Form No. 3:Form For Referring Proposals For Confirmation

Company Name(s): 

Form No.3
Goa Public Service Commission
Form for referring proposals for CONFIRMATION
1. Name:-
Nam e of the referring Department:-
2. Com position of D.P.C. :-
Whether Departmental
promotion Committee is
constituted. Please
enclose copy and furnish
Nam e Designation Tel. No.
Res. Off.
3. G rade or posts in which confirm ation is to be m ade:-
(a) Designation:-
(b) Classification:-
(c) Scale of pay:-
(d) Total num ber of perm anent
posts in the Grade:-
(e) Total num ber of vacancies
available for confirm ation:-
Cont… ..2/-
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4. Vacancies :-
(a) No. of vacancies falling in the
direct recruitm ent quota with
dates on which they occurred :-
(b) No. of vacancies falling in the
prom otion quota with dates on
which they occurred :-
(c) No. of vacancies available for
being filled by transfer with
dates on which they occurred :-
(d) Details of vacancies reserved for
Schedule Castes/Tribes :-
5. Reference Num ber :-
UPSC/GPSC reference num ber
under which confirm ation to the
grade/post were last considered :-
6. Recruitm ent Rules :-
(a) Recruitm ent Rules for the
grade/post date on which the
Recruitm ent Rules were
notified in the Gazette and
G.P.S.C. reference number
under which they were
approved (attach copy)
Cont… … .3/-
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(b) M ethod of recruitm ent
i) Direct recruitm ent:- %
ii) Prom otion:- %
iii) Deputation/Transfer:-
(c) Whether an upto date copy of the Recruitment Rules is attached
7. Seniority lists :-
(a) Whether a seniority list as in the prescribed proforma (Annexure – I) has been enclosed :-
(b) Whether all eligible officers including those on deputation etc., are included :-
(c) Whether the list before finalization was circulated to all concerned :-
(d) Whether there are any officers whose seniority has not been finalized. If so, give details :-
(e) Whether the Seniority list (Annexure - I) has been duly authenticated by an officer not below the rank of Secretary to the Government:-
(f) Whether the list has undergone any changes since it was last placed before the DPC. If so,
give necessary details in the Annexure – I (A) :-
(g) In cases of confirmation of officers appointed by different methods e.g. promotion/direct
recruitment or transfer please enclose separate seniority list also in addition to a combined seniority list :-
8. Character rolls:-
(a) Whether a list (in duplicate) has been attached showing the names of officers whose character rolls are enclosed with this reference:-
(b) Are the character rolls complete and upto date? (Character rolls should be sent only after they
have been completed. Complete and upto date character rolls of all the Officers as assessed ‘not
yet fit’ are also to be furnished):-
(c) Nam es of officers, if any, in whose cases adverse remarks in their character rolls were
communicated to them and the time allowed for submission of a representation is not yet over?
(d) Name of officers, if any, who have submitted representations against adverse entries in their
character rolls, but decisions on the representations have not yet been taken:-
9. Probation:-
Whether the officers have completed satisfactorily the period of probation? The date of regular appointment and the date of completion of probation should also be given:-
10. Integrity Certificate :-
(a) Whether an integrity certificate as prescribed by the Government has been enclosed?:-
(b) Whether the DPC for confirmation has been convened in time? If not, state the reasons therefore :-
11. Self-contained Note for the D.P.C. :-
Whether a self contained note for the DOC explaining the proposals for confirmation has been enclosed?
Nam e of the Secretary : ____________________
Signature : ________________________