For office use only
Date of Receipt ----------------
Inward No. -----------------
Section A: Details of Indian Party
(I) Investment under (i) Automatic Route (ii) Approval Route
(In case there is more than one Indian party, information may be given on separate sheets for each of the parties)
(II) Name of Indian Party
(III) Address of Indian Party
City State Pin
(IV) Contact Person Designation
Tel No. Fax
(V) Status of Indian Party: (Please tick appropriate category)
(1) Public Ltd. Company (2) Private Limited Company
(3) Public Sector Undertaking (4) Registered Partnership
(5) Proprietorship (6) Unregistered Partnership
(7) Trust (8) Society
(9) Others
(VI) Activity code of Indian Party*
*NIC code at 3-digit level
[If the Indian Party is engaged in Financial sector or falls under the category of Proprietorship, Unregistered Partnership or Financial sector, please furnish the details in Item VII below].
(VII) Financial particulars of the Indian Party for the last 3 years
(Amt. in Rs. 000s)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Foreign exchange earnings
(excluding equity exports to JV/WOS)
Net profit
Paid-up Capital
Net worth of (a) Indian Party
(b) Group Company@
@ In terms of Explanation to Regulation 6 (3) of Notification No. FEMA 120/ RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004
(VIII) Particulars of existing Joint Ventures (JV) and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) already in operation or under implementation, of the Indian party and its group concerns:
Sr. No.
Name of Indian Party
Unique Identification Number allotted by Reserve Bank
(IX) Whether the proposed investment is (Tick the appropriate box)
(a) New Project (Please furnish the details in Section B)
(b) Existing Project* (Please furnish the details in Section C)
* Acquisition of stake in an already existing JV/WOS overseas promoted by an Indian party.
Section B: Details of Investment in New Project
For Reserve Bank use only
Unique Identification Number
(I) Purpose of investment (Please tick appropriate category)
(a) Participation in JV (b) Contribution in WOS
(c) Full acquisition of a foreign concern
(d) Partial acquisition of a foreign concern
(e) Investment in unincorporated entity
(f) Others
(II) Particulars of JV/WOS
(a) Name of JV/WOS
(b) Address of JV/WOS
(c) Name of the country
(d) e-mail
(e) Accounting year followed by JV/WOS
(III) Activity code of JV/WOS
(IV) Whether JV/WOS is SPV (Y/N)? #
# If Y, Please furnish the details in Section D
Proposed Capital Structure
[a] Indian Party (ies)
% stake
[b] Foreign partner(s)
% stake
Section C: Details of Investment in Existing Project
Indicate 13 digit Unique Identification Number issued by Reserve Bank
(I) Purpose of Supplementary Investment (Please tick appropriate category)
(a) Enhancement of Equity in existing JV/WOS overseas
(b) Enhancement of Preference Equity/ Convertible Debt
(c) Grant/ Enhancement of Loan in existing JV/WOS
(d) Extension/ Enhancement of Guarantees
(e) Remittances to Unincorporated Entity
(e) Others
(II) Capital Structure
[a] Indian Party (ies)
% stake
[b] Foreign partner(s)
% stake
Section D - Funding for JV / WOS
(Amount in FCY 000's)
I Full Value of the Overseas Acquisition
II Estimated cost of overseas acquisition for the Indian Party
III Financial commitment * (in applicable FCY): FYC Amount
IV Method of Investment by Indian Party
(i) Cash Remittance
(a) EEFC
(b) Market Purchase
(ii) Capitalization of
(a) Export of plant and machinery
(b) Others (please Specify)
(iii)ADRs /GDRs [raised overseas]
(v) Swap of shares
(vi) Others (Please specify)
Total A [Indian Party]
V. Whether JV/WOS is SPV (Y/N)
(a) If Y, purpose of SPV:
i) Full value of the overseas acquisition
ii) Direct / Indirect infusion by SPV
ii) Funds raised overseas with guarantee/
counter guarantee from Indian party
iii) Funds raised overseas without guarantee/
counter guarantee from Indian Party
iv) Funds contributed in the form of equity/
preference equity/ shareholder’s loans
by foreign investors
v) Securitisation
vi) Any other mode (please specify)
VI. Guarantees/ Other Non fund based Commitments
Note * : Financial Commitment as defined in FEMA 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004 Sec 2(f)- Financial Commitment means amount of Direct Investment by way of contribution to equity, loan and 100 per cent of the amount of guarantee issued by Indian Party to or on behalf of its overseas Joint Venture company or Wholly Owned Subsidiary.
Section E : Declaration by the Indian Party
(a) Whether the applicant party (ies), its promoters, directors, etc., are under investigations by any investigative/enforcement agency or regulatory body. If yes, the brief details thereof, including present stage of investigation/ adjudication / manner of disposal of the case.
(b) Whether the promoter Indian party (ies) is (are) presently on Exporters' Caution List of Reserve Bank for non-realization of export proceeds or on the list of defaulters to the Banking System circulated by Reserve Bank. If so, status of the Indian party (ies):
(c) Any other information relevant to this proposal, including any special benefits / incentives available in the host country for setting up / acquiring the proposed concern.
(d) Wherever applicable, the Annual Performance Report, as required in terms of Regulation 15(iii) of the Notification No. FEMA 120 / RB - 2004 dated July 07, 2004, as amended from time to time, in respect of all the existing JV / WOS of the Indian party has been submitted.
I/ We hereby certify that the information furnished above are true and correct.
Place: ___________ (Signature of authorised official)
Date : ___________ Stamp/Seal
List of enclosures:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
Section F : Certificate by the Statutory Auditors of the Indian Party
It is certified that the terms and conditions contained in Notification No. FEMA 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004, as amended from time to time (Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of any Foreign Security) Regulations, 2004) have been complied with by the Indian party(Name of the Indian Party) in respect of the investment under report. In particular, it is certified that:
(i) the investment is not in real estate oriented or banking business, and
(ii) the amount of foreign exchange proposed to be purchased for remittance towards the investment together with remittances for all overseas investments already made and exports and other dues capitalized / swap of shares / investment from ECB / FCCB balances for investment abroad under the Automatic Route is within the limit stipulated by the Reserve Bank from time to time. This has been verified with reference to the net worth of the Indian party (Name of the Indian Party) as on the date of last audited balance sheet, i. e.-------(date)
(iii) has complied with the valuation norms prescribed for the investment
(iv) has complied with the ECB guidelines #
(v) that the Indian party (a) has made net profits during the preceding three years, (b) has fulfilled the prudential norms of capital adequacy as prescribed by the regulatory authority concerned; (c) has been registered with the appropriate regulatory authority in India and (d) has obtained approval for the investment in financial services sector activities from the regulatory authorities concerned in India and abroad*.
Further, certified that, wherever applicable, the Annual Performance Report, as required in terms of Regulation 15(iii) of the Notification ibid, in respect of all the existing JV / WOS of the Indian party has been submitted.
Note: *Applicable only in cases where the investment is in the financial services sector (e.g. insurance, mutual fund, asset management, etc.).
# Applicable where investment is funded through ECB/FCCB balances.
(Signature of the Statutory Auditors of the Indian Party)
Name of the firm, Stamp and Registration number
For office use only
Date of Receipt ----------------
Inward No. -----------------
In case investment is in the existing JV/WOS, please indicate Unique Identification No. already allotted :
(I) Name of Indian Company:
(II) Is there any change in Company name since last reporting? (Y/N)
If yes, specify Old Company Name
(Amount in 000's of FCY)
Code of Reporting AD foreign currency**:
(a) From EEFC A/c.
Guarantee (Invoked)
Date of Remittance
(b) By Market Purchases
Guarantee (Invoked)
Date of Remittance
(c) From the ADR/GDR funds
Guarantee (Invoked)
Date of Remittance
(d) By Swap of Shares
Guarantee (Invoked)
Date of Swap
(e) From ECB/ FCCB balances parked in India/outside India
Guarantee (Invoked)
Date of Transaction
(g) Capitalization of Exports/Other dues@
Date of capitalization:
(h) Guarantee issued: Date
(Fresh / Existing Guarantee Period Extended )
Validity Period
Note : ** Please indicate name of the foreign currency (FCY) as per SWIFT
@ Please specify the other dues being capitalized viz., royalty, technical
know-how fee, consultancy fees, etc.
We hereby confirm that the remittance
(strike out whichever is not applicable)
i) has been allowed under the Automatic Route based on the certification given by the Statutory Auditors confirming compliance with the prescribed terms and conditions by the Indian party ;
ii) is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval letter issued by the Reserve Bank ; and
iii) in respect of the invoked guarantee remittance has been made after satisfying that the claim is in conformity with the terms and conditions of the guarantee issued to/on behalf of the JV/WOS abroad.
(Signature of authorised official of the bank)
Name :
Designation :
Tel. No. :
FAX No : Stamp /Seal
(To be submitted, certified by Statutory Auditors of the Indian party, through the designated AD Category– I bank every year by June 30th as long, as the JV / WOS is in existence)
I. Reference Date of APR : _________________
II. Unique Identification Number :
(Please indicate 13 digit Unique Identification number issued by RBI)
III. Changes in capital structure since last reporting
(Amount in FCY)
Amount (new)
% share (new)
IV. Operational details of the JV/ WOS for the last two years
(Amount in FCY)
Previous Year
Current Year
i) Net Profit / (Loss)
ii) Dividend
iii) Net worth
V. Repatriation from the JV / WOS
(Amount in FCY)
During the last year ended
Since commencement of business
(i) Profit
(ii) Dividend
(iii ) Retained Earnings*
(iv) Investments into India
(v)Others**(Please specify)
*(Represent part of the profits of the JV/WOS which is retained and reinvested in the JV/WOS).
** (Royalties, technical know-how fees, consultancy fees, etc.)
VI. Investment in step down subsidiaries since last reporting
Name of JV/WOS
Amount of Investment (Amount in FCY)
Place: ___________
Date : ___________
(Signature of authorized official)
(Signature of the Statutory Auditors of the Indian party)
Name of the firm, Stamp and Registration number
Signature of the Authorised Official of the designated AD:
Report on Closure / Disinvestment / Voluntary Liquidation /Winding Up
of JV / WOS
(To be submitted by the designated AD Category –I bank
(All Amounts in FCY, in thousands)
Name and Address of the AD Category – I bank: ________________________
AD Code: _________________________________
Unique Identification Number allotted by the Reserve Bank
Whether APRs submitted regularly? (Y/N)
Date of submission and period to which last APR relates: __________
Details of Investment
Guarantees Issued
Details of Remittances
Guarantees Invoked
Changes in the capital Structure since the last APR
Guarantees Issued
Amount Repatriated on disinvestments
It is certified that (Strike out whichever is not applicable)
I. (a) the sale is effected through a stock exchange where the shares of the overseas Joint Venture (JV) or Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) are listed;
(b) if the shares are not listed on the stock exchange, and the shares are disinvested by a private arrangement, the share price is not less than the value certified by a Chartered Accountant /Certified Public Accountant as the fair value of the shares based on the latest audited financial statements of the Joint Venture or Wholly Owned Subsidiary;
(c) The Indian party does not have any outstanding dues by way of dividend, technical know-how fees, royalty, consultancy, commission or other entitlements, and/or export proceeds from the Joint Venture or Wholly Owned Subsidiary,
(d) The overseas concern has been in operation for at least one full year and the Annual Performance Report together with the audited accounts for that year has been submitted to the Reserve Bank;
(e) The Indian party is not under investigation by CBI/ED/SEBI/IRDA or any other regulatory authority in India.
(Signature of authorised official of the bank)
Designation : Stamp /Seal
Tel. No. :
FAX No. :
Instructions for filling up the Form ODI
(This part should be detached and retained by the applicant)
This set of forms attempts to capture basic information relating to overseas investments by Indian parties (as defined under Notification FEMA 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004, as amended from time to time).