royalty on software Packages/products exported during the Period raised from _____________ to _____________
Details of Software Packages / Products exported
Royalty agreement details
Sl No
Name of Client
Address of Client
Invoice Number
Invoice Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Unique Internal Project code/Contract/ Agreement/PO Date
Offshore Export value in Inovice currency
Type of sofware Exported
GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX /EDF Form No. on which exports were declared
Date of Export
% age and amount of royalty
Period of Royalty agreement
Mode of realisation of Royalty value
Calculation of Royalty amount
I /We@ hereby declare that I/we@ am/are@ the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/We@ also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using Authorised and legitimate datacom link and certified that the software described above was actually transmitted. I/We@ undertake that I/we@ will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stipulated by RBI from time to time ) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
I/We @ am/are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
(Signature of Exporter)
Name :
Space for use of the competent authority in STPI/EPZ/SEZ
Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the SEZ/STPI unit, that the software described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit.
Name :
( Signature of the Designated/Authorised Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ )
@ Strike out whichever is not applicable
Annex III
Form to fill up by the exporters to generate the form Number from RBI Website
IE Code*
Telephone No.*
Drop down option
Type of Export*
1. [ ] Goods
2. [ ] Software
Drop down option ( if type of export is Goods)
Mode of Export*
1. [ ] Post Parcel/Couriers
2. [ ] Others
Drop down option ( if type of export is Software)
Form No*.
1. [ ] Single
2. [ ] Bulk
Numbers of Form
---------- {Maximum 50 forms Nos.} ( in case of bulk option is selected)
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