Application for Establishment of Branch/Liaison Office in India
A. General Instructions to Applicants:
The application form shall be completed and submitted to the AD Category - I bank designated by the applicant for onward transmission to the Chief General Manager-in -Charge, Reserve Bank, Foreign Exchange Department, Foreign Investment Division, Central Office, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 along with the documents mentioned in item (viii) of the Declaration.
Full name and address of the applicant.
Date and Place of incorporation / registration
Telephone Number(s)
Fax Number(s)
E-mail ID
Details of capital
i) Paid-up capital
ii) Free Reserves/Retained earnings as per last audited Balance Sheet/Financial Statement
iii) Intangible assets, if any
Brief description of the activities of the applicant.
i) Value of goods imported from and / or exported to India by the applicant during each of the last three years:
a) Imports from India
b) Exports to India
ii)Particulars of existing arrangements if any, for representing the company in India.
iii) Particulars of the proposed Liaison/ Branch Office:
a) Details of the activities/ services proposed to be undertaken/ rendered by the office.
b) Place where the office will be located.
c) Phone number
d) E-mail ID
e) Expected number of employees (with number of foreigners)
i) Name and address of the banker of the applicant in the home country
ii) Telephone & Fax Number
iii) E-mail ID
Any other information which the applicant company wishes to furnish in support of this application.
For Non-profit / Non-Government Organisations:
(i) Details of activities carried out in the host country and other countries by the applicant organization.
(ii) Expected level of funding for operations in India.
(iii) Copies of the bye-laws, Articles of Association of the organisation.
We hereby declare that:
i) The particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
ii) Our activities in India would be confined to the activities indicated in column 4(iii) (a) above.
iii) If we shift the office to another place within the city, we shall intimate the designated AD Category - I bank and the Reserve Bank. In the event of
shifting the Office to any other city in India, prior approval of the Reserve Bank will be obtained.
iv) We will abide by the terms and conditions that may be stipulated by the Government of India / Reserve Bank / designated AD Category - I bank from time to time.
v) We, hereby commit that we are agreeable to a report / opinion sought from our bankers abroad by the Government of India /Reserve Bank.
vi) We understand that the approval, if granted, is from FEMA angle only. Any other approvals / clearances, statutory or otherwise, required from any other Government Authority/ Department/ Ministry will be obtained before commencement of operations in India.
vii) We have no objection to the Reserve Bank placing the details of approval in public domain.
viii) We enclose the following documents:
1. Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation / Registration attested by the Notary Public in the country of registration
[If the original Certificate is in a language other than in English, the same may be translated into English and notarized as above and cross verified/attested by the Indian Embassy/ Consulate in the home country].
2. Latest Audited Balance sheet of the applicant company.
[If the applicants’ home country laws/regulations do not insist on auditing of accounts, an Account Statement certified by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or any Registered Accounts Practitioner by any name, clearly showing the net worth may be submitted]
3. Bankers' Report from the applicant’s banker in the host country / country of registration showing the number of years the applicant has had banking relations with that bank.
(Signature of Authorised Official
of the Applicant Company)